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Iran says will sell more arms than buy after embargo lifted

Syria is under sanctions too, so Syria would stop buying from Russia and buy cheaper better Iranian weapons. Venezuela is under US pressure and regime change with NED coup attempts, they are too cash strapped, and would be smart to buy Iranian weapons over expensive Russian weapons.

Then there are Houthis and other such 'defensive' groups.
But three or four countries not enough for that goal I think you will pay more money for defence than exports
hezbollah and groups like it?
Hizbollah an other groups not paying for them they are always aids
Armenia is interested in Iran's attack drones.

Armenia is interested to everyone can help them
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if its really lifted that will be the beginning of more tensions.. I dont think arabs will let you in peace..
Ha ha ...DONT WORRY ABOUT IT...because the Arabs are currently busy attacking your country economically and strategically. Thank you Turkey for keeping the Arabs occupied and taking the attention off Iran.
India should sell rotary winged and naval platforms along with missiles to Iran
Iran wont, because India hasnt been the all-weather friend Iran expected India to be...so Iran wont reward India with such a benefit...and surely not for big ticket items...smh. India really failed Iran, especially recently.
15th of khordad Air defense system , Sayyad -3 hypersonic surface to air missile

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