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Iran rebuffs proposal for hotline with U.S.

Saudi Arabia did not interfere in the conflict but was mediating between the two to stop the fighting until Iran thought it was in a war against ALL Arabs and started attacking our ships that is when we helped Saddam. And about who started the war?? Two words "Shat Al-Arab"
6 words
stop talking out of your behind

KSA was pissing her dress more than Saddam was. Saddam had the balls to do something about it though. You guys just gave him money and supplies. The irony is that he turned on you guys after lol
Saddam invaded us too not just you you know that man was a wacko. I agree his main reason for attacking was that is Arab regions in Iran where Arabs live.

I am always astonished by Iranians. They think they have claim to Eastern Arabia because their Empire was there once upon a time. And quite frankly such a belief will not make you any different from Israel.

---------- Post added at 11:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ----------

So by your logic UAE is not a legitimate country and the great country of Iran should annex it then??

Musa, you are literally snorting some good ****
arab regions of Iran?
1 percent of Iran is arab, if that
Having a few hundred thousand persianized arabs doesn't make the region arab lmao

what's next, the 5 Nigerians living in Tehran claiming Tehran for Nigeria!!

And UAE has no claims over those islands. They can take their complaint to the UN and see how far they can get with it.
Brother, they have oil and Russian support. These two are the sources of Iranian balls.
Russian support? in what exactly? The knife factory at the other side of my hometown produces more "arms" than what Russia sends to Iran. As for oil, well we export 1/4 of what KSA exports and have more than twice as many people to feed, you do the math.
Dude, I have actually seen and met many Iranian students at my university in Thailand (one of the largest international universities in Thailand), and I can say that those guys are just light years ahead of any of us. Yes, even all South Asian nations combined.

If Iran wasn't under sanctions for the past three decades, it would've become an industrialized nation by now. Indeed, it is the Germany of the Islamic World. We have a lot to learn from Iran since it is one of the oldest countries in the world with a powerful cultural and historical heritage.

All it needs now is effective leadership.

As far as super power is concerned, it is difficult, but not impossible. And certainly that won't be in the interests of the Americans or even the Chinese. If Iran ever does take the path to a super power, it'll have all my support :enjoy:

Individual iranians have very high IQs but having a high IQ does not mean your country will be a superpower. Actually, the best guaranteer of having high tech is already having existing high tech. The later your country industrializes, the harder it is, because the "easy things" have already been done and are already dominated by older countries that then suppress your development.
We need a leader like cyrus, someone who made our country a superpower without equal..if he was around now he would kill himself if he saw todays iran...iran should be a superpower..the usa leaders are bunch of Illuminati.. and the saudis..i dont really care about them.

So Iran would like an empire the = of Cyrus? sounds like Saddam who fancied himself the next Nebuchadnezzar and Saladin. Cyrus was a conquer is that really what Iran aspires to. Conquering it's neighbors with its islamic revolution?

So Iran would like an empire the = of Cyrus? sounds like Saddam who fancied himself the next Nebuchadnezzar and Saladin. Cyrus was a conquer is that really what Iran aspires to. Conquering it's neighbors with its islamic revolution?

troll alert

Thomas, is this post a joke or is it a serious response? I literally can't tell if you're trying to **** with him or if you are actually serious.
troll alert

Thomas, is this post a joke or is it a serious response? I literally can't tell if you're trying to **** with him or if you are actually serious.

Let me put it to you this way. Iran says it's neighbors have nothing to fear from it. yet some here would want a leader that is like Cyrus. who's main job in life was to constantly expand his empire by invading his neighbors. He lived by the sword and died by the sword. His main acomplishemnt in life was creating the largest empire in history for his time. Saddam was a leader that wanted to be another Nebuchadnezzar and acted on those ambitions. So when people say we need a leader like Cyrus. To the west that is what it looks like. Do I think Iran is going to invade it's nieghbors? no! but Iran is using proxies to undermine and control some of it's neighbors. And it has made no bones about wanting the saudi monarchy toppled.
Let me put it to you this way. Iran says it's neighbors have nothing to fear from it. yet some here would want a leader that is like Cyrus. who's main job in life was to constantly expand his empire by invading his neighbors. He lived by the sword and died by the sword. His main acomplishemnt in life was creating the largest empire in history for his time. Saddam was a leader that wanted to be another Nebuchadnezzar and acted on those ambitions. So when people say we need a leader like Cyrus. To the west that is what it looks like. Do I think Iran is going to invade it's nieghbors? no! but Iran is using proxies to undermine and control some of it's neighbors. And it has made no bones about wanting the saudi monarchy toppled.
when you want a leader like Cyrus it doesn't mean you want to take back all countries of the past.
About "swords life", of course ! it was a time like this. maybe you know it but the world updated since: there is not so much of conquest by sword
Refer to Cyrus the great for us is refering to a country which was successful .... that's all Thomas. It is refering as well to AN IRANIAN IDENTITY which we can be proud of.
did n't you hear of cyrus cylinder Thomas?
there is no cooperation, dont talk crap. The Russians must work together with the Iranians to finish of the nuclear power plant because there is a contract SIGNED between these 2 countries. Not cooperating means breaking the contract. Since begin 2000's Iran didnt recieve any new military equipments from Russia.
Iranian-Russian relation worsened since the arrival of the US puppet Medvedev. Lets hope the relation gets better when Putin wins next year
Their is no cooperation between Russia and Iran? You are talking crap.

Which state is behind the Iranian nuclear program? Did Russia refused to build Iranian nuclear facilities in Bushehr?

Also, read this: http://www.gwu.edu/~ieresgwu/assets/docs/ponars/pm_0427.pdf

From 1995 to 2005, more than 70 percent of Iran’s arms imports came from Russia, according to data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, a well-respected observer of global military transfers. Although Iran imported far fewer arms from Russia than either China or India during this time, it was still Russia’s third largest buyer. Russia’s weapons sales to Iran, as well as its assistance in developing Iran’s nuclear energy and space programs, are often linked to Moscow’s opposition to harsh measures levied in response to Iran’s nuclear transgressions.
So Iran would like an empire the = of Cyrus? sounds like Saddam who fancied himself the next Nebuchadnezzar and Saladin. Cyrus was a conquer is that really what Iran aspires to. Conquering it's neighbors with its islamic revolution?


Whats the hell is wrong with your head? cyrus the great was the first king to get the title the great..he did not get that title for taking over lands, but its the fact he treated the outside people with respect, he created the first chapter of human rights..
and so on...
how can you even compare these mullas with him?
why do you americans love to make persians seem bad.
you make BS films like 300..

if you dont like the iranians regime then good because i don't either but dont disrespect our culture because then will find all persian will see you people as di** heads.
There is a reason "coward Arabs" did that. You kept attacking the civilian ships. Attacking civilian ships shows who the true coward was.

Iran attacked civilian ship when get attacked by Arabs backed Saddam, Saudi opened her sky to Iraqi warplane to reach Iran ports that is why you received "silk worm from us.
Saudi Arabia did not interfere in the conflict but was mediating between the two to stop the fighting until Iran thought it was in a war against ALL Arabs and started attacking our ships that is when we helped Saddam. And about who started the war?? Two words "Shat Al-Arab"

Al-hamdulelah it is very clear now who started war, two words Arvand-Ruod. you Arab made the Persian Gulf consul against Iran after Islamic revelution in 1979.and the mission was "against Iran" then you started war when you found the consul.
when arab paid $ 100 b to Iraq and open sky to Saddam is not war against Iran?
The arabs are spineless people..So glad Iran is showing middle finger.God Bless Iranians.
Thee are two sides to very story. Saddam attacked Iran because they moved their troops to shat alarab where he signed andeal with the shah that it would be half for Iraq half for Iran the new government considered the deal void and moved thier troops there.
I pity you, under arabs propaganda machine, Saddam teared up the agreement on a TV show a week before the war he started, any how Iran did not have any army by the time to move side to "Arvand Roud". if Iran had army there do you think Bath army could invade western part of Iran in a week?
go with some independent new and history
The objectives of Iraq's invasion of Iran were[citation needed]:
Control of the Shatt al-Arab waterway by Iraqis
Acquisition of the three islands of Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs, on behalf of the UAE
Annexation of Khuzestan to Iraq
Prevent the spread of the Islamic Revolution in the region

There are two sides of every story. Saddam was a mad man but no one attacks for no reason.
Iran annexed the three UAE island but they turned a blind eye he used as an excuse to get their and our support. Plus Iran's attempts to export it's revolution and the constant attacks on ships and threats made by Iranian officials further made it seem like the right choice.
Thanks for being honest by admiring that you are not saying the truth when you admit you are saying the story of one side.before that I thought maybe you are not aware of history, but now i am quite sure you know what you say.
challenge on Arvand Rud is a big lie, by that time Iran had internal problem no time for foriegn issues, that is why arabs thought is the best time to beat Iran.
three island also is another big lie, there were belong to Iran side by all small arab states from 1000s years ago, in a war england separates some of them from iran including three islands, about 40 years ago england retund three islands to iran in balance of separating Bahrain from Iran with a fake story of independence.
by the way I am Arab( I am dissent of Rasul Allah) but i am proud of being in Iran from history and not being in shameful arab countries.
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