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Iran to Boost Air-Defense Power with New Long-Range System Soon

"In cooperation" :lol: you probably sent a few rabbis to Boeing and they are sat down drawing pictures of circumcised ------- and you think they are contributing.

Good for you. are you proud of your Mongolian heritage?

STFU the Mongols Ripped Your Persian as*hole so wide that 50% of a iran was wiped out. Not to mention 200 years of Arab rule, 300 years of Turkic
dynasties etc.. Iran is a Failed State. A loser Theocracy that you only hear about terror, fuel crisis etc. At least I can visit my City in Izmir! LoL I bet you can't go back to your Parsi made entity called "Iran" without the fear of a Tomahawk missile going off.
STFU the Mongols Ripped Your Persian as*hole so wide that 50% of a iran was wiped out. Not to mention 200 years of Arab rule, 300 years of Turkic
dynasties etc.. Iran is a Failed State. A loser Theocracy that you only hear about terror, fuel crisis etc. At least I can visit my City in Izmir! LoL I bet you can't go back to your Parsi made entity called "Iran" without the fear of a Tomahawk missile going off.

STFU the Mongols Ripped Your Persian as*hole so wide that 50% of a iran was wiped out. Not to mention 200 years of Arab rule, 300 years of Turkic
dynasties etc.. Iran is a Failed State. A loser Theocracy that you only hear about terror, fuel crisis etc. At least I can visit my City in Izmir! LoL I bet you can't go back to your Parsi made entity called "Iran" without the fear of a Tomahawk missile going off.
what else do you mongols have but being proud of destroying other countries?LOL.
seriously,can you name a + thing that mongolia(torky) has done to the world.
yes we have problem with Arabs.but honestly they have done some great job for the world.no need to even name the Persian inventions.
just a question...
seriously,can you name a + thing that mongolia(torky) has done to the world.
yes we have problem with Arabs.but honestly they have done some great job for the world.no need to even name the Persian inventions.
just a question...

Introduction of gunpowder. Hulagu Khan blowed up Persian castle Alamut with gunpowder killing the denizens inside. Alamut was infamous castle for the Hashhashins. Hulagu succeeded where Seljuks failed.
Introduction of gunpowder. Hulagu Khan blowed up Persian castle Alamut with gunpowder killing the denizens inside. Alamut was infamous castle for the Hashhashins. Hulagu succeeded where Seljuks failed.
first of all chinese invented gunpower.
secondly,is Introduction of gunpowder sth + for the world.have you sth compareable to Iranian inventions like alcohol or some great mathematic inventions like khayam's triangle?
first of all chinese invented gunpower.
secondly,is Introduction of gunpowder sth + for the world.have you sth compareable to Iranian inventions like alcohol or some great mathematic inventions like khayam's triangle?

You live in history, mate. Mongol composite bows conquered scientific Persian people. Apperantly, composite bow is more useful than Khayyam's triangle. Look at today. What are you doing now?
You live in history, mate. Mongol composite bows conquered scientific Persian people. Apperantly, composite bow is more useful than Khayyam's triangle. Look at today. What are you doing now?
we have the fastest science growth in the world and now we are ahead of you in science and tech and we ranked 16 this year.

anyway bro.i realy dont hate you turks lets not continue this useless flame war.
we have the fastest science growth in the world and now we are ahead of you in science and tech and we ranked 16 this year.

anyway bro.i realy dont hate you turks lets not continue this useless flame war.

turkey used to be a part of iran in 13th century? 13 century was nearly the start of ottoman and the endings of seljuk empire so what you smoking?
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