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Iran unveiled it's new generation of centrifuges

wrong .

THE Arak produce Pu
under JCPOA ware not allowed to process for Pu 10 year and never in Arak, But we can everywhere else in Iran
Where exactly? They won't allow us to build an other plant under JCPOA.

They promised to internationally assisst us in developing a heavy water plant. Did they do that? Do they even want to do that? Nope, they would never ever do it and they will not allow us to build a reactor on our own with the same old excuse of nuclear weapons.
Where exactly? They won't allow us to build an other plant under JCPOA.
anywhere in Khondab, where is not importent
No under JCPOA we allowed to build heavy-water reactor
under JCPOA we not allowed to Pu processing Plant for 10 years which 9 years has passed
i hope someday we make something like this!

Under the JCPOA garbage which is thankfully getting gradually disappeared for US breaching of the deal, Iran is not allowed to produce Pu-239 for thousands of years to come. Pu-239 is the future source of energy and the so called nuclear waste is the same clean fuel of the future. What they call high level waste and Pu-239 makes a submarine or an aircraft carrier capable of doing limit less journies around the world. The nuclear weapons produced from Pure Uranium is much more powerful than Pu-239 used for nuclear warheads. USA uses this Label for bullying other nations that are trying to escape this monopoly.

If Pakistan is able to keep its enriched Pu-239 then kudos to you and to your nation, you are making the your future for your geberations to come and when the world runs out of oil, the countries that possess Pu-239 and the so called high level waste, they will rule the world.

And the faggots like Zarif and Rouhani will be held accountable for their treason.

It was the reason of my curiosity.

What you are probably referring to as garbage is 'spent fuel,' which is used fuel that can no longer sustain sufficient chain reaction for energy production. However, as a byproduct it produces Pu-239 that can be used for nuclear bombs. I have not gone through JCPOA so I do not know if it refers to the actual nuclear waste that is of no use or the spent fuel but my understanding is that it refers to the spent fuel disposal.

Submariens & aircraft carriers run on PWR with uranium as its fuel. Plutonium is generally not efficient in power generation.

Plutonium (Pu-239) is much more efficient for nuclear weapons and allows warhead miniaturisation. Compared to uranium less plutonium is required to create same or more explosive yield. Moreover, Plutonium core as used as primary device for creating megaton yield. Thus, most modern nuclear weapons - whether of kiloton yields or megaton yields - are plutonium based.

It is a fallacy that with nuclear weapons and nuclear propulsions one can rule the world or even provide itself a foolproof security. Just ask the erstwhile Soviet Union. If a country is rotting from the inside then no amount of military power would be able to save it. The external adversaries merely have to sit back watch things unravel.
What you are probably referring to as garbage is 'spent fuel,'
Nope i pointed to JCPOA by the word of garbage.

What you are probably referring to as garbage is 'spent fuel,' which is used fuel that can no longer sustain sufficient chain reaction for energy production. However, as a byproduct it produces Pu-239 that can be used for nuclear bombs. I have not gone through JCPOA so I do not know if it refers to the actual nuclear waste that is of no use or the spent fuel but my understanding is that it refers to the spent fuel disposal.
This JCPOA is full of fraudster written by bunch of frauds. They have referred to plutonium as the nuclear waste in JCPOA. Not exactly what we call used fuel.

Plutonium unlike what is fed to our public is not only used in nuclear warheads. The way Americans want us to believe, and the future is with Pu-238 Btw.

You are right in case Pu-239 is mostly useful for making bombs. But its not the only use of it.

Btw, this elements that is usually produced in nuclear power plants by the absorption of neutrons by uranium-238 has 15 isotopes, the most important of which are Pu238, Pu239, Pu240 and Pu241. As I said, Pu-239 is suitable for making nuclear warheads but it has other uses also.
Most of the produced plutonium after the Uranium receiving neutrons is the same 239 isotope, something that zarif and co hid from our public is that its not the only isotope of plutonium produced.

In radiiisotope Heat generatots you can use the 238 isotope to produce electricity due to fission it produce a lot of Heat.

In a nuclear power plant Uranium through receiving more Neutrons, produces higher isotopes of our friend plutonium. These are in no way military class isotopes but power class ones which are absolutely useful for power generating purposes. The military grade 239 is being produced by special kinds of plants and the power grade ones are produced by other ones of power plants. The plant that we had, never produced military grade 239 plutonium on the contrary it produced the power grade isotopes.

Let me say it again the 239 isotope despite being high grade, is not only used in military purposes but also in other fields it can produce under special conditions.

Currently NASA is using 238 for generating power in its Space stations since year 2012 if im not wrong.

Plutonium is a vital element for Space missions and its power generating capability makes it a high value asset. It is used in Battery making industry, robotics, UAVs etc.

But Lets look at its future uses, this element will replace Uranium which rarely found in the World. It is also capable of being reprocessed from the so called high level waste.

Under JCPOA, Iran is sanctioned from reprocessing Pu element forever. That's what I mentioned earlier.
anywhere in Khondab, where is not importent
No under JCPOA we allowed to build heavy-water reactor

We can reprocess it through other procedures but Western bastards have foreseen it in the deal too. They have mentioned plenty of cases which doesn't even allow us to use accelarators for reprocessing Pu. Bushehr is also dismissed since Russians have mentioned in their contract that the used fuel should be returned to Russia. The only option was Arak power plant and JCPOA has dismissed it too. What an irony
not maybe , for sure definitely
We can reprocess it through other procedures y
in JCPOA never said such thing, "through othersE there is no such word
Please go and read text
Western bastards have foreseen it in the deal too. They have mentioned plenty of cases which doesn't even allow us to use accelarators for reprocessing Pu.
here is text show me such sentance
not maybe , for sure definitely

in JCPOA never said such thing, "through othersE there is no such word
Please go and read text

here is text show me such sentance

Article 20, page 25:
For 15 years Iran will not, and does not intend to thereafter, develop, acquire or build facilities capable of separation of plutonium, uranium or neptunium from spent fuel or from fertile targets, other than for production of radio-isotopes for medical and peaceful industrial purposes.

Article 24, page 26:
For 15 years, Iran will not engage in producing or acquiring plutonium or uranium metals or their alloys, or conducting R&D on plutonium or uranium (or their alloys) metallurgy, or casting, forming, or machining plutonium or uranium metal

Article 25, page 26:
Iran will not produce, seek, or acquire separated plutonium, highly enriched uranium (defined as 20% or greater uranium-235), or uranium-233, or neptunium-237 (except for use as laboratory standards or in instruments using neptunium-237) for 15 years.

So, yeah. We can't reprocess plutonium until 2030.
not maybe , for sure definitely

in JCPOA never said such thing, "through othersE there is no such word
Please go and read text

here is text show me such sentance
۲۵. به مدت ۱۵ سال ایران تولید، جستجو یا دستیابی به پلوتونیوم جدا شده، اورانیم با غنای بالا (غنای بیشتر از ۲۰% اورانیوم ۲۳۵) ، یا اورانیوم ۲۳۳، یا نپتونیوم ۲۳۷ (بجز مواردی که به عنوان استانداردهای آزمایشگاهی و یا در دستگاههایی که در آنها نپتونیوم ۲۳۷ بکار برده شده است) را نخواهد داشت.

This is
. Bushehr is also dismissed since Russians have mentioned in their contract that the used fuel should be returned to Russia.
you Mean Bushehr-1
under JCPOA Russia agreed to to assist Iran with Fuel making plant which they have violated it so far,

same for Arak the Chinese agreed to set up plant for fuel making which China has violated JCPOA

and in this round of negustion in Vienna two finger was shown to Chinese delegation

watch from 9:45
China violating JCPOA commitments for Production Arak Reactor Fuel cooperation 9:45

and here is two finger too chinese

only for Bushehr-1 we have contact for 20 years
for Bushehr-2 and 3 we dont have too

Article 20, page 25:
For 15 years Iran will not, and does not intend to thereafter, develop, acquire or build facilities capable of separation of plutonium, uranium or neptunium from spent fuel or from fertile targets, other than for production of radio-isotopes for medical and peaceful industrial purposes.

Article 24, page 26:
For 15 years, Iran will not engage in producing or acquiring plutonium or uranium metals or their alloys, or conducting R&D on plutonium or uranium (or their alloys) metallurgy, or casting, forming, or machining plutonium or uranium metal

Article 25, page 26:
Iran will not produce, seek, or acquire separated plutonium, highly enriched uranium (defined as 20% or greater uranium-235), or uranium-233, or neptunium-237 (except for use as laboratory standards or in instruments using neptunium-237) for 15 years.

So, yeah. We can't reprocess plutonium until 2030.
6 years left only out of 15 years
which will be in second presidential election
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you Mean Bushehr-1
under JCPOA Russia agreed to to assist Iran with Fuel making plant which they have violated it so far,

same for Arak the Chinese agreed to set up plant for fuel making which China has violated JCPOA

and in this round of negustion in Vienna two finger was shown to Chinese delegation

watch from 9:45

and this two finger too chinese

only for Bushehr-1 we have contact for 20 years
for Bushehr-2 and 3 we dont have too

At least Russians agreed to build a functioning plant in Bushehr. Credit where its due.

We shouldn't have signed JCPOA, that's the point of comments.

Btw, Bushehr 2,3 were also being built by the Russian Rusatom if im not mistaken.

We need Arak plant fully returned to the chain, you cannot expect Russians to change their mind in Bushehr. What we learn from Russians is Mastering the plant Building technology in Bushehr, it helps us to just know how.

JCPOA is the biggest obstacle which is getting dis appeared thanks to Trump policies which Biden continues to this day. Only in that case, we have Arak functioning again.
i can show you when it comes to جستجو we are violating deal as we speak
I know. Fk that deal man 😁
Btw, Bushehr 2,3 were also being built by the Russian Rusatom if im not mistaken

only 40% on Bushehr 2 is built by Russia which is mentioned in contract, that is why it built so fast and it's will be finished by 2022 or beginning of 2023
Bushehr-3 35% going to be built by Russia 2025
We shouldn't have signed JCPOA, that's the point of comments.
we never did and never going to do it, Never

SECY Kerry Confirms Iran Has Not Signed The Nuclear Deal JCPOA

At The Washington Post July 26, 2017 U.S Senate Foreign Relations Committee Senator Bob Corker said : "the JCPOA never been signed. the deal is political understanding"

Iran Minister of Foreign Mohammad Javad Zarif on U.S Charlie Rose program: on the day we reached nuclear deal (JCPOA) but nothing was signed (7:30)

same thing with additional protocol, we can walk way anytime we feel like it,
we have no commitments legally
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