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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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I am sorry but that does not correspondent with the reality. A ordinary Portuguese, Italian, German, Brit etc. has no ties to India, Pakistan, Iran, Kazakhstan etc. Be it culture, look, language, religion, history etc. The Aryans were small in numbers and Aryans hardly ever reached Europe in the first place. There is no way that Pakistani, Indian genetics are similar to any European population in terms of subclades. Besides an distant ancient connection with a smaller amount of people. By your logic then Black Africans in West Africa and Europeans who happen to belong to the same ANCIENT haplogroup, for example Haplogroup E-P147, that predated the foundation of languages/ethnic groups are the same people.

Besides Indo-European and Indo-Iranians are two different things. Even linguistically. Not to mention in terms of actual ancestry since those groups are not even homogenous themselves. It's beyond ridiculous to suggest anything else.

A Greek living on Crete or Southern Greece just across North Africa/Levant has more ties to those areas than he has to Afghanistan 12.000 km away. Be it geography, look, history, cuisine, culture etc.
Lol after they got owned they shifted to the defense mode. Shot all you want Al-Hasani brought all of you on your knees.
Pashtuns stateless? Afghanistan/Khorasan/Pakistan are all Indo-Iranian lands. What are you talking about. That "irrelevant land" has beautifull history, landscape, mountains and brave people. Now that it had bad luck because of wars, doesnt mean anything.

They will come back...

In western countries Afghans and Iranians are one of best students, even smarter than people from the host country.

And they will not be fooled anymore with your terrorist propaganda and ideology. Since Iran is the neighbour of Afghanistan, we will directly influence them and make it an stable country which will succeed. Your stupid influence is disappearing completely, don't you believe it? search for some educated afghans in western countries.

25% of saudi children are raped and 50% of saudi students have homosexual relations.
Saudi Study: Nearly a Quarter of Children Raped; Up to 46% of Students Suffer from Homosexuality - YouTube

Pakistan's very own Abdul Qadir Khan, a metallurgist and founder of Pakistan's nuke weapons, was a Pashtun.

But like i said, i know my stuff, but won't bother trying to convince a ape minded bedouin.
All those are unfounded claims. Bachi Bazi on the other hand is part of your Pashtun culture. You actually love to dress up men as girls and watch them dance and "have fun with them". That's more disgusting than gays being gays which we all know are present in all countries in more or less the same amount.

Wow, one person. The richest man in the world is an Arab-Mexican. Latin America has had 8 presidents of Arab origin. Steve Jobs is a son of a Syrian Sunni Arab. Shakira is a Columbian Arab. Salma Hayek is a Mesican-Arab. Just to mention the Arab Latin diaspora.

Pashtuns beside that person are nowhere to be seen aside from Bachi Bazi and taxi drivers in UAE.

Philip the Arab (A Roman Emperor) is another one. Just to mention a few ones.

The greatest human being and most important one Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) another one. All the hundreds of Islamic figures, ancient kings, rulers, scientists, poets etc.

LOL at the comparison even. Just laughable.

I am sorry but that does not correspondent with the reality. A ordinary Portuguese, Italian, German, Brit etc. has no ties to India, Pakistan, Iran, Kazakhstan etc. Be it culture, look, language, religion, history etc. The Aryans were small in numbers and Aryans hardly ever reached Europe in the first place. There is no way that Pakistani genetics are similar to any European population in terms of subclades.

A Greek that just lives across North Africa/Levant has more ties to those areas than he has to Afghanistan 12.000 km away.

Refer to the genetic studies. A modern day European obviously has little cultural, religious, linguistic, or geographical connection with us. That wasn't the case in the past & that is exactly the point I have been trying to make. We do share an ancient bloodline though, but because our cultures & histories developed in separate regions, we have gone our own ways since then. A Greek has nothing to do with the Middle East in terms of race, culture, language, or religion either. Greeks are Europeans, & no valid documentation would ever call them anything other than European. Once again you need to read up on those genetic studies I referred you to, there is no point in denying science. All my sources are accurate, & I can provide you with more if you wish. The Aryans are a segment of Indo-European tribes, other Indo-European tribes had already migrated to Europe & Central Asia before then. The Aryans were in large amounts, & they reproduced like crazy. I know of some of the cultural aspects of Vedic society. The existence of the caste system for instance was just their method of consolidating their power. Please don't try to teach me the history of Vedic Aryans or the Harappans, their legacies are a part of Pakistan's history, & I am well acquainted with them.

By your logic then Black Africans in West Africa and Europeans who happen to belong to the same ANCIENT haplogroup, for example Haplogroup E-P147, that predated the foundation of languages/ethnic groups are the same people.

I never said that West Africans & Europeans share ancestry. The fact that Indo-Aryans/Iranians are related isn't my opinion, but is in fact the opinion of the majority of geneticists in the world. At this point, all you have done however, is post your own opinions.

I don't know of this haplogroup "E-P147" that you mentioned. However, you may read up on European haplogroups & their origins on the link below.

Haplogroup J1 (Y-DNA) - Eupedia

Besides Indo-European and Indo-Iranians are two different things. Even linguistically. Not to mention in terms of actual ancestry since those groups are not even homogenous themselves. It's beyond ridiculous to suggest anything else.

Wrong, Indo-Iranians are a sub-group of Indo-Europeans. They aren't different things at all. Ancient Indo-Iranian languages like Sanskrit & Avestan belong to the Indo-European family, & that should be fairly obvious to everyone.

Sanskrit in the West - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Sanscrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either, yet bearing to both of them a stronger affinity, both in the roots of verbs and the forms of grammar, than could possibly have been produced by accident; so strong indeed, that no philologer could examine them all three, without believing them to have sprung from some common source, which, perhaps, no longer exists; there is a similar reason, though not quite so forcible, for supposing that both the Gothic and the Celtic, though blended with a very different idiom, had the same origin with the Sanscrit; and the old Persian might be added to the same family.
Refer to the genetic studies. A modern day European obviously has little cultural, religious, linguistic, or geographical connection with us. That wasn't the case in the past & that is exactly the point I have been trying to make. We do share an ancient bloodline though, but because our cultures & histories developed in separate regions, we have gone our own ways since then. A Greek has nothing to do with the Middle East in terms of race, culture, language, or religion either. Greeks are Europeans, & no valid documentation would ever call them anything other than European. Once again you need to read up on those genetic studies I referred you to, there is no point in denying science. All my sources are accurate, & I can provide you with more if you wish. The Aryans are a segment of Indo-European tribes, other Indo-European tribes had already migrated to Europe & Central Asia before then. The Aryans were in large amounts, & they reproduced like crazy. I know of some of the cultural aspects of Vedic society. The existence of the caste system for instance was just their method of consolidating their power. Please don't try to teach me the history of Vedic Aryans or the Harappans, their legacies are a part of Pakistan's history, & I am well acquainted with them.

Are you telling me that a small minority of Aryans that are less than a few thousands years old changed the demographics of Europe which was was populated THOUSANDS of years before that by mainly people that came from the Near East? Those who introduced farming? Those Central Asian nomads never reached Scandinavia, the British Isles, France, Iberia, Italy or Greek. Let alone Balkan. At most the vast Eastern European Steppes.

You do realize that most of the so-called Indo-European haplogroups are native to the Middle East or Anatolia or Caucasus. Hardly Central Asia - the homeland of Indo-Iranians. None of the Europeans are Indo-Iranians.

Also haplogroups are ANCIENT. Some 50.000 years old. At that time no so-called Aryans or others existed. It's a giant fallacy.
All those are unfounded claims. Bachi Bazi on the other hand is part of your Pashtun culture. You actually love to dress up men as girls and watch them dance and "have fun with them". That's more disgusting that gays being gays which we all know are present in all countries in more or less the same amount.

Wow, one person. The richest man in the world is an Arab-Mexican. Latin America has had 8 presidents of Arab origin. Steve Jobs is a son of a Syrian Sunni Arab. Shakira a Columbian Arab. Salma Hayek. Just to mention the Arab Latin diaspora.

Pashtuns beside that person are nowhere to be seen aside from Bachi Bazi and taxi drivers in UAE.

You sure know a lot about bacha bazi, so much so that not even a single post of yours so far has been without that word being mentioned in it. You're obsession with the term leads one to suspicion that you might be a flaming homosexual yourself.

Come out the closet laddy and stop pretending to hate homosexuals.

Wow, one person. The richest man in the world is an Arab-Mexican. Latin America has had 8 presidents of Arab origin. Steve Jobs is a son of a Syrian Sunni Arab. Shakira a Columbian Arab. Salma Hayek. Just to mention the Arab Latin diaspora.

Claiming other people as your own, how desperate will this bedouin get?

BTW, Obama is white from his mothers side, yet he is still considered a Afro-American.
You sure know a lot about bacha bazi, so much so that not even a single post of yours so far has been without that word being mentioned in it. You're obsession with the term leads one to suspicion that you might be a flaming homosexual yourself.

Come out the closet laddy and stop pretending to hate homosexuals.

Claiming other people as your own, how desperate will this bedouin get?

BTW, Obama is white from his mothers side, yet he is still considered a Afro-American.

I am just telling about your irrelevant and stateless peoples practices. Not that people care since they don't know about you people to begin with unlike Arabs which everyone knows about. I am not a homosexual nor do I hate gays but if you are one then I don't care the slightest.

Other people? You mean Arab people? All those people are Arabs from their PATERNAL side of the family. Besides most are Arab on both sides.

The comparison is a disgrace for us Arabs to begin with. It's like comparing Arabs with Latvians, Papuans or some others. A waste of time and just pure comedy.

You are under Arab influence anyway. Even admitted so. Come back to me when the opposite happens. Anyway I am done with all this nonsense. Wasted enough of time. Keep believing that you are European Central Asian Nomad.
Are you telling me that a small minority of Aryans that are less than a few thousands years old changed the demographics of Europe which was was populated THOUSANDS of years before that by mainly people that came from the Near East? Those who introduced farming? Those Central Asian nomads never reached Scandinavia, the British Isles, France, Iberia, Italy or Greek. Let alone Balkan. At most the vast Eastern European Steppes.

When did I say that the Aryans migrated to Europe from Central Asia? Point that out to me & quote that post. The Indo-Aryans migrated to the Indus going through Afghanistan from Andronovo. I already gave you a map that shows the spread of Indo-European tribes in the near east & how they settled in Europe long before the Indo-Aryans migrated from Central Asia to the Indus. The Aryans were nomads initially, & they had no reason to reach Scandinavia because that place was already populated by Indo-European tribes. The term Aryan refers specifically to Indo-Iranian & Indo-Aryan people, it has never referred to Europeans in the past.

You do realize that most of the so-called Indo-European haplogroups are native to the Middle East or Anatolia or Caucasus. Hardly Central Asia - the homeland of Indo-Iranians. None of the Europeans are Indo-Iranians.

Also haplogroups are ANCIENT. Some 50.000 years old. At that time no so-called Aryans or others existed. It's a giant fallacy.

The Middle East isn't home to Semites only, multiple groups of people have lived in the Middle East throughout history. Anatolia was always Indo-European in the past, but after the rise of the Hellenic civilization it became Greek & later on Turkish. You don't know much about Indo-Europeans, you keep associating the Aryans with Europeans. Indo-Europeans existed a long time back, but Indo-Iranians came in to existence a lot later.
You sure know a lot about bacha bazi, so much so that not even a single post of yours so far has been without that word being mentioned in it. You're obsession with the term leads one to suspicion that you might be a flaming homosexual yourself.

Come out the closet laddy and stop pretending to hate homosexuals.

Claiming other people as your own, how desperate will this bedouin get?

BTW, Obama is white from his mothers side, yet he is still considered a Afro-American.
haha half-swiss steve jobs who was adopted by armenians and didnt even want to see his original father. He claims him, but at the same time wants to denounce any connection between Indo-European peoples and at the same time telling greeks are close to us arabs etc. Do you understand the mind of this bedouin?
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Hasani you sure talk alot of ****. Ur lucky im on my phone and cant be arsed arguing with ur baseless worthless arguments.

Hasani you sure talk alot of ****. Ur lucky im on my phone and cant be arsed arguing with ur baseless worthless arguments.
haha half-swiss steve jobs who was adopted by armenians and didnt even want to see his original father. He claims him, but at the same time wants to denounce any connection between Indo-European peoples and at the same time telling greeks are close to us arabs etc. Do you understand the mind of this bedouin?

He is a confused person. I'm afraid he might not even be aware of his own gender.

He makes connections between two completely dissimilar things (Greeks and Arabs related???, WTF????) and makes differences between things that, although might not resemble each other but do share a strong connection (indo-European people/languages). Even though majority of genetic experts and historians have concluded that there is strong connection between the two.

He has a selective and biased view.

Typical bedouin. Not surprised.:coffee:
Yes, exactly, Indo-Iranians are not Europeans. Fine. Next. Genetics, looks, history, customs etc. proof that. What I wanted to get across. You can't use 50.000 year old haplogroups that are not bound by languages or regions to use as a claim of anything. I already gave you the example of the Black West African sharing the shame 40.000 year old haplogroup as a Spaniard.

Most of all the common haplogroups found in Europe originate from the Middle East anyway - our native region. Not the Central Asian Steppes.

A Indian/Pakistani/Indian/Bengali/Kazakh close to an Brit or Portuguese 12.000 km away. Just LOL.

Southern Europeans border us Arabs and are much closer to us than any Pashtun living 10.000 km away in caves.
Studies have reported that most Irish and Britons are descendants of farmers who left modern day Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago.[38] Genetic researchers say they have found compelling evidence that four out of five (80% of) white Europeans can trace their roots to the Near East.[38] In another study, scientists analysed DNA from the 8,000 year-old remains of early farmers found at an ancient graveyard in Germany. They compared the genetic signatures to those of modern populations and found similarities with the DNA of people living in today's Turkey and Iraq.[39]

Steve Jobs is still an Arab on his paternal side whether you like it or not.

Greeks cluster with Arabs since they are neighbors to North Africa and the Levant. There are many more connections than some people living 10.000 km away. Same with Southern Italians. Genetics proof that.


As seen above.

End of discussion.
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