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Iran to Unveil New Drones, Aircraft in Coming Months

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Will it be a fighter jet?? or any other?

If it is based on seaqeh then It will be like the seaghe just more advanced. having said that, there is this mock-up which has been going around for years and nothing has been heard from it. it could be this, but very unlikely:



The existing Saeqeh Fighters are not fully operational yet. In my opinion these are produced for experimental purposes. Even they don't have a proper camouflage and they use American Blue angels team color scheme!
They said that they will unveil a new generation of Saeqeh fighter with a new name that it means it would be the operational one with more advanced features, I guess!
The existing Saeqeh Fighters are not fully operational yet. In my opinion these are produced for experimental purposes. Even they don't have a proper camouflage and they use American Blue angels team color scheme!
They said that they will unveil a new generation of Saeqeh fighter with a new name that it means it would be the operational one with more advanced features, I guess!

IMO, they should scrap seaghe project.
khameni gave them an order to work on their own design and that's why they created gaher mockup. so now we need a twin engine mockup as well.
IMO, they should scrap seaghe project.
khameni gave them an order to work on their own design and that's why they created gaher mockup. so now we need a twin engine mockup as well.

Well, Qaher is still in prototype stage and we won't see it flying in next 10 years! at the other hand, Air Force commander stated that Saeqeh will become the main body of IRIAF.
They have already tested different variants of Saeqeh. How about creating something like this out of it?
Well, Qaher is still in prototype stage and we won't see it flying in next 10 years! at the other hand, Air Force commander stated that Saeqeh will become the main body of IRIAF.
They have already tested different variants of Saeqeh. How about creating something like this out of it?

next 2 years bro ...
next 2 years bro ...

first flight maybe! but it needs time to become fully operational just like Saeqeh.

Any way if they fix its Radar and avionics in order to fire radar guided missiles plus adding the ability of carrying AGMs and ECMs, Saeqeh will become a nice Multi-role fighter, Deadly in Dog Fights!:crazy_pilot:
first flight maybe! but it needs time to become fully operational just like Saeqeh.

Any way if they fix its Radar and avionics in order to fire radar guided missiles plus adding the ability of carrying AGMs and ECMs, Saeqeh will become a nice Multi-role fighter, Deadly in Dog Fights!:crazy_pilot:

sure ! :coffee:
you mean the fact that you guys still have no 24/7 electricity, professional health care, security, honor, you name it. do me a favor and screw yourself.

well feyen I am not the one on trial here neither is pakistan , what is on trial is Irans dubious claims
and sorry i dont do favours besides my dick is'nt long enough

Bat in the blue skies perhaps ....... in the next millenium

use mine ...

next millenium !?

ooo ! i beg you , use mine ...

Is it real? Or is it another one of those Iranian "inventions" like submarine airplanes or time machines or whatever...

submarine !!! what is wrong with that ???

Deputy Minister: No 'Time Machine' Invention Registered in Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's Deputy Minister of Science, Research and Technology Mohammad Mehdinejad Nouri dismissed the claims raised by an Iranian inventor who says he has registered an invention to predict between five and eight years into the future of any individual.

"Making scientific claims is free for all, but registration of these claims as inventions should undergo certain legal stages based on scientific proofs and evidence," Mehdinejad Nouri told FNA on Friday.

He also said that the statistics related to the production of science in Iran is presented by authentic and creditable international data bases, alluding that there is no room for allegations in Iranian science.

Mehdinejad Nouri rejected the claims raised by Ali Razeqi, an Iranian scientist who says he has registered 'the Aryayek Time Traveling Machine' with the state-run Center for Strategic Inventions.

"Such a claim has not been registered in Iran's State Organization for Registration of Deeds and Properties," he underlined.

Razeqi, 27, has reportedly claimed that he had been working on the project for the past 10 years.

He said the machine would use algorithms to predict the future of any individual, between five and eight years into their future.

"My invention easily fits into the size of a personal computer case and can predict details of the next five-eight years of the life of its users. It will not take you into the future, it will bring the future to you," he said.

Razeqi said the invention could help the government as well as the ordinary people in predicting the future to become ready for the events.

"The Americans are trying to make this invention by spending millions of dollars on it where I have already achieved it by a fraction of the cost," he said, and added, "The reason that we are not launching our prototype at this stage is that the Chinese will steal the idea and produce it in millions overnight."

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