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Iran unveiled it's new generation of centrifuges

Pakistan has also made em more powerful eg bigger and more advance
as far as I understand most advanced Pakistan has Power 15-SWU ( something like Iran IR-4) with Two rotor which Kahuta centrifuge plan is under construction
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IRAN got the early version and Pakistan has also made em more powerful eg bigger and more advance and Iran did not copy Pakistani centrifuges πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ Pakistan provided Iran with the centrifuges through TOT hence Iran knew everything about em and then both countries advanced those respectively..

So this IR-9 is a modern version of IR1 or is it like a new design ? πŸ€”

If we go by what the AQ Khan has said then all he did was provide blue prints on centrifuge design and details on where to fish the material from in Europe, which would mean that Iran had to do a lot of problem solving on its own. If we go by the Americans then AQ Khan provided some centrifuge samples. These were P1 and P2 centrifuges. Possibly not very efficient compared to the later variants that Pakistan developed. Nevertheless, P1 and P2 got the job done in the 1980s. Last I checked Pakistan was operating locally designed P3 and P4 centrifuges and that was long time ago. Perhaps more advance centrifuges have been developed since then. Although, as far as nuclear weapons programme is concerned Pakistan is more focused on plutonium production.
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as far as I understand most advanced Pakistan hs Power 23-SWU ( something like Iran IR-4) which Kahuta centrifuge plan is under construction

KRL at Kahuta was constructed in 1976 and has been producing HEU since the mid-to-late 1980s.

Going by the American sources, the IR-4 is based on Pakistani P-2 centrifuge. Pakistan, however, now operates P-3, P-4 and quite possibly even more latest variants, i.e. P-5 and P-6. I am, however, unsure of the separation work units (SWU) of the P-3 and P-4, and of the possible later centrifuges.
KRL at Kahuta was constructed in 1976 and has been producing HEU since the mid-to-late 1980s..
what i meant expansion the halls 2019-2020
I know it was constructed in 1980s
If we go by what the AQ Khan has said then all he did was provide blue prints on centrifuge design and details on where to fish the material from in Europe, which would mean that Iran had to do a lot of problem solving on its own. If we go by the Americans then AQ Khan provided some centrifuge samples. These were P1 and P2 centrifuges. Possibly not very efficient compared to the later variants that Pakistan developed. Nevertheless, P1 and P2 got the job done in the 1980s. Last I checked Pakistan was operating locally designed P3 and P4 centrifuges and that was long time ago. Perhaps more advance centrifuges have been developed since then. Although, as far as nuclear weapons programme is concerned Pakistan is more focused on plutonium production.
Sir, a question. What does your country do with its so called high level waste? Where do you send your produced plutonium?
Going by the American sources, the IR-4 is based on Pakistani P-2 centrifuge. Pakistan,

show me source please, I am sure you wont be able to come-up with it

IR-2 is same as P2, IR-2m is corrected version P-2
so stop making things up, you have no chance here
Sir, a question. What does your country do with its so called high level waste?
Pakistan mostly get processed uranium from China so.............
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Sir, a question. What does your country do with its so called high level waste? Where do you send your produced plutonium?

Pakistan has a very comprehensive Radioactive Waste Management Programme

which includes packaging and storing in trenches for short, medium and non-retreviable long term storage, deep under ground including shafts

storage facilities exist in both KANUPP and CHASNUPP

Pakistan is also now entering the decommissioning phrase overseen by the IAEA
What is the end goal? Shortening breakout time?
Making an economically feasible nuclear infrastructure.
Iran dont want to be a new north korea. What iran want is to be the first Iran . Iran want to show that there is a credible not bomb related path to a full nuclear program and all the treaties about the matter are based on wrong assumptions . that made iran program scary for some people. Iran want to show the world that exclusive club some people built for themselves is not that much justifying.
Sir, a question. What does your country do with its so called high level waste? Where do you send your produced plutonium?

What exactly do you mean by "produced plutonium"? If you mean the Pu-239 then it is utilised for nuclear weapons programme. If you strictly mean the waste - & only the complete waste - then it is disposed off at predispose waste management facilities. I think all the nuclear complexes are using deep trenches for waste storage. I am, however, unsure as to what they do with the waste once the radiation sufficiently depletes from it.
What exactly do you mean by "produced plutonium"? If you mean the Pu-239 then it is utilised for nuclear weapons programme. If you strictly mean the waste - & only the complete waste - then it is disposed off at predispose waste management facilities. I think all the nuclear complexes are using deep trenches for waste storage. I am, however, unsure as to what they do with the waste once the radiation sufficiently depletes from it.
Under the JCPOA garbage which is thankfully getting gradually disappeared for US breaching of the deal, Iran is not allowed to produce Pu-239 for thousands of years to come. Pu-239 is the future source of energy and the so called nuclear waste is the same clean fuel of the future. What they call high level waste and Pu-239 makes a submarine or an aircraft carrier capable of doing limit less journies around the world. The nuclear weapons produced from Pure Uranium is much more powerful than Pu-239 used for nuclear warheads. USA uses this Label for bullying other nations that are trying to escape this monopoly.

If Pakistan is able to keep its enriched Pu-239 then kudos to you and to your nation, you are making the your future for your geberations to come and when the world runs out of oil, the countries that possess Pu-239 and the so called high level waste, they will rule the world.

And the faggots like Zarif and Rouhani will be held accountable for their treason.

It was the reason of my curiosity.

A big one 😁
Under the JCPOA garbage which is thankfully getting gradually disappeared for US breaching of the deal, Iran is not allowed to produce Pu-239

wrong .

THE Arak produce Pu
under JCPOA ware not allowed to process for Pu 10 year and never in Arak, But we can everywhere else in Iran
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