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Featured Iran vows 'hit' on all involved in US killing of top general

@Philosopher meh, like I said pull up or shut up

You're running a little weak here, you're putting up as much of a fight as your sailors did.
You assumed, I don't think that

Now the Kurdish part is something you're wrong about. Kurdistan is a joke and they're not a threat in any way. Iraq pays them not because it fears them, the political system is in their favour.
Which one of my assumptions are fundamentally wrong? Do you think the Americans, the Israelis or the Europeans want the integrity of Iraq?

Or do you think that they won't arm them if they make their threats of independence real? Didn't they try to hold a referendum for independence from Iraq just a few years ago and until the very last days, they insisted on it?

Or do you want to say that Turkey is not violating Iraqi sovereignty already? Or do you think that a Saudi-Turkish proxy war in Iraq in the absence of Iran is impossible? Maybe you think Saudis and Turks will stop with their regional plans when Iran is not a regional power anymore?

Kurdistan alone is a joke. I agree with you on that. But if a heavily armed group like the ISIS could give you a headache, what makes you think that a heavily armed ethnic group equipped with a modern air force and with a strong sense of nationalism can't?

Dude you okay man?
@Philosopher meh, like I said pull up or shut up

An open exchange of fire is coming soon enough so there really isn't any need for childish antics here.

Your vaunted "pull up" will happen, all we have to do is wait now. Hope you aren't too shocked at all the destruction when the dust settles (this will hurt very badly for all those involved). America isn't walking away from this unscathed, it will suffer immensely.


Hey man long time no see hope you are in good health and spirits. I see you're venting a little bit and I fully understand where it is you're coming from. As far as Iran getting bombed, I think that is coming sooner rather than later. The United States and its master; Israel. Are putting all their ducks in order (Abraham Accords/ "Peace Deals") to set up a front against Iran. With the recent totally BS rumors about Iran being up to 'nefarious' assassinations plots in South Africa, reports of large stockpiles of Uranium and the Recent 'emergency' visit of Benny Gantz to Washington with specific regards to Iran. We should see something pop-off soon. I don't know about anyone else here but it would seem like air-traffic around the Persian Gulf concerning American large transport air-craft has increased dramatically (my interpretation)

I don't think the United States is willing to wait for Iran to acquire a better Air-Force before attacking. It's fast becoming a now or never scenario although I would argue that their ideal window for an attack has closed long ago given all the indigenous Iranian advancements and what-not.

Regardless, this was going to be the inevitable outcome. I don't see how two-nations with this level of enmity between each other would just up and make peace. Such an eventuality is the only logic course with respect to all the previous transgressions that has transpired between the two involved parties (three if we include Israel).

Anyways man, the rest of this month and next month leading into the New Year should be of utmost importance. Keep a weather eye on any reports and events that will be going down.
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Dude you okay man?

An open exchange of fire is coming soon enough so there really isn't any need for childish antics here.

Your vaunted "pull up" will happen, all we have to do is wait now. Hope you aren't too shocked at all the destruction when the dust settles (this will hurt very badly for all those involved). America isn't walking away from this unscathed, it will suffer immensely.


Hey man long time no see hope you are in good health and spirits. I see you're venting a little bit and I fully understand where it is you're coming from. As far as Iran getting bombed, I think that is coming sooner rather than later. The United States and its master; Israel. Are putting all their ducks in order (Abraham Accords/ "Peace Deals") to set up a front against Iran. With the recent totally BS rumors about Iran being up to 'nefarious' assassinations plots in South Africa, reports of large stockpiles of Uranium and the Recent 'emergency' visit of Benny Gantz to Washington with specific regards to Iran. We should see something pop-off soon. I don't know about anyone else here but it would seem like air-traffic around the Persian Gulf concerning American large transport air-craft has increased dramatically (my interpretation)

I don't think the United States is willing to wait for Iran to acquire a better Air-Force before attacking. It's fast becoming a now or never scenario although I would argue that their ideal window for an attack has closed long ago given all the indigenous Iranian advancements and what-not.

Regardless, this was going to be the inevitable outcome. I don't see how two-nations with this level of enmity between each other would just up and make peace. Such an eventuality is the only logic course with respect to all the previous transgressions that has transpired between the two involved parties (three if we include Israel).

Anyways man, the rest of this month and next month leading into the New Year should be of utmost importance. Keep a weather eye on any reports and events that will be going down.
If they go insane and attack Iran directly then we must start testing a nuke or two.
If they go insane and attack Iran directly then we must start testing a nuke or two.

If they do indeed attack then it should finally be time to (justly) take off the gloves and strike back as hard as possible (I mean this sincerely).

The paradigm cannot continue like this indefinitely. Israel and the United States must understand that their actions have real-world, palpable consequences. Striking American forces and dwindling down their operational capacity throughout the region should be a go to strategy if the conflict gets out of hand. And with regards to Israel, I hope to god that Iran doesn't chicken out due to their nukes. Hit their critical facilities and hunker down for the long-hull. If Hezbollah wants to let the missiles fly en masse, then let them. Iran owes Israel A LOT of return fire for all the assassinations, sabotages, air-strikes and espionage they've carried out over the past decades. IMO Israel should be the main-target anyways.

I mean honestly, how much more humiliation can Iran possibly endure? There does come a time where future aspirations and playing the "long-game" just doesn't cut it anymore. You need to act in order to restore some semblance of deterrence.
If they go insane and attack Iran directly then we must start testing a nuke or two.

I'm sorry.... just a little worked up.

In all honesty, if Israel and American do attack (quite likely) then Iran needs to make some hard decisions on where it stands on nukes. Hitting them back in tit-for-tat strikes doesn't really help since they can always replace what was lost easier than Iran can. Unless Iran is willing to strike back considerably harder.

We've been talking about this very scenario amongst ourselves for so many years. But for some reason this year just feels like the time where we possibly see a resolution to this entire fiasco.
If they do indeed attack then it should finally be time to (justly) take off the gloves and strike back as hard as possible (I mean this sincerely).

The paradigm cannot continue like this indefinitely. Israel and the United States must understand that their actions have real-world, palpable consequences. Striking American forces and dwindling down their operational capacity throughout the region should be a go to strategy if the conflict gets out of hand. And with regards to Israel, I hope to god that Iran doesn't chicken out due to their nukes. Hit their critical facilities and hunker down for the long-hull. If Hezbollah wants to let the missiles fly en masse, then let them. Iran owes Israel A LOT of return fire for all the assassinations, sabotages, air-strikes and espionage they've carried out over the past decades. IMO Israel should be the main-target anyways.

I mean honestly, how much more humiliation can Iran possibly endure? There does come a time where future aspirations and playing the "long-game" just doesn't cut it anymore. You need to act in order to restore some semblance of deterrence.
I'm sorry.... just a little worked up.

In all honesty, if Israel and American do attack (quite likely) then Iran needs to make some hard decisions on where it stands on nukes. Hitting them back in tit-for-tat strikes doesn't really help since they can always replace what was lost easier than Iran can. Unless Iran is willing to strike back considerably harder.

We've been talking about this very scenario amongst ourselves for so many years. But for some reason this year just feels like the time where we possibly see a resolution to this entire fiasco.
Fully agree. This issue must be resolved once and for all. It is true that they will hit Iran very savagely ie destroying the core infrastructure of the nation but Iran is also very capable of doing the same thing to Israel with all the CM,BM's itself has and ofcourse Hezbollah. All the US bases in the Persian gulf states will be reduced to rubble and will be pushed far away from the Persian gulf etc
American presence in the entire region will be subject to annihilation and disappearance resulting in embarassment of US power and all that fairytale.

One thing is for sure, we will witness again a flare up of hostilities and the only thing that can prevent that from happening is if the Democrats win the elections. Republicans want a conflict with Iran no matter what.
Fully agree. This issue must be resolved once and for all. It is true that they will hit Iran very savagely ie destroying the core infrastructure of the nation but Iran is also very capable of doing the same thing to Israel with all the CM,BM's itself has and ofcourse Hezbollah. All the US bases in the Persian gulf states will be reduced to rubble and will be pushed far away from the Persian gulf etc
American presence in the entire region will be subject to annihilation and disappearance resulting in embarassment of US power and all that fairytale.

One thing is for sure, we will witness again a flare up of hostilities and the only thing that can prevent that from happening is if the Democrats win the elections. Republicans want a conflict with Iran no matter what.

The Democrats were only better than the Republicans because Obama was a president that was willing to at-least stand up somewhat against Israeli interests and do what needed to be done for peace (signing BARJAM).

The Democrats in the absence of Obama aren't as willing to be lenient with Iran given just how embedded neo-con elements have become across the American political spectrum and they have some weight to work with here. We also have to remind ourselves here just how much more power and control the Isreali's have established for themselves during Trump's presidency. Such newly found influence doesn't just up and go away with the switching of Presidents Dariush-joon.

But alas, yes I would also say that a Democratic President would be a better prospect for peace with Iran than a republican one.

At the very least Iran and the U.S. should establish some sort of working-relationship like the one they had when Obama was president. Such a mechanism would do wonders in easing mutual tensions but I don't think it will happen with all the built-up bad blood due to Trump's stupid decisions.

I still think that Soleimani's unjust murder will have decades long repercussions for America and how Iran views them in the region and any sort of bi-lateral relations. You don't just kill someone like that and hope to bury the hatchet so easily.
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The Democrats were only better than the Republicans because Obama was a president that was willing to at-least stand up somewhat against Israeli interests and do what needed to be done for peace (signing BARJAM).

The Democrats in the absence of Obama aren't as willing to be lenient with Iran given just how embedded neo-con elements have become across the American political spectrum and they have some weight to work with here. We also have to remind ourselves here just how much more power and control the Isreali's have established for themselves during Trump's presidency. Such newly found influence doesn't just up and go away with the switching of Presidents Dariush-joon.

But alas, yes I would also say that a Democratic President would be a better prospect for peace with Iran than a republican one.

True, the GOP is currently filled up with those anti-China/Iran far-right neo-nazi, whereas the Dem right now is also the hub of those warmongering neocons, and it is just as bad.

So basically two bloodthirsty wolves with different color, but with the very same agenda.
1983 Beirut barracks bombings

On October 23, 1983, two truck bombs struck buildings in Beirut, Lebanon, housing American and French service members of the Multinational Force in Lebanon, a military peacekeeping operation during the Lebanese Civil War. Wikipedia
Start date: October 23, 1983

DeathsTotal: 307
PerpetratorSuspected to be Hezbollah, along with some Iranian and Syrian involvement.
US ResponseNothing but crying for decades after it.
Very nice point to be learned here, A good american is a dead american.
True, the GOP is currently filled up with those anti-China/Iran far-right neo-nazi, whereas the Dem right now is also the hub of those warmongering neocons, and it is just as bad.

So basically two bloodthirsty wolves with different color, but with the very same agenda.

I'm always amazed at how easily people are duped into believing that both Republicans and Democrats are two wholly different entities when in reality, there is a lot of overlap between the two. Sure their domestic politics are different (to an extent) but up until Trumps presidency many of the Democratic/Republican foreign policy edicts were surprisingly similar. Even Trump has given into a lot of old neo-con/Israeli lead foreign policy ventures.

What's more concerning is that the groups and outside influences (Israel and Co.) who have incredible sway in the U.S. don't really care for party affiliation all that much. Dem or Repub, they will always get their piece of the pie. So there's that to keep in mind also.

I just don't know what to say anymore man... All I see is a "superpower" acting like a raging bull for centuries now and I'm sick&tired of it all. Having to wake up and see another American politician or alphabet soup representative (CIA, FBI, NSA, DOJ, ABDCEFG) spew pure BS about X,Y or Z is making me go insane. Really I think it's the hypocrisy and downright neglect for innocent life that gets to me but I can't really do much other than vent every once in a while lol.

I can only pray that Trump doesn't thrust this nation (meaning America) into a war that will kill A LOT of people for no good reason. The blame does lie squarely on Trump (and his handlers) for unnecessarily ratcheting up tensions with Iran.
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Dude you okay man?

An open exchange of fire is coming soon enough so there really isn't any need for childish antics here.

Your vaunted "pull up" will happen, all we have to do is wait now. Hope you aren't too shocked at all the destruction when the dust settles (this will hurt very badly for all those involved). America isn't walking away from this unscathed, it will suffer immensely.


Hey man long time no see hope you are in good health and spirits. I see you're venting a little bit and I fully understand where it is you're coming from. As far as Iran getting bombed, I think that is coming sooner rather than later. The United States and its master; Israel. Are putting all their ducks in order (Abraham Accords/ "Peace Deals") to set up a front against Iran. With the recent totally BS rumors about Iran being up to 'nefarious' assassinations plots in South Africa, reports of large stockpiles of Uranium and the Recent 'emergency' visit of Benny Gantz to Washington with specific regards to Iran. We should see something pop-off soon. I don't know about anyone else here but it would seem like air-traffic around the Persian Gulf concerning American large transport air-craft has increased dramatically (my interpretation)

I don't think the United States is willing to wait for Iran to acquire a better Air-Force before attacking. It's fast becoming a now or never scenario although I would argue that their ideal window for an attack has closed long ago given all the indigenous Iranian advancements and what-not.

Regardless, this was going to be the inevitable outcome. I don't see how two-nations with this level of enmity between each other would just up and make peace. Such an eventuality is the only logic course with respect to all the previous transgressions that has transpired between the two involved parties (three if we include Israel).

Anyways man, the rest of this month and next month leading into the New Year should be of utmost importance. Keep a weather eye on any reports and events that will be going down.

I'm not venting just writing shit on a phone, cant type too much.

Exchange of fire I don't see it coming, USA isn't in for another major war. They are already reducing troops in Iraq. 2003 was their last major war.

There's a lot of problems in this region, ranging from kurdish nationalists, Erdogan fanboys, uneducated Shiites in Iran as well that is and isis. If the US strikes Iran the Turkish Islamists will start dancing so that won't be good either.

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