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Iran to fire 11,000 missiles at US, Israel if attacked

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I drop this conversation, but when you are calm, do try to realize the reality of the situation. :)

Realising the reality and knowing the reality are different things.
You want people to realise what you think instead of knowing about the reality of things.
you have to be realistic in the first place to be able to realise the reality of a situation.
You could say the same to Americans who have been huffing and puffing for 33 years plus

There is difference announcing statement officially. And Americans already drained and draining what ever they want.
In a military conflict, fallout will be the least of the concerns for Israel. And nuclear fallouts will not reach Israel in any harmful quantity if all Arab cities are nuked.
depends on the wind
Let me tell you what will happen if Iran is REALLY attacked by US. Iran will immediately block the straight of hormuz and that means, price of oil will rise to $2000 within a few hours. This will cause a massive devaluation of US$ and together with it, all currencies worldwide. The whole worldwide economy will collapse immediately because without oil, there will be riots in US and elsewhere. And remember, in US, there is no gun control. :)

This is why the US establishment does not want to attack Iran, but Israel does and is pressurising US. Now what Israel wants that is another matter altogether.
This is -- in my opinion -- the dumbest post in this discussion. If what you say is true, then Iran would have close the Strait A LONG TIME AGO, regardless of what America might say or do. If you have this much power in your hands, why the hell would you want to wait until you are attacked or even threatened? Just do it.

Do you even think before you post?
Aegis BMD Stellar Charon (FTM-15) Flight Mission

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Eleven thousands? Is that the total Photochop troopers Iran will be able to field?
Hezbollah will also be involved likely.
hehehehehe 11 thousands are like these in the pic
i hope this war would happen soon , so we can flush the toilet on both of them

Well from this 11000 probably only 200-300 are missiles that can reach Israel and the rest
is reserved for the bases with distance less than 300-400km away from Iran preferably at
most 200km . and don't forget that short range missiles are Zelzal which is nothing more
than a big artillery rockets (and there are reports because of lack of precision a few years ago Iran Changed
their warhead with a cluster one) and essentially you can launch them from a ramp.
If they had any ICBMs it would have been a different story.

So, this is the reason indians don't want Pakistan and those who oppose the US to develop ICBMs!
Real Persians just need a friendly hand, they'll get rid of the Ayatollah themselves, we'll just weaken the Ayatollah regime for them.
They'll share Assad's fate, do not worry.

Now, who has appointed you to be the judge of the 'real Persians'?

Damn!!! Israel / Iran / US all are our friends.

Iran is your friend because Iran has oil, on the other hand, israel and the US are your friends because you believe in most of what they do, or more precisely, because india is more or less like israel and the US in nature.
This is -- in my opinion -- the dumbest post in this discussion. If what you say is true, then Iran would have close the Strait A LONG TIME AGO, regardless of what America might say or do. If you have this much power in your hands, why the hell would you want to wait until you are attacked or even threatened? Just do it.

Do you even think before you post?

Because Iranians are not war mongers like you are. They are peaceful people. Anyways American behavior is known around the world as very:

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Iran is your friend because Iran has oil, on the other hand, israel and the US are your friends because you believe in most of what they do, or more precisely, because india is more or less like israel and the US in nature.

So whats the problem here ?
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