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Iran Summons Turkish Envoy over President Erdogan’s Comments

Iran cant burn that bridge because Iran IS the bridge and Iran wont burn itself so there is no bridge to burn. Kurds are an Iranic people, they are one of the original Iranian peoples, and Iran hasnt done anything to alienate the majority of Kurds in any Kurdish-populated country in the ME. Iran only showed the traitorous ones who worked with foreigners against Iranian interests that Iranian weapons are not fake. Good training gotten from those operations.
Iran has used them as cannon fodder in the whole region. Previously it exploited the minority Muslim sects and once that failed is now harping the racial rhetoric.

The same racial rhetoric used during BLM protests where you personally had a rude awakening yourself.
LMAOOO.... but it will never be close to what IRan has. Its so bad for TUrkey that TUrkey must always do militay operations against Iraqi Kurds..why? Iran doesnt have to do any of those operations (most of the time that is). You're simply exaggerating it to save Turkey's behind.
As i said Iranian use of Kurds as cannon fodder is a reminder for Azeris enough.
irrelevant here.
That's what you think. Iraq is the centerpiece.
Your bias towards Turkey is whats most interesting.
Its called being fair. There are no Turkish users frequenting this website and someone's gotta do this.
“the era of territorial claims and warmongering and expansionist empires” has ended long ago,

Quite rich coming from a country whose top General was doing photoshoots in other countries but eventually got killed. Alhamdulilah
Well the man that got killed was not a traitor to the whole of middle east and to the muslims in general, like the treasonous fat saudi rulers who you so moronicly love. why are u even opening ur mouth? Wasnt the biggest terrorist in the world was found in a rat hole in ur country? Or is ur country the traitors of Arabia, namely KSA. You say alhamdulillah in the end, why? That man was Americas biggest enemy, and apparent also the biggest enemies of the Fat traitors of Arabia.

You are a Yankee Pakistani/ Yankee Arab whose friends are the friends of the devil (America), and whose enemy are the enemies of the devil. And you have spread enuf Iran hating filth on this forum. You have nothing educated to say about any topic other than ur predictable hateful comments. That's says alot about where u are from and what you represent.

what have you been smoking? how is kurdish the same as persian?
Iran is occupying Azerbaijan. It won't be for long seeing as how incompetent they are. If they can't protect their head general and their top nuclear scientists, they won't be able to protect their land.
Look at this pretentious comment from yet another sultan. HAAHAHAHA, this one is Cat Sultan. Well a better sultan then Erdogan. Dont wet ur bed tonight, it will give mommy and daddy alot of hassle to clean it up. What country are u occupying ? The way ur country with a broke *** economy is going, soon the donkeys of Afghanistan will start laying claim on ur historically hazy piece of land. PATHETIC.
I feel sorry for you if you think Iran and Russia can let erdogan get away with his pan Turkish pan ottoman dreams
I am pretty sure Erdogan Pan turkish bullshite wetdreams are so intense that he even utters AH UH in his bed while at it Poor wife has to clean up the treasonous mess of a madman, but maybe she wets herself too.
plausible influence from the Zagros or Levant region on the first evident settled way of life in South Asia.
ya we Mehrgarh people used to go to Zargos for hunting and picked up your chiks returning home.. we dressed them up as maids and ... they happily took it ,,they were the first gold diggers of history..while we were having royal exotic baths in the cradle of civilization... your forefathers were covering their private parts with leaves..

Ghaznavids were Persianized Turkic who originated from Turkic slaves of Persian Samanids ?not North Indic like what Pakistanis are. LOL at "WE". You are a pakistani with baseline North Indic genes with almost zero connection to Turko-Iranic cline to your west.


Look at Pakistani genes and then look at Turkish and Iranic genes. I cant believe you claimed such BS without thinking twice.
you are just too butthurt too accept we ruled you from Lahore..in your anger you just took a shot at what my genetic code was ...well... lol

our IVC was created by Iranic neolithic farmers Iran_N. Later on Aryans themselves carried massive CHG/Iran_N because they entered your Indic basin from Iranic plateau.
Its got nothing to do with present day country 'iran' but more with iranic people of BMAC..
Indics also entered this land from east side..
now you can play this chicken game what came first chicken or the egg ..thats your level of thinking no one would want to stoop down to..just remember, you just came to the party.. the party was already happening.

Here I am ... An Azeri kazalbas Turk of my land. Us Azeri Turks have been cutting heads of enemies of Iran for the last 1000 years ever since we Oghuz entered Khorasan. We Azeri Turks are the swords of Iran be it Uzun Hassan (Ghavanloo Turk), Shah Ismail (Saffavid), Nader Shah (Afshar Turk), Mohammad Khan Qajar (Qajar) or ... Ayatullah Khamanei (Bayat Turk) ... Present day Iranian Turks are more Pure Turks than Assimilated greco Armenians to our west who call themselves Turks. you will never understand whats happening in Central Asian and Caucasus. We Azeris just freed khanate of astrakhan, treaty of Golestan is next. LOL at irrelevant people with no knowledge of history and politics of our region predicting BS. 95% Shia Azeris of republic siding with sunni Turkey ROFL.
You are a wannabe Turk, a cultural Turk..real Turks were GokTurks..Mongols were turks....shamefully you cant accept your reality that you are just another cauc asoid.Your DNA is closest to Kurds and veterans of St. petersburg...Turks are our neighbors they live on our north in Uygur lands they are the closest turkic by blood today,..

And you should also be thankful to us Irano-Turkics to bring you your non indic part of your genes and Islam.
We are thankful to Indics afros and arabs they brought us the tan else we would look gay and piggish in hot weathers
Islam was already here (brought by Arabs during Umars time)
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-Turkey recognizes Israel, trade increased recent years.
-Iran saved Erdogan from Nato Coup
-Turkey hosts enemy of Iran and Russia and China (Nato) inluding NATO nuclear weapons.
-Turkey supported Saudi attack and war on Yemen.
-Turkey-Israel-Azerbayjan triangle has the goal of cutting off Iran from Armenia (and by extension Georgia). Their aim is to cut off Iran from an alternative transit route and to create panturk tensions against Iran, China, Russia.
-Turkey supports US policies in Syria (article is from few days ago):
Jeffrey says the proposals he pushed — dismantling YPG border defenses, allowing Turkey’s military into northeast Syria for joint security patrols, putting Turkish aircraft back on the Air Tasking Order out of Udeid Airbase — were rooted in his understanding of domestic Turkish politics and colonial history. Critics say they paved the way for Turkey’s assault.

For the career diplomat, Ankara’s hostility toward the SDF was just one troublesome corner of a complex policy structure in which Washington sought to harness the interests of both Turkey and Israel to roll back Iran and deal the Assad regime and Russia an unwinnable hand in Syria’s civil war.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/or...east-policy-turkey-erdogan.html#ixzz6gRo6h0Az

Lolz india not only recognizes israel but is a great ally, yet that doesnt deter iranian mullahs from sucking up to indians. So thats just an excuse or hypocrisy??
Iran saved erdogan from coup? That must be the joke of the century. Iran cant protect its top general or top nuclear scientist and yet u claim it saved erdogan from a coup, a huge load of BS. This is the reason no one takes iran seriously and makes fun of u. Please come up with something mature.
Turkey is not a new NATO member and iran loved its barter trade and still does, so this is another stupid excuse.
Turkey and saudi are rivals, even a kid knows this, but even if it supported saudi, why it pains u? Doesnt iran claim that its not supporting houthis? Or thats another hypocrisy??
Turkey relations with israel are not that good, its relations with Azerbaijan are great. Maybe u cant think beyond black and white but reality is not. See Pakistan doesn't even recognize israel but has great relationship with Azerbaijan. Turkey wants access to caspian sea, u look at it as disconnecting iran from its dear brother armenia.
Turkey policy in syria was that of self interest and self defence. Syria borders Turkey and thus gives Turkey every right to be worried about it and act. We have seen Turkey only interested in making sure kurds dont change demographics of border areas, its still that way. What i dont understand is what is iran doing in syria other than spreading fasaad and working on mullah ideology of expansionism? Iran doesnt even share a border with syria lolz. Its the delusional and at times dumb thinking of mullahs that make it a laughing stock of the world.
Turkey shud be slapped hard and put in its place. Thanks to the KING OF STOLEN OIL Erdogan, the turkish economy has taken the biggest hit in recent history. This madman whose country is a Nato state, is playing both side thinking they can get away with hypocrisy in geopolitics.

No, rather as a consequence of this idiotic two faced policy of the CONFUSED leadership of Turkey, they have now become a secret target for all parties including Iran. Iran shud start sending Turkish soldiers in boxes in Norther Syria. Just attack them with Missile Barrages and send them home dead. Iran must start funding all the kurds and form an anti turk force around turkey neck.

Iran must force the russians to up the ante in the region and stop the Crazy Turks from strengthening its grip in joke countries like Turkmenistan, Uzbekistand, Tajikistan and blah blah . Turks must be fought and slapped. Thats the only way to deal with the crazy mongols.

This is an example lolz, slap Turkey, "force" russians bla bla dreams wet dreams. Reality is that neither generals or top nuclear scientist can be protected, heck cant even provide medicine and food to population. I say its gone beyond delusional and bordering on schizophrenia. No wonder every makes fun of iran. On the world stage the top joker is north korea and 2nd is iran. Though NK has nuclear weapons now and would be taken more seriously than iran.
Iran missed the oppurtunity to send troops into the conflict zone when armenia and azerbaijan where fighting to create a safe zone (we could do so by international law, since we had rockets hitting our soil). if Iranian troops would be there now erdogan wouldn't talk big and would chose his word very wise. once we where there even russia couldn't do anything.
another scenario would have been attacking israhells drone units on the ground in fake republic of azerbaijan. in both cases Iran would have shown strenght and erdogan would dare giving speeches like that.
This is an example lolz, slap Turkey, "force" russians bla bla dreams wet dreams. Reality is that neither generals or top nuclear scientist can be protected, heck cant even provide medicine and food to population. I say its gone beyond delusional and bordering on schizophrenia. No wonder every makes fun of iran. On the world stage the top joker is north korea and 2nd is iran. Though NK has nuclear weapons now and would be taken more seriously than iran.

do you know how many terrorist attacks are prevented by the Iranian intelligence agency. as a country you can't prevent 100%. when isis was on it's peak do you know how many bombs should have gone off in tehran? i know it's frustating that we still witness some terrorist attacks in Iran but the Iranian security forces are working 24h 7 days a week.
This is an example lolz, slap Turkey, "force" russians bla bla dreams wet dreams. Reality is that neither generals or top nuclear scientist can be protected, heck cant even provide medicine and food to population. I say its gone beyond delusional and bordering on schizophrenia. No wonder every makes fun of iran. On the world stage the top joker is north korea and 2nd is iran. Though NK has nuclear weapons now and would be taken more seriously than iran.
and what about ur country? talking from a high place huh ? you guys seem to forget that u are citizens of athird world country. so wats all this Iran fuss is about? what can you provide to ur people? Iranians atleast are not starving like ur poor countrymen. Your economy is projected to be overtake by that of Bangladesh in a year or two, how about that for a hit in the ego ? Even Bangladesh has a higher literacy rate than you lot and less poverty.

You have been hustling ur way to whatever business you done for urselves by dealing with americans and saudis. Saudis big brother you and push you around. So stop saying how Iran is a joke. If iran is a joke than all of you are an even bigger joke.
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I warned you guys about this when i was screaming that this war is against Iran as much as it is against Armenia.

we had alot of Iranians unfortunately fall for enemy propaganda and it tied the government hands.

an all out azeri victory would have been preferable for IRan then the new status quo.

as it stands today, turkey and azerbaijan are connected, they can bypass IRan, and have now started their long term project with zionist help to try and turn Azeri Iranians against Iran, and try and have the believe that they belong to some pink panturk erdogan/aliev azerbademjan state.

The outcome of that war was the worse possible outcome for IRan. and IRan kind of deserves to deal with the reprecussions of that in all honsty. thats what happens when you stand idle, while rivals are making moves right on your border to change the geopoltiical equation against you.

this should be a lesson to IRan, and all Iranians
What does it mean "recognized"? And who decide it?

What i learned is that there were cultures and civilizations far more than 10000 years ago. Even in Europe.

You being ignorant about the history doesnt mean Jack mate. You lot think history started from your so called Persian empire. Look around, learned history, there are only three known ancient civilisation, indus, Euphrates and Nile.

To wave some random maps , is like new kids on the block challenging those who were daddies and much older establishments. Lol
Mostly here either fan boys, haters or regime mouthpieces. This poem was actually a veiled warning to iran. If we look at the bigger picture, Turkey have mostly been supportive of iran, helped iran in sanctions with barter trade. Its the iranian mullah mentality that even pushed Turkey away. First due to the mullah expansionist mentality in syria, secondly iranian support for armenia and kurds. So if mullah keeps hatching evil plans, they can have their plate full. Already the azeris in iran have realized the mullah regime will support christians over azeris.
Ok, and what Turkey did in both Syria and recent war between Azerbaijan and Armenia is somehow different from what Iran does?

Iran and Turkey are rivals in many instances while helping each other out in other cases. And its not like any side is doing the other a favor. Everything is based on rational calculations not what you call friendship. There is no such thing between nations. They either have compatible policies or views or not.This is just how politics works. However, it doesn't mean that one side should attack the integrity of the other.
Ghaznavids were Persianized Turkic who originated from Turkic slaves of Persian Samanids ?not North Indic like what Pakistanis are. LOL at "WE". You are a pakistani with baseline North Indic genes with almost zero connection to Turko-Iranic cline to your west.


Look at Pakistani genes and then look at Turkish and Iranic genes. I cant believe you claimed such BS without thinking twice.


Indus Valley was created by Iranic neolthic farmers. IVC was a product of Iranic neolithic farmers who somehow mixed with local Indic women. Martial most groups of your country have highest Iranian input.


And you should also be thankful to us Irano-Turkics to bring you your non indic part of your genes and Islam. I do not know why Pakistani try to act hostile towards Irano Turkic nations like Iran, Afghanistan, Tajiksitan, Azerbaijan etc. Its like who brought you your drift towards Caucasian genes and brought you Islam as well became your enemy ? Who would spit at graves of their own ancestors like this ?


Here I am ... An Azeri kazalbas Turk of my land. Us Azeri Turks have been cutting heads of enemies of Iran for the last 1000 years ever since we Oghuz entered Khorasan. We Azeri Turks are the swords of Iran be it Uzun Hassan (Ghavanloo Turk), Shah Ismail (Saffavid), Nader Shah (Afshar Turk), Mohammad Khan Qajar (Qajar) or ... Ayatullah Khamanei (Bayat Turk) ... Present day Iranian Turks are more Pure Turks than Assimilated greco Armenians to our west who call themselves Turks. you will never understand whats happening in Central Asian and Caucasus. We Azeris just freed khanate of astrakhan, treaty of Golestan is next. LOL at irrelevant people with no knowledge of history and politics of our region predicting BS. 95% Shia Azeris of republic siding with sunni Turkey ROFL.

Your IVC was created by Iranic neolithic farmers Iran_N. Later on Aryans themselves carried massive CHG/Iran_N because they entered your Indic basin from Iranic plateau.


(Direct quotations in Bold, my explanations are in Italics)

read this published paper.


Eurasian genetic contributions in South Asia derive from Neolithic Iranians and early Bronze Age steppe populations.36, 37

Author says that DNA wise eurasian component in South Asians came from Iran_N

A previous ancient-DNA study has suggested that the Iran_N and Steppe_EMBA groups are the best proxies for the ancient West Eurasian component in South Asians. The study also suggested that most South Asians can be modeled as a mixture of these two groups but also have Onge- and Han-related ancestries,37

In fact, we found that the model with Iran_N, Steppe_EMBA, and Onge works equally well for all modern and ancient South Asians.


Iran_N is the major contributor to the South Asian cline. Look at the green component. Also the Steppe MLBA itself is like upto 40 % Iran_N itself. so technically thats like average you is more than 50 % Iran_N thanks to Indus valley IVC (Iran_N) and Aryan migration (Tajik Persians).

The higher affinity and admixture of PNWI (Pakistan North West Indian) populations with Neolithic Iranians and Anatolians (Figures S6C, S7B, and S8B and Tables S9 and S10), coupled with the substantial Middle Eastern component (dark blue, Figure 1B) and the significant influx of the Middle-East-related male lineage J2-M172 (Table S4) into the Indian sub-continent through the Northwest corridor,94 might agree with earlier archaeological work that took place at Mehargarh and that suggested the plausible influence from the Zagros or Levant region on the first evident settled way of life in South Asia.

Mehragarh was created by Iran_N farmers who migrated from Zagros mountains (Persian, Lur, Kurd stronghold).

IVC haplogroups (passed on from father to son) are characteristic Iranic.

Among extant populations, both the Kalash and Ror groups stand out because they have the highest proportions of the ANI component, which can be modeled as a mixture of Iranian Neolithic and either Early-Middle (in case of the Kalash) or Middle-Late (in case of the Ror) Bronze Age Steppe ancestries.


Persian is an aryan identity that came much later like Turkic genes in Iran. Persians, Kurds, Azeris, Lurs, Pashtuns, Turkish etc are all connected by strong Iran_N genetics.



Indus was all indigenous build by the people of Indus who are the first ever group of people build human Civilization. This area is called "cradle of civilisations" for a reason. All indigenous and home grown. It was three time bigger and power full then babylon and Egypt combined! Atleast two thousands years before the first trace of civilisation in nile.

It's rather funny to keep on hearing the Persian losing their shite when Indus is rubbed on their faces. The pseudo intellects dont know that they themselves have no civilisation of themselves to show for from ancient times, there are no traces of any civilisation in central Asia, yet somehow these rag tags, if they even existed, will migrate, conquer, and then build highly sophisticated civilization , which btw they couldnt manage in their own original homelands, will go and build. WHAT NONSENSE!

People of Indus do not share anything from the Iranians or central asian people. Their ancient regional languages, their customers, they ways are completely different.

This Aryan invasion crap theory was floated by the British colonials to somehow degrade the indigenous nature if IVC and hence do not give the people of the land their indigenous connection to their lands. Pathetic attempt it was, more pathetic is that it's been latched by other nations like Persians.

At the end of the day, history is written by the people, archaeology however do not lie. We in Pakistan got everything to show for, out ancient cities, our settlements, dotted all over this region and beyond.

Why dont you put your money where your loud mouth is and show us your "ancient civilisation " remains in your Iran and central Asia?
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