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Iran - officially a state with nuclear capability


Mar 15, 2011
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Longbrained, i thank you for the support of our country, and may god bless you.
from a iranian point of view our nuclear case was already closed back in 2006. But the zionists and the americans tried everything in their power to politicize our program. Wether we weaponize(d) our nuclear program is up to our leaders to decide. I fully trust them and we are sure that our nation and our supporters will come out victorious
While I dont know if Iran has nuclear wepons or not, but even if they do - they shouldnt confirm/openly test it, unless they have big enough stock and means to deliver them. Just having 2 nukes in the basement wont deter anyone, however 50+ nukes with ICBM would.
what ??? Iran official gone NUCLEAR ??? really ???
Fantastic news. I bet Israelis ar applying to get European passports by the 100!!
I felt and sensed they had nukes a while back but im glad to here this news. Thanks Longbrained!
Boys i think Iran just have a flag icon on here to celibrate them joining the elite I.N.C. - What do you reckon? :azn:

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