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Iran unveils two new indigenous defense achievements


Feb 15, 2008
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran has unveiled two new domestically designed and produced pieces of military equipment during a ceremony attended by senior military officials.

A smart tactical command and control system dubbed Basir (Insightful) and a radar system called Matla-ul-Fajr (Breaking Dawn) were the two pieces of military hardware that were unveiled during the ceremony in the capital, Tehran, on Sunday with Commander of Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmaeili in attendance.

Basir can collect information from passive and active radars, including military and non-military, observation posts, missile systems as well as adjacent control and command centers.

It can also present a comprehensive and detailed picture of the area under its command, and act independently with regard to the operation and control of ground-launched and air-launched air defense systems.

Among other features of Basir are high mobility plus capabilities to be deployed on rugged terrain, thwart cyber attacks, use exclusive microwave networks and state telecommunications systems, in addition to intercepting and destroying its targets.

Matla-ul-Fajr radar system can secure sustainable tactical communication and transfer voice and data between air defense units and control and command centers.

The system can also codify information, and accelerate the speed and precision of anti-aircraft systems concerning the transfer of radar data from the battleground to control and command centers and establish short-range, medium-range as well as long-range multi-layered communications.

In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and systems.

The Islamic Republic has repeatedly said its military might poses no threat to other countries, reiterating that its defense doctrine is based on deterrence.
PressTV - Iran unveils two new indigenous defense achievements

these unveilings are so freaking frequent , that we have lost our previous excitements towards unveiling ceremonies :D :D

imagine this was unveiled in a country like ksa (i know its impossible , but just imagine) they would talk for years abt it .....

they would celebrate it by national holiday or sth :lol:

anyway .... Iran is IRAN now .... we're back again ;)
they paraded a pair of 50-year old Chinese missiles and were excited and talked about "sending a message to Tehran" :cheesy:
it's better we compare ourselves with countries like Sweden and China than these failed puppet regimes by the Persian Gulf ... :coffee:
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"The Islamic Republic has repeatedly said its military might poses no threat to other countries,"

I 100% agree with Iran on this. @gambit what do you think?
"The Islamic Republic has repeatedly said its military might poses no threat to other countries,"

I 100% agree with Iran on this. @gambit what do you think?

Iran military doctrine is actually defensive, right now that's the only option available to us. Unless Iran could get its hands on hundreds of new fighter jets it'll have to stay that way. If treacherous Russians were friend of Iran they would sell their inferior fighter jets for a price, their hardware wouldn't stand a chance against their Western counterparts but that would be an improvement nontheless.
looks like PressTV crew don't understand Persian, the command and control system is dubbed "Fakur"(means: thoughtful).

the other system is dubbed "Rasul" (means: messenger) and it's a tactical communication system to provide a resistant and secure link between Matla ol fajr (مطلع الفجر) radar and other defense base and command and control centers. according to General Esmaili this system uses an electronic coding which makes it absolutely undetectable for enemy's surveillance systems.

Rasul communication system:


red text: fiber optic
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Congratulations to Irani brethren. In today's world, the only guarantee of safe guarding ones sovereignty and interests is through strong and impregnable defense. And that also achieved via self sufficiency.

Keep it up guys. Job well done.

P.S, Wish our countries could collaborate in fields of defense and start a joint venture which would be mutually beneficial for both and, go a long way in cementing a lasting relationship.
  1. What does matla-al-fajr mean? most of these names they use we Iranians don't understand... so I ask you since your arabic is good?
Well if my rusty Arabic from highschool help matla-al-fajr means the placeor time that fajr show itself and fajr means سپیده دم .
And muta-al fajr that Abu nasr mentioned seems to mean something like ازدواج موقت در سپیده دم
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