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Iran to build its first nuclear-powered submarine

Man I sincerely wish that you make before any other. I'm rooting for you guys, however, science is no ones mistress. It comes to the ones who court it continuously and persistently.

IRANIAN MADE Aframax Tanker









Man you're so cute. What I said was, when I was in good mood. You don't want to get on my bad side. :kiss3:

And for your info: Turkey is my second home. It educated me, gave me opportunities and freedom to do business as one of it's own. My mom is from here, so basically I've always been half Turkish.

Mind your language, I eat fools like you for breakfast!

Hyperion is Pakistani.

We are gonna have lotsa fun with you.

Gercekten, bunlar hep beyinsiz!
Mate, no disrespect was intended in my post. It's just general way that science progresses: Stepwise:

1. Nuclear fuel cycle (you've yet to master all of it)
2. Metallurgy of a HP vessel and then the manufacture of it, is a game that only a handful of nations have succeeded. Even Israel is lightyears from fielding such a thing.
3. Multi-shell suspension and hull design of a vessel that will contain this is beyond your scientific reach. Atleast for the time being.
4. Complex electronics and subsystems are not a joke.

Anyhow, let's say, by some miracle you made a huge hull and designed a reactor. Now what?

1. Weapons? (missing)
2. Guidance? (missing)
3. Counter warfare? (No idea what that is)
4. Communications? (no external assets to speak of)
5. Operational Experience? (Whaaaat?)

Whatever, if it makes you happy that a nuclear sub is on the cards. Let it be. Cheers!

Iran completely mastered the nuclear cycle in 2006. You need to update your info from 6 years ago to now I think.
A country that hasn't crossed the basic threshold of metallurgy / nuclear engineering / tooling / designing is going to make one of the most complex miniaturized nuclear reactors and then 'abra-kadabra' mate it with the most complex of engineering marvels, a submarine?

By reading your post it seems Iranians announced they'll complete nuclear sub next year :azn: Lets not get ahead of ourselves, Iran announced they are in preliminary planning stage to start such project. I see nothing wrong or improbable with that, nuclear subs are probably in 2020-25 timeframe.

Priority for now is the biggest commercial ships/tankers, to avoid refueling embargo. This project will go much faster, maybe doable in next ~5 years.

Also saying Iran "cant possibly do that" as some are quoted in that article reminds me of exactly the same thing West said last year when Iran announced they'll make 20% fuel rods themselves. "Not possible!" many said, but Iran did it, in one year.

A lot of people forget Iran has THE fastest growing science output in the World, and 50+% of it is directed to defensive projects. Therefore there is no doubt in my mind Iran can do it, the only question is when.
Iran's DM already said that all Iranian new submarines will use fuel cells and will use electrical engines.
Another thing to keep in mind is that, if the US could make its first nuclear submarine "the nautilus" in 4 or 5 years in the 50's-60's and was a big success, than Iran and Pakistan can certainly make some similar ones now; a similar one of 5-6000 tons with completely new technologies and extremely efficient at what it will be intended for, be it reconnaissance, defence, attack or as hunter killers.
It might also be a civilian asset for ocean exploration and related sciences.

Since the technology is available (Argentina and Brazil for instance have their own small nuclear reactors), And Iran witch has the will, the scientific capacity and the means can achieve this goal as many many other goals or objectives it has set for itself (its self reliance and independence).

Iran's announcement is another statement "that they are capable of producing the most-advanced and prestigious military technology and, as usual, there is little truth in what is being claimed", military expert Pieter Wezeman, of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute think tank, said.
Pieter Wezerman ???
It is legal under the NPT rules to enrich to 96% or a 100% for ships and submarines.
So, if a nation has the ability to do that for ships and submarines, it does not necessarily nor forcibly do it for an atomic bomb.
i cant understand this from iranians.

they dont have a rocket but willl sent a man i space by 2019.

they dont know how to build a nuclear reactor, but will build a nuclear sub.

can can explain me why is iran coming out with all this???
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Seriously, my eyes popped out for a moment there...

A country that hasn't crossed the basic threshold of metallurgy / nuclear engineering / tooling / designing is going to make one of the most complex miniaturized nuclear reactors and then 'abra-kadabra' mate it with the most complex of engineering marvels, a submarine?

People for goodness sake..... Try to understand that this is a dud like many other "starting" threads in the archives of PDF.

true said...

Son, Iran has both. Educate yourself before talking, dear.

i have no clue how they will master nuclear propulsion, it is not a phucking piece of cake. specially when they have limited resources. too much this and that is not good for iran.
true said...

i have no clue how they will master nuclear propulsion, it is not a phucking piece of cake. specially when they have limited resources. too much this and that is not good for iran.

All I have to say is - dont underestimate anyone. The world was shocked in 1998.
1. Weapons? (missing)" we can equip it with KILO sub , torpados (we are building all of them )
2. Guidance? (missing) : when we had built kilo sub radars guidance etc... so we can design one for it !
3. Counter warfare? (No idea what that is) ........... if we spend money on it , we surly can make one !(as other thing are built)
4. Communications? (no external assets to speak of) ........... kidding ? huh?
5. Operational Experience?! well , we have ghadir and kilo operating exprience , so .......

and yes , i will take time to build a nuclear sub ! even UK spend 10 years on each !

iran have simorgh (safir 2 b ) SLV for sending things to space and in next 5 years we will complete 2 other reactors ( or maybe more) to link it to bushehr electrisity ! then why we can't build a reactor for a sub?

when turkeym KSA and others are busy with assad , we are moving forward ........
Not anytime before 2030-35 +
Miniaturizing nuclear reactors is not cake walk, it requires tons of funding and decades of testing. not to mention other metallurgy , designing, propulsion challenges. I am not even taking Submarine launch weapons (SLBM) into account that to without outside help.
Get real

All I have to say is - dont underestimate anyone. The world was shocked in 1998.

Chinese bomb :wave:
Not anytime before 2030-35 +
Miniaturizing nuclear reactors is not cake walk, it requires tons of funding and decades of testing. not to mention other metallurgy , designing, propulsion challenges. I am not even taking Submarine launch weapons (SLBM) into account that to without outside help.
Get real

Chinese bomb :wave:

2030 !? you mean lunar mission :coffee:
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