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Iran Summons Turkish Envoy over President Erdogan’s Comments

I used the terms interchangeably. Neither does the state of Iran use them. They are outspoken enemies of the state of Iran and their work consists in propagating against the state of Iran and its allies 24/7.

Maybe this is where you lose touch with realpolitik.

If you study closely, you will find a pattern.

The government may find it a nuisance but the State of Iran uses them on foreign soil liberally.
Maybe this is where you lose touch with realpolitik.

If you study closely, you will find a pattern.

The government may find it a nuisance but the State of Iran uses them on foreign soil liberally.

You probably still do not know who it exactly is we are talking about but anyway... Realpolitik is not well served by supporting people whose aim consists in trying to turn your most immediate support base against you and your policies while taking aim at your leadership and that of your allies (in some cases, directing the worst insults imaginable at them). There's no realpolitical logic to this.

Actually since the current government of Iran consists of liberals, who are keen on operating a Gorbachev-style, pro-western "regime change" of sorts from within, it doesn't find the Shirazis to be that much of a nuisance, since they are just another subversive element, much like ethno-separatists and other such marginal groups. The revolutionary core of the system however, which forms the main domestic target of the Shirazis, is most opppsed to them.
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You probably still do not know who it exactly is we are talking about but anyway... Realpolitik is not well served by supporting people whose aim consists in trying to turn your most immediate support base against you and your policies while taking aim at your leadership and that of your allies (in some cases, directing the worst insults imaginable at them). There's no realpolitical logic to this.

We can agree to disagree.

Realpolitik however i when Iran sits with Israel and trades proxies for short term incentives or mutual gains.

The same way these 'outcasts' of Iranian government are used. It also provides a perfect cloud cover when need be.
We can agree to disagree.

Realpolitik however i when Iran sits with Israel and trades proxies for short term incentives or mutual gains.

Like when and where exactly did Iran conduct talks with the zionist regime since the 1979 Revolution? When one makes statements this daring, then concrete evidence, not just blanket contentions are needed to corroborate them.

The same way these 'outcasts' of Iranian government are used. It also provides a perfect cloud cover when need be.

They aren't outcasts of government, they were never allowed to participate in it - nor willing, for the most part, since they are quietists i. e. do not believe in clerical rule until the manifestation of the Mahdi. Then again, we're discussing a clerical current I'm sure you were / are in fact unfamiliar with and possibly hadn't heard of before. But anyway.

You issue theoretical assessments but do not provide concrete and applied reasoning, let alone some hard evidence to back it up.

I mean, we can claim pretty much the same about literally every government or state on earth, wouldn't make it true though. By the same logic someone could argue that Pakistan is sitting with India and trading proxies for short term incentives or mutual gains... Or that the Pakistani state is discretely backing RSS associations accross the world, as well as the TTP in Afghanistan. Now those with a prejudice against Pakistan might perhaps take it at face value and be instantly convinced but everyone else will require more than conceptual semantics deprived of factual review.
Like when and where exactly did Iran conduct any talks with the zionist regime since the 1979 Revolution? When one makes statements this daring, then concrete evidence, not just blanket contentions are needed to corroborate them.
this past year alone has seen many trades take place in Syria and Lebonan.
I mean, we can claim pretty much the same about literally every government or state on earth, wouldn't make it true though. By the same logic someone could argue that Pakistan is sitting with India and trading proxies for short term incentives or mutual gains... Or that the Pakistani state is discretely backing RSS associations accross the world, as well as the TTP in Afghanistan. Now those with a prejudice against Pakistan might perhaps take it at face value and be instantly convinced but everyone else will require more than conceptual semantics deprived of factual review.
There is no harm in saying this unless you consider it as blasphemy to Iran.
They aren't outcasts of government, they were never allowed to participate in it - nor willing, for the most part, since they are quietists i. e. do not believe in clerical rule until the manifestation of the Mahdi (aj). Then again, we're discussing a clerical current I'm sure you were / are in fact unfamiliar with and possibly hadn't heard of before. But anyway.
I don't wish to discuss religion but only the Khomenists believe in legitimacy of clerical rule before Manifestation of Mahdi reveals itself.
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you guys are so pathetic that you cuck for pajeets. stfu


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this past year alone has seen many trades take place in Syria and Lebonan.

Has it? But, what is the source for this statement?

There is no harm in saying this unless you consider it as blasphemy to Iran.

There can't be blasphemy against a country (unless the term is used figuratively). However when weighing one's statements, blasphemy isn't the sole prohibitive criterion. In this specific case, I would simply consider it baseless and far fetched to imagine Pakistan will engage in any such self-defeating actions. Hence why I find no reason to make this sort of claim.
You can even find evidence on PDF.

Then it shouldn't be a problem to point us towards that supposed evidence. I do not find anything about trades between Iran and the zionist entity in Syria and Lebanon. All I see are reports of zionist regime strikes on Iranian or allied assets in Syria, zionists and their partners trying to blame Hezbollah for the explosion in Beirut, and the like.
Do Turks of Turkey think that Turks of Iranic region are the same as them?

Genetically they Turks of Iranic (Persian) regions are genetically similar to Persians than Turks.

Not sure why people on here confuse Iranic Turks and countries like Azeri land as same as Turkic people of modern day Turkey. Genetically they are two very different people.
Do Turks of Turkey think that Turks of Iranic region are the same as them?

Genetically they Turks of Iranic (Persian) regions are genetically similar to Persians than Turks.

Not sure why people on here confuse Iranic Turks and countries like Azeri land as same as Turkic people of modern day Turkey. Genetically they are two very different people.

that is the pink panturk propaganda narrative.

just based on simple common sense. a chimpanzee can look at a real mongloid "turk" and compare it to a "turk" from turkey or azerbaijan and see with their own 2 eyes that these 2 people have nothing in common genitically.

its one thing for anatolis to adopt a turkish identity for themselves since their entire identity before that was being either Greek, Roman, or Iranian subjects. it gives them a sense of faux identity.

its a completely different manner when they try to export that propaganda to other countries. unfortunately there are some Iranian azeris who will fall for this propaganda narrative. thats why the Iranian government should not be undersestimating this threat. especially with the zionists involvement

it starts with proper education and history.
Erdogan should not apologize to Iran. Erdogan is the voice of the Sunni Muslim world. Don't cower to Iran. Iran is choking on sanctions, they're paying the price for their evil mischief in the Middle East.
Greater Azerbaijan is the dream of Azeris living under Iranian oppression. I have no horse in that race, but anything that weakens Iran is good for me and the world. The breakup of Iran will happen just like the breakup of the USSR. The Azeris, the Kurds, the Baloch, the Turkmen and the Arabs will all secede from Iran. As for the Baloch, they want to be united with Pakistan's Balochistan. This will be good for Pakistan to expand its territory westward, in a resource rich part of the world.
To all iranian members: this "Cherub786 " fellow is a half indian and half pakistani troll going in to all of threads and spreading BS..he is using Canadian false flags...just ignor his posts and he will go back to whatever hole he crawled out of.
that is the pink panturk propaganda narrative.

just based on simple common sense. a chimpanzee can look at a real mongloid "turk" and compare it to a "turk" from turkey or azerbaijan and see with their own 2 eyes that these 2 people have nothing in common genitically.

its one thing for anatolis to adopt a turkish identity for themselves since their entire identity before that was being either Greek, Roman, or Iranian subjects. it gives them a sense of faux identity.

its a completely different manner when they try to export that propaganda to other countries. unfortunately there are some Iranian azeris who will fall for this propaganda narrative. thats why the Iranian government should not be undersestimating this threat. especially with the zionists involvement

it starts with proper education and history.
Now there are clowns who say the real Turks were white and the asiatic looking Turks became like this after the mongol invasion :lol:
Erdogan should not apologize to Iran. Erdogan is the voice of the Sunni Muslim world. Don't cower to Iran. Iran is choking on sanctions, they're paying the price for their evil mischief in the Middle East.
Greater Azerbaijan is the dream of Azeris living under Iranian oppression. I have no horse in that race, but anything that weakens Iran is good for me and the world. The breakup of Iran will happen just like the breakup of the USSR. The Azeris, the Kurds, the Baloch, the Turkmen and the Arabs will all secede from Iran. As for the Baloch, they want to be united with Pakistan's Balochistan. This will be good for Pakistan to expand its territory westward, in a resource rich part of the world.
Be careful what are you wishing for boy
I put that one on ignore quite some time ago, hence my surprise that these wars flare up.
One can discern who pops in out of nowhere with one liners to troll and the ones who have genuine criticisms or counterpoints and contribute regularly.
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