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Iran Protests - Irani Girls Burning Their Veils !!!

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Did you post Irani stuff on his thread of Hamas?

What do you mean by Irani stuff, brother? I shared articles from legitimate media sources about Iran's support to the Palestinian Resistance, including charts on the types of weaponry and technology Iran provided Palestinian Resistance groups with etc. In sum, only on-topic and useful information.
No it doesn't.

To Hezbollah yes, to Hamas no. There is no anything 'rocket tech' of Iran in Gaza. These are all local designs based on artillery rocket designs. The know how is easy to attain for these. University students can build them. Hamas could build better weapon systems but it is impossible to import technology and materials needed for these. We don't need you (Iran) to build guided missile systems. We know how to. What we don't have is necessary materials and technology.

And if your Iran is providing so called 'major support', Hamas wouldn't plead with Muslim public and supports to donate via bitcoin to fund their military projects. Most of Hamas's military budget is from Hamas taxation of goods in Gaza and from popular support. We hardly get anything from Iran.

So? What does this have to with what's going on forum? Btw plenty of Arab and Muslim nations also spoke in favor in Gaza. You trying to paint Iran as some Muslim popular struggle champion is facetious. They brutalized Muslims in Syria. And they are doing big port deal with India which abuses Kashmiri Muslims:

India and Iran are close to striking a long-term agreement for operations at the strategic Chabahar port, with the matter held up only by differences on a clause related to arbitration, people familiar with the matter said.
You're not even a Palestinian you're an israeli 🚫

You were insulting prophets and Islam for a long time unless you got permanently banned

Don't play as a Muslim

You are an israeli

You made thread against prophets and Islam

You said prophets made Islam and religions out of himself to unity people

For months you were creating threads against God and Islam

Once you said you are an Arab Jew

Don't play as a Muslim you nasty liar hasbara troll jew

You have insulted Islam for many many times

You are posting old posts with no relation to said topic. Now lets look at what you people post in Iranian Chill Thread:
You are the one wrong here, filled with hatred, Iran has helped Hamas, and Hamas did not only have some small-range rockets they had long-range rockets with precision guidance to hit deep inside Israel with precision.
who knows it could be you working for the enemies of Islam and Hamas, as you are only creating hatred among Muslims. Allah knows best.
Get lost Irani-wannabe troll. I literally posted facts and you just parrot the same lines over and over again. You are posting unsubstaintied nonsense. And ignore Iranian members clear abuse and insults towards Hamas.
What do you mean by Irani stuff, brother? I shared articles from legitimate media sources about Iran's support to the Palestinian Resistance, including charts on the types of weaponry and technology Iran provided Palestinian Resistance groups with etc. In sum, only on-topic and useful information.
Got it, from what I have seen, he is the one who is wrong here.
You're not even a Palestinian

Once you said you are an Arab Jew
LOL, sure I did.
Don't play as a Muslim

You have insulted Islam for many many times
Yeah I'm a Palestinian practicing Muslim whether you like it or not you Persian nationalist fanatic. We don't suddenly become non-Muslims for refusing to bow down to Iranian troll army on PDF.
Get lost Irani-wannabe troll. I literally posted facts and you just parrot the same lines over and over again. You are posting unsubstaintied nonsense. And ignore Iranian members clear abuse and insults towards Hamas.
Where did he abuse Hamas? show me? you are the one abusing Hamas by creating hatred between them and Iran. This could only mean one thing, you are working for the enemies of Hamas knowingly or unknowingly.

You are posting old posts with no relation to said topic. Now lets look at what you people post in Iranian Chill Thread:
View attachment 885453View attachment 885454View attachment 885455
Look at you Shaytaans abusing wife of the Prophet(SAW) and claiming she will be in Hell despite Quranic verse from Allah(SWT) defending her integrity and proclaiming her innoence. And Quranic verses declaring her as one of Um-Al-Almumineen who will be in Jannah in the afterlife and not to marry anyone after the Prophet(SAW). We are proud of her and we love our Prophet(SAW) and will protect his honor. Unlike you shameful troll army which claims people as non-Muslims because he he says Hamas soldiers fought and not Iran or Hezbollah which is protecting Israeli border with Syria , Lebanon , and Iraq.
Where did he abuse Hamas? show me? you are the one abusing Hamas by creating hatred between them and Iran. This could only mean one thing, you are working for the enemies of Hamas knowingly or unknowingly.
Iran hates Hamas and so do Iranians here. It's you guys who hate and come to try to take credit for Hamas's resilience and resistance. Iran is a Muslim baby killer country which is protecting Israel's borders on Syria and Lebanon. And working with Russia in Syria and USA in Iraq and now making big port deal with India. Iran is just like any of these other nations you talk about. Hamas, on other hand, is a very unique organization with clean record and only one actually fighting the Israeli enemy and not getting blood of Muslims on its hand.

Stop the hate against Hamas. And do not compare yourself to them. You are not what Hamas is. You have blood of Muslims on your hands.

It is not clear, and he is not the one posting those, he only said In English la'nat kardan ......, where did he abuse Hamas or Hazrat Ayesha?
I didn't say Salar posted, I said other members there did. It has clear abuse towards honor of the Prophet, Sunni Muslims, and Caliph Omar.
Iran hates Hamas and so do Iranians here. It's you guys who hate and come to try to take credit for Hamas's resilience and resistance. Iran is a Muslim baby killer country which is protecting Israel's borders on Syria and Lebanon. And working with Russia in Syria and USA in Iraq and now making big port deal with India. Iran is just like any of these other nations you talk about. Hamas, on other hand, is a very unique organization with clean record and only one actually fighting the Israeli enemy and not getting blood of Muslims on its hand.

Stop the hate against Hamas. And do not compare yourself to them. You are not what Hamas is. You have blood of Muslims on your hands.

I didn't say Salar posted, I said other members there did. It has clear abuse towards honor of the Prophet, Sunni Muslims, and Caliph Omar.
So you are abusing him for things someone else posted, what ignorance.
And what you are saying is more lies less truth, Iran has supported Hamas, and the whole world knows that Ayatullah openly Supported Gaza and condemned Israel during the Israeli attack.
You are clearly wrong here and are the one who is trying to harm Hamas by creating hatred between them and Iran.

You are posting old posts with no relation to said topic.

I replied to Thinker3's request. We were discussing older posts indeed.

Now lets look at what you people post in Iranian Chill Thread:
View attachment 885453View attachment 885454View attachment 885455

What exactly was wrong about that of mine? I was informing BlessedKingofLonging whom I quoted, that our Supreme Leader issued a fatwa against cursing Aisha, and confronted the user on their wrong approach.

Of course you won't share some actual comments I made on the subject:




As for this here below:


Those were not my words at all, but quotes from BlessedKingOfLonging, which I harshly criticized for his anti-Sunni sectarianism. And you know it perfectly well.

Here's my entire post for everyone to see, debunking your cheap attempt portraying me as a sectarianist, when in fact I was arguing the exact opposite and have been one of the staunchest proponents of Shia-Sunni unity on this forum:


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So you are abusing him for things someone else posted, what ignorance.
I'm not abusing anyone. He is keeps tagging me and crying. I can like or laugh at any post I want. His troll army does the same to everyone else.
LOL, sure I did.

Yeah I'm a Palestinian practicing Muslim whether you like it or not you Persian nationalist fanatic. We don't suddenly become non-Muslims for refusing to bow down to Iranian troll army on PDF.
Lunatic I have many screenshots from you that you were severely criticizing God existence, Islam and prophets words for years

What if I found them and put them here?

Will you admit that you are a paid Islam hater hasbara troll in the USA playing as a faithful Muslim to weaken Palestinian cause, resistance axis and Iran?

You are @Hazzy997, the same zionist jew person that were mocking Islam for years

All of @500's posts have your thanks under them!!!

Don't play as a Muslim You nasty hasbara troll Jew

I'll find your old posts where you're mocking prophets words, God existence and Islam since 2016 to 2020 🤬

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