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Iran Summons Turkish Envoy over President Erdogan’s Comments

I highly doubt that things between Turkey and Iran would deteriorate over this suddenly, but this will affect the long-term strategic friendship between Iran and Turkey negatively.
I generally agree with you, but when i include this song/poem issue into the emerging pattern of Turkey playing a more active spearhead and proxy role in either containing or dismembering Iran...Iran moved enough equipment up north to make me conclude that Turkey wasnt giving Iran "assurances" about what was happening in NK...Iran and Russia(and CHina!) need to start going around the ME region wacking and disabling Turkish proxies..they're NATO's proxies, just using anti-terrorism concerns as their trojan horse to let us accept it all...from TUrkey managing ISIS for NATO and US to this now, TUrkey has to be watched and monitored. Iran might need to start supporting Kurds heavily in Iraq to recenter and refocus Turkey to behave in a truly more friendly neighborly manner with Iran.
Who cares ? Turkey has a 30 milion iranic kurdish population as well. It can go both ways. Anyway, our enemy is not Turkey but Israel and US at the moment. So this one will die out most likely.
But NATO and US MIGHT HAVE recently activated TUrkey against Iran in the Middle East..When Iran started moving alot of military equipment up north during the recent war in NK and that made me know that it was possible that NATO and US might be trying to dismember Iran ethnically from the northern Iran area/Azerbaijan- Armenia region..this Azeris want to liberate their "Iranian motherland" is a sinister plot that can easily morph into a problem if not watched and contained. Iran will obviously axe off the hand of a foolish intruder but at what cost? better to nip the problem in the bud before it becomes a large cancer. Turkey is not supporting any players in the Middle east that are good to Iran. TUrkey is playing on Iran's enemies/enemies allies side and must be watched.
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What makes you think that Turkey ever needed the US and NATO to fight on their behalf.
Turkey's membership to and active participation in NATO?
Turkey has it's own bloc probably as strong as NATO.
LMAO. which block is this? and this block doesnt have any nukes like the insurance type NATO gives TUrkey at INcirlik and the likes.
With 6 Turkic nations including Pakistan with around 500 Million with Nuclear armed weapons on top of that. No foe wants any of that
Oh please. Pakistan is not TUrkic, even i know that, and most of this TUrkic block wont fight, (just like NATO wont fight if US wont fight) if TUrkey doesnt fight, and they have small armies, so most of the fighting will be TUrkey...is this just TUrkey's new neo-Ottoman project??? more countries will get "added" to this 6 country list??? THis the same TUrkey that genocided Christian Armenians and was happy that its ally Azerbaijan was beheading Armenians in NK. *Judge their actions, not their words only".
Turks. And it's two way street. The Turks would and have fought for US/NATO. Read Korean War and Afghanistan.

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No, Bihari runaway hiding under a Sindhi Ajrak.
One of reason why I have a love hate of Turkey tbh but whatever floats their boat but seriously Erdogan starting fires with "South Azerbaijan" separatism in Iran is just a idiotic move
It would be ideal if the Turks and Persians put aside their differences to counter the Gulf Arabs I mean out of all Muslim countries they are generally the most cultured but too bad geo politics,arrogance pervades in both Tehran and Ankara
It would be ideal if the Turks and Persians put aside their differences to counter the Gulf Arabs I mean out of all Muslim countries they are generally the most cultured but too bad geo politics,arrogance pervades in both Tehran and Ankara
Incorrect understanding of geopolitics, UAE has better relations with Iran than it has with Turkey currently. There is no point for Iran to focus on GCC when Turkey is quickly growing in strength, and intervening in many different countries.
Turkey should not make such ugly comments, especially not when having demographical problems:

According to Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) data released Wednesday, the fertility rate, which refers to the average live births a woman has between the ages of 15 and 49, dropped to 1.88 last year from 1.99 in 2018.

Southeastern provinces continue to have the highest fertility rates in the country. Şanlıurfa had the highest at 3.89 for 2019, followed by Şırnak with 3.37 children and Ağrı with 3.16 children. The lowest
rate, on the other hand, was recorded again in the Black Sea province of Gümüşhane, with 1.33 children, and it was followed by the western provinces of Kütahya and Edirne with 1.34 children.
All the Central Asian countries have defense pact with Russia called CSTO. They also speak Russian. Modern day turks culture is very different from Central Asian turks.

Only if they want to call upon asistance but they don't have an overall defense ties like they do with Turkey. They are one nation. Turkey has bases in these countries and not only that they are the same people and have mutual interest both cultural and same religion and values. They are the same people
He is one of erdogan delusional fan boys

Lol. seems like you are the deluded one. You have no idea what you are talking about
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Kurds heavily in Iraq

Should have thought about it when you burnt those bridges 15 years ago with the Kurds.

Turkey has gained significant soft power amongst the Kurds themselves. Iraqi Arabs are swingers by trade.

All in all it is interesting indeed.
Turkey should not make such ugly comments, especially not when having demographical problems:

According to Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) data released Wednesday, the fertility rate, which refers to the average live births a woman has between the ages of 15 and 49, dropped to 1.88 last year from 1.99 in 2018.

Southeastern provinces continue to have the highest fertility rates in the country. Şanlıurfa had the highest at 3.89 for 2019, followed by Şırnak with 3.37 children and Ağrı with 3.16 children. The lowest
rate, on the other hand, was recorded again in the Black Sea province of Gümüşhane, with 1.33 children, and it was followed by the western provinces of Kütahya and Edirne with 1.34 children.
I think he most probably didn't know what he is referring to. This is a poem that Iranians on the other side of Aras composed to show their affection for Iran. Likes of Erdoghaj don't write their own speeches. Someone has messed up badly.
Mostly here either fan boys, haters or regime mouthpieces. This poem was actually a veiled warning to iran. If we look at the bigger picture, Turkey have mostly been supportive of iran, helped iran in sanctions with barter trade. Its the iranian mullah mentality that even pushed Turkey away. First due to the mullah expansionist mentality in syria, secondly iranian support for armenia and kurds. So if mullah keeps hatching evil plans, they can have their plate full. Already the azeris in iran have realized the mullah regime will support christians over azeris.
Erdoğan has many speeches like this that piss people off, I think he knew about it but strategically and realistically he has no ambitions against Iranian land.

Iran was never more powerful than Turkish states since Turks moved to Anatolia and was ruled by Turkish dynasties and rulers. With Shah Abbas onwards it can be claimed as more Iranian, but let's not forget the Great Selçuks, Harzemsah, AK koyunlu, kara koyunlu etc etc.

Anyways i don't think it will be wise for him to open more fronts, yet whenever we did good agreements and tried to help Iran they are not a trustworthy partner. Against USA there was the Turkish Brazilian Iranian agreement and many other times. We don't have land disputes with Iran. Our focus now is fighting the modern crusade of France, Greece and their EU buddies.
what have you been smoking? how is kurdish the same as persian?
Iran is occupying Azerbaijan. It won't be for long seeing as how incompetent they are. If they can't protect their head general and their top nuclear scientists, they won't be able to protect their land.
Man this issue is so serious that i couldn't resist anymore.
So Iran is occupying us the Azeris? How you came to this fact is beyond my logic, please do tell us about your plans especially about the fact that how would you seperate us from Iran? Lmao
Erdoğan has many speeches like this that piss people off, I think he knew about it but strategically and realistically he has no ambitions against Iranian land.

Iran was never more powerful than Turkish states since Turks moved to Anatolia and was ruled by Turkish dynasties and rulers. With Shah Abbas onwards it can be claimed as more Iranian, but let's not forget the Great Selçuks, Harzemsah, AK koyunlu, kara koyunlu etc etc.

Anyways i don't think it will be wise for him to open more fronts, yet whenever we did good agreements and tried to help Iran they are not a trustworthy partner. Against USA there was the Turkish Brazilian Iranian agreement and many other times. We don't have land disputes with Iran. Our focus now is fighting the modern crusade of France, Greece and their EU buddies.
Hi sir,
Unfortunately or fortunately Erdogans plans won't work in case of Iranian Azeris maybe because of religious reasons or possibly for nationality of Azeris that has always been Iranic. These statements from this guy that he throws here and there occassionally about occupying Greece, Armenia, parts of East of EU is getting comic. His recent Statement about Iran's Azerbaijan is more ridiculous than his other claims. I always respect your nationalistic feelings until it doesn't hurt other people. What Erdogan wants is possible only through a big war which won't end well for neither One of regional countries more importnantly for our Brothers in Turkey. Keeping in mind that Iran is not some kind of Arab shit states that while having American thing up in their back, they give blowjob to Israelis.

There must be a difference between us. And i hope Erdogan takes this complaint seriously.
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