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Iran Summons Turkish Envoy over President Erdogan’s Comments

Yemen was made into a security problem plunging the MENA regions chance at connectivity and trade.

Iraq and Afghanistan was invaded by America with the help of Iranian proxies.

Syria is no exception either.

The only reason you get away calling Pakistan a province or its populace N word Iranic is that Pakistan is a very weak country and susceptible to Persian onslaught. From the Shah to the Mullah, Pakistan gets asked repeatedly to not develop Balochistan otherwise Persian insecurities come into play.

The Shirazi beneficial owners of British presence in Middle East do not mind how they left it.
LOL.. thanks for a nonsense post.
No problem buddy
You have earned my deepest respect for your light-hearted, humorous way of expressing your blind hatred towards Iran and Iranians. It is not always easy to channel your hatred for others in such a way that even the victims of your allegations smile when they read your posts. Keep up the good work, bro. 👍
You have earned my deepest respect for your light-hearted, humorous way of expressing your blind hatred towards Iran and Iranians. It is not always easy to channel your hatred for others in such a way that even the victims of your allegations smile when they read your posts. Keep up the good work, bro. 👍

I had Persian teachers all my life
Should have thought about it when you burnt those bridges 15 years ago with the Kurds.
Iran cant burn that bridge because Iran IS the bridge and Iran wont burn itself so there is no bridge to burn. Kurds are an Iranic people, they are one of the original Iranian peoples, and Iran hasnt done anything to alienate the majority of Kurds in any Kurdish-populated country in the ME. Iran only showed the traitorous ones who worked with foreigners against Iranian interests that Iranian weapons are not fake. Good training gotten from those operations.

Turkey has gained significant soft power amongst the Kurds themselves.
LMAOOO.... but it will never be close to what IRan has. Its so bad for TUrkey that TUrkey must always do militay operations against Iraqi Kurds..why? Iran doesnt have to do any of those operations (most of the time that is). You're simply exaggerating it to save Turkey's behind.
Iraqi Arabs are swingers by trade.
irrelevant here.
All in all it is interesting indeed.

Your bias towards Turkey is whats most interesting.
Mostly here either fan boys, haters or regime mouthpieces. This poem was actually a veiled warning to iran. If we look at the bigger picture, Turkey have mostly been supportive of iran, helped iran in sanctions with barter trade. Its the iranian mullah mentality that even pushed Turkey away. First due to the mullah expansionist mentality in syria, secondly iranian support for armenia and kurds. So if mullah keeps hatching evil plans, they can have their plate full. Already the azeris in iran have realized the mullah regime will support christians over azeris.
Turkey does everything Iran has done - expansionist mentality, using proxies, etc, actually TUrkey LEARNED it from Iran and started doing it its own way...TUrkey ran to CHristian NATO to make itself what it is today but still blame Iran? If Turkey is anybody in this real world, let TUrk stand alone. Thats when i know real Ottoman is HERE! until that day, i just see Turkey as a NATO/Christian proxy nation, because TUrkey gave up its autonomy and sovereignty to have protection and military support from White CHristian NATO people...Turkey is also too secular to be a strong religious influence, which will be necessary to control and dominate the Muslims in the ME if that is the goal.
Ghaznavids were Persianized Turkic who originated from Turkic slaves of Persian Samanids ?not North Indic like what Pakistanis are. LOL at "WE". You are a pakistani with baseline North Indic genes with almost zero connection to Turko-Iranic cline to your west.


Look at Pakistani genes and then look at Turkish and Iranic genes. I cant believe you claimed such BS without thinking twice.


Indus Valley was created by Iranic neolthic farmers. IVC was a product of Iranic neolithic farmers who somehow mixed with local Indic women. Martial most groups of your country have highest Iranian input.


And you should also be thankful to us Irano-Turkics to bring you your non indic part of your genes and Islam. I do not know why Pakistani try to act hostile towards Irano Turkic nations like Iran, Afghanistan, Tajiksitan, Azerbaijan etc. Its like who brought you your drift towards Caucasian genes and brought you Islam as well became your enemy ? Who would spit at graves of their own ancestors like this ?


Here I am ... An Azeri kazalbas Turk of my land. Us Azeri Turks have been cutting heads of enemies of Iran for the last 1000 years ever since we Oghuz entered Khorasan. We Azeri Turks are the swords of Iran be it Uzun Hassan (Ghavanloo Turk), Shah Ismail (Saffavid), Nader Shah (Afshar Turk), Mohammad Khan Qajar (Qajar) or ... Ayatullah Khamanei (Bayat Turk) ... Present day Iranian Turks are more Pure Turks than Assimilated greco Armenians to our west who call themselves Turks. you will never understand whats happening in Central Asian and Caucasus. We Azeris just freed khanate of astrakhan, treaty of Golestan is next. LOL at irrelevant people with no knowledge of history and politics of our region predicting BS. 95% Shia Azeris of republic siding with sunni Turkey ROFL.

Your IVC was created by Iranic neolithic farmers Iran_N. Later on Aryans themselves carried massive CHG/Iran_N because they entered your Indic basin from Iranic plateau.


(Direct quotations in Bold, my explanations are in Italics)

read this published paper.


Eurasian genetic contributions in South Asia derive from Neolithic Iranians and early Bronze Age steppe populations.36, 37

Author says that DNA wise eurasian component in South Asians came from Iran_N

A previous ancient-DNA study has suggested that the Iran_N and Steppe_EMBA groups are the best proxies for the ancient West Eurasian component in South Asians. The study also suggested that most South Asians can be modeled as a mixture of these two groups but also have Onge- and Han-related ancestries,37

In fact, we found that the model with Iran_N, Steppe_EMBA, and Onge works equally well for all modern and ancient South Asians.


Iran_N is the major contributor to the South Asian cline. Look at the green component. Also the Steppe MLBA itself is like upto 40 % Iran_N itself. so technically thats like average you is more than 50 % Iran_N thanks to Indus valley IVC (Iran_N) and Aryan migration (Tajik Persians).

The higher affinity and admixture of PNWI (Pakistan North West Indian) populations with Neolithic Iranians and Anatolians (Figures S6C, S7B, and S8B and Tables S9 and S10), coupled with the substantial Middle Eastern component (dark blue, Figure 1B) and the significant influx of the Middle-East-related male lineage J2-M172 (Table S4) into the Indian sub-continent through the Northwest corridor,94 might agree with earlier archaeological work that took place at Mehargarh and that suggested the plausible influence from the Zagros or Levant region on the first evident settled way of life in South Asia.

Mehragarh was created by Iran_N farmers who migrated from Zagros mountains (Persian, Lur, Kurd stronghold).

IVC haplogroups (passed on from father to son) are characteristic Iranic.

Among extant populations, both the Kalash and Ror groups stand out because they have the highest proportions of the ANI component, which can be modeled as a mixture of Iranian Neolithic and either Early-Middle (in case of the Kalash) or Middle-Late (in case of the Ror) Bronze Age Steppe ancestries.


Persian is an aryan identity that came much later like Turkic genes in Iran. Persians, Kurds, Azeris, Lurs, Pashtuns, Turkish etc are all connected by strong Iran_N genetics.
did you pull these screenshots out of your arse. I am probably more aryan than any of you mongol rape babies
Lol the info aryans of the Indus Valleys are one family with the Iranians
and we are descendent from hazrat Adam. Do you want a cookie?
You should always overreact when the highest rank of a country talks about military aggression against your lands, even in allusion, particularly without provocation from you. That is not something that can be overlooked, even if we both agree that Turkey will not mess around with Iran.

BS. you Persians didnt even existed when IVC ruling this region and beyond. IVC is much older then the babylonian and Egyptians, you Persians are not even in the picture. You are not even classed as civilisation and there are only three recognized ancient civilisation, IVC, Babylon and Nile. That's about it.
did you pull these screenshots out of your arse. I am probably more aryan than any of you mongol rape babies

and we are descendent from hazrat Adam. Do you want a cookie?
@CatSultan I have a suggestion for you....put a mirror in front of you and you will see what race you belong to mr."aryan wannabe"..They have a name for your kind in here.
Sorry I brought you back to reality...I did want to humiliate you so that you keep your big mouth shut in front of the adults.
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Mostly here either fan boys, haters or regime mouthpieces. This poem was actually a veiled warning to iran. If we look at the bigger picture, Turkey have mostly been supportive of iran, helped iran in sanctions with barter trade. Its the iranian mullah mentality that even pushed Turkey away. First due to the mullah expansionist mentality in syria, secondly iranian support for armenia and kurds. So if mullah keeps hatching evil plans, they can have their plate full. Already the azeris in iran have realized the mullah regime will support christians over azeris.
-Turkey recognizes Israel, trade increased recent years.
-Iran saved Erdogan from Nato Coup
-Turkey hosts enemy of Iran and Russia and China (Nato) inluding NATO nuclear weapons.
-Turkey supported Saudi attack and war on Yemen.
-Turkey-Israel-Azerbayjan triangle has the goal of cutting off Iran from Armenia (and by extension Georgia). Their aim is to cut off Iran from an alternative transit route and to create panturk tensions against Iran, China, Russia.
-Turkey supports US policies in Syria (article is from few days ago):
Jeffrey says the proposals he pushed — dismantling YPG border defenses, allowing Turkey’s military into northeast Syria for joint security patrols, putting Turkish aircraft back on the Air Tasking Order out of Udeid Airbase — were rooted in his understanding of domestic Turkish politics and colonial history. Critics say they paved the way for Turkey’s assault.

For the career diplomat, Ankara’s hostility toward the SDF was just one troublesome corner of a complex policy structure in which Washington sought to harness the interests of both Turkey and Israel to roll back Iran and deal the Assad regime and Russia an unwinnable hand in Syria’s civil war.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/or...east-policy-turkey-erdogan.html#ixzz6gRo6h0Az
when the war between armenia and azerbaijan started i was saying that Iran need to keep an eye on the conflict and specialy turkey, i was sure that if fake republic of azerbaijan wins the war erdogan will start to sending propaganda messages to Iranian azeris to try to play with the minds and take them to the streets. and i am 100% sure that the zionist are part of that plan and in long term they promised erdogan a piece of Iran, since they have good realtions (even some dillusional members here think that erdogs biggest enemy is isreal).

if you see the bigger picture it's not about only a military attack on Iran they try to do all things in same time (unrest, terrorist attacks in Iran, weaken Iranian proxies, sabotage, sanctions, secretism, creating problems within the different political fractions etc..).
they tried to play the sacretism card and created kurdish and arab speaking Iranian groups ( with saudi and pgcc countries money ) to fight the Iranian authority by making terrorist attacks and spread fake news about the goverment to take the people to the streets. the IRGC was able to get rid of them before they did any big harm.we stopped pejak and the groups in ahvaz by arresting and killing their leaders in Iran and abroad.

but the situation now is different there is not a group of people sitting somewhere and sending messages via youtube or telegram to the people, this time it's a state and the head of the state is sending this messages. it's nothing direct against Iran but still serious. it's kind to try to come slowly in someone house not direct and thats more dangerous.
erdogan have problems inside the country. the lira got weak the economy is collapsing due to corona. and don't forget every conflict he started he lost (syria, lybia and iraq), even in azeribaijan turkey didn't win. yes they made some achievements but the real winner is russia.

my opinion is that Iran should send military to the turkish border, the reason is not that i think turkey will attack Iran this will never happen, but just showing erdogan that he shouldn't fool around too much.
Be careful kid while uploading maps here on Pakistani forum. You will be trashed in no time.

Any border lines going into the sovereign territory of Pakistan will get a strong middle finger straight away.

I guess they dont teach you Persians about Indus civilisation. The world first. The place you called Iran was civilised by us , it was part of our domain. So be careful when you post some random maps. There were many empires and civilisations before you lot even existed who ruled over territory which you now inhibit. Dont force other nations to invoke their own claims.
But some scumbags on this forum are allowed to spread separatism against Iran without getting banned or thread closed this thread is good example

@CatSultan I have a suggestion for you....put a mirror in front of you and you will see what race you belong to mr."aryan wannabe"..They have a name for your kind in here.
Sorry I brought you back to reality...I did want to humiliate you so that you keep your big mouth shut in front of the adults.
I have a DNA test. do you? I'm sorry that your such a butthurt retard but that doesn't change reality. How about you go cry to your Russian masters. They can't help you after America and Israel assasinates your whole government.
Adam is fairytale you misguided creatures there is something called homo sepians
If Hazrat Adam is a fairytale then your intelligence is a whole fiction novel.
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