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Iran Vs Israel Science

Yaaa, Oranges where planted and cared for by Palestinian farmers. You just happened to find them there when you occupied the lands...
Jaffa oranges are not growing in Jaffa anymore. Land in Tel Aviv area is too expensive for oranges. Anyway oranges are less than 1% of Israels export.

You guys are unbelievable,now you are telling me producing orange is easier than extracting oil?
You live in Canada,but it seems you don't know how hard it is to extract oil,especially in Canada.You better assk the oil ministry of your country.That comes from ignorance.

Billions of dollars should be spent to to develop an oilfield and a lot more is spent to keep the oil flowing.
I know you are just saying this out of your hate of Iran.You are ready to accept most stupid things if that leads to bash Iran at any cost.
LOL you are funny. ARAMCO has only 50 K employes and it produces some 700 billion $ oil (at price of 90$ a barrel) a year.

For producing oranges worth 700 billion u will need to employ billions.
You guys are unbelievable,now you are telling me producing orange is easier than extracting oil?
You live in Canada,but it seems you don't know how hard it is to extract oil,especially in Canada.You better assk the oil ministry of your country.That comes from ignorance.

Billions of dollars should be spent to to develop an oilfield and a lot more is spent to keep the oil flowing.
I know you are just saying this out of your hate of Iran.You are ready to accept most stupid things if that leads to bash Iran at any cost.

Canada is completely different. The net energy even gained from the oil extracted ie very low as compared with Iran and SA.
Im not going to go into if its harder to grow oranges or extract oil. But im sure we can agree there is a greater demand for oil, and less producers of oil. Anyone can grow oranges if you are willing to invest. But not everyone is gifted with oil reserves.

Oranges only have one usage, as a food item. Oil is used in every process in the modern world.

Having oil oreseves bring in more money than having an orchard of fruits.
LOL you are funny. ARAMCO has only 50 K employes and it produces some 700 billion $ oil (at price of 90$ a barrel) a year.

For producing oranges worth 700 billion u will need to employ billions.

WOW,just wow,i don't have anything to say about this.Ok,I surrender,sometimes stupidity can beat the intelligence.

Canada is completely different. The net energy even gained from the oil extracted ie very low as compared with Iran and SA.
Im not going to go into if its harder to grow oranges or extract oil. But im sure we can agree there is a greater demand for oil, and less producers of oil. Anyone can grow oranges if you are willing to invest. But not everyone is gifter with oil reserves.

Therefor having oil oreseves bring in more money than having an orchard of fruits.
Yes I agree,oil has a very greater demand.That orange thing was just an example.
I was answering him because it seemed he is blamin Iran for having oil or selling it.Almost all countries in the world have natural resources and sell it to help their economy,Iran,Canada,U.S or China are not exceptions.
Comparing the money Israel is recieving from U.S or Europe with money Iran gets for selling oil is completely irrelevant.
WOW,just wow,i don't have anything to say about this.Ok,I surrender,sometimes stupidity can beat the intelligence.
OK, Iranians are smartest people on earth, because they can pump oil.

But explain me something. Why UAE is super rich and nearby Yemen is super poor. Both are populated with Arabs. I always thought that its because UAE has lots of oil and Yemen has not. But according to you thats because UAE Arabs are much smarter than Yemeni Arabs :rofl:
OK, Iranians are smartest people on earth, because they can pump oil.

But explain me something. Why UAE is super rich and nearby Yemen is super poor. Both are populated with Arabs. I always thought that its because UAE has lots of oil and Yemen has not. But according to you thats because UAE Arabs are much smarter than Yemeni Arabs :rofl:

Nothing to do with them being Arabs or not. For example NK and SK are both Koreans, yet one is rich and one is poor... You acting like the only parameter for success is genetics... Didn't Hitler have this same idea? Why are you supporting it?
Nothing to do with them being Arabs or not. For example NK and SK are both Koreans, yet one is rich and one is poor... You acting like the only parameter for success is genetics... Didn't Hitler have this same idea? Why are you supporting it?
Thats easy to explain: because Communist economy is failure.

But why UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudis are so rich, while Yemen, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco are so poor? I always thought its because of OIL.

You fought Arabs several times and you defeated them, but you are fighting Iran for 33 years now and still couldnt defeat them. Persians are a tough match for you, isnt it ?
We never fought Iran. In fact we helped Iran in Iran-Iraq war.
We never fought Iran. In fact we helped Iran in Iran-Iraq war.

Don't act like you helped us out of love... It was purely for your own gain.

How about the many times we have helped you? Cyrus great saved you from extinction? We where one of very few Asian countries in 70s and before to help you guys. My father told me many Israelis used to come Iran. Also we helped you against Arabs. And now you guys talk about destroying our country? Shows the loyalty of Israelis...
Don't act like you helped us out of love... It was purely for your own gain.
Everyone searches some gain. You are helping Assad now not because u love his cucumber face.

How about the many times we have helped you? Cyrus great saved you from extinction? We where one of very few Asian countries in 70s and before to help you guys. My father told me many Israelis used to come Iran. Also we helped you against Arabs. And now you guys talk about destroying our country? Shows the loyalty of Israelis...
Today Iran has very little to do with ancient Persia. Just like Romania has very little to do with ancient Rome.
Today Iran has very little to do with ancient Persia. Just like Romania has very little to do with ancient Rome.

I think you mean Italy and Ancient Rome? Lol well on that aspect there are more differences, they speak different language (Latin and Italian). In Iran we speak same language as before, same people as before and same land as before. What more do you want?

Besides you didn't answer all the parts from just this last century. Are we different people from then too?

How about this guy? The Iranian Oscar Schindler:

Abdol Hossein Sardari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yet you still want to destroy us... Ungrateful as it gets.
I think you mean Italy and Ancient Rome?
Italy, Romania, no matter. Both countries are traces of Roman empire.

In Iran we speak same language as before
No you dont. Some 40% of words in today Persian are Arab origin and remaining 60 were also heavily transformed. So its completely different language.

same people as before
Original Iranians were Aryans from Europe.
Original Iranians were Aryans from Europe.

Proof? And not from stormfront or some other neo nazi garbage...

Also still avoiding my question. I have figured out ungrateful Israeli mentality.

Regarding language... All languages evolve and change. For example Old English, into Middle English into todays English. The only reason Hebrew never changed that much is because it was pretty much a dead language. It was only brought back to life recently for nationalist agenda, and to increase Israeli identity and claim over land.
Yes I agree,oil has a very greater demand.That orange thing was just an example.
I was answering him because it seemed he is blamin Iran for having oil or selling it.Almost all countries in the world have natural resources and sell it to help their economy,Iran,Canada,U.S or China are not exceptions.
Comparing the money Israel is recieving from U.S or Europe with money Iran gets for selling oil is completely irrelevant.

Eaxctly so Iran should compare itself to nations with the similar level of resources: Russia, Canada, USA, China, Saudia Arabia, etc.
Eaxctly so Iran should compare itself to nations with the similar level of resources: Russia, Canada, USA, China, Saudia Arabia, etc.

Are any of them countries under crippling sanctions? Toughest in the world?
Are any of them countries under crippling sanctions? Toughest in the world?
Serious sanctions started only this year. And it happened only because Iran tried very hard to get them (open terror support, threats to destroy another country, threats to close Hormuz, stupid sabre rattling, embassy attack...).
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