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Iran recruiting Afghan refugees for war in Syria: WSJ report

as serpentine gave the link: AFGHANISTAN TIMES

AT News Report

KABUL: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan on Monday said that it has not received any evidence to prove that Iran was recruiting Afghan refugees to support Syria’s embattled leader Bashar al-Assad.
Spokesman for the foreign ministry, Ahmad Shekib Mustaghni, in his weekly press conference said that following the reports on recruitment of Afghan refugees by Iran they have ordered the Afghan embassy in Tehran to contact the Iranian authorities and find evidence.
However, the Afghan mission in Iran has not found evidence regarding sending of Afghans to Syria for fight against rebels, he said.

Few days ago a religious leader has said that Tehran is recruiting young Afghan refugees to support the Syrian security forces in the civil war against rebels.
POINT : no need to mention that called "religious leader" is a wahabi mofti and head of a terrorist group inside pakistan.
so : a thread based on a terrorist's lie .interesting ! :D
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pleasing Saudi Arabs & uncle sam !
like you people pleased uncle sam by giving intelligence about Taliban commanders during 2001 invasion of afghanistan National interest buddy national interest ..it was not us who killed 5000 pushtoon fighters in mizar e sharif it was ur Proxy nothern aliance farsi terrorist who killed them while american were being helped by iranian secret service.... why was ahmad shah masood terrorist sitting in tehran was calling for NATO to topple taliban govt in afghanistan?? post 9/11 ??
like you people pleased uncle sam by giving intelligence about Taliban commanders during 2001 invasion of afghanistan National interest buddy national interest ..it was not us who killed 5000 pushtoon fighters in mizar e sharif it was ur Proxy nothern aliance farsi terrorist who killed them while american were being helped by iranian secret service.... why was ahmad shah masood terrorist sitting in tehran was calling for NATO to topple taliban govt in afghanistan?? post 9/11 ??
He was the entire time in Afghanistan and fought for his people.

Do not mention Iran in the same sentence as Pakistan, the country that sheltered global terrorists:
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
- Osama Bin Laden
- al-Zawahiri
- Mullah Omar

He was the entire time in Afghanistan and fought for his people.

Do not mention our country in the same sentence as Pakistan, the country that sheltered global terrorists:
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
- Osama Bin Laden
- al-Zawahiri
- Mullah Omar

OBL terrorist yes , khalid sheikh is in prision , Al Zawahiri is not in pakistan kiddo and Mullah Omar is a freedom fighter give me any proof that he is in Pakistan ?? his commanders are saying that he is in Kandhar and operating the freedom struggle from their .. and ahmed shah masood farsi bastard was not all the time in afghanistan google search his interview during his visit to tehran and to UN how this puppy of west was agaist pashtoons in afghanistan
He was the entire time in Afghanistan and fought for his people.

Do not mention Iran in the same sentence as Pakistan, the country that sheltered global terrorists:
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
- Osama Bin Laden
- al-Zawahiri
- Mullah Omar

nobody could of said better . thank you . hahahahahahaha :)

give me any proof that he is in Pakistan ??
thought to be living somewhere in Pakistan.
Mohammed Omar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
not only Wikipedia all western intelligence services are saying the same thing .
Pakistan is well known for terrorism and it has reached field state .
failed state?? lol TTP is in waziristan which is one percent of Pakistani land are u r labelling Pakistan a failed state?? failed state is iran where govt kills its own people who protest there are lot of videos on youtube where your govt is killing innocent protestors and oppostion members and not to forget sunni miniorities in baluchistan sistan province
ffailed state is iran where govt kills its own people who protest there are lot of videos on youtube where your govt is killing innocent protestors and oppostion members and not to forget sunni miniorities in baluchistan sistan province
i we talking about Pakistan . what does Iran has got to do with it ?? did i say Iran not failed sate ?? show me anywhere in this forum which i made such claim .
we talking about Pakistan is source of terrorism in the asia and it has be come failed state .maybe some of our Indian or Afghan member can shed light on this
i will not be replaying to your post unless you want to talk about it in chil thread . i can not break forum rules
i we talking about Pakistan . what does Iran has got to do with it ?? did i say Iran not failed sate ?? show me anywhere in this forum which i made such claim .
we talking about Pakistan is source of terrorism in the asia and it has be come failed state .maybe some of our Indian or Afghan member can shed light on this
i will not be replaying to your post unless you want to talk about it in chil thread . i can not break forum rules
do you reall know the meaning of failed state and this thread is about iranian intelligence recruiting afghan for their terrorist activities in syria not Pakistan and as i told you TTP top leadership is in kunar and nooristan afghanistan not in Pakistan so it means Farsi army of afghanistan is sponsoring terrorism inside Pakistan not the other way around...
Iran recruits Afghans for Syria fight

KABUL: -Fleeing grinding poverty and unemployment, thousands of Afghans have been recruited by Iran to defend Syrian President Bashar al-Assad´s regime, former fighters and rights activists say.


Afghan men and boys as young as 14 are signing up to fight on the promise of money and legal residency in Iran, Assad´s regional ally, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

Since 2013 the Afghans, including undocumented migrants living in Iran, have joined the Tehran-backed Fatemiyoun division fighters in Syria, said HRW and ex-members who spoke to AFP on condition their real names were not used.

“For me it was just about money,” said Shams, a former fighter.

The 25-year-old, a member of the Hazara ethnic group, went to Syria twice in 2016 to fight in a conflict that has now been raging for more than six years.

“Whoever I saw was going for money and to have free entry to Iran. I never saw anyone fighting for religious reasons,” said Shams, who now lives in the Afghan capital Kabul.

The withdrawal of US-led NATO combat troops at the end of 2014 drained the Afghan economy and left many people out of work, fuelling the flow of migrants into Iran in search of a better life.

HRW estimated last year that Iran hosts around three million Afghans.

“I went there (Iran) because I was jobless and it was a way to get money for my family,” said Shams.

“My idea was to find a job in Iran. I had no plan to go to fight in Syria but after a month of being jobless I decided to go.

“They were encouraging us saying ´you will be a freedom fighter and if you return to Iran alive you can stay with a 10-year residence permit´. But my main goal was to earn money.”

Afghans are given 1.5 million rial ($450) to register at a recruitment centre for the Fatemiyoun, Shams said. Once they have signed up they receive three million rial a month, a fortune for many poor Afghans.


Shams´ first mission was in June 2016 in the Syrian capital of Damascus, where he was assigned to protect a barracks for two months.

He went back to the country in September and was deployed to Aleppo, where he was given his first AK-47 after receiving rudimentary weapons training from Iran´s Revolutionary Guards.

On the front line of the battle between Islamic State militants and the Al-Nusra Front jihadist group, Shams said he found himself caught up in an intense and deadly battle.

“In Aleppo we faced an ambush — out of 100 fighters we lost almost all of them. There were 15 of us left alive,” Shams said.

“The bodies were sent back to Iran and the families in Afghanistan held funeral ceremonies in mosques without a coffin or grave.”

Ali Alfoneh, a senior fellow at the Washington-based think tank Atlantic Council, estimates more than 760 Afghans have been killed in Syria since September 2013.

Another man who fought in Syria in 2014 when he was 17, said it was not just Afghans in Fatemiyoun. “There were also Pakistanis, Iraqis,” he told AFP.

“We were mixed up with the Arabs, we didn´t understand their language.”

HRW says the Iranians refuse to provide accurate figures, but estimates there are nearly 15,000 Afghans fighting for Fatemiyoun.

Treated like slaves

“They are used by the Iranian government, which treats them like slaves,” said Ramazan Bashardost, a Hazara member of parliament in Kabul.

“The sorrow, pain and hunger of the people is not a major concern of the Afghan government.”

Afghanistan´s foreign ministry called on Iran in October to stop sending young Afghans to Syria after the HRW report condemning the recruitment of minors.

But preventing Afghans from volunteering will not be easy.

“Money and the prospect of a guaranteed residency for your family in Iran are major draw cards,” said Shuja.

Shams returned to Afghanistan after pleas from his family and he now hopes to buy a shop. He has no intention of going back.
“I would never advise anyone to go there if he has a job here,” he said.

Iran recruits Afghans for Syria fight

KABUL: -Fleeing grinding poverty and unemployment, thousands of Afghans have been recruited by Iran to defend Syrian President Bashar al-Assad´s regime, former fighters and rights activists say.


Afghan men and boys as young as 14 are signing up to fight on the promise of money and legal residency in Iran, Assad´s regional ally, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

Since 2013 the Afghans, including undocumented migrants living in Iran, have joined the Tehran-backed Fatemiyoun division fighters in Syria, said HRW and ex-members who spoke to AFP on condition their real names were not used.

“For me it was just about money,” said Shams, a former fighter.

The 25-year-old, a member of the Hazara ethnic group, went to Syria twice in 2016 to fight in a conflict that has now been raging for more than six years.

“Whoever I saw was going for money and to have free entry to Iran. I never saw anyone fighting for religious reasons,” said Shams, who now lives in the Afghan capital Kabul.

The withdrawal of US-led NATO combat troops at the end of 2014 drained the Afghan economy and left many people out of work, fuelling the flow of migrants into Iran in search of a better life.

HRW estimated last year that Iran hosts around three million Afghans.

“I went there (Iran) because I was jobless and it was a way to get money for my family,” said Shams.

“My idea was to find a job in Iran. I had no plan to go to fight in Syria but after a month of being jobless I decided to go.

“They were encouraging us saying ´you will be a freedom fighter and if you return to Iran alive you can stay with a 10-year residence permit´. But my main goal was to earn money.”

Afghans are given 1.5 million rial ($450) to register at a recruitment centre for the Fatemiyoun, Shams said. Once they have signed up they receive three million rial a month, a fortune for many poor Afghans.


Shams´ first mission was in June 2016 in the Syrian capital of Damascus, where he was assigned to protect a barracks for two months.

He went back to the country in September and was deployed to Aleppo, where he was given his first AK-47 after receiving rudimentary weapons training from Iran´s Revolutionary Guards.

On the front line of the battle between Islamic State militants and the Al-Nusra Front jihadist group, Shams said he found himself caught up in an intense and deadly battle.

“In Aleppo we faced an ambush — out of 100 fighters we lost almost all of them. There were 15 of us left alive,” Shams said.

“The bodies were sent back to Iran and the families in Afghanistan held funeral ceremonies in mosques without a coffin or grave.”

Ali Alfoneh, a senior fellow at the Washington-based think tank Atlantic Council, estimates more than 760 Afghans have been killed in Syria since September 2013.

Another man who fought in Syria in 2014 when he was 17, said it was not just Afghans in Fatemiyoun. “There were also Pakistanis, Iraqis,” he told AFP.

“We were mixed up with the Arabs, we didn´t understand their language.”

HRW says the Iranians refuse to provide accurate figures, but estimates there are nearly 15,000 Afghans fighting for Fatemiyoun.

Treated like slaves

“They are used by the Iranian government, which treats them like slaves,” said Ramazan Bashardost, a Hazara member of parliament in Kabul.

“The sorrow, pain and hunger of the people is not a major concern of the Afghan government.”

Afghanistan´s foreign ministry called on Iran in October to stop sending young Afghans to Syria after the HRW report condemning the recruitment of minors.

But preventing Afghans from volunteering will not be easy.

“Money and the prospect of a guaranteed residency for your family in Iran are major draw cards,” said Shuja.

Shams returned to Afghanistan after pleas from his family and he now hopes to buy a shop. He has no intention of going back.
“I would never advise anyone to go there if he has a job here,” he said.


Hazaras are mongols, their ancestors commited genocide in central asia, Iran, Iraq. Now as a shia force they can do atleast something positive for humanity (killing terrorists) instead of strangling infants and destroying books. Every little step is a positive change. And if they feel abused they should go back to Afghanitan, no one forces anyone to fight.
Hazaras are mongols, their ancestors commited genocide in central asia, Iran, Iraq. Now as a shia force they can do atleast something positive for humanity (killing terrorists) instead of strangling infants and destroying books. Every little step is a positive change. And if they feel abused they should go back to Afghanitan, no one forces anyone to fight.

They can... but they cost Iran, where as you don't pay Pakistani Shias for killing even more Syrian and Iraqi babies!
Hazara are tiny number, war involved thousands...
While to distribute $ Iran need hard cash and every one knows Iran's cash line connects to Whitehouse.
Even the approach of hiring mercenaries for killing babies, resembles US and Indian approach of hiring mercenaries against Pakistan babies.
They can... but they cost Iran, where as you don't pay Pakistani Shias for killing even more Syrian and Iraqi babies!
Hazara are tiny number, war involved thousands...
While to distribute $ Iran need hard cash and every one knows Iran's cash line connects to Whitehouse.
Even the approach of hiring mercenaries for killing babies, resembles US and Indian approach of hiring mercenaries against Pakistan babies.

The country who sold its sovereignty to america, allowing them to drone strike Pakistani civilians is suddenly crying crocodile tears about big bad Iran only killing babies in Syria...
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