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Iran|Science, Technology and Industry update thread

Associated with the above news:

Iran gas flaring to be zeroed by March 2023: Oil minister

Tehran (IP) - Iranian Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh says the country would no longer flare associated petroleum gases by March 2023.

Iran Press/ Iran News: Addressing in a ceremony to launch Persian Gulf Bidboland Gas Refinery on Thursday, Zangeneh said the country would generate $1.5 billion/year by the project.
This is the 11th petrochemical project which has come online in Iran since last March.
Plans were underway to launch 17 petrochemical projects with 11.4 billion dollars of investment in the country during the current Iranian calendar year which began on March 21 of which 11 have so far come on stream.

Once fully operational, the 17 projects will add 25 million tons to the country’s annual production capacity.
The Minister of Petroleum stated that by March 2023, no gas will be flared in Iran and more than 95% of the collected associated gases will be consumed.

Zangeneh announced that the 3200 NGL project would come online next calendar year and by exploiting it, all the gases of the West Karun region will be sent to Bandar Imam after collection and processing.
He added that the NGL 3100 plant would come online the following year along with a petrochemical plant with 1 million tons of annual production capacity in Dehloran.

Noting that the Persian Gulf Bidboland refinery has the capacity to produce 3.5 million tons of ethane, butane, propane, and pentane plus, he said, adding the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (PGPIC) has been entrusted with another project to collect associated gases with $1.1b of investment.

Communication using Quantum entanglement...WOW..Did not know Iran was so ahead in this cutting edge Technology!...

Iran to Run 3rd Test on Quantum Transmission of Data
IFP Editorial Staff
January 24, 2021

Iran is to carry out the third experiment on the safe quantum transmission of photons from the International Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) to the Milad Tower, a landmark in the capital, Tehran.
The test will be performed using state-of-the-art equipment by experts and researchers at the AEOI’s Quantum Technologies Centre.
In this transmission method, by establishing a quantum link based on the entanglement principle, messages are encrypted with a safe method and data is transmitted through a specified path between two specific points. Then the message in question is encoded using a quantum key and is sent to the destination where it is decoded, again with the help of the quantum key, which cannot be copied and hacked as it is based on quantum entanglement.
The test is to be conducted on Monday, January 25, 2021.
A host of top officials will be present at the ceremony, including Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi, ICT Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, and Defence Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami.
The experiment is part of the infrastructure needed for the development of a quantum satellite, quantum radars/lidars, and quantum networks.
VP Sattari Opens Iran House of Innovation and Technology in Kenya
Associated with the above news:

Iran gas flaring to be zeroed by March 2023: Oil minister

Tehran (IP) - Iranian Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh says the country would no longer flare associated petroleum gases by March 2023.

Iran Press/ Iran News: Addressing in a ceremony to launch Persian Gulf Bidboland Gas Refinery on Thursday, Zangeneh said the country would generate $1.5 billion/year by the project.
This is the 11th petrochemical project which has come online in Iran since last March.
Plans were underway to launch 17 petrochemical projects with 11.4 billion dollars of investment in the country during the current Iranian calendar year which began on March 21 of which 11 have so far come on stream.

Once fully operational, the 17 projects will add 25 million tons to the country’s annual production capacity.
The Minister of Petroleum stated that by March 2023, no gas will be flared in Iran and more than 95% of the collected associated gases will be consumed.

Zangeneh announced that the 3200 NGL project would come online next calendar year and by exploiting it, all the gases of the West Karun region will be sent to Bandar Imam after collection and processing.
He added that the NGL 3100 plant would come online the following year along with a petrochemical plant with 1 million tons of annual production capacity in Dehloran.

Noting that the Persian Gulf Bidboland refinery has the capacity to produce 3.5 million tons of ethane, butane, propane, and pentane plus, he said, adding the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (PGPIC) has been entrusted with another project to collect associated gases with $1.1b of investment.

This will save Iran about 5 billion dollars a year!
VP Sattari Opens Iran House of Innovation and Technology in Kenya
I wondered about this..Kenya is firmly in the other side ..so what is in this for iran...may be market for military stuff..or do they have uranium..lol
MAPNA industrial complex will develop hydrogen burning turbines.

MAPNA president:
"The new turbine is able to run on hydrogen fuel mix".

MAPNA after almost 1 year of presidents's announcement, declared readiness for unveiling the First hydrogen-burning turbine of Iran.
These last months, everybody can notice that Iran reach important breakthroughs in several areas. I heard about Iranian quantum technologies, hypersonic hardware, hydrogen turbines, the next Iranian civil passengers aircraft's program, Iranian's own T-90 tank -dubbed Karrar- meanwhile Arab countries bought them, without searching other things. Let's mention too nuclear technologies, laser industries, etc.. It is reasonable to expect from Iran next its own 100% indigenous High-Speed Train.

In fact, all these projects are possible because Iran does have the necessary industrial basis and know-how. I said to you in previous messages Iran does have among the best specialists, it witnesses a strong and reliable school system

As U can see in spite of embargoes Iran is number 12 in the world. It is a fate.
Well let's go in deep,
Here is the ranking of industrial design applications
Iran is number 5 in the world
It won't be complete if I don't add the number of patent applications.
In spite of this total and unfair blockade, Iran produces nearly 12.000 patents, nearly equal to the UK. In fact, Iran is on the road to becoming in next years among the most industrial country. No matter why Iran will design and produce its own heavy fighter soon, and in the next decade its own B-777. It is a matter of time.
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