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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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Phoenix. You are mostly talking about linguistics. What I said is correct in terms of genetic studies. Europeans themselves are very mixed. A average European has barely any ties to the average Pakistani, Indian or Iranian. Be it look, culture, religion, history, geography etc. The Aryans were very small in numbers. Most of the people just came under their influence. They were a small warrior class that culturally influenced others. It was not a mass-invasion by any kind. The Aryans were themselves Central Asian Nomads who were small in numbers. India is a prime example. 90% are locals following those peoples culture. Besides Northern India is a mixture of Turkic, Semitic, Iranian, Dravidian, Mongol etc. admixtures.

Just look at Central Asia today. Most are Turkic/Mongols. Look at Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan etc.

The Middle East is one of the most mixed and diverse areas/rich. It is the world's major crossroad. Europe, Africa and Asia all lies next to it. From where the first human migrations out of Africa took place.

You should better look at the admixture (overall) and haplogroups and their SUB-Haplogroups rather than linguistics. It's all that matters.

Did you read my link about the well-established fact about neolithic farmers that went to Europe? They all came from the Near East (Middle East).
LOL, at that Ethiopian troll. Same troll who claimed half of Africa as Ethiopian, Arab world as Afghan and Ethiopia as the greatest military force in Africa. Hilarious.:laughcry::omghaha:

Ok, Pashtun come back to me with all your achievements. You seem not to have any besides Bachi Bazi, Taliban and opium. It's quite tragic. No wonder that you are trying to act more white than the white's themselves. I would too if that was the best my people could offer to the world.

No, nothing of all that happened and Arabs are from planet Mars. Satisfied now clown?

List of Arab achievements: :coffee:

Eating peoples hearts

blowing people up

burying little girls alive

enslaving black Africans and being proud of it


And taking claim of other people's achievements.
Bedouin Arab @al-Hasani.

Do you know why Islam came to your people first?

Because your people were the most ignorant, uncivilized, backward, and degenerate of all nations inhabiting earth at that time. Not much has changed it seems. Sadly, even Islam couldn't change the bedouin Arab mentality.:disagree:

Lol, Both got owned big time and still arguing.

Good job homie smash their skulls.

Lol, hey tough guy. Being tough on the internet aye? "Smash their skulls" :lol:.

Keyboard warriors at their best.:rolleyes:
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Lol, Both got owned big time and still arguing.

Good job homie smash their skulls.

يجب علينا تجاهل جهلهم و حماية ما يجب حمايته. هم لسوء الحظ لا يعرفون الظروف الحقيقية و فقط يسمعون البروبوغندا الغربية
معظمهم ملحدون و خونة لهذا يكرهون الاسلام و العرب. هم و البروبوغندا خاصتهم يجب ان تكشف ,أخي. هذا هو الافضل للجميع. ان لا, , يجب علينا تجاهلهم و تجاهل كرههم

Not going to bother anymore. Why the hell should we even care, LOL? We have the history on our side anyways. Besides I am hardly reinventing the wheel here. Just stating common known facts.

Yes, I thought so. Still no Pashtun achievements. Besides cheap labour, Bachi Bazi, Taliban, Opium. Obviously aside from submitting and adopting Arab customs of course. Done with you and the irrelevant entity you represent that nobody hardly knows anything about in the first place, LOL. No wonder.:laughcry:
Not going to bother anymore. Why the hell should we even care, LOL? We have the history on our side anyways. Besides I am hardly reinventing the wheel here. Just stating common known facts.

Do all Arabs say this to feel good?

Yes, I thought so. Still no Pashtun achievements. Besides adopting Arab customs. Done with you.

Go bury your daughter bedouin.

PS, let me know what arabs achieved in modern times, besides beheadings, suicide bombings, pedophilia, etc???
Phoenix. You are mostly talking about linguistics. What I said is correct in terms of genetic studies. Europeans themselves are very mixed. A average European has barely any ties to the average Pakistani, Indian or Iranian. Be it look, culture, religion, history, geography etc. The Aryans were very small in numbers. Most of the people just came under their influence. They were a small warrior class that culturally influenced others. It was not a mass-invasion by any kind. The Aryans were themselves Central Asian Nomads who were small in numbers. India is a prime example. 90% are locals following those peoples culture. Besides Northern India is a mixture of Turkic, Semitic, Iranian, Dravidian, Mongol etc. admixtures.

Just look at Central Asia today. Most are Turkic/Mongols. Look at Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan etc.

The Middle East is one of the most mixed and diverse areas/rich. It is the world's major crossroad. Europe, Africa and Asia all lies next to it. From where the first human migrations out of Africa took place.

You should better look at the admixture (overall) and haplogroups and their SUB-Haplogroups rather than linguistics. It's all that matters.

Did you read my link about the well-established fact about neolithic farmers that went to Europe? They all came from the Near East (Middle East).

we can say the same about you, the original african/black tribes were small. Most people came just under their influence.

Don't try to derail us from our history, origins and contribution to the world, and at the same time "kazakh this kazakh that".

The same pashtuns that you were attacking are part of eastern-Iranic people. When Alexander fought them, he was impressed by the bravery of those eastern-Iranic peoples and their agriculture and cattle breeding.

Also when you arabs visited their Balkh city you were witness of The ancestors of Pashtuns and your ancestors were impressed:

The Arabs called it Umm Al-Belaad or Mother of Cities due to its antiquity

The Aśvakas or Aśvakayanas, classically called the Assacenii/Assacani (Sanskrit: अश्वक), is the Sanskrit name of a people who supposedly lived in northeastern Afghanistan and the Peshawar Valley. They are/were believed to be a sub-group of the Greater Kamboja tribe profusely referenced in ancient Sanskrit/Pali literature and were partitioned into eastern and western Aśvakas.

The modern ethnonym Afghan, which was attested in the 6th century in the form of Avagānā by the Indian astronomer Varāhamihira, may have evidently derived from Aśvaka

The Ashvayans (Aspasioi) were also good cattle breeders and agriculturists. This is clear from the large number of bullocks, 230,000 according to Arrian, of a size and shape superior to what the Macedonians had known, that Alexander captured from them and decided to send to Macedonia for agriculture

Indo-Europeans are responsible for almost every technology and comfort that you use today.
Should you not engage in homosexual acts like most of you primitive and irrelevant people do? Central Asian Nomad with no history or contribution to the world beside submitting to Arab culture and influences.

Hardly anybody knows what the hell the word "Pashtun" means in the first place. Stateless people too.
we can say the same about you, the original african/black tribes were small. Most people came just under their influence.
Don't try to drail us from our history, origins and contribution to the world, and at the same time "kazakh this kazakh that".

The same pashtuns that you were attacking are part of eastern-Iranic people. When Alexander fought them, he was impressed by the bravery of those eastern-Iranic peoples and their agriculture.

This person is primitive minded. What you just posted is perhaps too difficult for his brain to process.

I have noticed a pattern in his posts which clearly indicates that he has a severe lack of comprehension.

Therefore, i concluded a long time ago that debating with a primitive minded person like this bedouin is useless and thus not worthy looking up valuable information to refute his retarded and pathetic posts.
Should you not engage in homosexual acts like most of you primitive and irrelevant people do? Central Asian Nomad with no history or contribution to the world beside submitting to Arab culture and influences.

Hardly anybody knows what the hell the word "Pashtun" means in the first place. Stateless people too.

Lol, Arab. I'm very please to know that my first post on this thread touched a raw nerve of yours.

hmmmm, now it does not matter at all to me what a primitive bedouin like you thinks of me or my people.

Speaking of homosexuality:

Gay life Flourishes In Saudi Arabia Among Arab Males-The Atlantic

Gay Saudi prince who killed manservant to serve jail term at home - Telegraph

Oh, is the Bachi Bachi boy angry because his people has nothing to show off aside from being primitive, useless and subjecting to Arab culture? I forget about the contribution of Bachi Bazi, opium, Taliban and being stateless of course.

Still no mention of any Pashtun contributions here 3 hours later, LOL.

What are you waiting for clown? Show us your contributions? Besides what I mentioned.


Bacha bazi - YouTube


LOL, at some Central Asian Nomads taking the achievements of Semitic people and Europeans as their own. People they share nothing with. Go tell a European that you belong to his people, LOL despite living 10.000 km away, having no ties at all etc. At least Europe is our backyard. Not that we care about some people we once conquered and influenced as much as you obviously do.
Phoenix. You are mostly talking about linguistics. What I said is correct in terms of genetic studies. Europeans themselves are very mixed. A average European has barely any ties to the average Pakistani, Indian or Iranian. Be it look, culture, religion, history, geography etc. The Aryans were very small in numbers. Most of the people just came under their influence. India is a prime example. 90% are locals. Besides Northern India is a mixture of Turkic, Semitic, Iranian, Dravidian, Mongol etc. mixtures.

I posted genetic studies for you to check out, including the article that documents European DNA in the upper castes of modern day India in my last post. Please refer to the genetic studies of the Pakistani populace I referred you to earlier. They will clear up your misconceptions & prove that the majority of the people in the north western region of the Sub-Continent including Afghanistan are of Indo-Iranian & Aryan stock. As to how are modern day ethnic groups came in to existence, that's a different story & requires studying Indo-Aryan culture. Turkic, Semitic, & Mongol DNA is very rare throughout the Sub-Continent. These invaders did not mix with us too much. I will refer you to different genetic studies again.

As for the Indo-Aryan migrations, they arrived in the Indus in huge amounts towards the time the Harappan civilization was about to collapse. The migrants were mostly male, but females were naturally present albeit in fewer amounts. Once the Harappan civilization collapsed, the Vedic civilization arose indicating continuity. The Vedic Aryans settled in the north western regions of the Sub-Continent & that is exactly where the R1a haplogroup is most prevalent. They established the caste system to prevent their bloodline from corruption. The Vedic & Avestan scriptures also refer to multiple Indo-Iranian tribes. The Kashmiris, Punjabis, Balochis, Pasthuns, et cetera are all descendants of those migrants. There is no doubt that mixture with other groups has also occurred, which is exactly why genetic studies indicate that paternal lineages are Indo-European whereas female lineages are mostly of local origins.

In modern times our culture, religion, geography & language may indeed be different but that wasn't the case during the era in which Indo-European tribes migrated.

Some studies for you to refer to are mentioned below.



The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system, present on chromosome 6 is one of the most extensively studied regions of the human genome. The most striking feature of the HLA system is the extreme polymorphism found at some of its loci. This characteristic of the HLA system has made it an invaluable tool for population genetics analyses. Different populations exhibit characteristic allele and haplotype frequencies, which provide information about their history, migration patterns, evolution, genetics, disease susceptibility and resistance. In this study the genetic polymorphism of seven Pakistani ethnic groups was investigated at the HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB and DQB1 loci using polymerase chain reaction with sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP). The groups included in this study are the Baloch, Brahui, Sindhi and Parsi from the south and the Burusho, Kalash and Pathan from the north of Pakistan. The allele frequencies, three-locus haplotype frequencies for HLA-A, -C, -B and HLA-A, -B, -DRBl and two locus haplotype frequencies for HLA-A, -B, HLA-B, -C, HLA-B, -DRBl and HLA-DRBl, -DQBl along with linkage disequilibrium, relative linkage disequilibrium and their significance (p-value as determined by -l-test) were calculated. Neighbor joining trees based on allele frequencies were constructed and correspondence analysis was carried out. Variation in the allele and haplotype distribution between the seven Pakistani ethnic groups was observed. A phylogenetic tree and correspondence analysis based on HLA- A, -B, -C, -DRBl and -DQBl allele frequencies revealed the Kalash and Parsi populations to be distinct from each other and the remaining Pakistani populations. The Baloch and Brahui were closely related to one another. The Sindhi were closer to the Pathan and Burusho populations than to the neighboring Baloch and Brahui populations indicating admixture between the northern and southern populations of Pakistan. The three- and two- locus haplotypes reveal a large amount of admixture in the Pakistani populations. The haplotypes found in the Pakistani populations suggest an influence of Caucasian and Oriental populations. A phylogenetic tree and correspondence analysis comparing the Pakistani populations to various other world populations (HLA- A, -B and -C allele frequency data from the 11th and 12th International Histocompatibility Workshops) showed that the Pakistani ethnic groups, with the exception of the Parsi, lie within the cluster of the European and Asian Indian populations. The Parsi populations show a striking affinity to the Iraqi Jews, which is in accordance with historical records placing the origin of the Parsi in ancient Persia. These results not only help in studying the origins of the various Pakistani populations but also provide a background for a variety of applications including tissue typing and HLA and disease association studies in Pakistan.

Genetic evidence suggests European migrants may have influenced
the origins of India's caste system

Bamshad's team found that Y chromosomes from the Brahmin and Kshatriya closely resembled European Y chromosomes rather than Asian Y chromosomes. The Y chromosomes from the lower castes bore more similarities to the Asian Y chromosome. The mitochondrial DNA showed the same pattern.

The authors believe their results support the notion that Europeans who migrated into India between 3,000 and 8,000 years ago may have merged with or imposed their social structure on the native northern Indians and placed themselves into the highest castes.

Analysis of the paternally transmitted Y chromosome among Indians in general indicated that the Y chromosome had a more European flavor. Maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA among Indians is more Asian than European. This suggests that the Europeans who entered India were predominantly male.

Genetic Evidence on the Origins of Indian Caste Populations

I can provide you with more evidence if you wish.

Just look at Central Asia today. Most are Turkic/Mongols. Look at Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan etc.

Modern day Central Asia is obviously not the same as ancient Central Asia. There are a considerable number of Russians though in countries like Kazakhstan.

The Middle East is one of the most mixed and diverse areas/rich. It is the world major crossroad. Europe, Africa and Asia all next to it.

You should better look at the admixture (overall) and haplogroups and their SUB-Haplogroups.

I never said the Middle East isn't diverse, & there is no arguing that this region connects different continents together. A good example of that is the silk route which was an important trade route in ancient times. Greeks, Romans, Persians, et cetera have all carried out trade via this route at some point or another.
Should you not engage in homosexual acts like most of you primitive and irrelevant people do? Central Asian Nomad with no history or contribution to the world beside submitting to Arab culture and influences.

Hardly anybody knows what the hell the word "Pashtun" means in the first place. Stateless people too.

Pashtuns stateless? Afghanistan/Khorasan/Pakistan are all Indo-Iranian lands. What are you talking about. That "irrelevant land" has beautifull history, landscape, mountains and brave people. Now that it had bad luck because of wars, doesnt mean anything.

They will come back...
It is believed that among other things the country holds $3 trillion in untapped mineral deposits
In western countries Afghans and Iranians are one of best students, even smarter than people from the host country.

And they will not be fooled anymore with your terrorist propaganda and ideology. Since Iran is the neighbour of Afghanistan, we will directly influence them and make it an stable country which will succeed. Your stupid influence is disappearing completely, don't you believe it? search for some educated afghans in western countries.

25% of saudi children are raped and 50% of saudi students have homosexual relations.

Saudi Study: Nearly a Quarter of Children Raped; Up to 46% of Students Suffer from Homosexuality - YouTube
********.com - Gay Party at the Royal Palace in Jeddah , Saudi Arabia - Leaked video

Gay Party at the royal Palace:

********.com - Gay Party at the Royal Palace in Jeddah , Saudi Arabia - Leaked video
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