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Iran recruiting Afghan refugees for war in Syria: WSJ report

The country who sold its sovereignty to america, allowing them to drone strike Pakistani civilians is suddenly crying crocodile tears about big bad Iran only killing babies in Syria...

Who sold Pakistan to Iran was again Iranian servant 'Asif Ali Zardari' it was an ugly history and we are done with all of it.

Pakistan have 3 unsafe borders, its very possible, thieves strike any where and run back.
They can... but they cost Iran, where as you don't pay Pakistani Shias for killing even more Syrian and Iraqi babies!
Hazara are tiny number, war involved thousands...
While to distribute $ Iran need hard cash and every one knows Iran's cash line connects to Whitehouse.
Even the approach of hiring mercenaries for killing babies, resembles US and Indian approach of hiring mercenaries against Pakistan babies.
They are cheap fighters...
Syrian and iraqi babies with huge beards lol.
I prefer eating bread/rice with cheap onion, but giving away my cash and watching them babies death in ******** than seeing those babies cutting heads of some christian, shia or atheist or jew or secularist.
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