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Iran Successfully Tested Missile Boats with 110 Knots (203km/h) Speed!!!

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Ali Fadavi the commander of IRCG Navy forces announced that they just tested successfully speed missile boats breaking the record of 110 knots/h (203 km/h)...
He also noted that in couple of months from now, IRCG will start the mass production of Missile Boats that can speed up to 80 knots/h (148 km/h) and fire anti-ship missiles with a range of 100 kms...
He stressed that American navy in Persian Gulf knows very well what it means to have missile boats that travel at speeds of up to 148 km/h and 203 km/h...

Iran unveils new speedboat
Tehran, Iran, May 26

By Mehdi Sepahvand – Trend:
Iran has successfully tested a fast moving boat with 110 knots per hour top speed, IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps) Naval Force Commander Ali Fadavi said.

Speaking during a conference on speedboats, the Iranian commander added that another model of fast moving boats would be industrially produced by the end of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20, 2016).

That watercraft will be able to move at 80 knots and equipped with 100-km-range missiles, Fars news agency reported May 26.

He also said that a maritime laboratory and testing lake of the Imam Hossein University (belonging to the IRGC) provide the opportunity to make and test watercraft with speeds up to 120 knots per hour.

The Islamic Republic has given special priority to its military power.

Especially under international pressure, the country has used domestic talents to develop various types of weapons and military equipment.

Tehran keeps noting that its military power is solely defensive, backing its claim by saying that since the 1979 revolution it has not attacked any country.

Edited by CN
Iran unveils new speedboat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) is testing military speed boats with the breakneck velocity of 110 knots (203 km/h), a senior commander announced Tuesday.

IRGC Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said in a scientific conference in Tehran that the local experts at Imam Hussein (AS) University can now design and test military boats with speeds of up to 120 knots in a naval research laboratory with a test basin.

In the past, he said, Iran had to carry out tests on the speed boats abroad.

The commander also noted that according to the plans, the IRGC is going to manufacture new types of high speed boats with the velocity of 80 knots that are also armed with missiles with a range of 100 kilometers.

“That means the vessels that nobody can catch,” he explained.

Fadavi also explained that IRGC naval strategy in the Persian Gulf has made Americans admit to the vulnerability of their aircraft carriers to the Iranian speed boats.

Tasnim News Agency - IRGC Testing Military Boats with 110 Knots Speed: Commander
IRGC Testing Military Boats with 110 Knots Speed: Commander
سردار علی فدوی فرمانده نیروی دریایی سپاه در چهارمین همایش ملی شناورهای تندرو که صبح امروز در سازمان صنایع دریایی وزارت دفاع برگزار شد اظهار داشت: نیروی دریایی سپاه در حوزه شناورهای تندرو با وزارت دفاع و شرکت‌های خصوصی در ارتباط است.

وی افزود: شناورهای تندروی غیر نظامی در دنیا بسیار زیاد است و ما شناورهای با سرعت 109 تا 110 نات را حفظ کردیم.

فدوی تاکید کرد: در گذشته شناورهای نظامی تندور مجهز به موشک اژدر و توپ وجود نداشت و ما خودمان این کار را شروع کردیم و با اعتماد به نفس سلاح را بر روی شناور تندرو آوردیم.

فرمانده نیروی دریایی سپاه ادامه داد: آزمایشگاه دریایی و حوضچه تفت نیروی دریایی سپاه در دانشگاه امام حسین در حال فعالیت است و می‌توانیم از این طریق شناورهای تندرو تا 120 نات را طراحی و تست کنیم.کاری که در گذشته مجبور بودیم در خارج انجام دهیم.

وی افزود:تنها کشوری که با شناور تندرو آمریکایی‌ها را مجبور به اظهار ناتوانی کرده ایران است. آمریکایی‌ها افرادی مستکبر هستند و حاضر نیستند ضعف خود را اعتراف کنند مگر اینکه دیگر نتوانند آن را کنترل کنند که این کار در حوزه شناورهای تندروی ما صورت گرفته است.

فدوی گفت: وزیر دفاع آمریکا اعتراف می‌کند که ناو هواپیمابرشان توسط شناورهای تندروی سپاه غرق می‌شود لذا وقتی نمی‌توانند راه مقابله پیدا کنند؛ می‌گویند باید استراتژی دریایی آمریکا را تغییر دهیم.

وی خاطرنشان کرد: فرمانده نیروی دریایی آمریکا نیز سه ماه پیش اعلام کرده بود که ما را از شر باروت در ناوها نجات دهید زیرا این باروت‌ها توانمندی شناورهای تندروی سپاه را افزایش می‌دهد و به جای آن لیز و الکترومغناطیس قرار دهید زیرا در اثر اصابت منفجر نمی‌شود.

فرمانده نیروی دریایی سپاه تاکید کرد: آمریکایی ها در دریا منفعل هستند و هیچ موردی در خلیج فارس نیست که آخر آن همراه با تمکین آمریکایی‌ها نباشد و در همین 20 روز گذشته 3 الی 4 مورد مفصل داشتیم.

وی با اشاره به توقیف کشتی ورسک گفت: این موضوع سیاسی و نظامی نبود و حکمی بود که میان شرکت‌ها صادر شده بود و به نیروی دریایی سپاه، نیروی ارتش و نیروی انتظامی ابلاغ شده بود که هر کشتی متعلق به این شرکت را توقیف کنیم. این حکم هفتم ماه به ما ابلاغ شد و ما کمتر از 24 ساعت این کشتی را در تنگه هرمز توقیف کردیم.

فدوی در بخشی از سخنانش اظهار داشت: در صحنه ای که قایق‌های تندروی ما در آن باشند آمریکایی‌ها منفعل و تمکین‌ کننده هستند. البته آمریکا هم در حوزه شناورهای تندرو وارد شد و آنها را به خلیج فارس آورد اما یک عامل، محیط بر همه سیستم‌های شناور تندرو است که آمریکایی‌ها آنرا ندارند و آن فردی است که روی شناور سوار می‌شود. لذا آنها باز هم استراتژی خود را تغییر دادند و به سمت شناورهای بدون سرنشین رفتند.

فدوی با بیان اینکه آمریکا به دنبال این است تا شناورهای تندرو را قبل از شلیک شان هدف قرار دهد اظهار داشت: آمریکا جنگنده های F15 و بالگردها و شناورهای خودش را برای مقابله با شناورهای تندروی ما تقویت کرده است اما باز هم توان مقابله با آن را ندارد.

فدوی با اشاره به دستاوردهای نیروی سپاه گفت: طبق برنامه پنج ساله پنجم تا پایان امسال می‌بایست به هدفگذاری تولید انبوه شناور تندروی نظامی با سرعت 80 نات برسیم. این سرعت وحشتناکی در نیروهای دریایی جهان است.

فرمانده نیروی دریایی سپاه خاطرنشان کرد: لذا ما باید تلاش کنیم تا در چند ماه آینده انبوه شناورهای تندرو با سرعت 80 نات و مجهز به موشک با برد 100 کیلومتر را داشته باشیم شناورهایی که هیچ کس نمی‌تواند آنرا بگیرد.

تست شناور با سرعت 110 نات در سپاه / تولید انبوه شناور نظامی 80 نات با موشک 100 کیلومتری تا پایان سال - مشرق نیوز | mashreghnews.ir
any pic or video?
I know about these, these are purpose built high speed sports boats, what I meant was a gun/missile boat with a crew of 3/4 with weapons load.

The World Unlimited water speed record is the officially recognised fastest speed achieved by a water-borne vehicle. The current record of 511 km/h (317 mph) was achieved in 1978.

The Fastest Boats Ever Made:

3.) Problem Child

The Fastest Top Fuel Hydroplane

Top Speed (MPH/KN): 262/228

2.) Bluebird K7

The Fastest Hydroplane

Top Speed (MPH/KN): 276/239.8

1) Spirit Of Australia

The Fastest Speedboat

Top Speed (MPH/KN): 317.6/276.3
While really fast speed boats are very doable and impressive in the littoral game that is the Persian Gulf.. however, neither of these rocket launching boats will have much luck against the newer systems in place on US Ships. An example being the new and refit Arliegh Burke class. However, they may have luck against Isolated vessels in the region, such as those of the GCC.
While really fast speed boats are very doable and impressive in the littoral game that is the Persian Gulf.. however, neither of these rocket launching boats will have much luck against the newer systems in place on US Ships. An example being the new and refit Arliegh Burke class. However, they may have luck against Isolated vessels in the region, such as those of the GCC.
as report says all Rocket based boats will be equipped with cruise missile with a range of 100 kms... and yes, Rocket launching while being unguided is no serious threat to the best of American navy...although it could be hurtful when fired from a range of 10 or 12 kms with the help of its electr-hydraulic stabilizers and fire control systems, especially when the launcher of these rockets are a very tiny boat of 3 to 8 meters in length and +148 km/h speed!
other than this I agree with whatever you said bro
as report says all Rocket based boats will be equipped with cruise missile with a range of 100 kms... and yes, Rocket launching while being unguided is no serious threat to the best of American navy...although it could be hurtful when fired from a range of 10 or 12 kms with the help of its electr-hydraulic stabilizers and fire control systems, especially when the launcher of these rockets are a very tiny boat of 3 to 8 meters in length and +148 km/h speed!
other than this I agree with whatever you said bro
They wont get near 10 to 12 km/s regardless of the speed. The US Navy has already worked on countering that. The best bet are cruise systems that take their guidance from a different platform such as an Iranian P-3 flying over safer airspace or a submarine lurking close by. Then perhaps being able to get 10-15 launched against a ship might get some 7-8 surviving to get close enough to launch their systems.
They wont get near 10 to 12 km/s regardless of the speed. The US Navy has already worked on countering that. The best bet are cruise systems that take their guidance from a different platform such as an Iranian P-3 flying over safer airspace or a submarine lurking close by. Then perhaps being able to get 10-15 launched against a ship might get some 7-8 surviving to get close enough to launch their systems.
ogey...koshish kerdahe...

These boats of IRCG navy normally attack in swarm formations in big numbers... perhaps 50 to 100 at once... so whatever US defensive systems are they are vulnerable to these attacks...

Iran has between 1000 to 2000 of fast attack boats stationed in different military bases around Persian Gulf and Oman Sea... They are very deadly with smart mines they lay...with cruise missiles they can fire in hundreds if not thousands.... with suicide drone boats with hundreds of kilos of HE.... As article says, US managed to reform its navy tactics and upgrade its fighters and ships to be able to defend themselves against there small fast boats but as article stresses, despite all this upgrades, they are still under serious threat....

Iran's aim in regional seas is only to defend itself against outside navies and this makes it easy for Iran... Iran has multiple layers of attack and defense in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea waters... Hundreds of RC suicide boats, small fast attack crafts with both rockets and cruise missiles, Cruise and Ballistic batteries along the Iranian coast and beyond coast... if you take a look at Iranian terrain near southern sea shores, you see very advantageous terrain in favor of Iran...

A question always comes to my mind... if we consider thousands and thousands of ready to fire cruise and ballistic missiles on board of mobile batteries, Frigates, Missile boats, swarm formation boats, midget submarines, heavy and semi-heavy subs..... Is there any chance, invaders can get away with it and make it to the shore or is there any chance southern Persian Gulf states and bases get away with it? Even if all these sites very survived, what is that chances US navy can evade Hoot Torpedos?
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ogey...koshish kerdahe...

These boats of IRCG navy normally attack in swarm formations in big numbers... perhaps 50 to 100 at once... so whatever US defensive systems are they are vulnerable to these attacks...

Iran has between 1000 to 2000 of fast attack boats stationed in different military bases around Persian Gulf and Oman Sea... They are very deadly with smart mines they lay...with cruise missiles they can fire in hundreds if not thousands.... with suicide drone boats with hundreds of kilos of HE.... As article says, US managed to reform its navy tactics and upgrade its fighters and ships to be able to defend themselves against there small fast boats but as article stresses, despite all this upgrades, they are still under serious threat....

Iran's aim in regional seas is only to defend itself against outside navies and this makes it easy for Iran... Iran has multiple layers of attack and defense in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea waters... Hundreds of RC suicide boats, small fast attack crafts with both rockets and cruise missiles, Cruise and Ballistic batteries along the Iranian coast and beyond coast... if you take a look at Iranian terrain near southern sea shores, you see very advantageous terrain in favor of Iran...

A question always comes to my mind... if we consider thousands and thousands of ready to fire cruise and ballistic missiles on board of mobile batteries, Frigates, Missile boats, swarm formation boats, midget submarines, heavy and semi-heavy subs..... Is there any chance, invaders can get away with it and make it to the shore or is there any chance southern Persian Gulf states and bases get away with it? Even if all these sites very survived, what is that chances US navy can evade Hoot Torpedos?
Yes, there is a chance.
They will push a button and an invisible alien style shield will cover their ships. They have stollen this technology from aliens which they managed to defeat in 2012, you know "battleship 2012".

Hoot torpedo? Don't talk about impossibles man, how can auch a thing exist when even super duper American scientists haven't built that!
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A few photos from the production line of Seraj and New Zolfaghar Boats




is that propeller running that boat up to 80 knots with a nut mounted without any anti-cavitation hub on it? (maybe they forget to install it ). Also i hoped they will use a water-piercing system to maneuver instead of rudder-propeller config. And waterjets will be the best application for high speeds for many reasons.
Basically that system is fitted on the boat to show something,i dont think an engineer will let the boat sail with those propulsion system.

also so far i know it you think to fire a missile, shouldnt it have rotating guides inside of launcher to provide motion stability by maintaing the angular momentum ? it looks like mounted for showing what will be replaced in there most probably.

Also is composite manufactured in that way ? isnt there large ovens to age the fibres and matrices elemtents contact , and they just peeled it off ? It might be a new technique than i have seen in Sunseeker factory ,or yonca-onuk.

See the number and power of engines on that thing ?

then ask your self why didn't that technology reach mainstream ? and why isn't every other country in the world using those ?

Why are you anti science ?

anyway .. whatever makes you happy .. so be it.

1 pic of missile + 1 pic of torpedo != a missile boat that can do 130kmph.

Let me tell you those engines used for taking off ,to ovecome drag while the vessel is accelerating ,in the rest only 2 small engines run because there is no contact with water. Moreover ekranoplans not suitable for opean seas ,they are designed for lake-like flat surfaced areas, and they are vulnarable the condition of sea.
Also ekranoplans has a greater payload than planes, faster than boats but not effectively operated as both of them .

The World Unlimited water speed record is the officially recognised fastest speed achieved by a water-borne vehicle. The current record of 511 km/h (317 mph) was achieved in 1978.

The Fastest Boats Ever Made:

3.) Problem Child

The Fastest Top Fuel Hydroplane

Top Speed (MPH/KN): 262/228

2.) Bluebird K7

The Fastest Hydroplane

Top Speed (MPH/KN): 276/239.8

1) Spirit Of Australia

The Fastest Speedboat

Top Speed (MPH/KN): 317.6/276.3
Those are specially designed boats and their payload is only crew at most, they cant run for long time and their engines run at over rated . It is like showing an F-1 car and then saying " why armoured car shouldnt reach to such speeds". They use a very-high speed engines to lower weight and size of engine to fit into, and their propulsion system is quite complicated than a propeller.

I say my point again, its not a trolling , hence iran claims they can build UAV at high tech , they can design flying boats, they can design cruise missile , they can design fast boats and anti ship missies why not doing this ?;

Just make a USV/ low altitude high speed UAV hybrid, which is running at high speeds by hugging terrain with no crew, carrying SAM or SSM dependent on configuraiton which can fly with a jet engine ( also claimed to be produced), it will be a logical design and more creditable against US ships in the gulf and can be deployed in higher amount of numbers without loss of specially trained man to sail high speed bots, can be managed by chaotic swarm intelligence which will give the most damage to the your targets in the area. If you came up with such design, i will shut up and congrulate. As if i appreciate dwarf submarines that Iran deployed in gulf ,instead of trying hard for normal sized submarines with sophisticated and complicated systems to operate.

In the hardest war times, people will need the most basic systems , complicated ones will be long to activate and operate
thats why there are Trench wars in ukraine at the moment. So its not a shame to use a less advanced design if its the most suitable for your target and strategy.

110 knots in the sea doesnt make any sense just to carry a SSM and machine gun, just use a plane which can carry the same payload at higher speed ,with lower cost and had better to spend money on more affordable designs if you have such high techs for material and structural design, engine. Its the same for 80 knots, those fast crafts used for intervention, not to attack .

@scythian500 , it seems like saying about wood is really disturbed you ,but wood composites is used for advanced applications ,also fisher boat like structure is framed and low depth of elements structure is actually what use for reducing weight in advanced application by using mount up accuracy. So this is a knowledge for you :whistle:
is that propeller running that boat up to 80 knots
it belongs to New Zolfaghar Generation boats... and it is not finished as you see... it is a production line.. and the missile boats are not ready for delivery!
Zolfaghar Missile Boat has 13.75 tonnes of weight, 16.3 X 3.6 Meters, 3 crew and a range of 580 kms... It is equipped with Nasr-1 Cruise Missiles... speed is 95 km/h






This boat is relatively old but I like it for no obvious reasons!

Bahman-4 Catamaran Missile Boats:
Length: 14 meters
Speed: 55 Knots
Engine: 2 shaft + 2200 hp
Armament: 23 mm canon + Dshka Heavy Machine + Zafar Cruise Missile x 2 + Misagh-2 SAM


Among all speed missile boats in Iranian navy I like these two:

Tir Torpedo Boats:
21.15 X 5.77 meters
28.16 Tonnes
52 knots
832 km range
Armament: HOOT torpeodos with 8 km range + Heavy New YT534W1 Torpedos with ranges of 20 to 30 kms


Ya Mahdi RC boat:

Suiside Boat + Reconnaisance


The moment it attacked a mockup aircraft carrier in recent drills:

(maybe they forget to install it )
You really think they forget such stuff in their industries with thousands of engineers? Are you serious with this words or just trying to troll under cover? Is it a child game? Maybe it is common in Turkish Assembly lines to forget such basic stuff and you generalize it to other countries hoping to find it a common thing so you relief your backward self-himulated ash?

Although I don't expect a genuine technical discussion from Turks here with no under cover or open trolling... It is something I got used to in here... We have seen dozen of times when Turks or others see a big face of a Mullah in a landing gear of a UCAV or propeller of a chopper!! Only a Middle Eastern sees Mullahs in a solely technical discussion!!

Maybe it is the time to get over it and don't hope to match Iran... Iran is loooooong gone baby!!

Maybe it is time to find your par in science and tech...

I once proposed Egypt to compare your assembly lines with them....

I take it back... Yemen is a better par... At least they make indigenous missiles and really fire it to Saudi lands!!
Although I don't expect a genuine technical discussion from Turks here with no under cover or open trolling... It is something I got used to in here... We have seen dozen of times when Turks or others see a big face of a Mullah in a landing gear of a UCAV or propeller of a chopper!! Only a Middle Eastern sees Mullahs in a solely technical discussion!!

Maybe it is the time to get over it and don't hope to match Iran... Iran is loooooong gone baby!!

Maybe it is time to find your par in science and tech...

I once proposed Egypt to compare your assembly lines with them....

I take it back... Yemen is a better par... At least they make indigenous missiles and really fire it to Saudi lands!!

If all those make you sleep better or touch your egoes, Feel free to claim everything you want dude. No problem for me. If you pay attention, Turkish members are not the one who is ripping somewhere to prove What We are able to produce or not. Noone is going crazy when you tell How Turkish industry is an assembly center because All of us knows Whcih capabilities Turkey have so What you are claiming, just make me a nice laugh. It is you who can't even defend what you are claiming, even If All you are talking is an old copy in general but just trolling While talking about technical discussion. Anyway, You are great and "loooooong gone". Congratulations... :D
Turkish members are not the one who is ripping somewhere to prove What We are able to produce or not.
Yeah...like you never find Turks jump into all Iranian issues, specially when Iran showcases some fake weapon... then you see turks come all the way here to post that they have better!! Do you find any Iranians so obsessed with Turks' assembly products in your sections?

This shows who is trolling and who is ripping somewhere to prove what we are able to produce!!

Go assemble yourself...

and that other tork who thinks this PDF is something extraordinary that I give a damn about Negative Ratings... give me 100 negative ratings and I laugh more.... go get a job assembly fanboy who tries to troll under cover like we are kids and yet claim to be professional!! professional my ASH!!

You go assemble yourself too!!
Yeah...like you never find Turks jump into all Iranian issues, specially when Iran showcases some fake weapon... then you see turks come all the way here to post that they have better!! Do you find any Iranians so obsessed with Turks' assembly products in your sections?

This shows who is trolling and who is ripping somewhere to prove what we are able to produce!!

Go assemble yourself...

and that other tork who thinks this PDF is something extraordinary that I give a damn about Negative Ratings... give me 100 negative ratings and I laugh more.... go get a job assembly fanboy who tries to troll under cover like we are kids and yet claim to be professional!! professional my ASH!!

You go assemble yourself too!!

I think It is time to back actual subject instead of trolling about different subjects that You don't have any idea.

Sinan's post:

What soheil showed to you is English made Bladerunner 35.
View attachment 225290

Iranians re-painted it. Put some PVC and a basket on it's top and an unreachable manuel machine gun on the front.

View attachment 225291

And they gave an Iranian name to it.

While the producer company says 122 km/h for it's max speed, Iranians say 130 km/h....maybe because of the crazy steering skills of the Iranian captains.


Sinan actually composed general image of What We regularly meet When Iran introduced something "new".:meeting:
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