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Iran sees conspiracy in box office success of Ben Affleck's 'Argo'


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Iran sees conspiracy in box office success of Ben Affleck's 'Argo'

Based on true events surrounding the 1979 takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran, 'Argo' opened this weekend at No. 2 and rose to the top spot on Monday. Iranians are less enthused.

By Roshanak Taghavi, Correspondent / October 17, 2012


This film image released by Warner Bros. Pictures shows Bryan Cranston (l.) as Jack O’Donnell and Ben Affleck as Tony Mendez in 'Argo,' a rescue thriller about the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis. Claire Folger/Warner Bros./AP


American moviegoers flocked to theaters this weekend to see Ben Affleck's long-anticipated thriller Argo, which has been generating headlines since it was first screened at the Toronto Film Festival last month.

Based on a true story about how the CIA smuggled six American diplomats out of Iran after the 1979 takeover of the US Embassy, the film opened on Oct. 12 and came in at No. 2 in box office sales over the weekend, after "Taken 2" (an action film starring Liam Neeson). By Oct. 15, Argo held the top spot.

But inside Iran, where the decision by a group of Iranian students to storm the US Embassy and hold Americans hostage for 444 days is still controversial and vibrantly debated, the press has paid Argo scant attention. The few comments the film has received are generally negative – Iran's state-run IRNA news agency called Argo "Hollywood’s latest failed attempt to confront the Islamic Revolution" – and replete with complaints that the movie portrays all Iranians as stereotypically aggressive and unrefined and fails to give viewers enough historical context. (Pirated copies of American films typically become available in Iran a few months before the films open in the US, and are easily accessed by the public.)

RELATED: How much do you know about Iran? Take our quiz to find out.

“Argo makes the people of Iran look like they have no self-determination, and indisputably support violence,” writes Meysam Karimi in a lengthy review for the popular Iran-based film magazine website, Moviemag. “For me, as an Iranian … this makes [the storyline behind] Argo much less believable.”

Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency labels Argo “anti-Iranian" and painted the film as a flop. Citing unidentified "news agencies," it asserted that Argo only managed to reach second place in the US and Canada because the filmmakers artificially boosted sales by purchasing tickets “en masse” and giving them away for free to random people.

Argo “was unable to become a box office hit in spite of considerable advertisement," Fars wrote. “The filmmakers tried very hard and used a variety of methods to increase ticket sales, but they were unsuccessful. … Even though ‘Taken 2’ was in its second week, Argo still couldn’t beat it to first place in the box office … due to a lack of interest among its own [North American] audience.”

SEE ALSO: The Monitor's review of "Argo"

Moviemag, the privately owned online film magazine, is more sober in its assessment of the film, acknowledging Ben Affleck’s strong directorial skill and the film’s attention-grabbing story line and giving the film a four out of five star rating.

"If I were to set aside issues [with how Iran is portrayed], I must admit that Argo is one of this year’s best movies, and expect it to be awarded an Oscar for Best Director and Best Supporting Actor for Alan Arkin’s role," he writes.

“Without a doubt, a non-Iranian viewer will highly enjoy seeing Argo because the story is strong and keeps the viewer’s attention through to the end,” he adds. “But for an Iranian who counts this subject as part of our country’s history, the view may be a bit different.”

Almost all coverage of Argo also noted that the film’s Toronto Film Festival debut, Sept. 7, is the same day Canada closed its embassy this year in Tehran and announced the expulsion of Iran’s diplomats from Ottowa.

“Perhaps it was a coincidence,” writes Mr. Karimi for Moviemag. “But for [the embassy closure] to take place during the Toronto Film Festival, right when this film was being screened, somewhat undermines the theory that this happened by accident.”
I generally have high regards for different ethnicity in the Middle East. Been there, seen it, and enjoyed their hospitality.

However when it comes to the treatment of diplomats and embassies, so many of the Middle Easterners Iranians, Arabs, and even South Asians in Pakistan and India behave like primitive chimps. They have no fing idea that the diplomats and their offices and homes must not be touched in anyway. If you don't like a diplomat, politely ask him to leave. But for no reason whatsover you must not lay your hand on him. Never, ever, never,

However certain countries (including my own Pakistan) has a section of their populace with small brains, who have no idea about the rules that govern the treatment of diplomats.

Considering the tiny brains of such analysts, I don't believe Iranians or Arabs and certain Pakistanis would ever appreciate this movie, and ever come to the terms that it was wrong for the Mullah Khomeni and his goons to hold 400+ diplomats hostage.

However when it comes to the treatment of diplomats and embassies, so many of the Middle Easterners Iranians, Arabs, and even South Asians in Pakistan and India behave like primitive chimps. They have no fing idea that the diplomats and their offices and homes must not be touched in anyway. If you don't like a diplomat, politely ask him to leave. But for no reason whatsover you must not lay your hand on him. Never, ever, never,

well as if USA have better records on treating other countries diplomats and embassies , at least in that incident nobody even bleed its noose , bu US as a matter of fact have the record of sending its marine to attack other countries embassy in Iraq or bombing other country Embassy in Serbia and ...
What conspiracy when its all known fact that the Iranians took it over in demand for Shah to be returned to them for American lives.

Iran sees conspiracy in box office success of Ben Affleck's 'Argo'

Based on true events surrounding the 1979 takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran, 'Argo' opened this weekend at No. 2 and rose to the top spot on Monday. Iranians are less enthused.

By Roshanak Taghavi, Correspondent / October 17, 2012


This film image released by Warner Bros. Pictures shows Bryan Cranston (l.) as Jack O’Donnell and Ben Affleck as Tony Mendez in 'Argo,' a rescue thriller about the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis. Claire Folger/Warner Bros./AP


American moviegoers flocked to theaters this weekend to see Ben Affleck's long-anticipated thriller Argo, which has been generating headlines since it was first screened at the Toronto Film Festival last month.

Based on a true story about how the CIA smuggled six American diplomats out of Iran after the 1979 takeover of the US Embassy, the film opened on Oct. 12 and came in at No. 2 in box office sales over the weekend, after "Taken 2" (an action film starring Liam Neeson). By Oct. 15, Argo held the top spot.

But inside Iran, where the decision by a group of Iranian students to storm the US Embassy and hold Americans hostage for 444 days is still controversial and vibrantly debated, the press has paid Argo scant attention. The few comments the film has received are generally negative – Iran's state-run IRNA news agency called Argo "Hollywood’s latest failed attempt to confront the Islamic Revolution" – and replete with complaints that the movie portrays all Iranians as stereotypically aggressive and unrefined and fails to give viewers enough historical context. (Pirated copies of American films typically become available in Iran a few months before the films open in the US, and are easily accessed by the public.)

RELATED: How much do you know about Iran? Take our quiz to find out.

“Argo makes the people of Iran look like they have no self-determination, and indisputably support violence,” writes Meysam Karimi in a lengthy review for the popular Iran-based film magazine website, Moviemag. “For me, as an Iranian … this makes [the storyline behind] Argo much less believable.”

Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency labels Argo “anti-Iranian" and painted the film as a flop. Citing unidentified "news agencies," it asserted that Argo only managed to reach second place in the US and Canada because the filmmakers artificially boosted sales by purchasing tickets “en masse” and giving them away for free to random people.

Argo “was unable to become a box office hit in spite of considerable advertisement," Fars wrote. “The filmmakers tried very hard and used a variety of methods to increase ticket sales, but they were unsuccessful. … Even though ‘Taken 2’ was in its second week, Argo still couldn’t beat it to first place in the box office … due to a lack of interest among its own [North American] audience.”

SEE ALSO: The Monitor's review of "Argo"

Moviemag, the privately owned online film magazine, is more sober in its assessment of the film, acknowledging Ben Affleck’s strong directorial skill and the film’s attention-grabbing story line and giving the film a four out of five star rating.

"If I were to set aside issues [with how Iran is portrayed], I must admit that Argo is one of this year’s best movies, and expect it to be awarded an Oscar for Best Director and Best Supporting Actor for Alan Arkin’s role," he writes.

“Without a doubt, a non-Iranian viewer will highly enjoy seeing Argo because the story is strong and keeps the viewer’s attention through to the end,” he adds. “But for an Iranian who counts this subject as part of our country’s history, the view may be a bit different.”

Almost all coverage of Argo also noted that the film’s Toronto Film Festival debut, Sept. 7, is the same day Canada closed its embassy this year in Tehran and announced the expulsion of Iran’s diplomats from Ottowa.

“Perhaps it was a coincidence,” writes Mr. Karimi for Moviemag. “But for [the embassy closure] to take place during the Toronto Film Festival, right when this film was being screened, somewhat undermines the theory that this happened by accident.”

And this is the reason why I totally doubt Iran's ridiculous and nonsensical claims of its Military capabilities.

War propaganda movie, It started with movie 300.

300 was a graphic comic book that was turned into a movie.

The main story was 300 men holding out against a vast army.

It was an amazing movie and I have it on blue-ray.

Deal with it.

When you guys continue to yell death to America, make retarded conspiracy theories, burn American flags, paint ghastly murals....how else should Americans see you but a bunch of brainless mindless savages....

Fix your image before asking the west to change their perception of you.
Under diplomatic cover UK and US removed the first democratic leader of Iran and imposed the rule of the shah. Diplomatic immunity is all good and well but when under the cover of such immunity diplomats acts against a nation a reaction is inevitable. During cold war diplomats were illiminated quietly that's all that needs to happen. Don't let it become public...
And this is the reason why I totally doubt Iran's ridiculous and nonsensical claims of its Military capabilities.

300 was a graphic comic book that was turned into a movie.

The main story was 300 men holding out against a vast army.

It was an amazing movie and I have it on blue-ray.

Deal with it.

When you guys continue to yell death to America, make retarded conspiracy theories, burn American flags, paint ghastly murals....how else should Americans see you but a bunch of brainless mindless savages....

Fix your image before asking the west to change their perception of you.

Actions speak louder than words, yes we might say all these crazy stuff, but AMERICA hands down is the biggest mindless,brainless savage on earth. How many people has America killed ? do the math. Actions not words. Also burning the American flag is done in many places, but you only hear about iran doing it. So maybe America needs to figure out why people love burning her flag so much.
Actions speak louder than words, yes we might say all these crazy stuff, but AMERICA hands down is the biggest mindless,brainless savage on earth. How many people has America killed ? do the math. Actions not words. Also burning the American flag is done in many places, but you only hear about iran doing it. So maybe America needs to figure out why people loving burning her flag?

America is a global super-power and thus will get involved in wars and conflicts which affect's its interests.

Thats the role of a super-power otherwise you will not be considered a super-power.

Now look at Iran. Iran considers itself a Regional shia power. So Iran has its hands involved in Yemen, Bahrain, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.

Why, because it wants to promote and defend its interest.

So please get off your trumpet about Americans killing people.

America has been the most restraint super-power in the history of the world.

Romans, Chinese, Mongols, British, were all a lot more bloody than the Americans.

I prefer America being the super-power in the world than other countries like Russia and China.
America is a global super-power and thus will get involved in wars and conflicts which affect's its interests.

Thats the role of a super-power otherwise you will not be considered a super-power.

Now look at Iran. Iran considers itself a Regional shia power. So Iran has its hands involved in Yemen, Bahrain, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.

Why, because it wants to promote and defend its interest.

So please get off your trumpet about Americans killing people.

America has been the most restraint super-power in the history of the world.

Romans, Chinese, Mongols, British, were all a lot more bloody than the Americans.

I prefer America being the super-power in the world than other countries like Russia and China.

America is two faced, it promotes democracy,peace, stability,,,yet it does the exact opposite. and honestly I rather have Russia and China as the superpowers. They seem less aggressive about bombing people left and right .
America is two faced, it promotes democracy,peace, stability,,,yet it does the exact opposite. and honestly I rather have Russia and China as the superpowers. They seem less aggressive about bombing people left and right .

Every nation promotes its self interests.

Just like Iran. Talking all about overthrowing the Bahrain government but sending arms and soldiers in Syria to keep that government in power.

Everyone is a hypocrite.

Thats the world we live in.

Its about time you recognized it.
It is expected that Hollywood movies will portray a certain angle when it comes to Iran, the Iranian reaction is also in the same realms of expectation.

Its just business as usual.
America is two faced, it promotes democracy,peace, stability,,,yet it does the exact opposite. and honestly I rather have Russia and China as the superpowers. They seem less aggressive about bombing people left and right .
That's because Russia and China tightly control media access and propaganda from the areas they attack. You never saw anything about Russia's operation in Georgia a few years back, did you? Or the devastation wrought upon the Chechens? Or the Chinese suppression of Tibetan riots? Or appreciate how after Tianamen Square massacre the Chinese students arriving in the West all said words to the effect, "I was there and nothing happened"?
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