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Iran|Science, Technology and Industry update thread

This one reeks corruption! What is Norway doing in solar power? They have no state of the art technology here. Furthermore, who is even saga energy? Never heard about it and there is practically nothing about them on the net (apart from their own generic website and a few articles). Thank god it got cancelled!
There should be an official government blacklist for foreign companies that signed either deals or mou and then walked away because of threats of economic blackmail.This official blacklist should either ban the offending company permanently,or for a minimum set period ie 10 years,from being able to do any business in iran.This should stand as a warning to any foreign companies who think that they can either play games or who think that they can return after a political deal like the jcpoa or after a change of political regime in the us.
It will also serve as a valuable tool to separate those who are truly serious about doing business with iran for the long term and willing to endure threats of sanctions in return for having long term access to the iranian marketplace versus those who are simply looking for nothing more than quick profits ad as a result are both economically and politically quite unreliable.
I think peugeot:suicide: should be the first on the permanent blacklist,naturally followed by renault:suicide2: of course.:enjoy:
There should be an official government blacklist for foreign companies that signed either deals or mou and then walked away because of threats of economic blackmail.This official blacklist should either ban the offending company permanently,or for a minimum set period ie 10 years,from being able to do any business in iran.This should stand as a warning to any foreign companies who think that they can either play games or who think that they can return after a political deal like the jcpoa or after a change of political regime in the us.
It will also serve as a valuable tool to separate those who are truly serious about doing business with iran for the long term and willing to endure threats of sanctions in return for having long term access to the iranian marketplace versus those who are simply looking for nothing more than quick profits ad as a result are both economically and politically quite unreliable.
I think peugeot:suicide: should be the first on the permanent blacklist,naturally followed by renault:suicide2: of course.:enjoy:
What about samsung , LG, Siemens, ZTE, Huawei, Boeing, Airbus, ATR ..................
What about samsung , LG, Siemens, ZTE, Huawei, Boeing, Airbus, ATR ..................
Well obviously those too if necessary....after all whats the point in doing any deals economic or otherwise with companies or institutions that have shown themselves to be utterly untrustworthy and that one can have no trust in?.
For instance you had peugeot stab iran in the back twice previously,this inflicted huge costs on iran economically........now do you really want to go and try for stab in the back number 3 as well?.
I think that there should be real costs and consequences for companies like this,not simply just an expectation that they can cut and run when they like and then simply return at some future point in time with no consequences when some political deal is done.

Meanwhile I think that this is a good start......:enjoy:
Iran Opens World’s Largest Methanol Plant on Persian Gulf's Coasts


TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani opened the world’s largest methanol plant located in an area on the coasts of the Persian Gulf as the country pushes ahead with plans to increase the output of petrochemical products to offset the influence of the US sanctions on direct sale of crude.
President Rouhani gave the go-ahead for start of work at Kaveh Petrochemical Complex in Bushehr province using a video conference call on Thursday.

The plant is to produce 7,000 metric tons of grade AA methanol each day, the largest output in the world for a single petchem facility.

The construction of the privately-owned plant has cost nearly $1 billion.

The annual production of the refinery would be worth around $400 million.

During the same ceremony on Thursday, Rouhani also ordered the opening of another major methanol production plant in the port of Asaluyeh, Iran’s main hub for natural gas refining operations.

The Kimiya Pars Middle East Petrochemical Company will create 700 permanent jobs, said reports by the local media, adding that the facility will feed on 4.5 million cubic meters of natural gas each day.

Annual production for the plant, constructed over four years with an investment of $600 million, is expected to reach 1.65 million tons, or 4,500 tons a day, generating some $300 million in new revenues for the government as the owner of the project.

Iranian Scientists Mass-Produce Gas Micro Turbines for Generation of Electricity

TEHRAN (FNA)- A group of Iranian researchers at Kashan University succeeded in the mass-production of gas micro turbines which can generate electricity and heat concurrently.

The micro turbines which can only be manufactured by 10 countries in the world are applied in the generation of electricity and heat at homes and commercial, industrial and strategic centers in Iran.

Mass-production of such micro turbines with the aforesaid features has been carried out for the first time in the world and the full cycle of designing, development, sample production, obtaining the necessary standards and final production were all completed by Iranian scientists.

Samples of the micro turbines produced in Iran have been exported to Russia, Italy and Britain so far.
Iran has taken wide strides in science and technology fields in recent years.

Iranian researchers built a new gas turbine with high power and efficiency in 2018, and launched it domestically and in Iraq.

"The gas turbine, B2MAP, has been fully produced and launched in an Iranian engineering company," Morteza Nezamabadi, one of the designers of the turbine, told FNA at the time.

He added that the new gas turbine works with 185 mega power with the efficiency of 36.4.
"The turbines have been used in projects to build power plants in Iraq as well as the Iranian towns of Aliabad and Assalouyeh," Nezamabadi said.

Iran unveiled the first home-made 25-megawatt wind turbine generator in Karaj city, near Tehran, in 2015.
The 25-MW wind turbine generator was unveiled in a ceremony attended by Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri.
The new generator has been manufactured by Iranian experts at MAPNA.

Iranian Company Exports Nanoscopes to Asian, Latin American States

TEHRAN (FNA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran has succeeded in manufacturing and exporting home-made nanoscopes or atomic force microscopy (AFM) to several foreign countries.
“In addition to imaging nanometer surfaces, nanoscopes can measure size, conductspectroscopy, even lithography or engraving and moving molecules or atoms in a vacuum,” Reza Saber, the CEO of the company, said.
He added that 140 nanoscopes produced by his company have so far been sold, noting that a part of them were exported to Bolivia, Pakistan, Venezuela and Cuba.

“At present, we are also in talks with the Chinese to export the product,” Saber said.

He stated that in addition to the nanoscopes, the company produces hyperthermia devices too.
AFM is a very-high-resolution type of scanning probe microscopy (SPM), with demonstrated resolution on the order of fractions of a nanometer, more than 1000 times better than the optical diffraction limit.
The AFM has been applied to problems in a wide range of disciplines of the natural sciences, including solid-state physics, semiconductor science and technology, molecular engineering, polymer chemistry and physics, surface chemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, and medicine.

Iran opens largest industrial batteries’ production complex

TEHRAN, Sep. 20 (MNA) – Iran’s largest industrial batteries’ production unit was inaugurated on Sunday in the presence of Iranian Minister of Defense Brigadier General Amir Hatami.

Several national projects of the Energy Resources Development Organization of the Ministry of Defense were opened and put into operation in the presence of Iranian minister of defense.

Speaking in the inaugural ceremony of the largest Industrial Batteries’ Production Complex in the country and unveiling ceremony of the first wind turbine, manufactured domestically by the experts of the defense industry, Amir Hatami said, “At the threshold of the 40th anniversary of the Sacred Defense (Iraqi imposed war against Iran in 1980-1988) and in the year named after by Leader of the Islamic Revolution as ‘Surge in Production’, enemies of the Islamic Iran are seeking to target the livelihood of the Iranian people by imposing the toughest sanctions against the country.”

"Relying upon domestic capabilities and round-the-clock efforts, experts in the defense industry of the country could take giant strides in the field of supply of energy for various defense fields and increased the production capacity of industrial batteries in the country up to 180 million ampere/hour which is a great achievement for the country in sanctions condition.”

With the implementation of this giant industrial unit in the field of producing industrial batteries, a considerable portion of important domestic needs of the country in the fields of telecommunications, power plant and refinery has been met, he said, adding, accordingly, millions of dollars will be saved the country.
With due observance to the said issue, Islamic Republic of Iran could attain the capability of exporting industrial batteries, presenting technical and engineering services, increasing productivity, reducing final costs, saving foreign currency, promoting qualitative indicators, gaining customs satisfaction and preventing import of foreign products into the country, etc., Brigadier General Amir Hatami emphasized.

Fantastic news! Gas flares going to waste have always upset me, great to see Iran using them.

Iranian NGL project using flare gas feedstock to come on line by March

An Iranian contractor says a major natural gas liquids (NGL) plant which will collect flare gases from old and key oilfileds southwest of the country would open by March this year.

Saeid Mohammad, who heads Khatam Headquarters, an engineering and construction company run by Iran’s elite military force IRGC, said on Monday that the first phase of NGL 3200 project would use 250 million cubic feet (7.07 million cubic meters) of flares collected from six oilfields located to the west of the Karoun River.
Mohammad described the NGL 3200 as a megaproject in the Iranian petroleum industry, saying it would create thousands of permanent jobs while hugely boosting the quality of life for local people in Khuzestan province.

Iran has three major NGL projects that would feed on flares, the gases burnt during oil production process. The country burns nearly 13 billion cubic meters of flares each year, the fourth largest in the world according a study carried out in 2019.

The gas processing plant in Khuzestan is expected to produce 340 million cubic feet (9.6 million cubic meters) of sweet gas and 41 metric tons of sulfur per day, said Mohammad, adding that products will help revive idle capacities in key petrochemical units in Mahshahr, the hub of Iran’s petrochemical industry on the Persian Gulf coast.

Construction of NGL 3200 comes despite many odds faced by the Iranian energy sector because of American sanctions. The progress of the project has reached a record rate of 3.5 percent per month, said Mohammad, adding that even the French giant Total had failed to reach such a speed in projects it was awarded in Iran before the sanctions.


Construction of National space observatory on mount Gargash was finished 🇮🇷

Is this civilian? I remember reading many years back about a 2 meter telescope that was ready to be assembled with a finished mirror, but there were budget hold ups for the observatory and I wonder if this is the completed project.
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