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Iran to enrich uranium to up to 20% purity, UN nuclear watchdog says

Agreed. Sometimes it is better to shut the mouth and focus on becoming stronger and then carrying out your plans (China).

lol go suck off USA, that will help you.
Its time to retake our Emirati lands.
Add Bahrain and other artificial states to it. We currently have enough manpower in Emirates. Arab fuckholes will receive what they have been asking for, Long overdue.
Its time to retake our Emirati lands.
Add Bahrain and other artificial states to it. We currently have enough manpower in Emirates. Arab fuckholes will receive what they have been asking for, Long overdue.
Well Arab sheikhs are really useless. Last time Saudis barked we destroyed their oil industry, we will do it again if necessary but this time tiny UAE will not remain standing. Just one missile needs to land in mall of Dubai, whole economy will collapse.. not to mention the expats will run away with their investment. How stupid can you be to live in a glass tower and threaten a giant neighbour right infront of you.
Well Arab sheikhs are really useless.

Country statistics say the absolute opposite. Actually, the UAE out-shines Iran on every level, but whatever rocks your boat.

I am 110% confident that my brothers and sisters in Iran have only good will and peace to share with Emiratis and Arabs in general. Do not try and give the impression that you are all one and they all share your sentiments and lack of good upbringing and manners. I know it to not be true. Far from it.

Its the minority, sadly the ones in power, who share such sentiments and the sheep that blindly follow them.

But serious question to you personally, why are you not fond of the UAE and its leaders and people ? is it as simple as Im shitte and they are sunni ? or is it far more than that ? I am genuinely interested, you can list them in a numbered list if you want to. I want to understand what you see and understand, what you feel, how you think !
Country statistics say the absolute opposite. Actually, the UAE out-shines Iran on every level, but whatever rocks your boat.

I am 110% confident that my brothers and sisters in Iran have only good will and peace to share with Emiratis and Arabs in general. Do not try and give the impression that you are all one and they all share your sentiments and lack of good upbringing and manners. I know it to not be true. Far from it.

Its the minority, sadly the ones in power, who share such sentiments and the sheep that blindly follow them.

But serious question to you personally, why are you not fond of the UAE and its leaders and people ? is it as simple as Im shitte and they are sunni ? or is it far more than that ? I am genuinely interested, you can list them in a numbered list if you want to. I want to understand what you see and understand, what you feel, how you think !
It seems you consumed too much Western propaganda regarding Iran. Iranians are always united in protecting their motherland, this is rule number one. A few sellouts here and there make up just a very very tiny percentage of the Iranian population. Regarding the Arabs, we do not have any problems with Arabs, there are many Iranians living in Arab countries and vice versa. We have a problem with Arab leaders though, they gifted our region straight into the hands of the US. This is unacceptable. That's it.
You are a shitte? LOL

You do sound it.....

Most A rabs I have met are shitte..... maybe tha ts why Iranians are not fund of the Shitte A rabs??!!

You misunderstood, my fault , I should of done this instead " is it as simple as Im shitte and they are sunni ?"

I am Sunni
It seems you consumed too much Western propaganda regarding Iran. Iranians are always united in protecting their motherland, this is rule number one. A few sellouts here and there make up just a very very tiny percentage of the Iranian population. Regarding the Arabs, we do not have any problems with Arabs, there are many Iranians living in Arab countries and vice versa. We have a problem with Arab leaders though, they gifted our region straight into the hands of the US. This is unacceptable. That's it.

No i have not consumed too much propaganda from the west. I know Iranians, i have be-friended and lived among them in the UAE. Which is why it shocks me knowing some have such harsh views of the UAE and Emiratis (but you made it clear now you have a problem with the leadership, fair enough) BUT even that i do not understand !

You know Dariush, Emiratis are also a proud united people who love their land and would die for it. So i guess we share something in common

Now the part about handing the region to the Americans, do you honestly think the leadership or the people are happy about this ? Of course not. However, there is this country, called Iran, whos leadership sends threats left and right directed our way. Also, working hard in destabilizing the region via Yemen and other countries. Is it our fault if we take a harsh stance (and sadly) let the west in ?

Or is this a case of what came first , the egg or the chicken ? where Iran believes it was all great in the region until the west were let in , then they started their war against sunni Arabia ?

I am just thinking aloud here , sorry for the long post
time for the GCC to get some nukes

Pakistan , sell us some, you need the cash and we need the extra deterrent ;)
If you buy some nukes from Pakistan...Then you still have the problem of how to use it...Having observed how "Khaliji" Arabs use their super expensive military equipment in Yemen it would be an issue. Arabian peninsula population has been only one generation away from "Tent" life to "high rise" life. This does not mean you can safely operate these sophisticated hardware as we have seen from the evidence . You actually may accidentally detonate these on your own soil which is not good for the neighborhood. Your other option is to hire European or your new Jew friends to operate them..You already have suggested that Jews fly/operate your F35's when (if ) they arrive..

In short a tinny Island such as UAE with no history and no proven record should not play with the lions tail...you know that if you do anything against your giant neighbour, your little paradise will be occupied in few days by Iran and you all have to flee to to your other equally stupid neighbour of Saudi land. My recommendation..Stay away from geo-politics..enjoy your money, your hookers, your camels, and your new jew friends..they may be able to accelerate your journey to civilization.
If you buy some nukes from Pakistan...Then you still have the problem of how to use it...Having observed how "Khaliji" Arabs use their super expensive military equipment in Yemen it would be an issue. Arabian peninsula population has been only one generation away from "Tent" life to "high rise" life. This does not mean you can safely operate these sophisticated hardware as we have seen from the evidence . You actually may accidentally detonate these on your own soil which is not good for the neighborhood. Your other option is to hire European or your new Jew friends to operate them..You already have suggested that Jews fly/operate your F35's when (if ) they arrive..

In short a tinny Island such as UAE with no history and no proven record should not play with the lions tail...you know that if you do anything against your giant neighbour, your little paradise will be occupied in few days by Iran and you all have to flee to to your other equally stupid neighbour of Saudi land. My recommendation..Stay away from geo-politics..enjoy your money, your hookers, your camels, and your new jew friends..they may be able to accelerate your journey to civilization.

I like this

" Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it "
If Iranians had guts, they would enrich fully but they've proven to be cowards so far, preferring to be on a white man's leash.

Sad. Shameful.
I like this

" Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it "
Why would camels want to wrestle with pigs? You were forced to publicly befriend them recently.
Although you were serving them since decades ago, you were forced to come out of the closet and make it public to suck up to someone that is leaving the office in less than three weeks. lol
preferring to be on a white man's leash.
Talk about the retarded bloated pot calling the kettle black! LOL
There is so much I can go into that would quickly initiate a flame war, but suffice it to say that I was truly shocked when I found out a few months ago that the constitution of Pakistan is in English only! You also being affiliated with the rapist of planet Earth while saying such an asinine thing is remarkable beyond words and one can only conclude that your only intent is to troll and nothing more.
No i have not consumed too much propaganda from the west. I know Iranians, i have be-friended and lived among them in the UAE. Which is why it shocks me knowing some have such harsh views of the UAE and Emiratis (but you made it clear now you have a problem with the leadership, fair enough) BUT even that i do not understand !

You know Dariush, Emiratis are also a proud united people who love their land and would die for it. So i guess we share something in common

Now the part about handing the region to the Americans, do you honestly think the leadership or the people are happy about this ? Of course not. However, there is this country, called Iran, whos leadership sends threats left and right directed our way. Also, working hard in destabilizing the region via Yemen and other countries. Is it our fault if we take a harsh stance (and sadly) let the west in ?

Or is this a case of what came first , the egg or the chicken ? where Iran believes it was all great in the region until the west were let in , then they started their war against sunni Arabia ?

I am just thinking aloud here , sorry for the long post
Well, it is true though. The West is playing divide and conquer and local Arab leaders have allowed it. This is treason, everyone knows it.
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