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They celebrated the end of a decade/era of UN sanctions, sanctions which if imposed on Iran would have you without Internet today. Far heavier than the sanctions Iran experienced.

I feel that throughout the years here all the arguments end up to be of no use. It's not like you needed me to explain you this, some thinking could've enabled you to understand beyond what you just wrote. Those that celebrated Saddam's fall would throw a massive party seeing Iran's coons being thrown out of Baghdad.

Point is, Iran is exporting cancer. Soleimani was of no use, boomer poster boy bringing human-wave tactics. His attempts in Tikrit (fully led PMU operation) failed heavily, massive PMU casualties due to his failed tactics. The PMU's input came with a high cost, a major payment in human life. The same thing Iran did in the 80's, nothing genius about it.

I hope America and Iran clash directly.
Well i did not expect that from you. To wish war and destruction on others is disgusting.
They celebrated the end of a decade/era of UN sanctions, sanctions which if imposed on Iran would have you without Internet today. Far heavier than the sanctions Iran experienced.

I feel that throughout the years here all the arguments end up to be of no use. It's not like you needed me to explain you this, some thinking could've enabled you to understand beyond what you just wrote. Those that celebrated Saddam's fall would throw a massive party seeing Iran's coons being thrown out of Baghdad.

Point is, Iran is exporting cancer. Soleimani was of no use, boomer poster boy bringing human-wave tactics. His attempts in Tikrit (fully led PMU operation) failed heavily, massive PMU casualties due to his failed tactics. The PMU's input came with a high cost, a major payment in human life. The same thing Iran did in the 80's, nothing genius about it.

I hope America and Iran clash directly.
Here we go again. The tale of sanctions on Iraq and how painful they were. LOL

They were painful because your country was not powerful like Iran. Sanctions on Iran by far the most crippling sanctions imposed on any nation throughout history, even worse than sanctions imposed on North Korea. This is not something we say in Iran, this is something that the Americans repeatedly say, administration by administration, and other countries have confirmed it as well.

Just because your country was some banana republic that was crushed when the Westerners stopped supporting you, that doesn't mean that it applies to other countries as well. Do you know why they haven't cut off Iran from the internet? Because the internet is the only way that they can reach out to Iranian people to sow discord in Iran and hope for an orange-kind revolution in Iran. If you try to connect to websites and platforms owned by major American companies, you will see an error page that says they cannot provide their services to you because of OFAC sanctions. Iranians living abroad have serious issues opening bank accounts because of US sanctions in any country in Europe or North America. Iranians abroad can't send even medicine to their family in Iran. Nearly 98% of our exports have been sanctioned by the US. What else is there to sanction? lol

Our countries followed really different patterns when the Westerners turned against us. Your country collapsed, while my country progressed by working harder. Iran is ranked 15th in the number of scientific articles we publish in the world. What about Iraq during Saddam's era? We are in TOP 10 in many major science and technology fields. And unlike what people like to think, our average GDP growth in the last 41 years has been over 2.5%, including all years of sanctions and war with Iraq. We have experienced annual GDP growths over 15% several times since 1979.

Yeah, because those who celebrated Saddam's fall think that cooperation with Western countries can make Iraq prosperous. They do not think that Iraq can progress as an independent nation.

Sorry, but your country is so incompetent that the ISIS was literally capturing and holding your major cities before international intervention. And as far as it seems, the ISIS is gaining momentum in Iraq again. And your army is too weak to defeat them on their own, no matter what tactics they employ.

If you think that Iran and the United States have never had clashes with each other, read about US-Iran clashes in the ending years of the Iraq-Iran war, particularly the Oil Tankers War.
There should be an understanding of the simple fact that were it not for the likes of Soleimani that Iraq would (at minimum) exist in 3 separate entities today. Many of these artificial Arab states are inherently unstable meaning they have no cohesion at their core and their tribalistic natures is constantly trying to rip their states apart. Only force can keep them together. Today that force exists in the form of the various Iranian backed groups. This is a reality that many people are either unaware of or pretend to be.
Here we go again. The tale of sanctions on Iraq and how painful they were. LOL

They were painful because your country was not powerful like Iran. Sanctions on Iran by far the most crippling sanctions imposed on any nation throughout history, even worse than sanctions imposed on North Korea. This is not something we say in Iran, this is something that the Americans repeatedly say, administration by administration, and other countries have confirmed it as well.

Just because your country was some banana republic that was crushed when the Westerners stopped supporting you, that doesn't mean that it applies to other countries as well. Do you know why they haven't cut off Iran from the internet? Because the internet is the only way that they can reach out to Iranian people to sow discord in Iran and hope for an orange-kind revolution in Iran. If you try to connect to websites and platforms owned by major American companies, you will see an error page that says they cannot provide their services to you because of OFAC sanctions. Iranians living abroad have serious issues opening bank accounts because of US sanctions in any country in Europe or North America. Iranians abroad can't send even medicine to their family in Iran. Nearly 98% of our exports have been sanctioned by the US. What else is there to sanction? lol

Our countries followed really different patterns when the Westerners turned against us. Your country collapsed, while my country progressed by working harder. Iran is ranked 15th in the number of scientific articles we publish in the world. What about Iraq during Saddam's era? We are in TOP 10 in many major science and technology fields. And unlike what people like to think, our average GDP growth in the last 41 years has been over 2.5%, including all years of sanctions and war with Iraq. We have experienced annual GDP growths over 15% several times since 1979.

Yeah, because those who celebrated Saddam's fall think that cooperation with Western countries can make Iraq prosperous. They do not think that Iraq can progress as an independent nation.

Sorry, but your country is so incompetent that the ISIS was literally capturing and holding your major cities before international intervention. And as far as it seems, the ISIS is gaining momentum in Iraq again. And your army is too weak to defeat them on their own, no matter what tactics they employ.

If you think that Iran and the United States have never had clashes with each other, read about US-Iran clashes in the ending years of the Iraq-Iran war, particularly the Oil Tankers War.

Get educated

Iran's sanctions aren't heavy. Iran's airspace has no nofly zones. Iran has foreign airliners coming in and trade is open

Iraq had no fly zones. A complete blockade. Because Iran is powerful lol, they could trash you completely if they set their eyes on you.
Get educated

Iran's sanctions aren't heavy. Iran's airspace has no nofly zones. Iran has foreign airliners coming in and trade is open

Iraq had no fly zones. A complete blockade. Because Iran is powerful lol, they could trash you completely if they set their eyes on you.
Who wants to impose a no-fly zone over Iran without getting into a war with Iran? The very fact that they dared to impose a no-fly zone over your country is because your country was weak.

We are the only country in the history of the UNSC that lifted 4 rounds of UNSC on itself without implementing them or officially recognizing their validity even for a single day. Ahmadinejad literally called UNSC resolutions as worthless papers. If they could impose a no-fly zone over Iran, they would've done it after imposing 4 rounds of heavy UNSC sanctions on us in 2009 during Ahmadinejad's presidency.

And in case you don't know, our foreign trade with Europe and North America is almost non-existent since 2009, recovering for a short period of time from 2015 to 2018 only.

95% of foreign airlines stopped traveling in and out of Iran in February after the incident for the Ukrainian passenger plane and covid-19. And still many countries are not flying to Iran after that. And yet we're nowhere close to where Iraq was in late 90s.
Who wants to impose a no-fly zone over Iran without getting into a war with Iran? The very fact that they dared to impose a no-fly zone over your country is because your country was weak.

We are the only country in the history of the UNSC that lifted 4 rounds of UNSC on itself without implementing them or officially recognizing their validity even for a single day. Ahmadinejad literally called UNSC resolutions as worthless papers. If they could impose a no-fly zone over Iran, they would've done it after imposing 4 rounds of heavy UNSC sanctions on us in 2009 during Ahmadinejad's presidency.

And in case you don't know, our foreign trade with Europe and North America is almost non-existent since 2009, recovering for a short period of time from 2015 to 2018 only.

95% of foreign airlines stopped traveling in and out of Iran in February after the incident for the Ukrainian passenger plane and covid-19. And still many countries are not flying to Iran after that. And yet we're nowhere close to where Iraq was in late 90s.

Iran hasn't been through much, Iran Iraq war is something you still cry about.

As for mighty Iran, yes they fear your air force. If your ballistic missiles strike any sensitive targets or cause large damage then guess what their response will do to you.
Iran hasn't been through much, Iran Iraq war is something you still cry about.

As for mighty Iran, yes they fear your air force. If your ballistic missiles strike any sensitive targets or cause large damage then guess what their response will do to you.
Habibi.. just admit that the level of nationalism in Iran is much higher than Iraq and that only prevents the country from becoming a second Iraq despite internal politics.
You can't expect Iran, the inheritor of various Persian empires to get into a state like Iraq. There is no excuse, you have oil, we have oil.
You are Arabs, you should unite with Saudis,Kuwait,Bahrain etc.
Iran hasn't been through much, Iran Iraq war is something you still cry about.

As for mighty Iran, yes they fear your air force. If your ballistic missiles strike any sensitive targets or cause large damage then guess what their response will do to you.
If you think we still cry about the Iraq-Iran war, you're delusional. We just laugh at the turn of events that made you into our proxy state.

Well, no matter what, Iraq will be one of the countries on the receiving end of our ballistic and cruise missiles in case of a large scale US-Iran clash. So, you're involved in it and will get heavily damaged by its consequences, like it or not.

By the way, I just remembered something. See that thread about Iran overhauling a Boeing 747? Our airlines have been under US sanctions since 1980, meaning that no company in the world where the US directly or indirectly holds a share of at least 5% (literally all companies that produce passenger planes) can sell passenger planes to Iran. As for used passenger planes, the US allows the sale of passenger planes that are older than 25 years old to Iran only.

If a similar sanction had been imposed on you, even for a year, your whole aviation industry would've collapsed and your entire in and out traffic would've disappeared. There would've been no need for a no-fly zone then. The very fact that our engineers have kept our passenger planes (and military jet fighters) flying without any foreign assistance or cooperation from their original companies is nothing short of an engineering miracle. Something that Saddam's Iraq and even today's Iraq was not and is not capable of.
If you think we still cry about the Iraq-Iran war, you're delusional. We just laugh at the turn of events that made you into our proxy state.

Well, no matter what, Iraq will be one of the countries on the receiving end of our ballistic and cruise missiles in case of a large scale US-Iran clash. So, you're involved in it and will get heavily damaged by its consequences, like it or not.

By the way, I just remembered something. See that thread about Iran overhauling a Boeing 747? Our airlines have been under US sanctions since 1980, meaning that no company in the world where the US directly or indirectly holds a share of at least 5% (literally all companies that produce passenger planes) can sell passenger planes to Iran. As for used passenger planes, the US allows the sale of passenger planes that are older than 25 years old to Iran only.

If a similar sanction had been imposed on you, even for a year, your whole aviation industry would've collapsed and your entire in and out traffic would've disappeared. There would've been no need for a no-fly zone then. The very fact that our engineers have kept our passenger planes (and military jet fighters) flying without any foreign assistance or cooperation from their original companies is nothing short of an engineering miracle. Something that Saddam's Iraq and even today's Iraq was not and is not capable of.

I'm telling you you better pray it remains this way. If you get into actual clashing with these enemies of yours you'll be doomed.
I'm telling you you better pray it remains this way. If you get into actual clashing with these enemies of yours you'll be doomed.
It goes without saying that even as an irreligious person, I do pray that my country remains safe and never goes into war with any country, most of all the United States. And I pray the same for the Middle East as a region because regional security impacts all nations living in the region, including your country and mine. But your whole idea that they're being kind to us or they have not "set their eyes" on us is completely wrong and pathetic to be honest and I expected more mature comments from you.
Iran hasn't been through much, Iran Iraq war is something you still cry about.

As for mighty Iran, yes they fear your air force. If your ballistic missiles strike any sensitive targets or cause large damage then guess what their response will do to you.

You are wearing this 'Iraq has been through much more than you Iran' badge with honour.

Every regional and international power has played your country for more than a decade. Perhaps Iraqis should start to realize how abysmal their record as a people and nation is. There is something rotten in Iraqi culture and national identity that prevents it from ever establishing a functional society. You are part of a people whose so-called identity is forged; it non-existent from a historical perspective; and its territory only remains intact because international- and regional powers want it that way.

Any people that fails to respect itself, will fail to acquire the respect of others. Iraq proves this every day.
You are wearing this 'Iraq has been through much more than you Iran' badge with honour.

Every regional and international power has played your country for more than a decade. Perhaps Iraqis should start to realize how abysmal their record as a people and nation is. There is something rotten in Iraqi culture and national identity that prevents it from ever establishing a functional society. You are part of a people whose so-called identity is forged; it non-existent from a historical perspective; and its territory only remains intact because international- and regional powers want it that way.

Any people that fails to respect itself, will fail to acquire the respect from others. Iraq proves this every day.

Iraqi identity is fine, the issue is Iran and the creation of a vacuum of power in Iraq. Caused the animal khamenei to go wild.

Iraq isn't part of any neighbor, it has its own identity. You're the soleimani cheerleader that hates Islam and cheerleads Iran from Europe.
Iraqi identity is fine, the issue is Iran and the creation of a vacuum of power in Iraq. Caused the animal khamenei to go wild.

Iraq isn't part of any neighbor, it has its own identity. You're the soleimani cheerleader that hates Islam and cheerleads Iran from Europe.

You are in denial. But I'll guess the attempt of Iraqis to artificially boost morale by blaming others for their own intrinsic weakness is understandable.

There is no such thing as Iraqi identity. You are part of a people whose today's borders when drawn by outside powers. Your identity is as much of a reality as a fata morgana. There is no honour in Iraqi culture; every argument that claims otherwise is false.

Remember, Iraq called this mayhem upon itself when it invaded other countries; used chemical weapons in the process and allowed thousands of foreign troops to station on their soil. Iran has legitimate national security reasons to exercise strong control over its dishonourable and weak neighbour.
Iran better chill before Trump blast they a$$
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