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Iran Supporting & Arming the Taliban

hmmm, that's like saying I hope Iranian weapons are killing Canadians. You do live in Canada right? And don't give me this good and bad Taliban B.S. it's pretty much been shown all Taliban are Evil.

While there may be some fringe elements in the ISI that still agree with the Taliban. I think most have come to realize the evil the Taliban represent. It seems strange what you wish for in your above statement. Yet you live in such a free country that has everything that the Taliban hate. Many of the things you enjoy. you could be executed for in a Taliban controlled society.

"They both Commit extreme atrocities against civilians in the name of God. They use civilians as human shields, plant bombs in and near markets and schools. They throw acid on the faces of girls and blow up their schools so that they can keep the children uneducated."

American soldiers kill/bomb people not in hundreds but in thousands every year. People are also shot on the basis of suspicion. The U.S. uses "self defence" shield to commit sinful acts. They are involved in destabilizing other countries and the list goes on...
do you know how dumb that sounds?

The farc rebels are probably using American munitions to fight Columbia and the US. Does that mean the Americans are giving them munitions?

Farc weapons are 90% Russian and Chinese. what American weapons they do have are captured from Colombian police and troops.

You say it is in Iran's interest to make trouble for the U.S. by supplying the Taliban weapons. I am glad you finally admit to this. Yet you are in denial that Iran could be directly involved in shipping arms for this purpose.

It doesn't matter how old the munitions are. I wouldn't blame them actually to want to get rid of outdated munitions in this manner. especially if most of it was going to be used for I.E.D.'s.

Now that you admit it is Iran's best interest to supply the Taliban weapons. you need to make the next step and admit in order to do this they need to be directly involved. :usflag::usflag:
Iran Gives Taliban Money, Arms And Training: Leaked Papers
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2010 (AFP) - Iran is waging a covert campaign against US-led forces in neighboring Afghanistan by providing money, arms, training and safe haven to Taliban insurgents, according to leaked US military intelligence.

Reports from Afghan spies and paid informants, described in papers published on whistleblower website Wikileaks, accuse the Iranian government of directly supporting the insurgents.

These "threat reports" cannot be corroborated, the Guardian newspaper said in a report summarizing the Iran findings, but high-level US diplomatic communications indicate concern over Iran's growing involvement in the country.

"Iran has taken a series of steps to expand and deepen its influence in Afghanistan," reads a summary of a secret cable sourced to the US embassy in Kabul and written by a deputy general.

The cable relayed claims from within the Afghan foreign ministry that Iran was bribing Afghan MPs with millions of US dollars and working to oust reformist ministers.

Tehran, which initially supported the US drive to unseat Afghanistan's Taliban regime, denies it is working against President Hamid Karzai's Western-backed government.

In a document dated March 2009, US military intelligence said a group of more than 100 Afghan and foreign Taliban had travelled from Iran to Afghanistan to launch suicide attacks.

In May the same year, General Stanley McChrystal, then US and NATO commander, said according to the documents: "The training (of insurgents) that we have seen occurs inside Iran with fighters moving inside Iran."

A threat report dated February 2005 alleged Taliban leaders in Iran were planning attacks in Helmand and Uruzgan provinces.

"The leaders travel into Afghanistan to recruit soldiers," said the report.

It added the Iranian government had offered each leader about 1,740 dollars for any Afghan soldier killed and 3,480 dollars for any government official.

Another report from January 2005 said that Iranian intelligence services paid 10 million Afghanis (212,000 dollars) to the Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin rebel militia.

A statement sourced to "human intelligence" in June 2006 said Iranian officials were training members of the Taliban and Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin in Birjand, Iran.

Bombs and vehicles for suicide bombers were sent into Afghanistan from there, the same report said, while two other reports also spoke of bomb-making equipment coming from Iran.

One report dated February 2007 said Helmand residents believed Iran had supplied the Taliban with a poison to be slipped into the tea or food of government officials.

At least one document referred to the Afghan government's reluctance to publicize Iran's alleged involvement with its enemies, stressing that Karzai wanted "to avoid additional friction with Afghanistan's neighbors."
Iran gives Taliban money, arms and training: leaked papers
From the linkl

These "threat reports" cannot be corroborated, the Guardian newspaper said in a report summarizing the Iran findings, but high-level US diplomatic communications indicate concern over Iran's growing involvement in the country.

Old,re-hashed conspiracy theories....

Moreover I always thought Shia Iran and Sunni Taliban are dead enemies...:what:
this is the most pathetic propaganda ever!!!!! IRAN hates TALIBAN the most due to Shia vs Sunni issue!!! how can they impart training to them??????

even in IRAQ iranians were helping the shia faction. in lebanon they help HEZBOLLAH!

whoever wrote this is an airhead with limited knowledge of ground realities of the region!!!
an another conspiracy theory,Iran will never support taliban,it look like hide ur waste by a transparent material with a label of other nation
this is the most pathetic propaganda ever!!!!! IRAN hates TALIBAN the most due to Shia vs Sunni issue!!! how can they impart training to them??????

even in IRAQ iranians were helping the shia faction. in lebanon they help HEZBOLLAH!

whoever wrote this is an airhead with limited knowledge of ground realities of the region!!!

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Iran would not like to have US at its doorstep, it will do whatever it can to make sure the US does not stays in this region as it will be a big problem for Iran in future IF Afghanistan becomes stable.

So Iran has every right reasons to help out the taliban or any of the anti-US groups in Afghanistan within limits.

Iran can handle the Taliban later on by supporting the anti-Taliban groups just like the past, but it can't handle the US in a stable Afghanistan.
Heh hard to believe this. Been hearing for years and no real proof.

First Taliban need no training from Iranians.

Second unless the Iranians are giving them garbage we would see advanced weapons like RPG-29 in Afghanistan.

How can they verify a "normal Afghan soldier" killed? Cut off fingers and ears?
I say Taliban predominantly Sunnis would rather hate to ask 4 help from Iranians. Not everybody is like the MODERATE Pakistan
Yeah Iran is the bad guy , making nuclear weapons , making Weapon of mass destrcution , selling nuclear to terrorists , giving training to talibans , giving training to moaists , and i think Al qaeda also get trained by Iranian army. :lol:

bloody hell American propaganda , just trying to hide their incompetencies by labeling thing to others.American should use sum new method this time coz now people know tht there old tactic of lying.
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