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Iran sports thread

abii, unlike those other two scums who are spreading bad Image of our Iran for 24/7, I do have a good image of you yet.I am sure you love Iran the most, just like us,and thats admirable.

But unfortunately you have chosen the wrong place and wrong way to critisize.PDF is not the right place to critisize the internal affairs of Iran and her governing system.

yesterday Iranian team qualified to semi final of the world league comptetions and deserves some BIG thanks to them.I think now its the good time to thank Iranian ministry of sport for this achievment.come on,we are almost the best country in Asia when it comes to sport.we should all appreciate this for sure.
You're welcome to cheer on a despotic entity that's considered the most backward of all on this planet today, I'd rather focus on its criminal actions: i.e. not allowing half the nation to enter stadiums for the simple reason that they don't have a penis and a set of testicles. And if you're yourself a misogynist that doesn't actually care, you should know that starting next year, we're going to be banned from major competitions if we don't do something about this. For that reason alone you should care. And not just on PDF, but every chance you get you should be nagging and moaning about the regime. There's no specific time or place to ask for your rights. Why isn't PDF a good place? Because you want to save face in front of a bunch of mosalmoons from khavar miane? We're better than this. We should be on top of the world, not be a sanctioned third world country with a despotic 6th century dictatorship.

Anyway, here's the full basketball game. I watched the whole thing and they did well. Congrats to our boys.


FIBA Asia Cup is different from FIBA Asian Championships, although we're the reigning champions in both. Asia Cup is the one that nobody really cares about.

In any case, we've won 3/4 previous Asian Championships and 2/2 of the previous Asia Cups.
In case ya'll are interested in b-ball:
2014 5th FIBA Asia Cup [Wuhan, China, Jul 11-19] - Page 9
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Must watch. Italian officials and players commenting on the ban on female presence in stadiums.

If you're not embarrassed, you shouldn't call yourself Iranian.

Wow Brazil defeated Italy 3 - 0 !!!!!!
We play Italy tomorrow for a bronze if I'm not wrong. This is really going to push us up in the rankings. We've gone from 19th to 12th and now we'll probably go up to around 6th.
Very weird it is. We defeat Brazil, Brazil defeats Italy, Italy defeats U.S and we lose to U.S. No one can predict a Volleyball game. :P
It has to do with how the match ups work. USA was a fair bit taller than Iran, and I'm guessing that was the deciding factor.

I was surprised that they didn't have any 7 foot black guys, but then again, in Canada/USA volleyball is considered a woman's sport only. Black guys would never go anywhere near a volleyball court lol


Eyval Shirdokhmalaye Irooni
This is stupid that everyone has his own flag in Iranian fans .

In world cup Iran was the only country that had 6 different flags .

We see the same in volleyball matches .
This is stupid that everyone has his own flag in Iranian fans .

In world cup Iran was the only country that had 6 different flags .

We see the same in volleyball matches .
Keep talking about every irrelevant topic you can find just so you don't have to criticize your beloved akhoonds. Is that the only thing you saw in that picture? I saw 3 beautiful girls/women risking everything by making a statement.

You're a defeated man S00R3NA. These girls have a voice and an opinion and they're fighting for it. They chose that flag b/c the other one doesn't let them breathe. Are you that thick not to get it? There are only 2 flags, not 6. One represents tyranny and misogyny to these women, the other one represents a bright past and future. Which would you choose if you were a woman?
Keep talking about every irrelevant topic you can find just so you don't have to criticize your beloved akhoonds. Is that the only thing you saw in that picture? I saw 3 beautiful girls/women risking everything by making a statement.

You're a defeated man S00R3NA. These girls have a voice and an opinion and they're fighting for it. They chose that flag b/c the other one doesn't let them breathe. Are you that thick not to get it? There are only 2 flags, not 6. One represents tyranny and misogyny to these women, the other one represents a bright past and future. Which would you choose if you were a woman?

Dude , Stadiums are for sports not politics .

I support women's presence in stadiums and it has nothing to do with politics . One of the main reasons our society is screwed nowadays is stupid and non reasonable limitations .

So instead of attacking me see what said , I said having 6 different sorts of flags in Iranians' hands in world cup is embarrassing . We should all accept that we have only 1 official flag and respect that ( at least when we represent a country ) .
Dude , Stadiums are for sports not politics .

I support women's presence in stadiums and it has nothing to do with politics . One of the main reasons our society is screwed nowadays is stupid and non reasonable limitations .

So instead of attacking me see what said , I said having 6 different sorts of flags in Iranians' hands in world cup is embarrassing . We should all accept that we have only 1 official flag and respect that ( at least when we represent a country ) .
dude zip it with the nonsense coward talk.

Say I'm a woman and I'm not allowed to enter a place b/c of the fact that I'm not carrying a penis and set of balls, or I'm a black guy and I'm not allowed to enter a place b/c of the color of my skin, how are these matters not political?

You're such a coward man. Having different flags is a common theme in every democratic country on the planet. Canada is barely a couple of hundred years old and we've had only 2 flags in our history, but you see both all the time. In Europe people carry whichever flag they like according to their beliefs.

You've shown that you're a man with no voice. You'd rather bury your head in the sand than stand up. I just don't understand why you insist that everybody does the same. I can carry whichever flag I like. You can carry the current flag with the ankaboot sign in the middle. Both flags represent one nation, but different times or ideas about the country in question.

dude zip it with the nonsense coward talk.

Say I'm a woman and I'm not allowed to enter a place b/c of the fact that I'm not carrying a penis and set of balls, or I'm a black guy and I'm not allowed to enter a place b/c of the color of my skin, how are these matters not political?

Typical Abii again .

Coward Talk ?!!

So supporting women's presence in stadiums and society is called coward talk .

Please don't bring BS ( that I did try not to use here but you made me ) and racism here . I have never supported such stupid laws and you can't find even 1 single post after 2 whole years of my membership .

My point from the beginning was not about what those 3 girls said as I agreed with them but having dozens of different flags that not only helps but also show us as a divided nation that haven't been able to leave their differences aside even in sports .

You're such a coward man. Having different flags is a common theme in every democratic country on the planet. Canada is barely a couple of hundred years old and we've had only 2 flags in our history, but you see both all the time. In Europe people carry whichever flag they like according to their beliefs.

I don't agree with you .

our official flag is only 1 and that should be accepted whether people like it or not .

Bringing dozens of flags related to previous systems and writing chelo kabab and such BSs instead of the symbol just shows how rootless we are and please leave your beloved Canada stuff for Canada , Here is Iran .

You've shown that you're a man with no voice. You'd rather bury your head in the sand than stand up. I just don't understand why you insist that everybody does the same. I can carry whichever flag I like. You can carry the current flag with the ankaboot sign in the middle. Both flags represent one nation, but different times or ideas about the country in question.

It just shows the world Iranians as a divided nation that haven't been able to handle their differences .
Typical Abii again .

Coward Talk ?!!

So supporting women's presence in stadiums and society is called coward talk .

Please don't bring BS ( that I did try not to use here but you made me ) and racism here . I have never supported such stupid laws and you can't find even 1 single post after 2 whole years of my membership .

My point from the beginning was not about what those 3 girls said as I agreed with them but having dozens of different flags that not only helps but also show us as a divided nation that haven't been able to leave their differences aside even in sports .
Abii is right. Instead of jumping on him, be honest with yourself.
I don't agree with you .

our official flag is only 1 and that should be accepted whether people like it or not .
LOL :lol: keep your flag for yourself. No one except for mullah goons, does not recognize that ugly flag.
Bringing dozens of flags related to previous systems and writing chelo kabab and such BSs instead of the symbol just shows how rootless we are and please leave your beloved Canada stuff for Canada , Here is Iran .
So what? do you imply that Iran is something superior to Canada?!!!
It just shows the world Iranians as a divided nation that haven't been able to handle their differences .
It means that Iranians do not recognize that mullah thing as their own flag.
I love how he always finds a way to divert the discussion. He ignored their message and jumped on their choice of flag. He always does the same.

And again, people have different ideas about the nation they live in. The ankaboot akhoond flag isn't my flag or their flag. Deal with it. Nobody outside Iran (~5 million) carries the ankaboot flag unless they have to (in sporting events the Iranian embassy distributes the ankaboot flag and that's sometimes all you have). No Iranian store outside Iran sells ankaboot flags either.
I love how he always finds a way to divert the discussion. He ignored their message and jumped on their choice of flag. He always does the same.

And again, people have different ideas about the nation they live in. The ankaboot akhoond flag isn't my flag or their flag. Deal with it. Nobody outside Iran (~5 million) carries the ankaboot flag unless they have to (in sporting events the Iranian embassy distributes the ankaboot flag and that's sometimes all you have). No Iranian store outside Iran sells ankaboot flags either.

Do not spread BS dolt. 80% of Iranians that I see on tv use Islamic Republic flag or use a flag with name of Iran at the middle. Since they are using flag for sport so they must show name of Iran largely. Another reason is, not good to use a flag with names of Allah for shaking and dancing ...
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