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Iran Protests - Irani Girls Burning Their Veils !!!

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Iranian schoolgirls shake headscarves and heckle paramilitary speaker

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Nika Shakarami: Iran protester's family forced to lie about death


Relatives of a girl who died during protests in Iran have been forced into making false statements, a source close to the family has told BBC Persian.
Nika Shakarami, 16, went missing in Tehran on 20 September after telling a friend she was being chased by police.

On Wednesday night, a state TV report showed her aunt, Atash, saying: "Nika was killed falling from a building."

Her uncle was also seen on TV speaking against the unrest, as someone seems to whisper to him: "Say it, you scumbag!"

The source told BBC Persian that these were both "forced confessions" that came "after intense interrogations and being threatened that other family members would be killed".

Atash and Nika's uncle, Mohsen, were detained by authorities after Atash posted messages online about her niece's death and spoke to the media. The televised statements were recorded before they were released, according to the source.

Atash told BBC Persian prior to her arrest on Sunday that the Revolutionary Guards had told her that Nika was in their custody for five days and then handed over to prison authorities.
The judiciary has said that on the night she disappeared Nika went into a building where eight constructions workers were present, and that she was found dead in the yard outside the next morning.
Tehran judiciary official Mohammad Shahriari was cited by state media as saying on Wednesday that a post-mortem showed Nika suffered "multiple fractures... in the pelvis, head, upper and lower limbs, arms and legs, which indicate that the person was thrown from a height".

He declared that this proved her death was nothing to do with the protests.

However, a death certificate issued by a cemetery in the capital, which was obtained by BBC Persian, states that she died after suffering "multiple injuries caused by blows with a hard object".

Nika's Instagram and Telegram accounts were also deleted after she went missing, according to Atash. Iranian security forces are known to demand that detainees give them access to the social media accounts so that the accounts or certain posts can be deleted.

Wednesday night's state TV report also featured footage in which Atash was seen confirming that her niece's body was found outside the building mentioned by the judiciary, even though that contradicted previous statements made by her and other members of the family.

the rest here :

...according to zionist regime and BBC / VOA propaganda. Ground reality tells a different story though, for the reasons explained.

At this point it's an issue of correct interpretation of religious scriptures, of the Holy Qur'an and hadith narrations, because that's what the dress code in Afghanistan seeks to base itself upon. According to most scholars, covering the face isn't considered to fall under the minimal requirements of shar'i or religiously mandated hijab (which is distinguished from 'urfi or customary hijab). This said, if I'm not mistaken the Taleban haven't made the burqa mandatory in public this time around, but have instituted regular hijab rules.
Don't talk about Quran if you curse and abuse the wife the Prophet.
Irani Government was sleeping and the enemies were spreading the venom in the state, how did Iran let this much brainwashing be done to the women and youth, how did the enemies do that? all the enemies of Islam are happy and promoting this anti-Islam rebellion.
I always wondered how Dajjal can appear from Isfahan, but now things seem to be heading that way, the other thing that most women will follow Dajjal also seem to be started in Iran.
Also Enemies of Islam don't see Muslims as Shia or Sunni they see them as Muslims.
This post is only for Muslims who can understand.
Iranian girls aren't anti-Islam. Islam is the true religion. Their problem is with the regime which hide behind cover of religion to justify their brutal rule and usurpation of resources/land/women in the name of Islam. The typical regime loyalist is like this hypocrite nasty hack SalarIblees that's a wanna be Persian nationalist maniac that tells us we must allow Persian rule and domination over us to get closer to God. Of course with hacks like this that don't fear God , you will be against their exploitation of religion. And Iranian girls are unfortunately doing that by removing hijab. Because there's no Iranian men to take out hacks like the hacks we were talking about.

@waz @IrfanBaloch @WebMaster @krash @LeGenD @Amaa'n

Could you please stop this person from insulting me and questioning my religious beliefs (namely by claiming I "don't fear God", and referring to me as "dajjal")? This is the second time in two weeks or so that the user is resorting to such lowly methods.

For months, I've hardly ever quoted nor responded to this subject, because I'm not interested in interacting with them at all. Yet, the user has kept spam-reacting with laughter emojis to my every post, calling me names and worse, misquoting me and trying to question my beliefs.

These all constitute breaches to forum rules. Please take appropriate action against this permanent harassment.

Also note that moderator LeGend explicitly warned the user a week ago, but the user has been making a sheer mockery of it since they've actually doubled down on their unwarranted provocations:



In the face of this massive misconduct, I've staid passive and did not respond, patiently waiting for your due intervention.
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Salar isn't representative of Muslims or Iranians. He's paid by religious organizations in Europe funded by Iran to post pro-regime propaganda. Muslim regimes need to treat it's people well so they can stop migrating to West and asking West for help. Salar is a terrible example of a Muslim. And btw all I see from this guy is fascination with Persian civilization. He hardly knows anything about Islam or talks about God ever.

Salar posts count is literally 5,666 rn. Subhan Allah. Allah humiliated this propagandist Shaytaan.
I don't care what he says and what you are saying, we all have differences of opinions but fighting each other benefits none, this fighting only benefits the enemies of Islam.
Salar isn't representative of Muslims or Iranians. He's paid by religious organizations in Europe funded by Iran to post pro-regime propaganda. Muslim regimes need to treat it's people well so they can stop migrating to West and asking West for help. Salar is a terrible example of a Muslim. And btw all I see from this guy is fascination with Persian civilization. He hardly knows anything about Islam or talks about God ever.

Salar posts count is literally 5,666 rn. Subhan Allah. Allah humiliated this propagandist Shaytaan.

@waz @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster @krash @LeGenD @Amaa'n

Gentlemen, more libel, harassment and insults by this user - totally unprovoked, I should add:

- Claiming I am "paid by religious organizations in Europe funded by Iran to post pro-regime propaganda", which is simply a lie.

- Passing judgement on how good a Muslim I am (by what right?).

- Claiming I never talk about God, which again is false (it's enough to launch an appropriate search using the corresponding function to find out).

- Calling me a "shaytaan".
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I complied then you and your troll army started spamming my posts. You hypocrite Dajjal. May Allah curse you. You are a triple user using VPN to operate these multiple accounts and telling mods you need vpn for security reasons.
The enemies of Hamas and Iran are the same.

@waz @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster @krash @LeGenD @Amaa'n

Gentlemen, more libel, harassment and insults by this user:

- Claiming I am "paid by religious organizations in Europe funded by Iran to post pro-regime propaganda", which is simply a lie.

- Passing judgement on how good a Muslim I am (by what right?).

- Claiming I never talk about God, which again is false (it's enough to launch an appropriate search using the corresponding function to find out).

- Calling me a "shaytaan".
What did you do to make him hate you so much, what did you post on his thread about Hamas?
I complied then you and your troll army started spamming my posts.

Show me where I am supposed to have spammed your posts. This is nothing more than a lie.

You hypocrite Dajjal. May Allah curse you.

Reported unprovoked attack and insult.

@waz @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster @krash @LeGenD @Amaa'n

You are a triple user using VPN to operate these multiple accounts and telling mods you need vpn for security reasons.

Stop trying to pass off your hallucinations as fact.
This guy has zero God consciousness. He doesn't even care about God's judgement and doesn't take it into consideration at all. For him it's Persian nationalism must dominate at any cost. All he is interested is getting people banned so he can post Persian nationalist propaganda unopposed. This man is a terrible example of a Muslim and is one of the reasons so many Iranians are leaving Islam. I honestly doubt if he is Muslim , I need to see proof. He might be one of the few Pakistani's Jewish community.
What did he say for you to judge him like this?
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