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Iran to Purchase Sukhoi-30 Fighter Jets From Russia

I believe the game has gone beyond fighter jets. You need AWAC's, SAM's, drones, ECM, ground surveillance etc. China can certainly provide Iran with some of these, especially AWACS----------Correct me if i am wrong, but Russia doesn't export AWAC's. FC-31 is for sale to other countries, if Iran really is interested it should explore all these options.


You are not getting it.

It is not like as if Iran has excluded China. Just in this matter it was in Iran's benefit to got for Su-30 family.

Otherwise Iran just signed an agreement with China for 600 billion dollars of trade in a decade. That is mind boggling number. Not to mention Iran is also part of China's silk road project.

Iran has to safeguard its interests and both China and Russia will respect that. As should other countries.

There is nothing personal in realpolitik. Only national interests.
You are not getting it.

It is not like as if Iran has excluded China. Just in this matter it was in Iran's benefit to got for Su-30 family.

Otherwise Iran just signed an agreement with China for 600 billion dollars of trade in a decade. That is mind boggling number. Not to mention Iran is also part of China's silk road project.

Iran has to safeguard its interests and both China and Russia will respect that. As should other countries.

There is nothing personal in realpolitik. Only national interests.
Allow to me to simplify my stance: I am not advocating that Iran moves away from Russia, rather i am of the opinion that Iran shouldn't rely for its defense needs on Russia alone and logic & past experiences dictate that Iran should explore multiple venues, with China being one of the prominent options.
Allow to me to simplify my stance: I am not advocating that Iran moves away from Russia, rather i am of the opinion that Iran shouldn't rely for its defense needs on Russia alone and logic & past experiences dictate that Iran should explore multiple venues, with China being one of the prominent options.

Iran is not dependent on anyone. Iran today had an opportunity to get this, so it has gone for it.

It is not like if this opportunity had not presented itself, Iran would have died. Not at all.

And Iran already has defense cooperation with China and will continue to have them. A simple search on internet would give countless examples.
Iran is not dependent on anyone. Iran today had an opportunity to get this, so it has gone for it.

It is not like if this opportunity had not presented itself, Iran would have died. Not at all.

And Iran already has defense cooperation with China and will continue to have them. A simple search on internet would give countless examples.
Iran may have got it's indigenous defense industry but it hasn't been able to churn out a credible machine across modern trends for a long time. This opportunity will help Iran consolidate it's defense and boost it's R&D. I know for a fact that this military equipment will hardly see any action but at least it creates deterrence, which in today world is a necessity. A simple search also reveals that Iran has no AWACS, Anti-Submarine warfare, sanction prone air fleet or at least a modern one, high altitude sams, submarines, gunships, tanks, artillery.....................and the list goes on. Long story short, Iranian military needs to undergo major modernization and that shouldn't come at Russians cooperation only.
Iran may have got it's indigenous defense industry but it hasn't been able to churn out a credible machine across modern trends for a long time. This opportunity will help Iran consolidate it's defense and boost it's R&D. I know for a fact that this military equipment will hardly see any action but at least it creates deterrence, which in today world is a necessity. A simple search also reveals that Iran has no AWACS, Anti-Submarine warfare, sanction prone air fleet or at least a modern one, high altitude sams, submarines, gunships, tanks, artillery.....................and the list goes on.

Ok, dude! whatever you say. Happy now?
I wish we could get a fighter with AESA radars.SU-30SM has PESA.perhaps the ideal would be to buy two additional SU-35 squadrans.
You don't need just air superiority fighters, you require a whole lot of other equipment and relying on Russia alone wont be a wise move considering how they refused to supply S-300 to Iran, when Iran was in dire need. Chinese do have a lot to offer and to simply say that J-10 cannot counter f-15, is entirely preposterous and subjective. Why not think ahead of time and go for J-31 stealth? The point is, possibilities are many. You just gotta learn to not put all your eggs in one basket.

our options and budget are limits ...
We are going to buy Su 30 , then continue work on Qaher F313 .... our main problem is engine ...

You don't need just air superiority fighters, you require a whole lot of other equipment and relying on Russia alone wont be a wise move considering how they refused to supply S-300 to Iran, when Iran was in dire need. Chinese do have a lot to offer and to simply say that J-10 cannot counter f-15, is entirely preposterous and subjective. Why not think ahead of time and go for J-31 stealth? The point is, possibilities are many. You just gotta learn to not put all your eggs in one basket.

maybe because Chinese even refused to continue in our Anti Ships cruise missile programs !? we need production line and technology transformation , and I'm sure china won't accept to transfer J-31 technology to us .
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I hope the agreement is similar to Indian agreement with Russia for co-production of the planes and not like the Su-30 agreement Venezuela had done with Russia, wherein just a few planes are bought from originating country with no transfer of technology.

We put the full order to 272 jets (excluding the 2 lost ones in crash which were 18 years old and are to be replaced again).

At this point if IRIAF puts even 150 jets order for Su-30IR, you could get a superb deal.
We put the full order to 272 jets (excluding the 2 lost ones in crash which were 18 years old and are to be replaced again).

At this point if IRIAF puts even 150 jets order for Su-30IR, you could get a superb deal.

this will funny , even Pakistanis want to buy in Su-30 ... When we were under sanctions , both Pakistan and India helped us behind scene and sell some spare part to us , even India helped us to overhaul Mig23/27 ...
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Iran may have got it's indigenous defense industry but it hasn't been able to churn out a credible machine across modern trends for a long time. This opportunity will help Iran consolidate it's defense and boost it's R&D. I know for a fact that this military equipment will hardly see any action but at least it creates deterrence, which in today world is a necessity. A simple search also reveals that Iran has no AWACS, Anti-Submarine warfare, sanction prone air fleet or at least a modern one, high altitude sams, submarines, gunships, tanks, artillery.....................and the list goes on. Long story short, Iranian military needs to undergo major modernization and that shouldn't come at Russians cooperation only.
You are wrong my friend... It is not an easy and quick task to start an ingenious military program and expect it to get fruits soon. Specially in case of Iran that literally have no access to foreign help of any kinds...

Now after decades of hard work, Iranian weaponry industries are at the verge of introducing highly modern weaponry. With budget size of Iran it takes half a century to be able to build modern warfare like those of Submarines, Fighter jets, MBTs, Satellites, Ballistic and cruise missiles, EWs, long range radars, ects...

But to many's surprise, Iran only after 2 and and little decades today is capable to build not only modern warfare but also in some fields it produces "The best" or "One of the best"s.

Yes, at the same time Iran still lacks an operational form of some essential military hardware and this is why Iran is after signing contracts with Russians to import or assemble some of their mature products...

If you ask me I would say:

Ground Forces:

- MBTs: Iran does not need to import any foreign tanks... Just importing few subsystems would do the job. As Iran has both the infra and know-how to build a modern MBT and its latest will be operational soon. 2 decades of work on Zolfaghar Tank in different generations + local T-72 production lines will guarantee a good final product.
- Rifles, machine Guns, artillery, etc: Iran can export these stuff and does not need to import any.
- Radars: Iran is among the top radar producers in world. It has tens of different models, most of them highly advanced, from ranges of a few Kms to 3000 kms.
- Ballistic/Cruise Missiles: Iran has all it needs in this category. Has the power to export.
- Iran has very good EW products and more powerful ones are underway.

- Air force:

1- Multi-role heavy fighter jets: Iran is after Sukhui-30s for such role + Iran is already upgrading its own F-14s.
2- Close ground support jets: Iran is after building its own CGS fighters but needs to import new CGSs asap.
3- Training jets: Iran is building its own training jets and does not need to import any.
4- AWACS planes: Iran has plans to build a local AWACS but Russia could be a good source of new ones of available.
5- UAVs and UCAVs: Iran is in the position to export these and has mass-production lines for these. New highly advanced heavy UCAVs are underway.

- Navy:

- Underwater: Iran has invested heavily in building indigenous submarines (Ghadir-Class Midget Submarines, Nahang-class, Fateh-Class semi-heavy Submarines and finally Besat-class heavy submarines and more budget will solve Iran's need for more submarines.
- Surface: Iran is building its own frigates, missile boats, fast boats, and recently heavy multi-role warships.
- Missile forces: Iran is quite mature in this field but new super or hyper sonic Russian missiles will be much better.

In nut shell, what Iran needs today with its current budget and set of threats existing around her, is a heavily upgraded Airforce. This is the only thing that Iran should focus on... Iran is producing effective hardware in all other fields of weaponry.
I wish we could get a fighter with AESA radars.SU-30SM has PESA.perhaps the ideal would be to buy two additional SU-35 squadrans.

That is not really important in grand scheme of things. All these can later be upgraded. The important thing is to get the technology of this platform. A Su-30 production line would mean, Iran will become capable of putting things together by itself and since PAKFA also belongs to the same family, this would open up the future for Iran in military aviation. I hope Iran also goes for adopting Yak-130 technology and rounds off the deal with a production line for helicopters as well.

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