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Iran: Purchase of Russian Su-30 fighters on agenda

He had to accept that God damn deal and based on the deal yeah he is right some of sanctions including military sanctions will be lifted in rational intervals. What did you expect him to do?
That article is from June 2015, he was setting the important conditions which need to be met. To be honest, the important thing was the economic sanctions. Thanks to our countrymen's efforts in previous years, we are self sufficient in many areas, especially missiles (which have the longest time until the sanctions expire). In any case, even if Iran and Russia agreed today that Iran is gonna buy the Su-30, it would still take at least 4 years before a single Su-30 lands in Iran, since there is infrastructure, pilot training, manufacturing time and other factors (like RuAF orders being of higher priority than export orders) that would mean we'd have to wait a while. The sanctions end in less than 4 years, remember.

The deal wasnt implemented like that,iran only received "sanctions relief" after it had dismantled its nuclear infrastructure not when the deal was initially signed.

I don't think its actually possible to do it immediately, it takes time to pass legislation and for the market to adjust to the removing of sanctions. It was probably just a face saving measure on the part of the Americans.
Even Khamenei didn't want to remove the arms sanctions immediately, you think the negotiating team would?

You can't have your cake and eat it.
khamenei didn't announce a new deal, he just emphasized on the Rohani's claims of the deal (remove of sanctions).
better to find another excuse.

also both U.S and Rohani ignored all of Khamenei's conditions, so this deal is officially over for the next president of Iran!
khamenei didn't announce a new deal, he just emphasized on the Rohani's claims of the deal (remove of sanctions).
better to find another excuse.
What...? Who said anything about a new deal???
The deal wasnt implemented like that,iran only received "sanctions relief" after it had dismantled its nuclear infrastructure not when the deal was initially signed.
These were the lies which Rohani and his negotiating team were spreading about the deal in Iran. Termination of the sanctions in the first day of the deal is what Rohani was claiming, so Leader set it as one of his conditions for accepting this deal.

It actually doesnt sound like arms are mentioned at all sadly.
didn't need to. He accepted the deal, but with several conditions, to neutralize the ambiguous parts.
i have been hearing Iran purchasing 250 S-30 and refueling aircraft for around 8 years,hope this time all rumours prove real.
What...? Who said anything about a new deal???
That's what you suggested when wrote Khamenei didn't want to.
Khamenei clearly stated for several times that he wont interfere in the details, and in that speech he just mentioned very key terms of the Red lines, though even these were ignored by Rohani and negotiating team.

i have been hearing Iran purchasing 250 S-30 and refueling aircraft for around 8 years,hope this time all rumours prove real.
go back one page and you will see it's pure rumor!
I didn't say anything about a new deal, I'm just quoting what Khamenei was saying while the negotiations were ongoing.
didn't he say we don't negotiate on defensive matters?! didn't he say we only negotiate on nuclear subject?! means we only accept the restrictions on nuclear stuff and not other sectors like weapons trade and missile power.
It was among the red lines which Iranian negotiating team ignored deliberately.
didn't he say we don't negotiate on defensive matters?! didn't he say we only negotiate on nuclear subject?! means we only accept the restrictions on nuclear stuff and not other sectors like weapons trade and missile power.
It was among the red lines which Iranian negotiating team ignored deliberately.
No, saying we don't negotiate on defensive matters meant we don't accept range or capability limits on our military or missile technology, which the Americans were pushing for at one time. I've already shown you what he said about arms trade.
No, saying we don't negotiate on defensive matters meant we don't accept range or capability limits on our military or missile technology, which the Americans were pushing for at one time. I've already shown you what he said about arms trade.
here is what you did:
1. totally ignored his words about not negotiating on anything rather than Nuclear.
2. then you limited the defensive matters to just anything but weapons trade!!!
but simply these were the red lines which negotiating team ignored.

and now back to not mentioning the arms trade. as I said, Khamenei didn't announce a new deal. he was just mentioning Rohani's claim on the deal. in his other speeches he clearly said all sanctions. but interestingly even the journalist notices that Khamenei is repeating Rohani's claims:
His stand on the lifting of sanctions matched earlier comments by Rouhani.

Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan said that purchase of Russian-made Sukhoi Su-30 fighter jets is on the agenda, Tasnim news agency reported Nov. 26.
Dehghan further said that Iran certainly will negotiate with any country, excluding the US and Israel, to meet its defense demands.

Moscow and Tehran have been discussing the deliveries of the Su-30 aircraft for quite a long time. In February, a high-ranking official in the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation said that the contract of for the delivery of Russian Su-30SM fighters could be signed in 2016, but so far the parties are only negotiating the issue.
Dehghan further touched upon the reports about possibility of Russian bombers’ reusing the Nojeh Airbase in Iran’s western province of Hamadan, saying Iran is cooperating with friendly countries, including Russia to support Syria’s legal government.
If this support needs the reuse of the base, Iran will agree, he said.

On August 16, Russian bombers used Iran’s Nojeh to launch attacks on terrorist positions in Syria. A day later Russian sources said the operation killed 150 terrorists.
Some Iranian politicians’ raised concerns on the issue, saying the move is against the Islamic Republic’s constitution.

Senior Russian diplomats later confirmed that Moscow has stopped using Iran's Hamadan airbase for the time being, but may resume operations from there any time soon.
Iran has been sending military advisors to Syria to help the country’s military forces in the fight against terrorists through their know-how and consultations.


folse news more propaganda

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The best choice might be Su-35 for Iran but not realistic in the near future.
J-10B/C would be a good choice. China aren't like Russia, they will sell the aircraft .
China aren't like Russia, they will sell the aircraft .

say who ? you ? China is better than Russia with regard to Iran ?? hahaha what joke . i suggest looking to history China dealing with Iran in past 37 years

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