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Iran’s bid to stir sedition in the Muslim world


May 9, 2007
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I have read a number of reports about Iran emanating from the country itself. These reports touch on a range of issues such as drugs, marriage for fun and the current political and economic crisis that Iran never experienced before. In view of these challenges, Iranian authorities have issued religious edicts that call on the Iranians not to eat chicken and also edicts that talk about global conspiracies. Despite these, some American and Israeli reports confirm progress in relations between Iran, the US and Israel. Interestingly, these reports contradict Iran’s contention that it supports the Palestinian resistance and does not use it to serve its own interests, as has been the case with Hezbollah.

I would like to refer to the situation in the occupied part of Arab land and in the occupied Emirati islands. Iran has been implementing an organized demographic change in these parts. People living there are tortured, youths are jailed, mosques are destroyed and Arabs are prevented from wearing their traditional dresses.

Paradoxically, this situation exists at a time when Ali Khamenei brags about cooperation and Muslim unity. In fact Iran has been using “cooperation and Muslim unity” as a euphemism for meddling in the internal affairs of Arab countries.

An Iraqi Shiite journalist — who turned down many offers by Maliki government — told me that under no religious or political pretext can he imagine or accept an Iranian occupation of Iraq. He said that the Safavid Iranian goals are far more dangerous than Israel’s. This journalist has mastered three languages in addition to Arabic. He knows Hebrew, Persian and Turkish. He worked for Iraqi intelligence on the Iranian desk and watched how the Persians planned to occupy Iraq, steal its resources and change its culture. He belongs to a tribe that has three million members.
The Iraqi journalist spoke of Persian plans to stir tension in the Muslim world and divide it by making religion a tool for control and domination. He also talked about the Habilian organization that is supported by the Iranian intelligence, the Ministry of Defense and the Revolutionary Guard, although it is a so-called media organization. It funds a number of media channels and websites, owns a center for montage and organizes crash courses for agents. But, in fact, its mission is strategic. The Iraqi journalist also told me about the media and electronic war center in Asfahan that is about to launch some anti-Saudi websites by using fake Saudi and other names from the Gulf.

When asked about the manipulation of the Muslim history by Iran, he said that the Iranians planned to distort Islamic culture. In this context, Iran produced movies on Prophets Ibrahim, Yusuf, Jesus and Mary (peace be upon them). And now it is about to produce a new movie on Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He said that Iranian directors Majeed Majeedi, Mahdi Haideryan and scenario writer Kahmozya Batir are working in line with a long-range strategy to create a new reality and pave way for Iranian presence in the region.

The Iraqi journalist said that such a move would lead to a tsunami in the Muslim and Arab worlds because of the way the movie brings home the Persian perspective.

Iran tries to distort history to support the case of Shiites on some disputed issues. Safavid Iran uses conversion to Shiitism as a tool to intervene in the internal affairs of Muslim countries. He also said that the Persians are jealous of Islam and Arabism. It seems that Iran has succeeded in using some Shiites in the region to serve its interests.

The Persian justification for producing the movie on the life of the Prophet is weak. If the West produced some 200 movies on the life of Jesus, this is not a justification for characterizing the personality of the Prophet through a movie. The push for producing this movie shows Iran’s duplicity. Tehran threatened to kill Salman Rushdie not because of his blasphemy against the prophet but because he exposed Khomeini’s real designs of restoring the dreams of the outdated Persian empire on the pretext of liberating Jerusalem.

Iran, according to Iraqi journalist Safi Al-Yasiri, failed to show respect to the Egyptian president during the NAM summit at a time when Egypt is trying to restore relations with Tehran. Al-Yasiri said that this should not surprise any one because fabricating and distorting facts are the norm of the Iranian media.

The Iranian announcement about the film caused resentment among Muslim scholars. Ahmed Al-Tayeb of Al-Azhar said that production of such a film is not permitted by religion. He said religious scholars at Al-Azhar oppose such a move and that Iran’s behaviors are irresponsible. He said Iran’s attitude is not different from that of the West that published blasphemous caricatures of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

The Iranian film can be linked to the incidents at the American embassies in Cairo, violence in Benghazi, Sanaa and Tunisia. It seems that there is a connection between the two movies. The two films carry the name of the Prophet.

The director of the Iranian movie said that his film would be a reaction to the American movie that harms the image of the Prophet. He argued that humanity needs a restoration and reconsideration of its values and that is what made him produce a film on the Prophet. However, there is some information that confirms a link between Iran, the US and Israel when it comes to hurting the image of the Prophet (peace be upon him). It is as if there is someone who seeks to perpetuate extremism and chaos in order to push people away from positive thinking.

Now the questions are: Who is behind religious and sectarian extremism in our region? Who is paving the way for mistrust in the region and for underestimating the faith and the symbols of the nation? Who is trying to project Muslims as extremists? Didn’t Iran push Hamas to clash with the Palestinian Authority? Iran invited President Abbas to the Non-Aligned summit and Ismail Haniyeh as a representative of the Palestinians. Interestingly, Iran later said that the invitation to Haniyeh was a private one.
Its a fact that all countries like keeping ties with proxies so they can serve their interest later. It doesnt do justice to blame one country such as Iran for the imbalance in arab states. There are many factors and several geopolitical interests that come into play. Sure, Iran may have some interest in other proxies that are shia majority, but the scenario isnt so different when it comes to arab states (referring to Free Libyan and Free Syrian Armies).
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