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Iran seizes South Korean-flagged oil tanker headed for the UAE

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Did Koreans pay Iran?
South Korea asks Qatar to help get back ship from Iran

South Korea has sought Qatar's assistance to secure the release of a ship and its crew detained by Iran, local media reported on Thursday.

Choi Jong-kun, South Korea’s first vice foreign minister, made the request during meetings with top Qatari officials, according to Yonhap News Agency.

Jong-kun met Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim al-Thani, Qatar’s deputy prime minister and foreign minister, and Soltan bin Saad al-Muraikhi, minister of state for foreign affairs, separately in Doha on Wednesday.

He requested “the maximum support possible from the Qatari side to resolve the matter,” the South Korean Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Jong-kun held talks with his Iranian counterpart Abbas Araqchi in Tehran on Monday but the two sides failed to reach an agreement.

Iran has urged Seoul to “avoid politicizing the issue,” while pressing for the release of over $7 billion worth of Iranian assets frozen in South Korea.

Just pay the damn money already! Suppose there is a return to the jcpoa next month, then what excuse will those cretins have? Seems like they haven't bothered to promise to return funds in any sort of time table.
Quite frankly if it weren't for the environmental harm, I would rather Iran dump the crude into the deserts or cap the the wells as best as possible and let whatever leaks out persist; literally pour it out on the ground before giving a drop more to free loading cannibal lowlives anywhere (not including allies and friends).
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I think our ports have enough space for more tankers in case I mean ..
They steal Iranian money and then ask Qatar for help in resolving the issue.

Here's a simple resolution. Give us our money back...
They steal Iranian money and then ask Qatar for help in resolving the issue.

Here's a simple resolution. Give us our money back...
They can't. Americans got them by their balls.
I think our ports have enough space for more tankers in case I mean ..
Korean embassy cars, money etc need to be confiscated too.
Iran Central Banker Says Still No Sign of South Korea Funds: Q&A

(Bloomberg) -- The governor of the Central Bank of Iran, Abdolnaser Hemmati, answered questions put to him by Bloomberg in writing about billions of dollars Iran has trapped in South Korea because of U.S sanctions. Some Iranian officials have linked Iran’s seizure of a tanker in the Persian Gulf earlier this month to those frozen funds. Questions to Hemmati, who met with a delegation of South Kore an officials last week, were limited to this topic.

You’ve said that interest should be paid on the $7 billion of Iranian funds that are currently in South Korea. How much interest do you estimate has accumulated over the past two years?

The Islamic Republic of Iran has been prevented from using its funds with Korean banks, as a result of the Korean banks’ full cooperation with the maximum pressure policy of the United States against Iran. This policy is against international law and not justified by legal principles. Therefore, we believe that those Korean banks should pay the damage suffered by the Islamic Republic of Iran during these two years. The amount of such damage is a technical issue which should be determined by banking and financial experts.

Did the South Korean delegation give an indication that they can release the funds soon? Or did they give a time frame for when they can resolve the situation?

The South Korean delegation mentioned that they have the political will to resolve the issue and enable Iran to make use of their assets, but the problem is that they want to comply with the U.S. policies and regulations as well.

Were they specific about what is stopping them from releasing the money? Are they facing direct pressure from the U.S. government, for instance, or from certain U.S. banks?

There are a number of problems for the utilization of funds belonging to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iranian banks and financial institutions, including the Central Bank of Iran, are listed by the U.S. Treasury as sanctioned entities. Unfortunately, the Korean government has succumbed to the pressure and, unlike some other countries, refuses to cooperate with Iran. Our other partners could find some ways so that we can use resources to import humanitarian goods, but the Korean government did not propose any reliable channel in this regard. The funds are held with Korean banks which have business with the U.S. banks and they take it as an excuse that the funds are Korean won and cannot be converted into euro directly.

How did your meeting end? Did the South Koreans give any promises or pledge to make new efforts to try and release the money?

South Korean authorities promised that they will do whatever they could in order to release the funds. But this was not the first time they are making such promises.

Did you discuss the oil tanker and is the seizure of that vessel linked to Iran’s trapped funds?


Is it possible to redirect the funds that Iran has trapped in South Korea into Instex? Is that something that you have been discussing?

Transferring the funds to Instex or the Swiss channel remains among the possible options but it is the second step. The first step is that we should witness a political will in Korean banks to release the funds and cooperate with Iranian banks. We have not witnessed such a political will yet. In addition, it needs to be reminded that Instex has been practically of little use so far and is mostly affected by the same U.S. sanctions. So Instex has not worked as we expected to make trade ties with the European countries beyond the U.S. sanctions, as the European countries have not had enough courage to hold their economic sovereignty.

I think iran should make it crystal clear to these clowns that unless there is real progress on this issue then the south koreans "persian gulf privileges",ie entry to the persian gulf,will be revoked for the duration of its continued bad behavior,and that the practical consequences of this is that any and all commercial south korean shipping will be seized and its cargoes and vessels will either be auctioned off to pay back part of this debt,or they will be interned in iran at south koreas expense until the matter is settled.
Effectively you would be cutting them off from direct access to the persian gulf and its resources.Now they could still try and use the red sea ports,however this will certainly increase the costs in both money and time to them.
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