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Iran seeks strategic depth in Pakistan ties

Like most of Indian ambitions and false bravado, the dream of Charbahar and use to it encircle Pakistan, was premature ejaculation.
On Charbahar Iran is not bounded by India. Iran has already offered Pakistan to utilize Charbahar on which India has shown anger but Iran is not bound by India. China is interested in taking gas to homeland via this route. Pakistan may have objected to Iran due to KSA but China is determined and this will prove beneficiary for Pakistan
NO Iran, No KSA..
China, Turkey and Russia
Spoken like a true politician. At least you didn't accuse us of delivering Pakistanis into Syria LOL Thank you.
What about Chabahr? Will Iran give Pakistan security assurance regarding indian workers over there...???
The God damn governmental interests. But we, Iranians , can sign an scroll which demands our government to give whole economical projects of industrial city of Chabahar to Pakistan without any conditions. Can you invest it?
We were ready to supply Pakistan with natural Gas for decades, but did your governors do it bro? First it made me glad to hear that but suddenly excuse makings started from your government. We want brother you don't want :-)

Just the side effect of Trump's policies.
That's a lie. Iran's policy doesn't wait on American clowns
Spoken like a true politician. At least you didn't accuse us of delivering Pakistanis into Syria LOL Thank you.
Thanks for your sarcastic complement dear. Iran and KSA both have a major role in disturbing peace in Pakistan in the name of religion. I trust you don't need details, its quite simple..

@jupiter2007 thats why i want my country to stay away from both..
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We should have alliance with anyone with whom our national interests converge. As the article said about the unpredictability of Trump in Afghanistan and an apparent desire of Iran, Pakistan, China and probably Russia for a security arrangement against any American adventurism in Afghanistan. We need such alliance I believe.
Iran is not recruiting Shias..

Bullshit......It is a known fact.






The God damn governmental interests. But we, Iranians , can sign an scroll which demands our government to give whole economical projects of industrial city of Chabahar to Pakistan without any conditions. Can you invest it?
We were ready to supply Pakistan with natural Gas for decades, but did your governors do it bro? First it made me glad to hear that but suddenly excuse makings started from your government. We want brother you don't want :-)

That's a lie. Iran's policy doesn't wait on American clowns

Pakistan, along with China will love to route Indians out of Chabahr...U just brought Indians so close to Gwadar which made Pakistan and China worry as Indians are openly against CPEC...

Pakistan had its shortcomings...Your poor relations with Arab world and warm relations with India were also very discouraging for us....I hope and pray both countries form good relations just like we had pre 1979 (Iranian revolution)

We Pakistanis want old Iran back...We want pre-revolution Iran back...Not in terms of culture, it is your internal matter but in terms of relations/foreign policy....

iran should be cautious while dealing with pakistan. pakistani leaders have no "deen iman". the non cooperation of pakistan in iran pak pipeline is the obvious example. pak is in US camp rather a state of US. iran being a sovereign and pro russian country so it is sanction prone. pak will immediately back off all her pledges and contracts the moment sanctions are placed on iran.
Y don't u change ur flag from Pakistani to Irani,,, Where ur actual loyalty resides....Just like a jew ,,, born in any part of world holding any or multiple nationalities but will remain loyal to state of Israel,,, similar are our shia brothers born in any part of world there loyalty to Iran and its cause is unmatched only after jews....
Pakistan, along with China will love to route Indians out of Chabahr...U just brought Indians so close to Gwadar which made Pakistan and China worry as Indians are openly against CPEC...
Neither China nor India can tell us what to do.
They are voluntary Pakistanis having honor of defending our holy shrines against Israeli ISIS and also protecting Sunni population of Syria. We will welcome them at anytime. Iran will be their homeland.
Your poor relations with Arab world
You mean those degenerated monarchs! Yeah they are under USA's boots. We have the least relations with them waiting on their revolution and stablishment of democratic elections in those countries. Arabian people have the right of democracy like the rest of the people of our planet.
I hope and pray both countries form good relations just like we had pre 1979
You want Iran to be an other version of Turkey. I know. Boot licker of NATO, i'm talking about governments not the people.
You want a hypocrite Iran which was supplying Israel through an oil pipe line. I can give you it's pictures that Iran's shah was helping Israel to slaughter Palestinian people. He was fortunate to leave Iran otherwise he was dead if we reached him before CIA.
Y don't u change ur flag from Pakistani to Irani,,, Where ur actual loyalty resides....Just like a jew ,,, born in any part of world holding any or multiple nationalities but will remain loyal to state of Israel,,, similar are our shia brothers born in any part of world there loyalty to Iran and its cause is unmatched only after jews....
truth hurts. pakistan has always been an "amreeki tatto" and the whole world knows it.
Iran is not recruiting Shias. Syria attracts Shias more than Iran. Shia going to Syria has nothing to do with Iran. Give route from Afghanistan Shia will pour into to fight for Syria just try it, there is reason behind this. Syria is the most important piece of land for Shias just research it. Syria has a significant value and Pakistan Iran relations are improving because of China not any one else. The gas pipeline will be completed by the end of this year because of China, This is the thing that is hurting India and UAE most, that is why UAE prince went to India.

Correction Iran represent Syria as a holy death place for shia by doing too much radicalization on shias. And Iran stop recruiting from Pakistan and be brave enough to send its on people

I have said this and again and will say it now UAE has the right to do business INDIA because if my country is doing also business with india.
Anyone who poke their Dirty fingers in our Internal matters can go to hell .. anyone who believe they are Superior to us based on their language , land or anything else , they can Suck my D .. Treat us equally , and we will do the same ..
that is for both Iran/KSA/GCC and everyone else .
Correction Iran represent Syria as a holy death place for shia by doing too much radicalization on shias. And Iran stop recruiting from Pakistan and be brave enough to send its on people

I have said this and again and will say it now UAE has the right to do business INDIA because if my country is doing also business with india.
For me it is Pakistani interest and we have a common border with Iran and not with Gulf, Iran is a more resourceful country rich with oil and minerals and it is very important for Pakistan, plus Pakistan is an agricultural based economy and Iran needs food. So Pakistan and Iran getting in trade relation is better it will reduce our trade deficit boom the agricultural industry plus the energy sector. UAE has on many occasions banned Pakistani rice for Indian where as Indian rice is half the quality of Pakistan for past 4years our rice sector took the worst hit because of Gulf so our gov should provide us alternate rout to Iran where rice is needed and we need energy Iran can easily supply us cheaply.

About Shias they are Pakistani and not Irani they have more right over Pakistan than the UAE and Saudis so Shia going to Iran is their will and not Irani. Trust me on this it is not Iran recruiting Shia, Every Shia in the world considers his duty to save Syria from American influence and European influence. Shia are not going for Pakistan only there is a high inflow of Shia going from China and with the support of Chinese Gov. China is a bigger funding power behind Assad than Iran just search for China aid reports.

Plus Iran was the First country in the world to recognize Pakistan and first to show support for Kashmir in Pakistan. Iran is the very reason India failed in Balochistan.
iran should be cautious while dealing with pakistan. pakistani leaders have no "deen iman". the non cooperation of pakistan in iran pak pipeline is the obvious example. pak is in US camp rather a state of US. iran being a sovereign and pro russian country so it is sanction prone. pak will immediately back off all her pledges and contracts the moment sanctions are placed on iran.
Lol we are a state of us that defeated us in afghanistan via our proxy the taliban, bhai kam peya karo....doodh, ab bary ho jao...
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