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Iran shoots down two spy planes in Gulf


May 5, 2010
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Iran shoots down two spy planes in Gulf


TEHRAN — Iran has shot down two unmanned western reconnaissance drone aircraft in the Gulf, a senior Revolutionary Guards commander told the semi-official Fars news agency on Sunday.

"Many spy planes and advanced planes of our enemies have been shot down (by our forces) ... We have also shot down two spy planes in the Persian Gulf," said commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh. "But it is the first time we are announcing it."

He did not say when the hostile aircraft had been shot down, but described them as "western drone reconnaissance" aircraft.
Iran is at odds with major powers over its nuclear activities, which the United States and its allies suspect are intended to enable Iran to produce nuclear bombs. Iran denies the allegations and says it wants only to generate electricity.

The United States and Israel, Iran's main foes, do not rule out military action if diplomacy fails to end the nuclear row.

Report: Iran shoots down two spy planes in Gulf - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Iran - msnbc.com
flexing muscles as i would like to call it?
Iran 'shoots down Western spy drones' in Gulf

Iran's Revolutionary Guards have shot down two "Western spy drones" in the Gulf, a senior Iranian commander has been quoted as saying.

"Many" other drones have been shot down over an unspecified period of time, the Fars news agency quoted him as saying.

The head of the Revolutionary Guards' air force wing, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, produced no evidence to support the report.

He said this was the first time news of the incidents had been reported.

The drones were mainly being used in Iraq and Afghanistan but "some violations against our soil" had also occurred, the commander said.

The Revolutionary Guards were set up following the Islamic revolution in 1979, and its commanders have frequently delivered warnings to Israel.

Last August Iran unveiled what it said was its first domestically built drone, the Karrar.

It said it had a range of 1,000km (620 miles) and could carry two 250-pound (115kg) bombs, or a precision bomb of 500 pounds.

There is no independent corroboration of the latest Iranian claims.

The Fifth Fleet of the US navy is based in Bahrain, on the other side of the Gulf from Iran, which has threatened to block shipping through the strategic Strait of Hormuz, if it is attacked.
hey.. if they have violated iran's airspace, they deserve to be shot down!! this is how sovereign nations protect their & their people's dignity!! good work iran..
why needed reconnaissance aircrafts when you already have Satellites ?
SHame on us..

our Anza MK III are able to shot down predator bt our ***** govt is american puppet
assalam alaikum

We might have defferences with iran in ragard of many policies but iran has every right to protect its territory.

Bhai meray drone attack apni govt. or army ki ijazat say hain wiki leaks k baad to koi baat chupi nahi rahi

assalam alaikum

We might have defferences with iran in ragard of many policies but iran has every right to protect its territory.

Bhai meray drone attack apni govt. or army ki ijazat say hain wiki leaks k baad to koi baat chupi nahi rahi


Bhai sb , Talaban were only 70 KM away from Islamabad that was the reason GOP requested US for drone attacks.;)
SHame on us..

our Anza MK III are able to shot down predator bt our ***** govt is american puppet
Aptly put by the member Monitor here. Drones of today especially the unarmed versions are simply flying cameras with the ability to send back vital lookout points and areas of importance back to its command centre and Iran seems to have done something any normal country would not hesitate to do.

However, you are talking about shooting down armed predators that are on terrorist manhunt. In normal circumstances, such an action by your soldiers would represent Pakistan against NATO forces or Americans in specific. That would be stirring up unnecessary trouble now.

Plus, do you think that your military personnel are unaware of the drone strikes? I assume not. Because of certain logistical and technological limitations of your country, your government seems to be taking American assistance. This would have a dual effect: now naturally as with every country's politics, there would be some fundamentalist parties in your country who support these Taliban (which also is disappointingly supported by many members here). By using American name, the ruling government prevents a civil war like situation while at the same time, gets the job done.

This is what your government seems to be doing: using American cover to ultimately remove the Taliban menace, without catching the eye of local fundamentalist agencies/political parties. It is one drawback of democracy that her policies of freedom allow even fundamentalists to come into power and often complicates matters compared to authoritarian regimes where even common dissidents are gunned down for treason.
Any info about which army owns those spy planes and by what they were shooted down. I mean by fighter jets or ground to air missile.
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