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Iran unveiled it's new generation of centrifuges

Bushehr is also dismissed since Russians have mentioned in their contract that the used fuel should be returned to Russia. T
you Mean Bushehr-1
under JCPOA Russia agreed to to assist Iran with Fuel making plant which they have violated it so far,

only for Bushehr-1 we have contact for 15 years
for Bushehr-2 and 3 we dont have too
Russia violating JCPOA commitments
Bushehr-2/3 Fuel
watch from 15:52,
video 2016 one year JCPOA
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Heres a pic to help puts its size in scale,it looks like it might be roughly around the 15ft/5m length

It looks like there are 3 variants of the IR9,very impressive work by iran....


Heres a pic of rouhani with the IR6 and IR6s [short?] variant,plus an unknown "s" variant
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what about Russian, American centrifuge typical capacity?
what about Russian, American centrifuge typical capacity?
As for the US, AC100 has an enrichment capacity of 330 SWU/year. TC-21, a relatively modern centrifuge used at URENCO (Europe) has an enrichment capacity of 100 SWU/year. I believe these numbers are U Kg/year. If so, they're almost 1.6 times more efficient than when reported in UF6 Kg/year.
IR-9 can do the work of 50 IR-1.

Thus 10,000 IR-9’s would be equivalent to 500,000 IR-1’s in terms of work load.

For Iran to have a true civilian enrichment program it would need 500K SWU minimum.

Thus logically Iran needs IR-9 for future use.

If you Negotiate away IR-9 = you have a token enrichment program. Kind of like a kid given a toy powered car to keep him happy when he wants a real car
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