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Iran seeks strategic depth in Pakistan ties

unlike wahabis, Shias are Not mercenaries and not powered by wahabi petro dollars.




Iran has sought to expand its influence in Pakistan where people did not often differentiate between Shiites and Sunnis and they intermarried without objections on the grounds of doctrine before Khomeini’s revolution in 1979.

However, since the advent of the Khomeini revolution Shitte mullahs have started to talk a lot about injustice and the necessity of taking control of Pakistan by force. Iran has sought to establish cultural centres in all major cities in Pakistan and have sent representatives to manage them over the past 35 years. Iran has also established 300 Shiite seminaries in various Pakistani cities.

Filth like Hassan Nasurllah is slowly seeping into Pakistan society...


The Zainabiyoun Brigade: A Pakistani Shiite Militia Amid the Syrian Conflict
Publication: Terrorism Monitor Volume: 14 Issue: 11
By: Farhan Zahid

May 27, 2016 09:48 PM Age: 8 months



7 Pakistani members of Iran's IRGC killed fighting for Bashar in South Aleppo, Syria, buried today in Qom



Changing the globe by using proxies against other muslim states? Okay what enemy of Islam are Iran backed shias fighting? KSA or Syrian opposition? Iran can just rant about Isreal and USA, or can gain her interests using other's shoulders like Hezbullah. Why doesnt Iran send her own civilians to fight in Syria rather than recruiting Pakistanis and Afghans.
Yeah wahabis are petro dollar and what about Shias? Free mercenaries? :agree:
As a Pakistani, I dont want to drag myself in Sunni-Shia or KSA-Iran conflict. And whats the difference between Iran, KSA or ISIS when all of them use Islam to gain their interests? Terrorist states indeed. And stop recruiting Pakistanis for your war.:angry:
Ofcourse. And there is a need to break Irani and KSA proxy network in Pakistan.

ofcourse we as pak, should stay neutral and should not conspire against Islamic Revolution as good number of its peole have spiritual affiliation. we have our own issues like Kashmir which we have failed to solve since over 6 decades. division and corruption is making us hollow.
fter 1947, Pakistan adopted the position of denying that the population of the country was divided between Shias and Sunnis, among others. The census that followed took account of Muslims and non-Muslims but ignored the sects:

This was indeed a good resolution as it would have over time for a strong nationalist Pakistan free of sectarian bigotry..the sectarian lines would have eroded..and society would have become homogeneous..making is restive to Arab and Iranian influence..and interference...

The article proves nothing but the fact that Jinnah was a Shia..and 99% Pakistani population has no beef with that..1% Iranian agents glorify this fact for political point scoring...Jinnah was a Shia..and Shia are being oppressed in Pakistan...therefore..the Shia should inherit the throne.import a violent and bloody revolution from Tehran! take up arms..and go to fight..!

I have said it repeatedly....that Pakistan only factors as another Yemen and Syria in the view of Iranian policy makers and had it not been for the Sunni extremist offering tough field to play..Iran would have already hijacked the country by its mercenaries...! The evolution of home grown Sunni extremism is indeed direct result of Iranian attempts to export the revolution and Arab attempts to exert their influence..eventually turning Pakistan into a proxy battle field..very much like Syria is today!
This was indeed a good resolution as it would have over time for a strong nationalist Pakistan free of sectarian bigotry..the sectarian lines would have eroded..and society would have become homogeneous..making is restive to Arab and Iranian influence..and interference...

The article proves nothing but the fact that Jinnah was a Shia..and 99% Pakistani population has no beef with that..1% Iranian agents glorify this fact for political point scoring...Jinnah was a Shia..and Shia are being oppressed in Pakistan...therefore..the Shia should inherit the throne.import a violent and bloody revolution from Tehran! take up arms..and go to fight..!

I have said it repeatedly....that Pakistan only factors as another Yemen and Syria in the view of Iranian policy makers and had it not been for the Sunni extremist offering tough field to play..Iran would have already hijacked the country by its mercenaries...! The evolution of home grown Sunni extremism is indeed direct result of Iranian attempts to export the revolution and Arab attempts to exert their influence..eventually turning Pakistan into a proxy battle field..very much like Syria is today!

again speak lies as shia or sunni are rival while they actually living together in peace since centuries.

wahabi terror element is not home grown but powered by petro dollars to divide muslims. so there is no iran or any one proxy here.
again speak lies as shia or sunni are rival while they actually living together in peace since centuries.

wahabi terror element is not home grown but powered by petro dollars to divide muslims. so there is no iran or any one proxy here.

Petro Dollars have not flowed to Sunni outfits since the end of Afghan theater...! the rest is all figment of media imagination...

The Followers of Zainab Brigade (لواء زينبیون, Liwa Zainebiyoun or Liwa Zainabiyoon) is a pro-government brigade fighting in Syria composed of Shia Pakistanis.[4][5] It draws recruits from Shia Pakistanis living in Iran, Shia Hazara refugees living in Pakistan,[5] and native Shia of Parachinar and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.[1] It was formed and trained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and operates under their command.[5] Initially tasked with defending the Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque,[6][7] it has since entered frontlines across Syria.[1] Its dead are buried primarily in Iran.[5][7]

Pakistanis have been fighting in Syria since 2013.[6] They originally fought in the Afghan Liwa Fatemiyoun, and only became numerous enough to warrant a distinct brigade in early 2015.[1]Like other Shia foreign brigades in Syria, it is funded, trained, and overseen by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.[3][8] Its official purpose is to defend the Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque (the shrine of Zaynab bint Ali, sister of Imam Hussain and granddaughter of Mohammed) and other Shia holy sites in Syria.[6] It operates primarily in Damascus defending these holy sites. However, since 2015, it has also engaged in offensive action around Daraa[5][9] and Aleppo, along with other foreign Shia fighters.[1]

I cannot understand if the Iranians consider themselves too superior to assign their manpower for guarding some ancient relics or the the Pakistanis are too fool enough to work as Iranian slavery mercenaries???



Iran has sought to expand its influence in Pakistan where people did not often differentiate between Shiites and Sunnis and they intermarried without objections on the grounds of doctrine before Khomeini’s revolution in 1979.

However, since the advent of the Khomeini revolution Shitte mullahs have started to talk a lot about injustice and the necessity of taking control of Pakistan by force. Iran has sought to establish cultural centres in all major cities in Pakistan and have sent representatives to manage them over the past 35 years. Iran has also established 300 Shiite seminaries in various Pakistani cities.

Filth like Hassan Nasurllah is slowly seeping into Pakistan society...


The Zainabiyoun Brigade: A Pakistani Shiite Militia Amid the Syrian Conflict
Publication: Terrorism Monitor Volume: 14 Issue: 11
By: Farhan Zahid

May 27, 2016 09:48 PM Age: 8 months



7 Pakistani members of Iran's IRGC killed fighting for Bashar in South Aleppo, Syria, buried today in Qom




you are too cheap and shameless.

you disrespect our religious leaders and call shias as mercenaries.

However this all shows popular support for Islamic Revolution Pakistanis having in their hearts.

shame on you.
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sheikh rasheed many times claiming on tv that he is not product of ghq gate 4 while he blames that his opponents are product of ghq gate 4. :lol: stop shia killings. shias havn't done any damage.

what only kaaba mecca and medina. why ignore religious places in Iran or Iraq and Syria.

Shia affiliation to Islamic Revolution is Spiritual and our religious Marjas are based in Iran and Iraq. Shia learning centers are in Iran and Iraq.
Go back to your piss hole of which you're slave.

For Muslims nothing is more important than Makkah and medina and it has no equal although we have masjid all aqsa our first qibla. But piligramage to these holy mosque is Mandatory. You can continue to worship or whatever you domto graves, but just don't impose that on us !
you are too cheap and shameless.

you disrespect our religious leaders and call shias as mercenaries.

shame on you.

No different than what your clergy calls the sunnis...American Zionist agents...!
Beside, we never expected or saw Pakistani sunnis protest with banners of Al Sauds, Khalifas or Hammads...these antics are only reserved for certain pro-Iran lobby!

Trust me I have no beef against Iranians..irreligious Iranians make my best friends..even over the internet with whom I have never met..!

I did not call someone mercenary out of my @ss..i posted article with solid facts and photo proof...! No body on this forum would disagree with me..and there is no shame in presenting facts..!

Abusive outburst is often the result of being confronted head on with facts..in urdu..its called...chor ki darhi ma tinka..!


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ofcourse we as pak, should stay neutral and should not conspire against Islamic Revolution as good number of its peole have spiritual affiliation. we have our own issues like Kashmir which we have failed to solve since over 6 decades. division and corruption is making us hollow.
So as a Pakistani, you shouldnt defend the actions of any other country and think about Pakistani interests and those poor Pakistanis and their families being recruited to fight iranian war in Syria as her proxy. And I think may be you dont know what Irani Intelligence is doing in Baluchistan against the interests of Pakistan.
If someone is more loyal to any other country then why doesnt he go there? Dont become a Munafiq. Love Pakistan or Leave Pakistan.
What if Pakistan gives Gawadar port to Saudi forces, like Iran has given Chabahar to Pakistan,s no 1 enemy India ?
So as a Pakistani, you shouldnt defend the actions of any other country and think about Pakistani interests and those poor Pakistanis and their families being recruited to fight iranian war in Syria as her proxy. And I think may be you dont know what Irani Intelligence is doing in Baluchistan against the interests of Pakistan.
If someone is more loyal to any other country then why doesnt he go there? Dont become a Munafiq. Love Pakistan or Leave Pakistan.

Frankly speaking those people being willingly recruited are more to be blamed than the recruiter itself..but Pakistan should draft a UN resolution to condemn Iran over this and cancel the nationalities of such mercenaries to make an example out of them...Kuwait had the same policy of hiring such mercenaries into its police and armed forces ..Today all these people who turned their back on native countries have ended up as second class human being in Kuwait named "Bedoons".

Also Iran has offered scholarships to thousands of Baloch students which are being indoctrinated in Iran as a principle conduit of Indian propaganda..

Loyalty is always unquestioned...and undisputed..there are no if and but conditions..its either you are loyal...or you are not...black and white..there are no shades of grey in between....!
No different than what your clergy calls the sunnis...American Zionist agents...!
Beside, we never expected or saw Pakistani sunnis protest with banners of Al Sauds, Khalifas or Hammads...these antics are only reserved for certain pro-Iran lobby!

Trust me I have no beef against Iranians..irreligious Iranians make my best friends..even over the internet with whom I have never met..!

I did not call someone mercenary out of my @ss..i posted article with solid facts and photo proof...! No body on this forum would disagree with me..and there is no shame in presenting facts..!

you speak lies. our clergy Never call sunnis as american zionist agent. Sunnis are our brothers and part of us.

monarchy is banned and Haram in both Shis and Sunni Islam.
you cannot pollute Islam with linking monarchy with Islam

Rest your nice pics proved that the Shia Leaders have good following in Pakistan and Shia Islam is rooted in Pakistani society.
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What if Pakistan gives Gawadar port to Saudi forces, like Iran has given Chabahar to Pakistan,s no 1 enemy India ?
And why should we give it Saudi ? It does not serve our interest well..CHINA is much better in every aspect..Policies are not drafted just to irk others but to peruse own goals..
Let Iranians play with India whatever they wishes to be
Frankly speaking those people being willingly recruited are more to be blamed than the recruiter itself..but Pakistan should draft a UN resolution to condemn Iran over this and cancel the nationalities of such mercenaries to make an example out of them...Kuwait had the same policy of hiring such mercenaries into its police and armed forces ..Today all these people who turned their back on native countries have ended up as second class human being in Kuwait named "Bedoons".

Also Iran has offered scholarships to thousands of Baloch students which are being indoctrinated in Iran as a principle conduit of Indian propaganda..

your wahabi propganda against Islamic Revolution and Shias is futile and useless.

Allah swt always turn things in favour of pious people.
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