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Iran seeks strategic depth in Pakistan ties

off topic but this is the difference between iran and "nuclear power" pakistan
we cant even think of such a move.

Because we do not want to end up becoming largest exporter of prostitutes to Arabs for making a living..ever see the working girls on streets of Dubai? Persian tops the rank..this is what happened when you put emotions and sentiments above common sense politics...the problems between Iran and USA will not die down easily...

Pakistan is far expert in diplomatically navigating USA...
Watch your words, no Persian girl is working on the streets of Dubai.

If you say so

Maybe you are right because youtube is filled with videos of persian girls dancing for Arabs :)

U all guys noticed that Iran is now feeling that Trump is gonna come hard on Iran...Iranians are already banned from travelling into US...Maybe next target is Iran nuke program?

So, this is why this "sudden urge" for "alliance" occurs. :lol:...We must be careful and exploit this situation to our full benefit... Iranians are very shrewd and arrogant people...Pakistanis need to see where this all scenario goes and how it emerges...

Need to keep an eye on Chabahar...

Sorry I donot believe this theory bro, USA can never divorce Iran May it is trump or anyother idiot they were never been enemy of Iran The only reason Iran begs for such alliance or taking part in CPEC because his main power is to break muslim countries from within, unlike Non muslims countries he can penetrate deep inside muslim societies using its mazloom local Agents Therefore you will find it everywhere almost everywhere, Iran can't do a thing while staying outside .....
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Iran relations will good again with Pak new Govt not this corrupt Qatri Sharifs .
Maybe you are right because youtube is filled videos of persian girls dancing for Arabs :)
How can you ensure me she was Iranian and more importantly Persian? Persian race cannot be found in all of the bordering towns. Only central cities are Persians. Plus we have enough enemies between those monarchs to make propagandas against our race and religious beliefs. Currently you walked on my nerves. The only reason that i don't insult Pakistanis, is your religion. With Muslims like you, who needs enemy?!
I prefer the wise enemies to stupid friends. At least i haven't seen Americans to make fun with Muslim honor. Get a brain idiot
I do not understand why we Pakistanis are underestimating our-self just being observing other nations what they do or say. The reality is we should see our national interest. Pakistan have been taking many bold steps during the last few years and define her new foreign policy and China played a crucial role in it. Pakistan need good relationship with both Iran and KSA who has been our reliable friend. However, the challenge is how to maintain the balance between these relations. If UAE can close their ties with our foe India, than why not Pakistan and Iran...
I do not understand why we Pakistanis are underestimating our-self just being observing other nations what they do or say. T

If UAE can close their ties with our foe India, than why not Pakistan and Iran...


Iran does not ally with any nation---it has its own position and you have to follow it---.

Iran is not a friend of any nation---. Any nation that has allowed iran to interfere or make partner has faced mega death and destruction---Palestine---Lebanon---Syria---Iraq---Yemen to name few.
Maybe you are right because youtube is filled videos of persian girls dancing for Arabs :)


When women dance---they are not dancing for any country---they are dancing for themselves and showing of their wares---.

Nationhood has nothing to do with it---.

An other idiot.
You must be telling me that Iran invaded Yemen. Yemen is not even an ally of Iran
Or Iran armed ISIS?!
Without Iran, Lebanon was an Israeli state


Welcome to the forum---and a possible good bye as well.
Iran is not a friend of any nation-
Iran Pakistan can make economic relationship only.... we are not in a position of making alliance with Iran. Same as China is a biggest economic partner of USA despite they are foe of each other. Countries make relations with other states based on their own national interest and so do Pakistan... There is a huge scope of trade between Iran and Pakistan specially when GCC countries are now giving less favourable status trade with Pakistan and more favourable to India...
Iran Pakistan can make economic relationship only.... we are not in a position of making alliance with Iran. Same as China is a biggest economic partner of USA despite they are foe of each other. Countries make relations with other states based on their own national interest and so do Pakistan... There is a huge scope of trade between Iran and Pakistan specially when GCC countries are now giving less favourable status trade with Pakistan and more favourable to India...

This is where your entire diplomacy is wrong if they also define your foreign policy in the way you highlighted it..

You should not have a relation with Iran because India is with UAE or some external factors rather if both Pakistan and Iran seems some benifit out of it.Why do you want to create your own foreign policy in a reaction to some one else...Why do not you see if you can get benifit to a nation that can provide value add to both India as well as to Pakistan too...Why do other countries have to choose between both of us?
Pakistan is far expert in diplomatically navigating USA...

yeah, they do tailoring of usa military uniforms, badges, souvenirs and send to usa via japan and maybe even the dress of trump might have been readied in pak. :lol:

How can you ensure me she was Iranian and more importantly Persian? Persian race cannot be found in all of the bordering towns. Only central cities are Persians. Plus we have enough enemies between those monarchs to make propagandas against our race and religious beliefs. Currently you walked on my nerves. The only reason that i don't insult Pakistanis, is your religion. With Muslims like you, who needs enemy?!
I prefer the wise enemies to stupid friends. At least i haven't seen Americans to make fun with Muslim honor. Get a brain idiot

well said. with muslims like these making friendship is too lowly. only sick brains will think of friendship and will be hacked in disasters.
Iran is recruiting people from Pakistani shia community especially parachinar and FATA to fight their war in Syria and Iraq and where her strategic depth holds. Stop recruiting Pakistanis and using proxies for your gains in Baluchistan and we are on your side.

well Iranians can argue that other countries in the region too recruiting Pakistanis of a specific sect to for their defense too ... well the point is we have to see what is good for Pakistan not for a particular sect or group...if Iran-Pakistan-China's nexus is good for Pakistan then yes go for it

This is where your entire diplomacy is wrong if they also define your foreign policy in the way you highlighted it..

You should not have a relation with Iran because India is with UAE or some external factors rather if both Pakistan and Iran seems some benifit out of it.Why do you want to create your own foreign policy in a reaction to some one else...Why do not you see if you can get benifit to a nation that can provide value add to both India as well as to Pakistan too...Why do other countries have to choose between both of us?

this is those moments when i have to agree with this indian....

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