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Iran seeks strategic depth in Pakistan ties

your wahabi propganda is futile and useless.

What if I tell ya that I am an Atheist or Christian? Or Jewish ? Or whatever it may be..but not a Muslim definitely??

you speak lies. our clergy call sunnis as american zionist agent. Sunnis are our brothers and part of us.

monarchy is banned and Haram in both Shis and Sunni Islam.
you cannot pollute Islam with linking monarchy with Islam

Rest your nice pics proved that the Shia Leaders have good following in Pakistan and Shia Islam is rooted in Pakistani society.

I am starting to feel sorry for quoting your post over and over because there is yet to have a single Iranian...literally single Iranian to come in discussion and defend your argument..!

It only proved that there are some black sheep among us needing an operation clean up..the state may be asleep...some people will take matters in their own hands..

How Arabs choose the ruled is irrelevant to a third person...the who argument that monarchy is Haram serves no legitimate purpose beside poking nose in others business! It is a facade for political conquest of Arabia by mullahs of Tehran...Beside Iran is also defending monarchy in Syria with man and material...

You know whats worst than monarchy?? is dictatorship by deception..and defending a savage dictator like Assad...!


And why should we give it Saudi ? It does not serve our interest well..CHINA is much better in every aspect..Policies are not drafted just to irk others but to peruse own goals..
Let Iranians play with India whatever they wishes to be

Again sentimental thinking of our country folk..Pakistan should seek to rise as strong country and be able to exert its will..rather than look for support from others...!
You know whats worst than monarchy?? is dictatorship by deception..

Iran is kind of based on Plato's republic with a philosopher ruler.

"The Guardian Council, apparently alien to modern practice, can trace its origin to the oldest and most influential book of Western political theory: Plato’s Republic. In that work, the question is posed: what political system will produce a virtuous citizen? Since, in his view, virtue depended on reason, and the rational life was accessible to very few, Plato comes down in favor of government by an enlightened minority, armed with wide discretionary powers. They were the Guardians, and their job was to make sure the majority, with their addled, consumerist passions, didn’t go astray."

Anyway we shouldn't indulge in sectarian talk because that blinds us to what is in our national interest. We should deal with any country whose interests converge with ours, If it pisses of Iran or Saudi, eff em.
Of course they are looking at Pakistan!!!!!!!111 They are looking at Pakistan as a great Shia population ready and for recruitment for Iran's Mulla Fight against almost all Sunni Muslim countries.
What Iran did for Pakistan after revolutions they only create trouble.............. For thrm we are just another Yemen or Syria or Iraq.
We have to safe Pakistan not only from GCC but also from Mullas in Iran ,,,,, Both Enemy of Pakistan in reality...............
So as a Pakistani, you shouldnt defend the actions of any other country and think about Pakistani interests and those poor Pakistanis and their families being recruited to fight iranian war in Syria as her proxy. And I think may be you dont know what Irani Intelligence is doing in Baluchistan against the interests of Pakistan.
If someone is more loyal to any other country then why doesnt he go there? Dont become a Munafiq. Love Pakistan or Leave Pakistan.

you think others are fools and do not know who is killing shias in Pakistan.
stop your rants against Islamic Revolution. it is blessed and powered by Almighty Allah swt.
when wahabis are given free hand in Baluchistan then ofcourse Islam will intervene.
Shias Islam is deep rooted in Pakistan and cannot be ousted.
Since, in his view, virtue depended on reason, and the rational life was accessible to very few, Plato comes down in favor of government by an enlightened minority, armed with wide discretionary powers.

these are words made of gold...all democracies eventually end up stinking..it is always a small upper class minority which lead the pack! partly the reason why dictators are far more successful initially when they haven't fallen in their personality cult trap..!
Of course they are looking at Pakistan!!!!!!!111 They are looking at Pakistan as a great Shia population ready and for recruitment for Iran's Mulla Fight against almost all Sunni Muslim countries.
What Iran did for Pakistan after revolutions they only create trouble.............. For thrm we are just another Yemen or Syria or Iraq.
We have to safe Pakistan not only from GCC but also from Mullas in Iran ,,,,, Both Enemy of Pakistan in reality...............

Do not conspire against Islamic Revolution and Iran will be friendly to them.

The MB government in Egypt was welcomed by Islamic IRAN but unfortunately was outed by saudi.
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you think others are fools and do not know who is killing shias in Pakistan.
stop your rants against Islamic Revolution. it is blessed and powered by Almighty Allah swt.
when wahabis are given free hand in Baluchistan then ofcourse Islam will intervene.
Shias Islam is deep rooted in Pakistan and cannot be ousted.

Yes...indeed it is deep rooted...even Pakistan bhi zuljanah nay banaya...haha

And why should we give it Saudi ? It does not serve our interest well..CHINA is much better in every aspect..Policies are not drafted just to irk others but to peruse own goals..
Let Iranians play with India whatever they wishes to be

Then why local Iranians of Pakistan are jumping for one sided close ties with Iran, when mullah has already shown his tilt towards India.
Frankly speaking those people being willingly recruited are more to be blamed than the recruiter itself..but Pakistan should draft a UN resolution to condemn Iran over this and cancel the nationalities of such mercenaries to make an example out of them...Kuwait had the same policy of hiring such mercenaries into its police and armed forces ..Today all these people who turned their back on native countries have ended up as second class human being in Kuwait named "Bedoons".

Also Iran has offered scholarships to thousands of Baloch students which are being indoctrinated in Iran as a principle conduit of Indian propaganda..

Loyalty is always unquestioned...and undisputed..there are no if and but conditions..its either you are loyal...or you are not...black and white..there are no shades of grey in between....!
Yeah right. Either you are with us or against us.
Well! Iran is working against Pakistani interests in Baluchistan and then there is Indian presence in Chahbahar. But our FO is just useless. They didnt take up this recruition issue with Iranian authorities at state or UN level or give a single statement against Irani activities in Baluchistan.
I read somewhere, people use Irani rupee for transcations in Gawadar. They have so much influence in Baluchistan and then there is pro-iran lobby in here. Actually Pakistan has become a battle ground of pro- Irani/Indian/Suadi/American/UAE/British and other proxies working against Pakistan's national interests but our jahil politicans are struck with Panama issue. They have zero to no interest about Pakistan sovereignty.

Yes apparently Pakistan was born out of shia horse..!

useless. No need to insult this way. sunnis too have have more ignorant than shias. these ignorant are not shia leaders.
Just bring Islam and peace in all sunni countries. Iran will be friendly to them.

The MB government in Egypt was welcomed by Islamic IRAN but unfortunately was outed by saudi.

U better never quote me again and keep your shit of divide and shiaism to u ,,,,,,,,,,, I may know more about both Sects more then u.....................
Iran and GCC have fight , fight of nationalism from 1400 years ,,,, Iran still can't handle the truth that they got bitten by Arabs ............ And also keep in mind its Sunnis who conquered Iran . Now both Using Islam as cover ....... and that is the Reality .
So how Iran become Shia majority ??????? and Y ????????? And one more thing ,,,, If u love Iran more then Pakistan ,,,,,,, Just pack your shit and get out of Pakistan,,,,,,,,,
Leave us please ,,,,,,,,, Leave all Pakistanis ,,,,,,,,,, same goes to all those who love GCC more then Pakistan ,,,,, Get out of Pakistan,,,,,,, Leave us alone................ Enough is Enough..............
Pakistan is for Pakistanis only........... no matter Sunni Muslim , Shia Muslim , or ANY OTHER Minority............ Pakistan is not for GCC Lovers ,, India Lovers or Iran Lovers (for any dam reason) .
Bring Turkiye in i t....

Yes...if Iran stops recruiting Shias then Pakistan can work with Iran...Nobody can take Pakistan for granted...

Shame on me for calling them mercenaries..what else should I call them??

Iran may grant citizenship to Pakistani 'volunteers' fighting in Syria and Iraq

TEHRAN: Iran has passed a law allowing the government to grant citizenship to the families of foreigners killed while fighting for the Islamic republic, the official IRNA news agency reported Monday.

The law could apply to “volunteers” from Afghanistan and Pakistan who are fighting in Syria and Iraq against militants, including the militant Islamic State (IS) group and Al Qaeda's Syrian franchise, Al-Nusra Front.

“Members of the parliament authorised the government to grant Iranian citizenship to the wife, children and parents of foreign martyrs who died on a mission... during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988) and afterwards,” it said.

Citizenship must be awarded “within a maximum period of one year after the request”, IRNA added.

Iranian media regularly reports on the death of Pakistani and Afghan volunteers in Syria and Iraq, with their bodies are buried in Iran.
More than three million Afghans live in Iran, one million as legal migrants however no figures are available on the number of foreign fighters killed during the Iran-Iraq war.

Iran is a staunch supporter of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and provides financial and military support to his regime. Iran's outgoing parliament will serve until late May.

Tehran says its Fatemiyoun Brigade, comprised of Afghan recruits, are volunteers defending sacred Shia sites in Syria and Iraq against militants of IS.

The Islamic republic denies having any boots on the ground and insists its commanders and generals act as “military advisers” in Syria and Iraq.
What if I tell ya that I am an Atheist or Christian? Or Jewish ? Or whatever it may be..but not a Muslim definitely??

I am starting to feel sorry for quoting your post over and over because there is yet to have a single Iranian...literally single Iranian to come in discussion and defend your argument..!

It only proved that there are some black sheep among us needing an operation clean up..the state may be asleep...some people will take matters in their own hands..

How Arabs choose the ruled is irrelevant to a third person...the who argument that monarchy is Haram serves no legitimate purpose beside poking nose in others business! It is a facade for political conquest of Arabia by mullahs of Tehran...Beside Iran is also defending monarchy in Syria with man and material...

You know whats worst than monarchy?? is dictatorship by deception..and defending a savage dictator like Assad...!


Again sentimental thinking of our country folk..Pakistan should seek to rise as strong country and be able to exert its will..rather than look for support from others...!

There is No ARAB or AJAM in ISLAM.

In Shia Islam, Prophet pbuh, Imams and the Leaders are from God and always at the Top.

Rest cleanup will be done by Almighty Allah swt.
Like most of Indian ambitions and false bravado, the dream of Charbahar and use to it encircle Pakistan, was premature ejaculation.

Chinese already investing in Chahbar and Iran is also inviting other FDI stake holders...no way Iran would allow Chahbar to become an Exclusive Indian playground..or tarnish its reputation as risky investment...
why everyone is generously using the word " strategic depth " , isn't it a military concept , or I am not fully understanding the term , could someone explain!
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