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Iran Reports ‘Progress’ on Indigenous S-300 Missile

I was trying to be realistic, no hurt feelings.

My point was, Iran is trying to reinvent the wheels which is already available in the market. By the time you make S-300 (I dout Iran has that capability) the world will move a long way and S-300 will become obsolete. Yo cant pace yourself up competing with the innovation of the whole world.

We are not living in 20th century, trends and news spreads faster then ever so its inevitable that the spread of technology would spread even faster, thus Iran can fill the gap faster then growth of the technology.

Remember when Ahmadinejad said "Iran has fully mastered nuclear technology", almost 2 years ago, no one took him serious, but in recent years starting with fourth generation domestically made centrifuges at Natanz many have been surprised by Iran's new nuclear advances.
Well, its an update they are continuing to work on B373, as expected. I hoped for more details, but I guess its a bit early. They already have advanced radars, so probably the difficult part now is high-range and altitude missiles. Plus each B373 will use three different missiles, making already highly complex system even harder to fine-tune and de-bug.

Btw, partially completed B373 was already tested few months ago. Considering Iran is working on it 24/7 and sparing no resources, they should have working complete system in a year or two.
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