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Iran Supporting & Arming the Taliban

Funny...Ain't it? We can 'manufacture' or plant evidences like conventional explosives. But we, the world's premier nuclear power, were too stupid to plant or 'manufacture' nuclear evidences for Iraq.


US forces were not sitting in Iraq during the inspections regime where they could plant the evidence. Also, Americans are learning from the Iraq war public relations fiasco.

In Afghanistan, US forces (or surrogates) are physically present and can easily plant evidence like explosives and rockets. How hard is it to supply these weapons through intermediaries and then conveniently 'discover' them?

This is all a media campaign to prepare people for an Israeli strike on Iran.


At a meeting with a senior Obama administration official several months ago, Israeli officials pressed for intelligence and other help necessary for a strike, according to one official with knowledge of the exchange.
US forces were not sitting in Iraq during the inspections regime where they could plant the evidence. Also, Americans are learning from the Iraq war public relations fiasco.

In Afghanistan, US forces (or surrogates) are physically present and can easily plant evidence like explosives and rockets. How hard is it to supply these weapons through intermediaries and then conveniently 'discover' them?

This is all a media campaign to prepare people for an Israeli strike on Iran.


At a meeting with a senior Obama administration official several months ago, Israeli officials pressed for intelligence and other help necessary for a strike, according to one official with knowledge of the exchange.
Who said only the US military is capable of such foul deeds? Saddam's chief nuclear scientist, Mahdi Obeidi, hid centrifuges and plans in the garden of his home, hence the title of his book 'The Bomb In My Garden'. So what make you think only US military could have planted evidences? Further...Who said we need to plant nuclear weapons or even parts of nuclear weapons? Why not just a chunk of over %20 enriched uranium? US military was all over Iraq in the second round and we could have done anything we want. And if we could have done it, we also could have implicated Iraq with 9/11.
Whats so hard to believe? have you not heard the saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"?

And i thought that iran supported northern alliance against the taliban especially in the 90s when our relations with the iranis were sour for this very reason.

Why would they support the taliban if they can support the northern alliance(many of them are persian/darri speaking people,some are shias too among them).

If what you had said was true then they would have also supported both the shias and sunnis in iraq rather than hedging their bets with the shia community only.
Who said only the US military is capable of such foul deeds? Saddam's chief nuclear scientist, Mahdi Obeidi, hid centrifuges and plans in the garden of his home, hence the title of his book 'The Bomb In My Garden'. So what make you think only US military could have planted evidences? Further...Who said we need to plant nuclear weapons or even parts of nuclear weapons? Why not just a chunk of over %20 enriched uranium? US military was all over Iraq in the second round and we could have done anything we want. And if we could have done it, we also could have implicated Iraq with 9/11.

Well, whatever the reason, clearly US 'operatives' didn't plant evidence. In any case, this discussion is about Iranian 'evidence' in Afghanistan. It may be that Iran is helping the Taliban in a proxy war against NATO; I just think the evidence so far is circumstantial and could easily have been planted. For that matter, the Taliban themselves could have bought the weapons 'legitimately' on the black market.

It is no secret that iran is supplying weapons to taliban---and it is no secret the the radical muslims from different countries are using iran as a land route to enter pakistan and then they join the pakistani taliban.

I would really like to see Muse's stance on these comments! :coffee:
And i thought that iran supported northern alliance against the taliban especially in the 90s when our relations with the iranis were sour for this very reason.

Why would they support the taliban if they can support the northern alliance(many of them are persian/darri speaking people,some are shias too among them).

If what you had said was true then they would have also supported both the shias and sunnis in iraq rather than hedging their bets with the shia community only.

Whats so hard to believe about Iran wanting the U.S. bogged down in Iraq or Afghanistan? It is in their interests to support any action that causes this. The trick is to offer just enough support that it doesn't get away from you. Iran's Qud's force I'm sure views the U.S. (the great satan) as it's arch enemy far more then any Sunni rivalry.

and there is evidence in Iraq the Quds armed sunni extremists.

Iran's Secret Plan For Mayhem
By ELI LAKE, Staff Reporter of the Sun | January 3, 2007

WASHINGTON — Iran is supporting both Sunni and Shiite terrorists in the Iraqi civil war, according to secret Iranian documents captured by Americans in Iraq.

The news that American forces had captured Iranians in Iraq was widely reported last month, but less well known is that the Iranians were carrying documents that offered Americans insight into Iranian activities in Iraq.

An American intelligence official said the new material, which has been authenticated within the intelligence community, confirms "that Iran is working closely with both the Shiite militias and Sunni Jihadist groups." The source was careful to stress that the Iranian plans do not extend to cooperation with Baathist groups fighting the government in Baghdad, and said the documents rather show how the Quds Force — the arm of Iran's revolutionary guard that supports Shiite Hezbollah, Sunni Hamas, and Shiite death squads — is working with individuals affiliated with Al Qaeda in Iraq and Ansar al-Sunna.

Another American official who has seen the summaries of the reporting affiliated with the arrests said it comprised a "smoking gun." "We found plans for attacks, phone numbers affiliated with Sunni bad guys, a lot of things that filled in the blanks on what these guys are up to," the official said.

One of the documents captured in the raids, according to two American officials and one Iraqi official, is an assessment of the Iraq civil war and new strategy from the Quds Force. According to the Iraqi source, that assessment is the equivalent of "Iran's Iraq Study Group," a reference to the bipartisan American commission that released war strategy recommendations after the November 7 elections. The document concludes, according to these sources, that Iraq's Sunni neighbors will step up their efforts to aid insurgent groups and that it is imperative for Iran to redouble efforts to retain influence with them, as well as with Shiite militias.
Aren't these the same guys with whom your president used to hob-nob in whitehouse? (See the link below)
Mujahidins in white house

When it was perfect and moral to arm them because they were fighting against your enemies in afghanistan?

When they were the "moral equivalents of the founding fathers of united states"

Why hue and cry now?

No doubt the U.S. messed up in not helping Afghanistan to rebuild properly and establish a stable Government after the Soviets left. which in turn allowed the Taliban with outside help to come to power. But that is a totally different discussion.
I fail to see any shocking news here. Every nation is entitled to and will conspirate against its enemy.
Regarding this article, as mentioned before the Iranian weapons might as well have been bought on the black market. Finding Iranian weapons doesn't really prove anything other than their presence. And if Iran did supply Taliban with weapons I think it's in its right to do so.
why the double standard.
Aren't these the same guys with whom your president used to hob-nob in whitehouse? (See the link below)
Mujahidins in white house

When it was perfect and moral to arm them because they were fighting against your enemies in afghanistan?
You are certain these were the same as today? Difficult to tell with all the beards and cloth.

Would you raise hue and cry if your family or even friends turn against you someday?
You are certain these were the same as today? Difficult to tell with all the beards and cloth

One think is certain here, they were terroirst from Russians point of view.

Would you raise hue and cry if your family or even friends turn against you someday?

Believe me i will not if i have been previously arming them in order to kill somebody else's family and friends.
you can bet those weapons find their way to Pakistan. and kill Pakistani soldiers as well. lol,

can a mod please take some appropriate action against this.

---------- Post added at 03:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 PM ----------

is this proof as good as colin powells joke speech to the un, LOL.
Would you raise hue and cry if your family or even friends turn against you someday?
Believe me i will not if i have been previously arming them in order to kill somebody else's family and friends.
Yes you would be angry. Perhaps even angry enough to do violence in self defense. You did not armed them for nothing. You armed them to defend their lives, properties, freedoms and rights against others intending to do them and their families harm, not against you. So spare me the convenient rhetorics.

Why was it wrong for US to leave Afghanistan after the Soviets? We, Pakistan and the rest of the ME united against the Soviets. Each provided the Afghan rebels specific needs. Once the Soviets left, so did we. Why was it wrong? We all had mutual interests and to be adult about it, once there is no need for each other, it is wise to leave and we did left. Afghanistan needs fellow muslims more than it needs US. So by leaving Afghanistan alone for the muslims to tend to themselves and each other, we actually did the right thing. The ME with all oil wealth had no need of American assistance. Osama bin Laden returned to construction to help.

Interviews with Osama bin Laden in 1996 by Robert Fisk@Everything2.com
"Personally neither I nor my brothers saw evidence of American help. When my mujahedin were victorious and the Russsians were driven out, differences started (between the guerilla movements) so I returned to road construction in Taif and Abha.
So if Osama bin Laden left Afghanistan due to petty squabbling amongst the mujahedin, why was it wrong for US to leave Afghanistan? Osama got along without American help just fine, pretty much debunk the silly idea that our CIA 'trained' Osama bin Laden or had any associations with him back then.

We helped Afghanistan remain independent from Soviet domination and once the Soviets left, we did the right thing and left. We did not loot Afghanistan of anything. If the Afghan rebels became the Taliban and helped Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda to wage war against US. You better believe we have every right to be angry.
U.S. official says intel suggests Iran plans to ship arms to Taliban
By Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent
April 2, 2010 6:08 p.m. EDT


Washington (CNN) -- New U.S. military intelligence suggests Iran plans to smuggle new shipments of weapons into Afghanistan in the coming weeks as part of an increased effort to interfere with coalition operations, a senior U.S. Defense Department official said Friday.

The information came from an "Iranian source" whose tips on past shipments have been verified by the United States, the official said.

The official declined to be identified because of the sensitive nature of the information. He also declined to offer more details on the identity of the Iranian source. Intelligence gained by talking to people, sometimes referred to as "human intelligence," is always considered sensitive for fear of compromising sources.

"There are indications the Iranians have stepped it up," the official said.

But another U.S. official said Iran is only providing "limited supplies of weapons to the Taliban ... not enough to cause major problems for coalition forces."

The official also noted that Iran -- a majority Shiite country -- and the Sunni Taliban almost went to war with one another in the late 90s, so it's not really in their interest to be a major source of top-shelf arms to the Taliban.

Earlier this week, however, Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters in Afghanistan he was 'taken aback" when he learned of a "significant shipment" of weapons from Iran into Kandahar in southeastern Afghanistan. Mullen and his aides declined to offer any other details.

And the Defense Department official said the source has told the United States of "volumes of Iranian munitions coming into Afghanistan."

Tehran has consistently denied supporting groups opposed to the Afghan government.

U.S. and coalition troops have seen evidence of some Iranian weapons inside Afghanistan found in seized caches or in the aftermath of attacks. Some munitions have recent manufacturing dates and serial numbers.

"That leads us to believe there are ongoing and current shipments coming into Afghanistan from Iran," the official said.

The Iranian weapons include not only rockets and grenades but also material and explosives to make improvised explosive devices. The official said the United States has found high explosives that are clearly manufactured in Iran with a particular process and design "similar to what we saw with Iranian weapons in Iraq."

The Pentagon official said some of the upcoming shipments might be designated for Kandahar, adding that the U.S. military would do everything it could to stop that from happening. The official indicated it had been several months since coalition forces had seized any weapons shipments at Afghanistan's western border with Iran. Authorities believe shipments are broken up into smaller loads at the border and then brought into the country as unobtrusively as possible by truck convoys.

The issue of just how much Iran is interfering inside Afghanistan remains under debate in the administration's national security circles. Recently, Defense Secretary Robert Gates accused Iran of playing a "double game" in Afghanistan, both aiding the Taliban and more publicly helping finance some public institutions. But he then described Iranian assistance to the Taliban as "pretty low-level."

"We have really not seen an increase of Iranian assistance, whether it's equipment or weapons or training, in western Afghanistan," Gates told reporters on February 22. "We're obviously keeping an eye on it, but it seems pretty modest at this point."
yes iran is the next nazi germany, and the us will fix them, by killing them
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