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Iran|Science, Technology and Industry update thread

Indeed, this is the long awaited telescope I read about years ago finally coming to completion.

Whereas the mountains in Iran are very good for housing some telescopes. So me wouldnt be surprise if other companies or state will build some more.


Ugur Shahin the Turkish scientist who produced a vaccine of Corona for American company of Pfizer was a winner of Iran's medal of Mostafa for top Muslim scientists . They give $500,000 to winners .


Ugur Shahin the Turkish scientist who produced a vaccine of Corona for American company of Pfizer was a winner of Iran's medal of Mostafa for top Muslim scientists . They give $500,000 to winners .

The Muslim solidarity aspect is all fine, no issues with that, however what makes this questionable not to say disturbing is the fact that at the end of the day, Pfizer, for whom the scientists developed the vaccine, is and remains a multinational capitalist corporation, meaning that it is primarily motivated by profit, which in turn is bound to conflict with the pursuit of the common good, in this case public health.

The fusion of big business and science, spearheaded by western capitalist and imperialist regimes, has been a catastrophy for mankind. The health sector, particularly in the west, is plagued by corrupt malpractice such as "ghostwriting" (affecting an estimated 8% to up to 28% of all published papers in this sector), where pharmaceutical corporations will pay corrupt scientists to put their signatures on fraudulent articles with faked laboratory results written by these corporations themselves with the aim of covering up or minimizing the side effects of the discussed drugs, so as to obtain the green light for their marketing from regulatory authorities.

It comes as no surprise that the persons participating in this ceremony appear to be local Iranian liberals from the reformist and/or centrist factions. Politicians from the liberal camp would surely open the floodgates for cut throat pharmaceutical corporations to inundate Iran with all sorts of imported medicine, including the more dubious ones. Public health does not seem to be their main concern. But helping the global mafia elites maintain their yoke on nations, and submitting Iran to said yoke, apparently does. Thank God the Supreme Leader, the IRGC and genuine revolutionaries are there to rein in the liberals. Without them Iran would be a dead nation by now.

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WHO Official Surprised at Iran’s Unique Method to Produce Coronavirus Vaccine

TEHRAN (FNA)- World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Eastern Mediterranean Ahmad al-Manzari voiced surprise at the Iranian scientists’ progress and unique method to develop and produce the coronavirus vaccine.

“All of us have been surprised by the Iranian researchers’ scientific successes,” al-Manzari said in a joint virtual meeting with the Iranian health ministry officials.
“Different methods are used in several world states to produce coronavirus vaccine, but the method applied by Iran is fully new and unique,” he added.
Al-Manzari expressed the hope that the Iranian scientists will be able to find a final solution to the COVID-19 problem through the stem cell knowledge and technology, a field where Iran is one of the pioneering states on the global scene.

Iranian scientists at Celltech Pharmed company, active under the supervision of the Headquarters for Executing the Order of Imam (Khomeini) in Iran, have tested cell therapy to treat tens of patients infected with COVID-19 virus so far.

“In the initial study, we had 9 patients; also, in one phase of another study, 6 patients and in the second phase, 26 patients were present who went through the experiment,” CEO of Celltech Pharmed company Mohammad Hossein Ziraksaz told FNA last month.

“Of course, we are conducting a national study in which 10 patients were present in the first phase, and stem cells were injected to 5 patients, and it can be said that a sum of 46 patients underwent cell therapy based on medical criteria and standards,” he added, noting that the studies have yielded desirable results.
Ziraksaz said the cell therapy treatment method will be applied to nearly 100 coronavirus patients in the study.

In relevant remarks in September, Managing-Director of the cord blood bank technological company of Royan Institute Morteza Zarrabi said that stem cell therapy of coronavirus patients in Iran has yielded positive results.

“For coronavirus patients, stem cells are injected into the vein twice; before and after the stem cell injection, the patient's condition is thoroughly examined to determine the effect of the stem cells on the lungs, and a CT scan is performed,” Zarrabi told FNA.
"We expect stem cells to modulate the patient's immune cells fighting with coronavirus, repair the lung tissue and prevent impacts of the coronavirus on the lungs," he said.
Zarrabi said that evidence and results that have been obtained so far have shown that using stem cells in the treatment of coronavirus disease can be quite effective and prevent long-term damages, but meantime, stressed that the method needs more examinations.

Gas Pressure Metering and Regulating Units Indigenized

Gas pressure regulating and metering stations have been indigenized by Iranian engineers at Azar Pajouhan Andish Company, a knowledge-based firm in Tehran, the managing director said.

“Reducing and controlling gas pressure is the main function of a pressure regulating station, which is performed by control valves, known as regulators. The measurement of the gas flow rate is also of great importance and is done by different types of turbines or ultrasonic meter equipment,” IRNA quoted Hamid Rostami as saying.

Gas pressure passing through large pipes must be reduced prior to moving into smaller pipelines and distribution systems. Regulator stations are placed along the pipeline to reduce pressure to the appropriate level for each system.

Metering and regulating stations track the volume of natural gas during transportation. M&R stations use assorted meters and equipment to continuously measure the flow and, if needed, adjust pressure as it moves through the station.

A pressure regulating station is more than just a reducing valve fed off a steam main. A properly designed and installed pressure regulating station takes into consideration velocity, good piping practices, and safety.

“Our products include gas scrubber, filter separator, dry gas filters, bypass odorizers, heat exchangers, defect finders and gas compressors,” Rostami noted.

Explaining one of the key products of the company, he said: “Natural gas is colorless and odorless and lacks recognizable characteristics in the environment. If the gas is intended for urban or industrial use, it can be odorized by combining a highly odorous compound (usually mercaptan) so that in case of gas leakage, certain physical symptoms prevent explosions or other disasters. This is done by bypass odorizers”.

This tech firm is also the only knowledge-based company in the country in the field of design, construction and operation of a set of stations for reducing, measuring and controlling gas pressure in the form of EPC up to a capacity of 3 million cubic meters per hour.

Established in 1999, the company is involved in the design, supply and construction of gas supply networks and fuel systems of residential and industrial complexes.

It also provides service in other countries in the region, namely an EPC project at the gas pressure regulating station at the Rumaila Power Plant in Basra, Iraq.


Iran’s huge gas transmission network now has some of the most locally-made advanced measuring instruments and equipment.

The expanding gas network stretching over 37,500 kilometers is equipped with 317 turbo compressors at 86 pressure boosting stations and transfers 800 million cubic meters of gas per day.

Last year Iranian experts achieved the know-how for producing vibration monitoring and protection systems for gas transmission lines.

The vibration monitoring and protection systems monitor critical asset parameters such as vibration, temperature, speed, and numerous other condition indicators in gas facilities to anticipate and prevent mechanical failures.

After re-imposition of US sanctions in mid-2018, the Iranian National Gas Company and its subsidiaries have placed indigenization of knowhow for producing parts and equipment on their agenda.

After the United States under Donald Trump announced the fresh economic restriction ions, most foreign companies and manufacturers of industrial equipment collaborating with Iran cut ties fearing the wrath of the controversial and openly hostile US president and his anti-Iran administration.

Focusing on domestic production of machinery, equipment and parts for key industries has rightly become a top priory for the Tehran government.
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After re-imposition of US sanctions in mid-2018, the Iranian National Gas Company and its subsidiaries have placed indigenization of knowhow for producing parts and equipment on their agenda.
After the United States under Donald Trump announced the fresh economic restriction ions, most foreign companies and manufacturers of industrial equipment collaborating with Iran cut ties fearing the wrath of the controversial and openly hostile US president and his anti-Iran administration.
Focusing on domestic production of machinery, equipment and parts for key industries has rightly become a top priory for the Tehran government.

I do wish someone would explain the matter to the filthy roaches that are the ziba kalams and the dung beetles of rohani admin...
How advanced is Iran in manufacturing and developing engines? And do you think that Iran will be able to develop something like GE F110?
How advanced is Iran in manufacturing and developing engines? And do you think that Iran will be able to develop something like GE F110?
I am not an engine guy but there is a thered in this section by the name of "engine development" you will find a lot of info and photos in there.
If they got permission from treasury department of president dump, at a time when even medication is forbidden, be wary of this product. Run from it!! From what little I know of this github, my question is can't Iran make it's own version rather than importing a potentially virus/malware infested trojan horse?

Advancing developer freedom: GitHub is fully available in Iran
Image of Nat Friedman
Nat Friedman

All developers should be free to use GitHub, no matter where they live. At the same time, GitHub respects and abides by US law, which means government sanctions have limited our ability to provide developers in some countries the full range of GitHub services.
Today we are announcing a breakthrough: we have secured a license from the US government to offer GitHub to developers in Iran. This includes all services for individuals and organizations, private and public, free and paid.
So what happened here?
The US has long imposed broad sanctions on multiple countries, including Iran. These sanctions prohibit any US company from doing business with anyone in a sanctioned country. (These sanctions can also apply to non-US companies whose activities directly or indirectly involve the US, including merely having payments that flow through US banks or payment mechanisms like Visa.)
And so in 2019, GitHub implemented access restrictions for developers in Iran and several other countries to comply with US sanctions laws. At the same time, in keeping with our goal of making GitHub available to everyone, we also immediately took two other actions:
First, even as we complied with sanctions, we went to great lengths to keep as much of GitHub available to as many developers as possible under US sanctions laws, making public repos available even in sanctioned countries.
And separately, we took our case to the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), part of the US Treasury Department, and began a lengthy and intensive process of advocating for broad and open access to GitHub in sanctioned countries.
Over the course of two years, we were able to demonstrate how developer use of GitHub advances human progress, international communication, and the enduring US foreign policy of promoting free speech and the free flow of information. We are grateful to OFAC for the engagement which has led to this great result for developers.
We are in the process of rolling back all restrictions on developers in Iran, and reinstating full access to affected accounts. For developers who have questions or need help with their accounts, please visit our help page.
We still have more work to do. We want every developer to be able to collaborate on GitHub, and we are working with the US government to secure similar licenses for developers in Crimea and Syria as well. Stay tuned.

If they got permission from treasury department of president dump, at a time when even medication is forbidden, be wary of this product. Run from it!! From what little I know of this github, my question is can't Iran make it's own version rather than importing a potentially virus/malware infested trojan horse?

Advancing developer freedom: GitHub is fully available in Iran
Image of Nat Friedman
Nat Friedman

All developers should be free to use GitHub, no matter where they live. At the same time, GitHub respects and abides by US law, which means government sanctions have limited our ability to provide developers in some countries the full range of GitHub services.
Today we are announcing a breakthrough: we have secured a license from the US government to offer GitHub to developers in Iran. This includes all services for individuals and organizations, private and public, free and paid.
So what happened here?
The US has long imposed broad sanctions on multiple countries, including Iran. These sanctions prohibit any US company from doing business with anyone in a sanctioned country. (These sanctions can also apply to non-US companies whose activities directly or indirectly involve the US, including merely having payments that flow through US banks or payment mechanisms like Visa.)
And so in 2019, GitHub implemented access restrictions for developers in Iran and several other countries to comply with US sanctions laws. At the same time, in keeping with our goal of making GitHub available to everyone, we also immediately took two other actions:
First, even as we complied with sanctions, we went to great lengths to keep as much of GitHub available to as many developers as possible under US sanctions laws, making public repos available even in sanctioned countries.
And separately, we took our case to the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), part of the US Treasury Department, and began a lengthy and intensive process of advocating for broad and open access to GitHub in sanctioned countries.
Over the course of two years, we were able to demonstrate how developer use of GitHub advances human progress, international communication, and the enduring US foreign policy of promoting free speech and the free flow of information. We are grateful to OFAC for the engagement which has led to this great result for developers.
We are in the process of rolling back all restrictions on developers in Iran, and reinstating full access to affected accounts. For developers who have questions or need help with their accounts, please visit our help page.
We still have more work to do. We want every developer to be able to collaborate on GitHub, and we are working with the US government to secure similar licenses for developers in Crimea and Syria as well. Stay tuned.

Good find : beyond a doubt..a trojan horse as you said ..Avoid.Avoid Avoid.
Very good news.

Iran launches $3.4bn refinery to collect gas flares from oil fields

Iran has opened a sprawling refinery in its oil-rich province of Khuzestan to collect gas flares that are normally burnt and wasted during crude production.

The Persian Gulf Bidboland Gas Refinery, a mega-project launched in the southwestern city of Behbahan, came on line on Thursday upon an order by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani who used a video conference call to open the facility.

Construction of the refinery began in 2015. It has cost $3.4 billion, of which $2.3 billion has come from Iran’s sovereign wealth fund. Some 15,000 people contributed to the construction process which included works for over 1,000 kilometers of pipelines to collect flares from oilfields in three southern provinces of Khuzestan, Bushehr and Kohgiluyeh & Boyer-Ahmad.

Bidboland’s CEO Mahmoud Aminnejad said that the refinery, the largest of its kind in West Asia region, was a first petroleum industry project in Iran’s history whose construction ended without a single fatality.

Aminnejad said the refinery creates 1,100 permanent jobs, most of them reserved for local engineers and workers.

He said a first phase of the project will collect associated gas from crude production in East Karun oil region to produce some 2 billion cubic feet (nearly 57 million cubic meters) of useful gases per day. A second phase of the project will be dedicated to gases normally flared at West Karun oil region, he said.

Bidboland’s output include 10.4 million metric tons a year (mt/y) of methane, a sweet gas used for household and industrial consumption, 1.5 mt/y of ethane, used as feed for petchem plants in southern Iran, and 1.5 mt/y of propane and butane, products normally sold to foreign customers. Other products include acid gas for the purpose of injection into oil wells to boost their production as well as gas condensates.

President Hassan Rouhani hailed Bidboland as a huge achievement for Iran at the time of increased US pressure, saying its inauguration just a day after former US President Donald Trump left office was a sign that his ominous plans for the Iranian had failed for good.

“This huge project is inaugurated on a day when those who claimed they will defeat Iran through racketeering were annihilated with disgrace and shame,” said Rouhani.

Another Mega project with annual income of $1.5 billion is great ..the investment will be recouped in 2.5 years and all profit after that...This was all going to waste for years,..Another kick in the face of terrorist Trump and his fat dead man walking pompeo..lol

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