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Iran seizes South Korean-flagged oil tanker headed for the UAE

Umm. The US alliance helped propel them from a poor country to an extraordinarily developed country. I mean, have you been to Seoul? Not everyone is foaming at the mouth to pick fights, dear Khomeini bot. Some of us are normal and addressed our anger issues in childhood.

Oh and read some normal history. Not your marg bar Omrika brainwashed bs propaganda. US didn't rape South Koreans.
do you knew with what money they did that , do you wish that for Pakistan ?
True Arabization and pan Arabists would kill the entire GCC leadership together with yours and ours as well

I'm from Iraq, you write a lot of shit you know that.

Yemen needs to recover from MBS terrorism. Iraq needs to remove majoos. Work everywhere
If you are truly from Iraq...then why are you so Arab loving ..You guys were not even Arabs..you were babylonians who were taken over in the Arab conquest..now you worship your tormentors.. why not promote your own culture and let the Arabs from Arabia to admire themselves..
the news like to leave details when it comes to Iran.
korea didn't pay cause the thought Iran in sanctioned and don't have access to the banking system (swift), that they don't need to pay. thats was their excuse. but there are 100 ways to pay, it's not only bank transfer.
they can pay in gold like venezuela and turkey do, bitcoin, items (electronics etc.)... but they want to play clever.

here you can read in more detail about the frozen money and what south korea owes Iran.

Not a surprise money driven south koreans would rip off when the opportunity arises given that they only recently came out of poverty. Take south korean tourists for instance they are one of the most penny pinching misers in the world if you get to know them.
Not a surprise money driven south koreans would rip off when the opportunity arises given that they only recently came out of poverty. Take south korean tourists for instance they are one of the most penny pinching misers in the world if you get to know them.

Just because the Koreans have a few big companies like Hiundi and Samsung, it doesnt mean that the average Koren is benefiting from them. In reality a few families own Korea, and the rest of the people live like dogs.
This is why Korea has one of the highest suecide rates in the world and the population is shrinking more than anywhere else in the world, cause people cant afford to have kids.

North Korea doesnt need to beat the south in a war.... they just need to wait till they all dies out....
One lesson I hope Iran has learned from all of this is to shut off the tap once the arrearages reach 9 zeroes. After one, maybe two billion Iran should say no more and not let it get to 10 zeroes.
One lesson I hope Iran has learned from all of this is to shut off the tap once the arrearages reach 9 zeroes. After one, maybe two billion Iran should say no more and not let it get to 10 zeroes.

I am amazed at the stupidity of this government that keeps sending oil tankers while the debt is sky high and sanctions are well placed. How can you justify something like this?

The force is to sell the fucking raw oil. No thought on getting the money.

Venezuela sent Iran Gold and Alumina. Exactly what Iran needed. That is heck of a deal.
I am amazed at the stupidity of this government that keeps sending oil tankers while the debt is sky high and sanctions are well placed. How can you justify something like this?

The force is to sell the fucking raw oil. No thought on getting the money.

Venezuela sent Iran Gold and Alumina. Exactly what Iran needed. That is heck of a deal.
They are not stupid. Iran's oil reserves are pressurized meaning when you drill into them, you need to keep extracting because the pressure is so immense that you literally cannot stop the oil from pouring out.
In this situation, you either need to store this oil coming out which needs a lot of money and engineering work because we are talking about millions of barrels a day or you can just ship it to your buyers. Yes they will not pay you today but they owe you money which one day will eventually be paid. They are doing the right thing given the choices they have.
They are not stupid. Iran's oil reserves are pressurized meaning when you drill into them, you need to keep extracting because the pressure is so immense that you literally cannot stop the oil from pouring out.
In this situation, you either need to store this oil coming out which needs a lot of money and engineering work because we are talking about millions of barrels a day or you can just ship it to your buyers. Yes they will not pay you today but they owe you money which one day will eventually be paid. They are doing the right thing given the choices they have.
Is there any possible way to at least restrict its flow so there isn't so much of a glut to have to contend with? Also, how does OPEC cut back production, unless not all oil wells are so pressurised as Iran's wells?
They are not stupid. Iran's oil reserves are pressurized meaning when you drill into them, you need to keep extracting because the pressure is so immense that you literally cannot stop the oil from pouring out.
In this situation, you either need to store this oil coming out which needs a lot of money and engineering work because we are talking about millions of barrels a day or you can just ship it to your buyers. Yes they will not pay you today but they owe you money which one day will eventually be paid. They are doing the right thing given the choices they have.
Your statement is correct about not being able to easily stops high pressure oil coming out, however if they wanted they could store the oil in salt mines as the US is doing or better convert to oil products..the core of the issue is that this rohhani goverment has always been a "crude seller"...sooooo many times people have told them to try convert the oil but the rotten team always reverts to lowest impedance route which is crude selling .Even if they do not pay you back sell the crude and import LG fridges..lol....a crude seller and an import buyer...works great for a green card government..
They are not stupid. Iran's oil reserves are pressurized meaning when you drill into them, you need to keep extracting because the pressure is so immense that you literally cannot stop the oil from pouring out.
In this situation, you either need to store this oil coming out which needs a lot of money and engineering work because we are talking about millions of barrels a day or you can just ship it to your buyers. Yes they will not pay you today but they owe you money which one day will eventually be paid. They are doing the right thing given the choices they have.
Great counter-argument, but I think part of his point is still valid. Why would you continue to send oil to a country that has a strategic alliance with another country that has publicly declared that they want to choke your economy?

If they want to ship our oil out for free to countries that cannot pay us back right away, or may never pay us back in the next 10 years, why don't they ship it to poor, corrupt countries to bribe their authorities or create leverage in those countries to further our interests? They can then pay us back in goods that we need such as agricultural products, rare minerals, etc. Africa, Southern Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America have plenty of such countries that can be bought.
Is there any possible way to at least restrict its flow so there isn't so much of a glut to have to contend with? Also, how does OPEC cut back production, unless not all oil wells are so pressurised as Iran's wells?
Yes, there are ways to reduce it:
1. Reduce the flow. You can never cut it to zero but you can reduce it to some extent.
2. Fill your strategic reserves. They are large natural cavities within the ground where you can pump your oil into for future use.
3. Turn it into other products and consume it.

I think Iran has already done all above to the extent possible.

And yes, not all reserves are pressurized. For example the ones in Texas are not so they need to use those giant pumps to blow air into the reservoir so the oil comes out.

It is a blessing for your reserves to be pressurized as long as you can consume it.
Great counter-argument, but I think part of his point is still valid. Why would you continue to send oil to a country that has a strategic alliance with another country that has publicly declared that they want to choke your economy?

If they want to ship our oil out for free to countries that cannot pay us back right away, or may never pay us back in the next 10 years, why don't they ship it to poor, corrupt countries to bribe their authorities or create leverage in those countries to further our interests? They can then pay us back in goods that we need such as agricultural products, rare minerals, etc. Africa, Southern Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America have plenty of such countries that can be bought.
I think they are doing that too. Supply of oil or the byproducts to Venezuela, Syria, Afghanistan and etc are example. However the countries you are referring to like Japan, South Korea and India are also among the top ten users of oil who by the way prefer to buy the raw oil not processed products.

I guess short of a mega project or mega structure(s) that could benefit from the from the current surplus of energy all other options are being used.
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