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Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own

There are different reports. Israel is angry where as Saudia took a balance stance .

instead of any unnamed royal family person's statement I will believe in King's statement and here the KSA govt says

Saudi Arabia Cautiously Welcomes Iran Nuclear Dea

VOA News
November 25, 2013
Saudi Arabia has joined other Gulf Arab states in cautiously welcoming a nuclear deal between Iran and a group of world powers.

The Saudi government said the agreement "could be" a first step toward a comprehensive solution to the Iranian nuclear dispute, "provided there is goodwill."

Under the deal signed in Geneva on Sunday, Iran agrees to limit or freeze parts of its nuclear program for six months. In return, the United Nations Security Council and six world powers will ease some sanctions on the Iranian economy.

The negotiations have strained relations between Saudi Arabia and the United States in recent months.

Sunni Arab Gulf nations have long feared that Iran will divert its nuclear activities to make atomic weapons, enabling the Shi'ite-majority nation to boost its regional influence at the expense of Sunnis. Iran maintains its nuclear program is peaceful.

During a Monday speech in San Francisco, President Barack Obama credited the deal with Iran to what he calls clear-eyed and principled diplomacy and unprecedented sanctions.

He said if Iran seizes the opportunity to join the global community, the U.S. can begin to chip away at the mistrust that has existed with Iran for decades.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said Monday the European Union could lift some sanctions against Iran next month. But he told French radio that any easing will be "limited, targeted and reversible."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he is sending a national security team to Washington in the coming days to consult with the Obama administration on a permanent resolution to the Iranian nuclear dispute. Netanyahu calls the Geneva agreement a "historic mistake" because it allows Iran to maintain nuclear facilities that could be weaponized in the future. Israeli leaders see a nuclear-armed Iran as a threat to their nation's existence because of Iran's frequent calls for Israel's demise.

Monday's Saudi statement said the Geneva agreement should be followed by a comprehensive solution that "leads to the removal of weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear, from the Middle East." Riyadh also called for unspecified further steps to "guarantee a right of all states in the region to use nuclear power peacefully."

Four other Gulf states also issued statements expressing hope that the Iran nuclear deal will safeguard regional peace and stability. Those nations include Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

Saudi Arabia Cautiously Welcomes Iran Nuclear Deal

This seems better and by the way who is that advisor of the royal house who gave such a statement?
Afraid? Are you drunk? Why the hell should any Arab country be afraid of that entity? Last time they tried to attack 1 SINGLE Arab country in Iraq they could not defeat it. And you are saying that the Arabs are afraid?:omghaha:

1 Arab country in Egypt is more populous than all of Iran which is made up by various different ethnic groups anyway ffs!

Also I think you need to read history about who conquered who and who should be "afraid" if anything.

The thing is that the Arab world and Sunni world is mostly united in their negative opinion of the fake Wannabe Arab Mullah's in Iran ruling their people as sheep. So of course we will try to make their life as hard as possible until we are assured that they are not cooking something up. And vice versa from their side.

KSA will protect her interests the best she can and so will other countries that are not Iran in the region. They will not allow anything that will harm their interests and will make counter measurements in case that happens. Be assured of that.

Week English?

"Threatened of" doesn't equate to being "afraid of". US is threatened of WMD of even pakistan, is she afraid of pakistan?

Chill historian, brush up some English fundamentals instead.

For e.g. You are threatening me with your stupidity, but I am not afraid of it. :lol:
All muslims shoul start oiling their klashnikovs..It is time to defend our holy land..KSA should give a call for Jehad..All mujahideens should head towards KSA to fight against dajjal..Pakistan shouls move it's artillery to iran border and give them a message that we will fight alongside saudia.

Hahahahaha wut? WUT? Nigga you cray, go have your pills.

I betting on Iran! They have the ability to shut down the Strait of Hormuz with a single touch in case of a threatened intervention. They can use two or three fronts for access to the Gulf occupation. Simply deploying Russian, Chinese and other allied Ballistics filled with warheads with a word written on the side 'Death to the Wahhabi' toward to the occupied UAE Islands for a pre emptive strikes crossing through the Persian Gulf and have their access to the mini UAE and the US Naval Base (Bahrain) then using another front with their US equipments and Iraq's help crossing from the Occupied Gulf of Basra to Kuwait who were once crushed by the Iraq's military in a blink of an eye then occupying South Yemen to aid the Shiites. Afterward the occupation of Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain and South Yemen will poses a threat to the final occupation of Saudi Arabia they ought to seek. The House of Saudi will eventually be deposed through Coup D'etat due to military failure. Lastly, the military generals and clerics seek a call upon all the Jihadist to head and seek retribution against their arch rival...Iran and the Shiites.

Good lord man why are people not taking their pills on PDF?

Week English?

"Threatened of" doesn't equate to being "afraid of". US is threatened of WMD of even pakistan, is she afraid of pakistan?

Chill historian, brush up some English fundamentals instead.

For e.g. You are threatening me with your stupidity, but I am not afraid of it. :lol:

Red herring, no use of diversionary tactics. You did not answer him, only floundered on his English skills which isnt his First Lingo. All in all you chickened out, puck puck puckaaak.
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Week English?

"Threatened of" doesn't equate to being "afraid of". US is threatened of WMD of even pakistan, is she afraid of pakistan?

Chill historian, brush up some English fundamentals instead.

For e.g. You are threatening me with your stupidity, but I am not afraid of it. :lol:

What the hell are you talking about? Those words are mutually connected in this example. Besides you were indirectly referring to KSA or the Arab world being afraid of Iran. Don't chicken out and lie that you meant it in any other way.

My English is probably better than yours from what I have seen in this thread alone. So don't you worry about that.

Lastly I don't even recall Iran ever threatening KSA. Can you refresh my memory?
KSA and all Gulf Arab are not even an ant beneath IRAN.If we didn`t have problems with Israhell, the best thing you could do was rounding in KSA desert with beautifull camel and tittup!!
Half of your dry desert ealth is eaten and squandered by saudi household and it`s princes ,bedouins!U even import yogurt from usa.Shut your mouth down bedouin!
U arab when your oil finish should only eat desert locust .

Hehe, here comes the moron. It seems you have a very short memory. Go read up a bit about history and why you are using an Arabic alphabet today, why you are Muslim and use hundreds if not thousands Arabic loanwords.

Because we Arabs conquered you some 1400 years ago and changed more or less everything in your little entity and since then you have never been the same. Later came the Mongols, Turkic tribes etc. and ruled you for a few hundred years more. Now fake Wannabe Arab Mullah's are ruling you. Soon they will celebrate their 35th anniversary.

You should better return to your ancestral homeland on the Kazakh Steppe. You are not native to the ancient Middle East.

We Semitic people (whom you copied greatly since you ended up in the Middle East 2800 years ago), are part of the greatest and most ancient civilizations the world have seen. We Arabs, the sons of Prophet Muhammad (saws), the prophets before him, the Ahl al-Bayt and Sahaba are very much native.

I prefer the world famous and beautiful Arabian horse and then you can stick to your donkey or make a fire that you can jump into like your ancestors did. Besides half of your country is desert and you are one of the driest countries on earth and you have camels yourself. So much for that.

Now go to bed Kazakh Nomad. I almost forgot that not only are you that but also a majoos.

Lastly you are weak cowards. You have not won a war in decades and here are you dreaming about invading your conquerors.:lol: Hence why you were ruled by non-natives more or less always since the Arab conquest of your little entity almost 1500 years ago.
After American recent behavior, I think it's more vital than ever for the KSA to start working on it's nuclear program and fasten the process of nationalizing military industries. As a Jordanian, I hope my country to fully follow Saudi lead especially regarding Syrian crisis.
Hehe, here comes the moron. It seems you have a very short memory. Go read up a bit about history and why you are using an Arabic alphabet today, why you are Muslim and use hundreds if not thousands Arabic loanwords.

Because we Arabs conquered you some 1400 years ago and changed more or less everything in your little entity and since then you have never been the same. Later came the Mongols, Turkic tribes etc. and ruled you for a few hundred years more. Now fake Wannabe Arab Mullah's are ruling you. Soon they will celebrate their 35th anniversary.

You should better return to your ancestral homeland on the Kazakh Steppe. You are not native to the ancient Middle East.

We Semitic people (whom you copied greatly since you ended up in the Middle East 2800 years ago), are part of the greatest and most ancient civilizations the world have seen. We Arabs, the sons of Prophet Muhammad (saws), the prophets before him, the Ahl al-Bayt and Sahaba are very much native.

I prefer the world famous and beautiful Arabian horse and then you can stick to your donkey or make a fire that you can jump into like your ancestors did. Besides half of your country is desert and you are one of the driest countries on earth and you have camels yourself. So much for that.

Now go to bed Kazakh Nomad. I almost forgot that not only are you that but also a majoos.

Lastly you are weak cowards. You have not won a war in decades and here are you dreaming about invading your conquerors.:lol: Hence why you were ruled by non-natives more or less always since the Arab conquest of your little entity almost 1500 years ago.

Good to know that Arabia ruled Persians but what happened to them now why are they ruled by Yanks ? Really disheartened to see that one who was the ruler once is under the boots of someone.
Some Ignorant Arubs are still leaving in jahiliya and following in their great grand father Abu jahal and Abu lahab [curse of allah and his prophet saw on them] and still did not get the true message of islam i.e peace .Allah guides who ever he wants and he is showing his sign by making his chosen religion islam in almost every house but he is depriving its birthplace [Arabs] of his knowledge and making them arrogant.

Conquest of Persia or any other country is not conquest of arabs but its the conquest of good over evil and with the help of Allah.

Allah say in Holy quran "If ye turn back (from the Path), He will substitute in your stead another people; then they would not be like you!"

The prophet SAW last sermon clearly says

All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; white has no superiority over black, nor does a black have any superiority over white; [none have superiority over another] except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Specially sub continent and central asia where islam was spread by Ahle bait love for prophets and his family and sahaba is soo strong even ppl spending petro dollar to remove that love is going in vain.
What the hell are you talking about? Those words are mutually connected in this example. Besides you were indirectly referring to KSA or the Arab world being afraid of Iran. Don't chicken out and lie that you meant it in any other way.

Dont make of fool of yourself. Being threatened and being afraid of are two far different things.

You need not to believe me, ask your teacher.

My English is probably better than yours from what I have seen in this thread alone. So don't you worry about that.

Is it? Then why dont you demonstrate it. :lol:

Lastly I don't even recall Iran ever threatening KSA. Can you refresh my memory?

Again comprehension problem. When did I said Iran is threatening KSA? I said KSA and israel feel threatened by Iran nuke program.

Got the difference?
Red herring, no use of diversionary tactics. You did not answer him, only floundered on his English skills which isnt his First Lingo. All in all you chickened out, puck puck puckaaak.

Me chickened out!!! How come genius?

Ok, for start let me know what I wanted to prove and where did I digress? Did I wanted to show that KSA or Israel is sissy? Poor you.

Mine comment was just a light banter on fact that at least on one ground a supposed to be anti islam state Israel and a Islamic state falls in one line. Your comprehension problem is not my liability.
Good to know that Arabia ruled Persians but what happened to them now why are they ruled by Yanks ? Really disheartened to see that one who was the ruler once is under the boots of someone.

Arab never ruled Iranians It was islam not arab tribals!
When Iranians were in conquests north from Russia east from china and west to
heart of europe they were killing eath other in tribes !:nana::wacko::cheesy:
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After American recent behavior, I think it's more vital than ever for the KSA to start working on it's nuclear program and fasten the process of nationalizing military industries. As a Jordanian, I hope my country to fully follow Saudi lead especially regarding Syrian crisis.

What behavior is that specifically?
Not launching a war in Syria (which could have had even more disastrous ramifications), or giving diplomacy a chance with Iran nuclear program? OMG SO HORRIBLE!!

Btw I think KSA absolutely should develop nuclear energy. Entire Middle East should go nuclear ASAP, because it is the future.
What behavior is that specifically?
Not launching a war in Syria (which could have had even more disastrous ramifications), or giving diplomacy a chance with Iran nuclear program? OMG SO HORRIBLE!!

Btw I think KSA absolutely should develop nuclear energy. Entire Middle East should go nuclear ASAP, because it is the future.

Yes, the last thing we need is a nuclear race. Why not just get over with it and nuke each other? I am sure the Pakistanis would be happy about that deep inside knowing their complains of our meddling in their country (Arab and Iranian meddling apparently).


Nuclear power is fine.

Anyway it is pointless because two nuclear state would never nuke each other. It is only used as a deterrent. But a pointless one since an atomic attack at any country of the world would create havoc for the perpetrator and possibly an nuclear attack on his own territory.

And no Middle Eastern country can ever become a truly world power so it is absolutely pointless. Nor can any of us defend ourselves from the wrath of the US or China for example. Or Russia.
Yes, the last thing we need is a nuclear race. Why not just get over with it and nuke each other? I am sure the Pakistanis would be happy about that deep inside knowing their complains of our meddling in their country (Arab and Iranian meddling apparently).


Nuclear power is fine.

Anyway it is pointless because two nuclear state would never nuke each other. It is only used as a deterrent. But a pointless one since an atomic attack at any country of the world would create havoc for the perpetrator and possibly an nuclear attack on his own territory.

I never said anything about nuclear weapon race. No country, indlucing Iran, should have nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons free zone is a must.
I mean entire region should go nuclear and develop nuclear energy. Every country in Middle East must have nuclear power plants in 10-20 years time. Otherwise its just a huge fail.

And no Middle Eastern country can ever become a truly world power so it is absolutely pointless. Nor can any of us defend ourselves from the wrath of the US or China for example. Or Russia.

This is absolutely wrong. If everyone in Middle East forget about retarded sectarian issues, and team up to form a military and economic union, we could challenge.
I never said anything about nuclear weapon race. No country, indlucing Iran, should have nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons free zone is a must.
I mean entire region should go nuclear and develop nuclear energy. Every country in Middle East must have nuclear power plants in 10-20 years time. Otherwise its just a huge fail.

And where does Israhell come into the question? Why are they allowed to have nukes? Although it is not confirmed that they have it but everyone knows it more or less.

Well, as I said nuclear power is all fine.

Nuclear Power in Saudi Arabia

Nuclear energy in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nuclear Power in Iran

Nuclear program of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nuclear energy in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nuclear Power in Turkey | Nuclear Energy In Turkey

Nuclear Power in Jordan

List is long. I support that. But I don't support one country trying to cause havoc in a already messed up region by large. If Iran stops being a pariah state then that would benefit the region and thus shift the attention to the Palestine-Israel conflict which is the root to many smaller and bigger conflicts in our region and other problems that need to be dealt with.
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