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Iran Summons Turkish Envoy over President Erdogan’s Comments

The worst enemy anyone can have is a Turk. If they don't have interest in you they are better left alone. Just don't force Erdogan to laid legit claim now on Tehren
Erdogan was literally Iran's bitch when he cried and escaped to Iran during the coup. We can lay legit claim on Istanbul before Turkey can do anything of the sort.

Since you're a Turkish false flagger, here's what Turks say about the coup:

Erdogan was literally Iran's bitch when he cried and escaped to Iran during the coup. We can lay legit claim on Istanbul before Turkey can do anything of the sort.

Since you're a Turkish false flagger, here's what Turks say about the coup:

Haha. You took my bait. And now you lay claim on Istanbul? So you reveal yourself as an Enemy is that right?
“the era of territorial claims and warmongering and expansionist empires” has ended long ago,

Quite rich coming from a country whose top General was doing photoshoots in other countries but eventually got killed. Alhamdulilah
Yes indeed but why you are against Persian expansion but you support erdogan suck ottoman expansions or it’s your hypocrisy?!
If he is not careful 30% of his kurdish (Persian) inhibited land will join the Persian motherland.
what have you been smoking? how is kurdish the same as persian?
Iran is occupying Azerbaijan. It won't be for long seeing as how incompetent they are. If they can't protect their head general and their top nuclear scientists, they won't be able to protect their land.
what have you been smoking? how is kurdish the same as persian?
Iran is occupying Azerbaijan. It won't be for long seeing as how incompetent they are. If they can't protect their head general and their top nuclear scientists, they won't be able to protect their land.
How the hell iran occupying its historical land I bet you don’t know that Azerbaijan is Persian word moron also the modern republic of Baku was rename Azerbaijan by Russians to claim the Iranian province
Turkey's agenda is busy now!! Iran is given a notice not to to try to spoil anything!! Karabag' is done. The following are the short time action items:

  • Physically connect to the Turkic World with the corridor from Nahchivan to AZ proper
  • Consolidate the gains in the Northern Irak with goals for Kirkuk, Musul etc. set on a fixed time frame
  • Bring the hammer down on the EU/USA to ensure the resources in the East Mediterranean
  • Strengthen the Libya-Turkey EEZ corridor over the East Med while showing Hafter its place
  • Rout out the remaining PKK/YPD/YPG from the Northern Syria and rehabilitate more refugees over there
  • etc.
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Turkey's agenda is busy now!! Iran is given a notice not to to try to spoil anything!! Karabag' is done. The following are the short time action items:

  • Physically connect to the Turkic World with the corridor from Nahchivan to AZ proper
  • Consolidate the gains in the Northern Irak with goals for Kirkuk, Musul etc. set on a fixed time frame
  • Bring the hammer down on the EU/USA to ensure the resources in the East Mediterranean
  • Strengthen the Libya-Turkey EEZ corridor over the East Med while showing Hafter its place
  • Routing out the remaining PKK/YPD/YPG from the Northern Syria and rehabilitate more refugees over there
  • etc.
I feel sorry for you if you think Iran and Russia can let erdogan get away with his pan Turkish pan ottoman dreams
Kurds are same Aryan people same culture same language root, same genatic code..they are our blood....but i am too busy to offer more explanation.
too busy or too incompetent. just like your government.

I am 90% Aryan does that make me Persian too?
I feel sorry for you if you think Iran and Russia can let erdogan get away with his pan Turkish pan ottoman dreams

What does that even mean? Iran is none-player in the arena's Turkey is in. While Russia is in some of them.

Iran is actully sidelined by Russia in Syria since they couldn't keep Assad in power they had to surrender territory to Russia to try to save him. kinda sold out Assad and his territories to the Russians
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