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Iran warns the US over " the Red Line "

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That Arab in the white house is so indecisive.

With the democrat majority Congress I think it would be difficult for Pres. Obama to get congressional approval for declaring War. If another Neo-Con administration comes to power with a Republican majority congress then things will get serious. As for Pres. Obama he leaves office in Jan. 20, 2017, he is more resistant and defiant towards Israeli demands of joint US-Israeli attacks on Iran, I don't think Pres. Obama will support an invasion of Iran but at the most he will support Israel militarily against Iran, as in providing Israel bunker buster missiles, or more.
Tell, me cousin are you that Conspirator fellow I thought you were? Just write a PM if you don't want to say it in public. I want tell anyone, LOL.

Cuz, the problem is I have a bad memory due to an old war injury. So sometimes I forget who I've been etc.

I'm wondering though, do you know this guy? maybe you're neighbours?

Drunk Arab Fights With Restaurant Worker - VERY FUNNY - YouTube

With the democrat majority Congress I think it would be difficult for Pres. Obama to get congressional approval for declaring War. If another Neo-Con administration comes to power with a Republican majority congress then things will get serious. As for Pres. Obama he leaves office in Jan. 20, 2017, he is more resistant and defiant towards Israeli demands of joint US-Israeli attacks on Iran, I don't think Pres. Obama will support an invasion of Iran but at the most he will support Israel militarily against Iran, as in providing Israel bunker buster missiles, or more.

It should have been hit before it all went online.

Now if they get hit, there will be fallout all over the region.
Cuz, the problem is I have a bad memory due to an old war injury. So sometimes I forget who I've been etc.

I'm wondering though, do you know this guy? maybe you're neighbours?

Drunk Arab Fights With Restaurant Worker - VERY FUNNY - YouTube

LOL, yeah right. Whatever, cousin.

No. Looks like somewhere in the UAE.

Mizrahim/Arab Jews: Do you blame Zionism for your suffering? - YouTube

Something for those brethren:

Sana'a is located 2250 meters above sea level. It is one of the most ancient cities in the world. It is a WORLD UNESCO Heritage Site. The old town is one of the best kept old towns in the world.

No European city aside from Athens or Rome has such a old history or heritage. Their old towns are much smaller though and much younger. Only a few remains in both cities are over 1000 years old.

Besides the only significant ancient cultures in Europe were the Romans and Greeks. And they were both influenced by the Semitic Phoenicians who colonized much of Europe. Many Greeks and Romans also had ancestry to the Middle East.

Etruscans (people that predated the Romans in Italy) are thought to be descendants of ancient Middle Eastern farmers since farming took place in the current day Arab world first and then spread to Europe through the Balkans.

They lived in Tuscany and today many Tuscans have Middle Eastern/Semitic genes. Modern genetics confirm this. For example the amount of Haplogroup J-1 genes they share which are much higher than anywhere else in the region.

Quite interesting.

Read here below:

Etruscan civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Afro-asiatics including arabs are originally from around Congo, so these genes are not arabic. These genes are pre-arab middle eastern genes.

About etruscans:
The majority consensus is that Etruscan is related only to other members of what is called the Tyrsenian language family. Since Rix (1998), it is widely accepted that the Tyrsenian family of languages is composed of Rhaetic and Lemnian together with Etruscan. A few modern scholars assert that the Tyrsenian languages are distantly related to the Indo-European family.
Afro-asiatics including arabs are originally from around Congo, so these genes are not arabic. These genes are pre-arab middle eastern genes.

About etruscans:

Semites are native to the Middle East including Arabs. Unlike you who were nomads from Central Asia which is proven. Besides if we believe modern genetics then all humans are from Africa and Yemen was the first place outside of Africa to be inhabited. If you want to play that game.

Besides Southern Italians, Greeks etc. cluster with Arabs and Semitic people and modern day genetics confirm this besides proximity in geography. First neolithic migrations from the Near East to Europe besides the Phoenician, Arab etc. conquest and settlements also played a role in that besides the geographic proximity.

Come again. This also goes for Spaniards and Portuguese people to a certain extent.


The Etruscans origin is probably also Near Eastern (current day Arab world).

Linguistics have nothing to do with genetics. Native Latinos also speak Spanish despite being natives and related to Indians in the two Americas.

Papuans speak English too despite not being related to Brits.
Funny video bro.

Us Jews were eating and drinking all that stuff before you guys came over from Mecca.

It's our pleasure to share our customs with you.

Drinking what? Ever heard about Arak? Alcohol was widely consumed in the Arab world before the appearance of Islam. Thank God that most got rid of it. It's all about smoking now. And tea and coffee - which the Arabs spread to the world. (Mocha - Yemeni town).

Lot's of coffee and tea.

Umar ibn al-Khattab's (ra) was drinking in his pre-Islamic days.
Good...Then now is the time to remove the proxies, shall we dance the dance of war? Or are we waiting for Iran to conscript up more pre-teen boys?

Why don't you order you president to dance the dance of war, you seem to be a professional general as you believe PDF is the real world, do you have a psychiatrist or do you want a new one.
Iran already told the real US generals that it was waiting for them, this was done officially through worldwide media, not PDF trolls like you.
Semites are native to the Middle East including Arabs. Unlike you who were nomads from Central Asia which is proven. Besides if we believe modern genetics then all humans are from Africa and Yemen was the first place outside of Africa to be inhabited. If you want to play that game.

Besides Southern Italians, Greeks etc. cluster with Arabs and Semitic people and modern day genetics confirm this besides proximity in geography. First neolithic migrations from the Near East to Europe besides the Phoenician, Arab etc. conquest and settlements also played a role in that besides the geographic proximity.

Come again. This also goes for Spaniards and Portuguese people to a certain extent.

Haplogroup J-P209 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Etruscans origin is probably also Near Eastern (current day Arab world).

Linguistics have nothing to do with genetics. Native Latinos also speak Spanish despite being natives and related to Indians in the two Americas.

Papuans speak English too despite not being related to Brits.


So your genes are originally from this region. If you today totally have different look from negroid peoples of this area (afro-asiatics of 10000Bp/8000 years before christ) then your original looks are changed either by mixing or language assimilation by these african negroid people who imposed their language on population of middle east.

Yes all humans are from Africa, however that's really long long time ago. Our modern features where not formed yet. But by 10000 BP/8000 years before christ humans like afro-asiatics groups (arabs part of them) had their feature like people of Congo/uganda/southern sudan. They were already established and lived there 8000 before christ. The looks/features were formed already, so these were your original ancestors.

Later you came to middle east, mixed, changed you original looks. The genes you claim are not from original ancestor of yours, for those genes you should be around congo.

Those are LINGUISTIC theories. Nothing to do with genetics or ancestry. All languages came from Africa. Besides that is one single theory. Semitic languages evolved in the Middle East. Ancient Semitic people were not Black nor are they that today.

The origin of the Afro-Asiatic language is not known.

Besides you are making an own goal given that your ancestors down the line where from Africa too.:laughcry:

Still does not change the fact that you belong on the Central Asian steppe and are not native to the Middle East.

Arabs are native to the Middle East and not Africa nor are we Africans. That goes for all Semitic people.

Afro-Asiatic is a language group not a people. Semites are as related to them as Brits are related to Papuans speaking English.

Fail again.


African admixture in Arabs is very low. The same as other Middle Eastern people. And when there is nay it is all due to the Arab slave trade.
An interesting observation is that the "Arab" cluster is slightly more distant to all African clusters than the European/W Asian cluster is. This might seem perplexing as geography might dictate that it should be closer to the African clusters


Try harder next time. You clearly have not invented the wheel nor will that ever happen.
No more wars for israel or Arabs.

If you feel so obligated to defend your Semetic brethren then pick up a rifle and go and take a bullet to the chest for them.

Any Patriotic and Nationalistic American would know that interfering in foreign wars will drag us into more crap then what we already find ourselves in. We haven't even gotten out of Afghanistan and fools are talking as if we've got anything left within us. We are a empty shell and indebted to China.

We should be spending trillions on securing our border with Mexico from where thugs and criminals cross into our country and spread their hate filled gang ideologies as well as sell drugs to our younger generations.

Our cities are rotting and idiots want to fight wars. Go, take a gun and fight for so and so Rabbi or Sheikh if you have such a strong urge to fight.

Any AIPAC @$$ licker needs to be deported to israel to defend their Zionist masters.
Maybe it's an empty shell where you live, we're doing just fine here. Indebted? We own China.....if not for us buying their cr@p they would still be starving in ditches. And Israel is an ally.....don't like it? Tough. They fight the same garbage we do.

Drinking what? Ever heard about Arak? Alcohol was widely consumed in the Arab world before the appearance of Islam. Thank God that most got rid of it. It's all about smoking now. And tea and coffee - which the Arabs spread to the world. (Mocha - Yemeni town).

Lot's of coffee and tea.

Umar ibn al-Khattab's (ra) was drinking in his pre-Islamic days.
Coffee came from Ethiopia
Maybe it's an empty shell where you live, we're doing just fine here. Indebted? We own China.....if not for us buying their cr@p they would still be starving in ditches. And Israel is an ally.....don't like it? Tough. They fight the same garbage we do.

Coffee came from Ethiopia

Ethiopia AND Yemen. Although most say Yemen.
The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen.[2]

History of coffee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway it was us Arabs that spread coffee to the world and made it into a industry.

Coffee to this very day is still grown in Yemen in the mountains, lowlands etc. or in the coastal regions. Mocha for example is named after a Yemeni city by the same name.
No, it is not impossible. We can do it and do it easily. Am not talking about just amphibious landings on the beaches but actually set troops into Tehran.

Mate, i'm just curious.

Forget Turkey being a US ally, being a NATO country. Let's say US attacked Turkey.

Do you believe that you can set troops in Ankara ?
Those are LINGUISTIC theories. Nothing to do with genetics or ancestry. All languages came from Africa. Besides that is one single theory. Semitic languages evolved in the Middle East. Ancient Semitic people were not Black nor are they that today.

The origin of the Afro-Asiatic language is not known.

Besides you are making an own goal given that your ancestors down the line where from Africa too.:laughcry:

Still does not change the fact that you belong on the Central Asian steppe and are not native to the Middle East.

Arabs are native to the Middle East and not Africa nor are we Africans. That goes for all Semitic people.

Afro-Asiatic is a language group not a people. Semites are as related to them as Brits are related to Papuans speaking English.

Fail again.

Haplogroup J-P209 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No fail. Since you talk about languages and genes and connect them by telling Iranians to go back to Kazakhstan, I'm teaching you your history.

Actually by finding the "urheimat"(ancestorial land) of a people, we look where their language originate from. Afro-asiatics come from around congo, why is it so difficult to understand? that's the place of their origins, so for their original looks, you have to be there.

You want to know how your ancestors looked like 8000 years before christ? go to Congo. And if you don't look the same today, their are reasons.

Possible time of origin: 45,000 years before present
Possible place of origin: Caucasus, Eurasia

Now Proto-afro-asiatics (arabs included) lived around congo 8000 years before christ. How can this genes be yours? You came, mixed and these genes became part of you.
Stop writing nonsense and wasting my time. You are just trolling. You can't look past history, genetics etc. just because you can't take the fact that you are from the Central Asian Steppe (if you are a Persian) and not us Arabs or Semites who are native to the beautiful and ancient Middle East. There is nothing more to add. I provided genetic and historical evidence already. This is all widely known and I am not inventing the wheel.

Arabs nor Semites are or were Africans unless 50.000 + years ago like anyone else in the region. Including you.

Stop your obsession with Blacks. Were you beat up by one? I am not Black nor are Arabs or Semites that. Short your issues out with actual Africans or people from Congo that you seem to have a problem with. Nothing more to add.

Also you don't understand the difference between actual genetics and ancestry and linguistics. Two different things. Approximately 66% of all Arabs belong to the Haplogroup J which is NATIVE to the Middle East and is nearly 50.000 years old. Remaining haplogroups are not African either.
An interesting observation is that the "Arab" cluster is slightly more distant to all African clusters than the European/W Asian cluster is. This might seem perplexing as geography might dictate that it should be closer to the African clusters.


Indeed I suspect that a Congolese black man beat you up in the Netherlands or something worse, LOL.:laughcry: Hilarious.

Anyway with all your African talk and Congo talk you made me look that country up. It looks awesome. Nearly 6.000 meters tall mountains, most greenery in the world, amazing wild life and nature etc. Quite beautiful and interesting. Much like Africa as a continent over all.

@al-Hasani :
allah knows that i hate no one, since u sarcasticaly called me arab lover, i gotta tell u that not only
thats not true but also i love arab PEOPLE like yourself, any way back to topic:

bro, as i said i have no respect for shah; he was a us puppet, brutal derranged a$$hole which killed his own people
my point was that he is better than arab leaders , nothing more

but since u mentioned that arab leaders have been ruling arabs since the christ!!!
i gotta tell u that makes them worst!!!! u have to implement a severe brutality to be able to supress people that long
if your ancestors have ruled whole world , that dosent make u an important or even good person
what makes u good is your behavior

Well, you are a good Iranian Azeri. I know that a lot of Iranians like and love Arabs. After all there are 2 million Arabs in Iran. Hundred thousands if not millions of Iranian pilgrims of all ethnic groups go to Arab lands each year.

How was he better than Arab leaders? Visit any Arab country, especially the GCC for a few days and say that. People in UAE, Qatar etc. live better than anywhere in the Muslim world and among the best in the world and have more rights than anywhere else in the Muslim world.

Stop reading PISSTV and try to get your news about the Arab world from other sources than that.

What long? Hashemites etc. and other rulers got their legitimacy not through brutality but their deeds, ancestry, respect etc. They were not more brutal than all other leaders at the time. In fact much better because they did not kill people based on religion, ancestry etc. like most rulers did in Europe at one point in history or another.

I agree. Never said that Arabs are better than anyone else or that the rulers are more special than other Arabs. I am just saying that they have a legitimacy. Much more than the Pahlavi's had before they proclaimed themselves as Shah's in 1925.

Besides all those rulers will be toppled if they cannot behave. The world is evolving quickly.
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