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Iran seeks strategic depth in Pakistan ties

For me it is Pakistani interest and we have a common border with Iran and not with Gulf, Iran is a more resourceful country rich with oil and minerals and it is very important for Pakistan, plus Pakistan is an agricultural based economy and Iran needs food. So Pakistan and Iran getting in trade relation is better it will reduce our trade deficit boom the agricultural industry plus the energy sector. UAE has on many occasions banned Pakistani rice for Indian where as Indian rice is half the quality of Pakistan for past 4years our rice sector took the worst hit because of Gulf so our gov should provide us alternate rout to Iran where rice is needed and we need energy Iran can easily supply us cheaply.

About Shias they are Pakistani and not Irani they have more right over Pakistan than the UAE and Saudis so Shia going to Iran is their will and not Irani. Trust me on this it is not Iran recruiting Shia, Every Shia in the world considers his duty to save Syria from American influence and European influence. Shia are not going for Pakistan only there is a high inflow of Shia going from China and with the support of Chinese Gov. China is a bigger funding power behind Assad than Iran just search for China aid reports.

Plus Iran was the First country in the world to recognize Pakistan and first to show support for Kashmir in Pakistan. Iran is the very reason India failed in Balochistan.

Ya kulbhushan yadav came from UAE.

Who told you Pakistani rise is ban in UAE. My local friend some times brings for me abig bag of rice and the rice is from Pakistan.
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Yes...if Iran stops recruiting Shias then Pakistan can work with Iran...Nobody can take Pakistan for granted...

It is not like the Iranians are forcing the shias of Pakistan to fight in iraq and syria. The people are going by their own will, it is just as we Pakistanis saying we will die for Kaaba shareef if anyone attacks it. Similarly shia's feel it is important for them to bring peace in these lands.

We should give Iranians the access to our CPEC they are our neighbours, allies and most of all a muslim country we have no problem with them if they gain any benifit from CPEC but they have to stop their relations with the indians against Pakistan.

Note: Iran has to show it's solidarity with the Pakistani's and stop helping the indians in their evil planning against Pakistan.
Stop RAW from operating from your lands.
Nothing in diplomatic relations is black and white ... We should cooperate with Iran if it serves the interest of Pakistan without considering any thing else whatever there relations are with GCC and India.Interest of Pakistan should be the benchmark..Similarly we have historic and good relations with GCC and we should continue to cooperate within the parameters of Pakistan interest.We can not hold hostage to Iran or GCC that to cooperate with us they should be against India
Learn good from wherever it is..We should act like India having good relations with GCC and Iran both.
Ya that RAW agent came from UAE.

Who told you Pakistani rise is ban in UAE. My local friend some times brings for me abig bag of rice and the rice is from Pakistan.
Well my rice mill is shut because of Gulf helping India in registering Basmati rice and rejecting Pakistan. Gulf will continue this discrimination of hurting our industry good we will hurt back in trade. If gulf wants a trade very well Iran is the best option for Pakistani agricultural sector. We had wheat surplus and that rested in our storage till the next crop why not sell it to Iran and provide Pakistan with cheap oil and gas from Iran. This relation ship will help the economy of both countries. Enough of going after USA agenda and compromising Pakistani business and hurting the economy.
Well my rice mill is shut because of Gulf helping India in registering Basmati rice and rejecting Pakistan. Gulf will continue this discrimination of hurting our industry good we will hurt back in trade. If gulf wants a trade very well Iran is the best option for Pakistani agricultural sector. We had wheat surplus and that rested in our storage till the next crop why not sell it to Iran and provide Pakistan with cheap oil and gas from Iran. This relation ship will help the economy of both countries. Enough of going after USA agenda and compromising Pakistani business and hurting the economy.

GULF is doing business like Iran ...No need to put blame on them..Yes if we can get good business in dealing with Iran we should do it
This Bhadrakumar is having some fun over the Pakistanis! Iran seeking 'strategic depth' in Pakistan? like the one Pakistan sought and got shot for in Afghanistan?
We are getting low price for wheat and the surplus rotts in Gov storage, Why not sell it to Iran and in return get oil and gas cheaply. Iran on Pakistani side will hurt the Indians most.
truth hurts. pakistan has always been an "amreeki tatto" and the whole world knows it.
More loyal then the KING.. I hope you can cross the border of Pakistan and Iran and pay visit in Tehran without holding PASSPORT (GREEN) and VISA..Just say at TAFTAN i am Shia and your brother..

Brother ask any one in the business of rice our rice is of better quality than any one and it rotted in Goddams, Gulf rejected it for Indian and Gov rejected the Iran rice deal why ?????????
I will check this and come back to you..You are wrong i am editing it..IRAN imposed ban on Pakistani Rice in Aug 2016.
Kindly confirm with relevant authorities..
More loyal then the KING.. I hope you can cross the border of Pakistan and Iran and pay visit in Tehran without holding PASSPORT (GREEN) and VISA..Just say at TAFTAN i am Shia and your brother..

I will check this and come back to you..You are wrong i am editing it..IRAN imposed ban on Pakistani Rice in Aug 2016.
Kindly confirm with relevant authorities..
Thank you.
The Best Policy in todays world order is "The China Policy". What is The China Policy?

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We should do business in Iran, continuously engage them in talks and meetings, It will help us to understand Iranian Objectives & will help Iran to understand our objectives. & Final and most important of all is the Pakistan-Iran Border and the key is Intelligence Sharing and Proper Border Management from Both Sides.
It is not like the Iranians are forcing the shias of Pakistan to fight in iraq and syria. The people are going by their own will, it is just as we Pakistanis saying we will die for Kaaba shareef if anyone attacks it. Similarly shia's feel it is important for them to bring peace in these lands.

I don't agree with this...People are being manipulated and they are not going to save some shrines, they are being used to kill innocent civilians of Syria by Iran in her dirty proxy war...

So, if Pakistanis of other sects, start joining ISIS, will you say the same?

Iran needs to be stopped...They think they can leverage over Pakistan with the help of Pakistani Shias which is pure delusion, nothing else...

Neither China nor India can tell us what to do.

So, this means, Indian naval spy/terrorist Kulbhusan Jhadev was working under direct nose of Iranian intelligence, Iranians knew about him but turned other cheek?

They are voluntary Pakistanis having honor of defending our holy shrines against Israeli ISIS and also protecting Sunni population of Syria. We will welcome them at anytime. Iran will be their homeland.

No...They are not volunteers...Those poor souls are being used by your government to advance further sectarian agenda...
This Bhadrakumar is having some fun over the Pakistanis! Iran seeking 'strategic depth' in Pakistan? like the one Pakistan sought and got shot for in Afghanistan?
shot? really? considering that 80% of afghanistan is still under the afghan taliban control? :lol:
Y don't u change ur flag from Pakistani to Irani,,, Where ur actual loyalty resides....Just like a jew ,,, born in any part of world holding any or multiple nationalities but will remain loyal to state of Israel,,, similar are our shia brothers born in any part of world there loyalty to Iran and its cause is unmatched only after jews....
he's a bhangi from india pretending to be a Pakistan.
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