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Iran to enrich uranium to up to 20% purity, UN nuclear watchdog says

Can any low yield nuclear weapons be constructed with 20% enrichment?
I saw this tech brief that our dear friend @Shapur Zol Aktaf posted in the middle east section...it is a good brief read.

What is enriched uranium?
Enriched uranium is produced by feeding uranium hexafluoride gas into centrifuges to separate out the most suitable isotope for nuclear fission, called U-235.
Low-enriched uranium, which typically has a 3-5% purity of U-235, can be used to produce fuel for commercial nuclear power plants.
Highly enriched uranium has a concentration of 20% or more and is used in research reactors.

Graphic showing how a uranium enrichment centrifuge works

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Under the nuclear deal, Iran was allowed to enrich uranium only up to a 3.67% purity; to stockpile no more than 300kg (660lbs) of the material; to operate no more than 5,060 of its oldest and least efficient centrifuges; and was required to cease enrichment at Fordo altogether.
But Iran has taken steps to "reduce" those commitments since Mr Trump reinstated US sanctions to compel it to negotiate a replacement of an agreement he said was "defective at its core".
The steps have included building up the stockpile of low-enriched uranium, producing 4.5%-enriched uranium, restarting advanced centrifuges, and resuming enrichment activities at Fordo.
Iran has stressed that they can be reversed if the US sanctions are lifted.
US President-elect Joe Biden, who will take office on 20 January, has said he will consider rejoining the nuclear deal so long as Iran returns to full compliance and commits to further negotiations.
But the latest move by Iran could hinder a bid by Mr Biden to re-enter the agreement.
Why is 20% purity significant?
Experts at the Arms Control Association said last month that 120kg of uranium enriched to 20% was about half the amount of uranium that, when enriched to weapons-grade (90% or more), was necessary for one bomb.
They also warned that the production of highly enriched uranium would pose a more serious near-term proliferation risk.
That is because going from uranium's natural state of 0.7% concentration of U-235 to 20% takes about 90% of the total effort required to get to weapons-grade.

Uranium enrichment process chart

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Before the nuclear deal, Iran had a sufficient amount of 20%-enriched uranium and number of centrifuges that its "break-out time" was estimated to be about two to three months.
The agreement slowed the "break-out time" to at least a year.
The resumption of enrichment at Fordo is troubling because the facility is built beneath a mountain and is relatively protected from a military strike.
Can any low yield nuclear weapons be constructed with 20% enrichment?
I highly doubt that. You can have a highly enriched core and a lower average of enrichment outside of it, but without a highly enriched core, I doubt it. Nevertheless, 20% enrichment significantly reduces Iran's breakout time.


This curves shows how easier enrichment becomes after 4.5% and 20%.
Can any low yield nuclear weapons be constructed with 20% enrichment?
If you want the atomic explosion with the fireball and mushroom cloud and all, then 90% otherwise it will be a "dirty" or radiological bomb, but not enough to go super critical.

Source is Guardian. Long story short, Iran has every right to build nuclear deterrence especially after US imposed law of jungle on international relations.
Iran is the biggest Nuclear Drama of this century. I mean, what kind of disaster you guys are waiting for?
Why you guys simply don't test your device with Max enriched, whatever...?
Iran is the biggest Nuclear Drama of this century. I mean, what kind of disaster you guys are waiting for?
Why you guys simply don't test your device with Max enriched, whatever...?
That is a discussion among Iranians nowadays. We can conclude it is a powerful bargaining chip against the West,US.
That is a discussion among Iranians nowadays. We can conclude it is a powerful bargaining chip against the West,US.
I will never marry an Irani woman. Guys you are drama. :lol:
I will say, just test your device. And we will see who does what afterwards. Just do it.
I can help by pressing button.... And I am also ready to take all the blame.... but just do it.
I will never marry an Irani woman. Guys you are drama. :lol:
I will say, just test your device. And we will see who does what afterwards. Just do it.
I can help by pressing button.... And I am also ready to take all the blame.... but just do it.
In your dreams buddy. If Iran get's too close to going nuclear, you can expect the most horrific bombardment in human history

It's easy say that from Canada.

Reality is, common Israeli people will suffer if their stupid government touches Iran, as Israeli politicians and Israeli military leaders hide in their bunkers as rats. Warmongers like u will see that by TV from the security of live far from there.

Common Israeli people dont know the real dangers of a war against Iran, they are absolutely brainwashed and deceived by their own massmedia and government. They only protest in the streets if Bibi get gifts that massmedia present as corruption and they think that is their biggest problem.

Democracy is useful for nothing when u have no enough good information to take decisions.
If you want the atomic explosion with the fireball and mushroom cloud and all, then 90% otherwise it will be a "dirty" or radiological bomb, but not enough to go super critical.
using , uranium for dirty bomb is useless , it decay slowly and produce little radiation , better use other radioactive materials like Iodine and cesium and other fast decaying materials
Enrichment of Uranium to 20% purity as I Read somewhere, requires connecting of centrifuges and the study behind it plus giant facilities needed for it, made it impossible for Iran to achieve the goal in a short period of time. What Dr Majid Shahriari did was Indeed a Miracle of own kind. No one in West believed when Iran announced enrichment of uranium to 20% purity. Fordow was Iran's brightest development/achievement and safest amongst its nuclear facilities. Rouhani the retard allowed Western spies into Fordow, while Western media portraying it as a conquest of a valuable Iranian asset. Hard to forget the moment Western spies entered the facility. Neverthless, the hardest part of uranium enrichment is 20% and after that and when the reuqirements are met, reaching 90%+ purity would be as easy as connecting more centrifuges to each. This is called deterrence what retarded Zarif and Rouhani deprived the nation from, made easy to sanction Iranians with a maniac in white house, made easier to terrorize our beloved IRGC general. And now that deterrence is being regained.
‘Iran to Expel IAEA Inspectors on Feb. 21 If US Sanctions Not Lifted’
IFP Editorial Staff
January 9, 2021
Iran Sees ‘Positive Outlook’ for Ties with IAEA after Latest Report
A senior Iranian parliamentarian says Tehran will expel inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from the country if sanctions on Iran are not lifted by February 21.
Ahmad Amirabadi Farahani, a member of the Parliament’s Presiding Board, said the expulsion is in line with the recent parliamentary act aimed at countering the US sanctions.
Iran Advances Research on Uranium Metal Production

Tehran told the UN nuclear watchdog Wednesday that it was advancing research on uranium metal production, in what would be a fresh breach of the limits in Iran's 2015 deal with world powers.

The latest move, which adds to pressure on US President-Elect Joe Biden just days before his inauguration, concerns Iran's plans to conduct research on uranium metal production at a facility in the city of Isfahan.

The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a statement that "Iran informed the Agency in a letter on 13 January that modification and installation of the relevant equipment for the mentioned R&D activities have been already started'".

Iran says the research is aimed at providing advanced fuel for a research reactor in Tehran.

"Natural uranium will be used to produce uranium metal in the first stage," the Iranian ambassador to the UN in Vienna Kazem Gharib Abadi said in a tweet.

The topic is sensitive because uranium metal can be used as a component in nuclear weapons and the 2015 deal contained a 15-year ban on "producing or acquiring plutonium or uranium metals or their alloys".

After 10 years Iran would have been allowed to initiate research on producing uranium metal-based fuel "in small agreed quantities" but only if the other parties to the deal had given approval.

In 2018 US President Donald Trump dramatically withdrew from the deal and went on to re-impose crippling economic sanctions on Iran.

The following year Tehran announced it would start breaking the deal's limits on its nuclear activity.

The breaches have included exceeding the stockpile limit on enriched uranium, enriching beyond the permitted purity level, and using more advanced centrifuges than permitted under the deal.

Tensions have increased since the assassination in late November of Iranian nuclear physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

In the aftermath of the attack, blamed on Israel, hardliners in Tehran pledged a response and Iran's parliament passed a controversial law calling for expanded nuclear activity and for an end to IAEA inspections.

The law also demanded Iran's Atomic Energy Organization "operate a facility of metal uranium production" within five months.

Iran says all of its breaches of the 2015 deal's limits are reversible, but insists that the US has to come back to the deal and lift sanctions first.

Biden has signalled he is willing to rejoin the pact but faces a tight window of opportunity between his own inauguration and presidential elections in Iran in June.
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