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Iran to fire 11,000 missiles at US, Israel if attacked

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its our interest that Israel will attack iran and i hope the will do it soon > the Shia have corrupted the true islam and come up with a new version as the christen did with their bible

I am Sunni and I hate what the Al Sauds have done to the Muslim world. They are Zionists. Zionism is incompatible with Islam. They are the corrupt and evil personified. Its not just Shias who hate you don't you understand we all hate Al Sauds for trying to split us and play games with our religion
yeah let them try to > cuz if they open up their mouth will send them to iran as we did before > 500 Shia families were deported to iran in about 8 months ago

trust me this time they will deport you zionist lover and zionists leaders to hell.
we will arm them to the teeth.
don't talk about mecca and media > we have been the servant of these holy places since the profit peace be upon him > all the tribes in saudi arabia are the blood generation of the companions of the profit who helped spreading islam all over the world > so don't even mention macca and madina > you wanna make omar and hajj your welcome otherwise zip it off.

There is no such thing in Islam as blood and creed. All Muslims are equal. And no where in Islam it is written that only "Saudis" should hold on to Mecca and Medina. It belongs to all Muslims. We should be free to come and go as we please and all Muslims should be able to contribute to expand and protect those two cities with their Halal money. It should be an Islamic area.
I am Sunni and I hate what the Al Sauds have done to the Muslim world. They are Zionists. Zionism is incompatible with Islam. They are the corrupt and evil personified. Its not just Shias who hate you don't you understand we all hate Al Sauds for trying to split us and play games with our religion

I only said lets arm the shias because the saudi shias are agains the saudi leader love for israel.
for example all my pakistani friends are sunni, but they hate the wahabis.

the saudis leaders are a disgrace to Islam. I am not even religious and I will say this.
do you know that 30 DF-3A you have bought from China wont help you much
Saddam fired at least 200 missile to a city with less than 200,000 population
and the people of the city didn't left the city . now you threaten all Iran with just
30 missile?

Those missiles are expired and dud. They are useless. They were even expired in 1990 when Saudis could not retaliate when Saddam was pounding Saudi regime with Scud missiles. They are now only scrap metal rusting in the desert.
do you know that 30 DF-3A you have bought from China wont help you much
Saddam fired at least 200 missile to a city with less than 200,000 population
and the people of the city didn't left the city . now you threaten all Iran with just
30 missile?

don't be stupid Saddam didn't have these kind of weapons otherwise iran won't be on the map these days and don't think that our government is media puppets to announce or publish such thing >that the arab wisdom not the persian stupidity. we work on silence. even our air force is the on the top 5 in the world.
I only said lets arm the shias because the saudi shias are agains the saudi leader love for israel.
for example all my pakistani friends are sunni, but they hate the wahabis.

the saudis leaders are a disgrace to Islam. I am not even religious and I will say this.

Saudis are a disgrace to all religions. They are a stain on humanity. This is their family expertise:

Gay Saudi Prince killed man servant in sexual fury - Mirror Online

Back to topic I hope Iranians save some missiles for Zionists in Saudi aka Al Saud family
don't be stupid Saddam didn't have these kind of weapons otherwise iran won't be on the map these days and don't think that our government is media puppets to announce or publish such thing >that the arab wisdom not the persian stupidity. we work on silence. even our air force is the on the top 5 in the world.

sadam had chemical weapons and used it against us, and we are still on the map. wow man how low is your IQ?
your airforce cant even lift without a white man helping or giving you permission.

Saudis are a disgrace to all religions. They are a stain on humanity. This is their family expertise:

Gay Saudi Prince killed man servant in sexual fury - Mirror Online

Back to topic I hope Iranians save some missiles for Zionists in Saudi aka Al Saud family

This was a disgrace.....we already know abdulla is gay, we seen him kissing bush,
don't be stupid Saddam didn't have these kind of weapons otherwise iran won't be on the map these days and don't think that our government is media puppets to announce or publish such thing >that the arab wisdom not the persian stupidity. we work on silence. even our air force is the on the top 5 in the world.

That is funny of you. Saddam used so much WMD on Iran that Iran is only second to Japan for WMD casualities. So you are a liar here. 66 countries were helping Saddam at the time. Iran's only allies were Libya, Syria and North Korea. So there you go. Saddam launched more missiles into Iran than you can ever imagine. Iran Iraq war is the only conflict in history in which both sides used ballistic missiles against each other. Saudi regime got its pants wet when Saddam just threatened to attack it and the Saudi regime went to Zionists and begged them for protection. So that was the power of Saddam that Iranians controlled single handedly. You remember 1990?
sadam had chemical weapons and used it against us, and we are still on the map. wow man how low is your IQ?
your airforce cant even lift without a white man helping or giving you permission.

It will definitely lift against you..No need to worry..Seeing current scenario they are hell better than any of your country.People who are giving lectures to KSA dont know that their government and Generals sleep with those Zionists.lol on you..
how come you hate zionist when u had arms deal with them

Another Zionist media lie. The story was promoted by Zionist media in US and Europe during Iran Iraq war when both US and Europe were allies with Saddam and the purpose of story was to lower Iranian morale during the war. It was a standard war propaganda.
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